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Folks, aside from just treating people humanely, we have a massive lack of school bus drivers across the country to go along with the teacher shortage. They are both underpaid and undervalued and we are going to be screwed soon if we don't change things.


I looked it up and at least in our district you're a part time employee... But you've gotta work from like 6-930 then 230 to 5:30... You're just not getting paid in between. Fuck that.


It would *literally kill us* to pay them the equivalent of a full 40hr week despite their part time hours, because God forbid anyone get paid to sit and wait.


The mentality of "you must constantly be productive to be profitable" is toxic


How about we pay them to go to schools in the in-between time to help with lunch and recess supervision which is sorely needed. They get paid, get to know the kids better and then probably have less issues on the busses themselves bc of relationships they cultivate. Everyone wins.


I live in a pretty expensive area cost wise, and saw the local school district hiring drivers for $18.75/hr. That's not nearly enough money to drive a bunch of screaming kids through this shitty traffic.


Now that's some crap pay, in my area it started out at $21 but it's increased to $25 over the last few months. That's when I knew they were desperate for drivers.


Yeah that .75 was scribbled on too.


I believe it! They went from scribbling a few extra cents to palcing white strips over the old pay in my area. After like the 3rd or 4th raise they finally stop being cheap and replace all the signs in my area.


And it will be part time for forever


Yes, please be kind to each other! That said, teacher shortage is a misnomer btw. Plenty of qualified teachers just don’t want to teach because the pay, resources and conditions are deplorable 


That's still a shortage, it's just not the reason the school boards like to hear.


That’s what teacher shortage means. “There’s not a teacher shortage. There is just a teacher shortage.”


It's way more nuanced. Who is teaching, who is not, who is shunning the profession, what research says about who is more advantageous teaching which student groups and the very clear fact that colleges of education are seeing a clear downward trend in enrollment are all real and present dangers to our public education system. It doesn't help that teachers, students and pretty much everyone who works in schools are systemically de-professionalized and de-humanized daily. The goal is privatization, monetization and control of ideology.


Milk that shit for the emotional distress lawsuit. Get it girl


Not just an emotional distress lawsuit. Wrongful imprisonment.


Is it wrongful imprisonment? Unlawful detainment? Either? Neither? Both? I am genuinely asking here because I’m not a lawyer and have no clue.


Depends on the state most likely. Realistically Walmart will likely just offer her a settlement and fire the LPO. It won't be a life changing amount. But it will be a decent chunk of change.


All depends on the quality of her counsel, and I highly doubt she's getting anything better than a strip mall lawyer.


Right. But any counsel worth litterally anything I can turn this into 20k of hush money.


Yeah but by sharing the video on social media already she kinda lost some leverage.


It’s more like defamation of character.


All of the above


How does defamation of character work if the person chose to share the embarrassing moment online? Or in other words, did sharing this online help or hurt her case?


This is more in reference to the store tarnishing her character in public without actual proof that she did anything wrong. Not because the video was posted online and went viral.


That feels like a losing case to me. She's the one that publicized the accusation.


If security has a articulatible reason, they are protected by shopkeepers privilege to detain you until police show up or they can recover the merchandise. So not "you looked suspicious", but they saw you do a specific thing. If they can not prove a specific thing, then they have crossed the line.


She was not able to leave if she wanted to until they finished their “investigation”. She was unlawfully detained.


Unlawful detainment for sure. She did sort of screw up by saying that she knew she looked suspicious for a reason. They'll settle out of court regardless, but the offer will be less the more difficult her case would be. If they can play her saying she looked suspicious over a video of her at the self checkout for a jury, it could be a coin flip. They'll lowball her hard. Probably 1-5k gift card. That way she just gives the money right back. Imprisonment I think implies that they are housing her longterm. Confinement would be more appropriate, but that is pretty much covered by detainment. It really comes down to specific legal definitions used in that area on what terminology will be used.


Looking suspicious isn't a crime so no she didn't mess up


Looking suspicious may not be a crime but it’s certainly evidence in any lawsuit she brings due to the incident. The question will ultimately be whether the LPOs actions were reasonable under the circumstances. I know I’d use this video at trial. Bad video to circulate if you intend to bring claims. Definitely not dispositive, but not good. (I’m an attorney).


The baseline for what we see is emotional distress. In most states it would be "Unlawful imprisonment" if he had grabbed her and taken her back inside the Walmart (though in some states, her being released in a "safe area" could make it only a misdemeanor). But unlawful imprisonment is a criminal offense, she has a civil case, so the Walmart (or maybe just the security guard) is still fucked (a private citizen intimidating another person to make them believe they're under the custody of them), it's just that the security guard probably hasn't committed a crime. You can argue a lot more and get a lot more out of a civil case anyways, if she gets herself a decent lawyer she'll probably get herself a nice payout.


I never understood why most stores will let u just walk out and they call the cops, but at fucking walmart, these guys getting paid max 18$ an hour are really *detaining* people in a walmart


Depends on the state I think. Florida store employees can detain people on reasonable suspicion of shoplifting.


I'd say neither. She isn't required to follow the security guard's orders, so it would be argued that she voluntarily detained herself.


Walmart will claim shopkeeper's privilege and move to dismiss. Walmart will say that their employee had cause to believe she was shoplifting (a reasonable mistake is considered just cause because mistakes inevitable) and that her video shows that there was nothing unreasonable about her detainment. She shot her own lawsuit in the foot by posting the video.


It's intimidating


I was told by my doctor to try and pee your pants in front of everyone in that moment…especially if the cop is there with body cam rolling. Then later disclose to your doctor that you have nightmares about the incident and that you wet the bed when you have your nightmares… Your lawyers will use that information to sue…




I really hope I remember this.


I’m pissing my pants as we speak


I hope you called the police.


I'm pissing everybody's pants for good measure


Smart, better start training immediately.


I remember one video where a woman did have a nervous breakdown at Walmart and literally pissed her pants right there at the front door.  It was more of a mental health thing than a shoplifting thing, but came to mind when I read this.


YES. You ain't cool, unless you pee your pants.


I mean… no need to make shit up she has a legit lawsuit. Who the hell is your dr and why are you even talking about this ? Such strange advice I have so many questions…


100% sue, jury in your favor. Nothing professional about that and clear as day.


I had an officer physically take my phone to go through it to see the online receipt without my permission. Dude just snatched my phone. Walmart needs to be regulated


Naah, if every encounter costs them 100k, it will get better pretty fucking quick.


Whose going to take the time to go through litigation with a major corporation? This happened to me back in February if anyone knows any attorneys in AZ that will pickup the case. I have way to much going on to even follow up honestly. Don't know where to start, just like most people.


Sounds like that would be inadmissable evidence in court. And theft.


they should get rid of self checkout and pay for cashiers if they have a hard time identifying theft.


Also customers aren’t trained cashiers, I think accusing your customer of theft for making a mistake while performing unpaid labor they were never trained to perform is an absolute dogshit business model.


I love self checkout.


Fucking same. Hate waiting in line for 10 minutes to buy one or two things, especially during a break because two people ahead of me are doing their monthly shopping with a slow-ass cashier. Every time I get groceries, I'll do self-checkout and be on my way out and the cashier will still be helping the same person.


You know you’re doubly in trouble when they pull out a fistful of coupons from their bag 


I've avoided aldis for years because of this. They'd always only have 1 register open and I'd get stuck behind several full carts stocking up the neighborhood bunker. Stopped in randomly the other day because I wanted some chocolate and realized they've installed at least a dozen self check outs. Gonna start going much more often for things now.




Ive accidentally stolen from self checkout and not realized it until I got home. At those fill a bag and write down number I got a bunch of these really good chocolates from the barrel but when I punched in the number i fat fingered one number off and accidentally paid for what i think were generic m&m's at half the price. The same thing with produce where you accidentally select the wrong one from a big picture list and pay for fuji apples instead of honey crisp.


I usually have no idea what kind of vegetables I have because I have 30 different potato options so just pick the most generic thing.


I have had *cashiers* not know wtf produce it was and just guess. One time, and it wasn’t even Walmart but just a regular grocery store, they looked all confused because there wasn’t a sticker and I wasn’t sure exactly what it was so they looked at their screen for a minute then just picked some random sku number to put in and I didn’t pay attention to the price on screen thinking they’d found the right thing. After I got to the car I checked and they had picked something that was like $6.99 a pound when whatever I had was supposed to be much cheaper so I actually went back to customer service and had them figure it out and refund me over $20.


Oh yeah those honey crisp are worth the buck but might accidentally select the other ones. Worse case is selecting the organic version and lose money.


I hate it. I can never get those bags to open.


Lick your finger and just slide it down the front near the top with some conviction. She’ll open right up.


We're still talking about bags....Right?


It works the same if you rub some grease from your nose. She'll love it.


That sounds like a skill issue Just messin


Generally have dry hands and it's damn near impossible to get those bags to open.


If you have some kind of frozen food item try to get some moisture off of it. If I have any kind of frozen items I rub my finger across the box (yikes!) before I try the bags. It works.


Fantastic advice I will be using that in the future.


BYOB Bring Your Own Bag.


The problem is it is the reason corporations feel comfortable, only opening 2 check lanes despite having 10. Going through a cashier keeps them employed.


Honestly, I remember only a few registers being open while tons being empty when I was a kid before self-checkout took over. I would probably just shop online and at convenience stores if all self-checkouts closed.


But that requires paying people money and you know how awful that is


These overzealous loss prevention associates crack me up. If Walmart encouraged and trained the other store employees to approach their job with the same fervor who knows what might happen - god forbid this would result in satisfied customers (finding products they’re searching for, checking out / moving thru lines expeditiously greasing the wheel of customer flow thru the store allowing for increased sales). Just a trash environment.


They have a sub. It's a bunch of supermarket employees larping as real cops


You can't just say that and not tell us what it is.


I forgot that sub existed those "loss prevention professionals" are so goofy


What is this sub you speak of


It's supermarket employees that got turned down when they applied to be real cops. At least that was my experience with a large grocery store security department when I work there


i swear there was a whole movie series about that


Felonies will do that to you.


Is it this one? Some people go crazy when they seeing a homeless so much as pack of bubblegum around here.


I had a neighbor who was LP at Walmart. He thought he was tough shit big time. Bragged about catching people. Tried to hit on me often even though he lived with his girlfriend. Such a douche.


The reality is that walmart has so many reported thefts that most even slightly major stores, even towns that have like 10,000 residents, have dedicated, tax payer cops that just hang out at the store waiting to arrest people. Walmart is a scourge, the rotting flesh of america.


Most of the theft is by Walmart. But no one cares about wage theft.


Not disagreeing just saying that walmart is a national institution


They're always chewing gum like it's their actual jobs, and have the air pods in their ears like they're security ear pieces or some shit, he looks fucking stupid as fuck. Also you should be fired anyways if you have headphones on, what?


> fired anyways if you have headphones on You do realize LP is not suppose to look like an employee, right?


Fuck LP.


He very obviously looks like LP? And if you're dealing with a customer directly or talking to anyone, and not under cover or whatever, you should take them out.


They must give them some bonus for every one they catch. Because if they arent sure and this is the end result... why would they fucking care.


And Walmart can't understand why their in-store medical clinics failed. Their employee accuse her of stealing, was proved wrong, and didn't even offer an apology. He just stood there like it was her fault for him being shit at his job. Would *you* trust Walmart with healthcare if this is the way they routinely treat their paying customers?


I have a friend who did loss prevention for Walmart and a grocery store. The pressure/quotas to find shoplifters is insane. I totally understand why some loss prevention officers make up issues. I don't agree with it, but it makes sense that when pressured so hard to meet expectation or you lose your much needed job, some people resort to awful tactics. F those people and F corporate.


I don't understand why anyone would obey their commands. Unless they have actual law enforcement on site they have zero power over you if you paid for your items. Once a loss prevention person approached me with a, "sir, may I have a moment to check your..." and I just replied "nope" and kept walking. He even continued, "but I have to..." and I just said, "I don't fucking care" I didn't steal anything but I also don't have the time or energy to deal with bullshit that I don't have to.


There was a story where a man was arrested at his home after shopping at walmart and the cop tased him when he tried to get his receipt (it was a bad taser). The walmart loss prevention just never actually checked to see if they checked out and the cops never investigated


Can they actually do anything if you just ignore them and leave?


Just have more open registers.


Lady should contact an attorney ASAP.


Yup she could get a big payday


I hope she gets millions. They’re a multi billion dollar corporation, can’t pay their employees a livable wage, do shit like this to embarrass the fuck out of people. Fuck them.


Wal-Mart reported $16.27 billion in net profit for 2024. An estimated $6.2 billion in government assistance goes to Wal-Mart employees to subsidize the lack of a livable wage. That's enough to house every homeless person in the US. Fuck Wal-Mart.


not a chance but ok




The fucking chewing gum set me OFF


That dude broke nearly every AP09 violation dudes getting fired


Every is a bit of hyperbole. Only real notably violations are leaving the sidewalk to pursue the shopper and obviously not having all five elements to make the detention. Still likely getting fired..


So he did everything wrong…


No, he did at least two things wrong. There's more than two elements to AP-09.


Someone ever puts hands on me while I'm shopping one of us is ending up with charges that day.


If someone ever draws my picture while I'm reading on the subway one of us is ending up with charges.


If someone ever looks over my shoulder while I'm deleting my browser history one of us is ending up with charges.


If someone ever arrests me for robbing a bank, one of us is ending up with charges.


If someone ever makes me deliver a pizza house with a camera crew, one of us is ending up with charges.


Damn right, if some charges me for stealing chargers, someone's ending up with charges


If Chris Hansen ever tells me to ‘*Have a seat…*’, someone’s ending up with charges.


If one of us had a dead phone, someone is getting a charger


If I’m in my car and it’s battery dies one of us is getting charged.


If someone ever offers to charge my phone, one of us is ending up with chargers


I think about all the mom and pop places that got wiped out so Walmart can move in.


It’s policy that Walmart associates can’t touch you or your cart or block you in any way physically from leaving. A cop can though.


She already has a 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander from a different lawsuit this year?! Dang..how often does this lady get accused of stealing. At this rate she can quit driving the bus and live off lawsuits


I looked up that name she dropped and it was an officer who regularly raped a 14 year old girl and killed a young man. So either she’s the mother of one of them or Jane Doe. But idk.


What was the officers name?


William Whitley is what it sounds like she says and that immediately came up with relevant results. I could be wrong though.


It did seem weird. She said she won a million dollar lawsuit, bought a brand new car and still driving a bus? I get that a million isn't enough to quit but damn! Can't even blame her for the fake breakdown; she saw that Walmart money.


You don't quit your job if you have $1 million. You quit your job when you have $3+ million and can actually live decently off the interest.


My number is 5. Once I hit 5 million I could very comfortably live off of interest....or I can burn it all on hookers, blackjack, and pot within a year. Whichever comes first


Right!! Get that bag girl. They’re a multi billion dollar corporation fuck them.


She’s got 4 kids. Million dollars isn’t even giving you middle class living in my area for more than a few years after those taxes and lawyer fees hit.


I refuse to shop at Walmart. The Waltons can go straight to hell.


> The Waltons can go straight to hell. What did John Boy ever do to you?


As a former security guard, if he unlawfully detained someone he's in the shit. We were always told not to approach and stop someone unless we had literally seen them take something with our own eyes (not CCTV) and had unbroken eyes on them until they left the store. If at any point we couldn't see them they could have returned whatever they were carrying (either intentionally because they were stealing OR innocently because people who shop often just put things back on the shelves again) and if you stop someone you're essentially making a citizens arrest. You do that to someone who wasn't on the rob, you just unlawfully detained someone and opened yourself and the store up to being sued at the very least.


Last week a Walmart employee asked me to stop so they could check my cart against my receipt. I said “This isn’t a membership business. No.” And kept walking. That was it. Then again, I’m a white male.


I just give a polite 'Oh, no thank you". They usually reply with a "Have a nice day", and we both go on with our lives.


I usually just reply with, "You too," as if they told me to have a nice day and they usually just look confused and don't say anything more before I walk out.


I actually forgot to pay for my stuff at the check out, and didn't realize it till I went back in because I realized I got the wrong size of an item. I went to the self checkout lady and said "I can't find my receipt I think I was on that machine" and she said "you didn't even pay I just cancelled out the transaction". Rescanned my stuff paid and left, no problem. One time I was actually trying to nick a part of this water jug I have broke and I didn't want to buy a whole new jug and the fucking overhead camera caught me trying to slide it in to my bag and the check out dude came over and said "you're good to go" canceled the alert and walked away. When you have the right "look" you can basically do no wrong.


Thanks for being cognizant of the fact that being a white male comes with certain benefits. Notice how I danced around that phrase that triggers SO many. I get the urge to tell this to some of those door checkers occasionally, but I remember that I'm JUST brown enough for them to give issues. I shy away and just leave it alone.




oooh real or not, she did a great job at creating the grounds for a major emotional distress lawsuit.


Better call Saul!


Everyone needs to stop giving Walmart money. They did this to me and I have not spent any money there in 10 years. If everyone stopped shopping there this crap would stop. $ is the only thing they hear. Stop giving them your money and they will stop treating their customers like garbage.


She the fuck out of them. I did 301(loss prevention) for Walmart and a few other companies. We were absolutely not allowed to stop people if we were not 100%. In my 3 years of loss prevention I NEVER had 1 false stop. Fuck that company and worker.


The 5.11 pants are a good indicator. What a chode.


not one apology— fuck walmart


Fuck these minimum education clowns fucking ridiculous. 


Racial profiling is sad when it’s done by your own community. I’ve seen so many instances where black employees racially profile black customers and it sickens me.


Black cops are just as much fascists as white cops. Its not the skin color, its the position of power. Power either turns them into pieces of shit or pieces of shit seek out those kind of jobs.


The LP officer is racist


what evidence do you have that there was any racial profiling in this instance?? I've seen so many videos of people of all races being stopped by Walmart loss prevention. This has nothing to do with race. Why make it about race? it's totally unfounded


Nevermind the hundreds of black people who didn’t get called in that day. Nope it was the lady who coincidentally also just won a ton of money from a similar lawsuit earlier this year. Something seems fishy, but it’s not racisim


People need to stop shopping at Walmart. They won't pay cashiers but they pay men to harass people and wrongfully accuse and detain them? That is messed up. I don't blame her for being upset. If I were on the jury I'd give her money.


I'm too am a self made man. I slipped in pee pee at the Costco


This is ficked up


Well it's against my policy to deal with security guards.


Paul Blart mall cops, that is all they will ever be in their pathetic lives


Play it up girl, get the neck brace too


![gif](giphy|4Ihlro17k4kvyG4vW5) $$$


Disgusting no matter what the reason. This woman could afford her food. What about the people who can’t ? Where the hell is their humanity?


Walmart tried to stop me and ask for my receipt the other day. Nothing bad happens if you ignore their request.


thats why i dont use self checkout


Stupid ass security, if you're not 110% sure, then it didn't happen. As former security I've seen this shit way too often. These idiots get on some power trip working at Walmart (also former Walmart loss prevention) and act like they're something they're not. Not to mention you can't just hold someone under any circumstance. She should have just walked and made him put his hands on her. She'd really have a case then.


Uh oh, Walmart AP made a bad stop.


Stop supporting walmart


Fuck walmart


They will let people straight up fill carts and run out and it's policy not to chase them. This woman may have taken a few things and this is the response?! Good grief. Wrong priorities.


Why do people not just keep walking if they know they paid? Why stop for these receipt checking fools if its not a "club" like Costco?


She played that distressed roll perfectly 👌 now every time she hears a scanner beep she is going to go through a PTSD attack. . . . Buttttttt a couple hundred thousand dollars might cure her.


If something didn’t scan correctly… Walmart failed to train us properly. 1000% Walmart’s fault if they have losses.


Sue tf out of them.


I hope to God she gets paid for this.


They never apologize either. Maybe it’s policy for when things go to litigation but damn


If at all possible, avoid doing business with this arrogant, predatory company.


Sue the shit out of them


Don't make me do the cashier's job. This shit won't happen.


I don’t take anyone with earbuds in while at their profession serious. Dude was probably trying to holler at you but was scared cause he’s a goofy.


I felt bad for her watching the video, and the fact that they didn't even feel bad for what they did to her is really the worst part imo


Anybody talking shit about this lady should be ashamed. She's clearly been through some shit and is obviously trying to stay on the right path. We all have our breaking points and unfortunately we're witnessing hers.


I refuse to use self checkout. I am not a trained employee. If the cashier makes a mistake they lose their job. If I make a mistake I get a record. I no longer shop at Walmart. I left a full cart at Aldis because they didn't have a cashier. Don't let an employee use a self check out for you. If they make a mistake it is now your mistake. You might be arrested at a later date. Walmart is hassling shoppers (who have to do their work so they don't have to pay employees) that are paying for full carts of groceries instead of the real criminals who are blatantly stealing from them.


Emotional distress, wrongful imprisonment, sue the fuck outta them




Guilty until proven innocent; still a couple of smug bastards after the fact


This stuff has to stop at Walmart!! Is crime now so low at Walmart that they are just on random searches? Because this is what it seems like anymore with all the videos showing up across different platforms. And they target mostly Black and Hispanic ppl. Not many white ppl except in very low-income rural areas. Walmart needs to start being held accountable. I read an article that there is some 200.00 civil recovery charge also being tagged to this ppl that has turned into a profit margin for the company..by the millions. [Sued](https://www.wkrg.com/mobile-county/2-1-million-verdict-woman-who-sued-walmart-and-won-talks-to-wkrg-news-5/)


Any updates on how the lawsuit is going…?


These fucking losers at walmart are getting a little power trippy. Dude couldn't cut it as a cop or even bouncer, so Walmart "security" is the best he can do. Your multi-billion dollar corporation doesn't give a flying fuck if you risk your life protecting stolen merchandise. Stop white knighting for the company that wouldn't give a shit if you drop dead half way through your shift.


I wouldn't do anything without a police officer present. Not going back into the building, not presenting a receipt, etc. Let the people do it by-the-book, so you have documentation and recourse. I would guess that they will try to trespass someone from the business anyway for not being subservient to the workers, regardless of their accuracy in assessing shoplifting, because they don't want the person coming-back reminding them of their f\*ck-ups.


Fuck that dumbass dude!! He’s not apologizing or saying sorry for how I acted or anything, just standing their stone faced. Hope he gets fired and it haunts his ass


It's best to boycott WalMart, period. It acts like a fascist country with its own laws and police. No thanks.


I'm sure posting this on social media will help keep things under wraps.




"I'm a school bus driver" ok?


She's about to get paid.


They fucked up... And "their policy" where you can't see the video is BS. But holy shit we are ***SO SOFT*** as people... Really leaning into being a victim and making excuses for having breakdowns. She was doing great until the end.... Now she's just fully pulling the victim-card, and of course Redditors are like, "Yeah, lean into that emotional distress lawsuit" 🙄 Having a school uniform on and being a bus driver has absolutely ***NOTHING*** to do with any of this... People steal in any type of clothing. The fact that people have a phone and a social media account makes people feel like they're so important and special.... Get over yourselves....