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Oxygen thief.


Did any sane person nut in her?cause anything coming out of her would be a waste of oxygen.


We should make that illegal probably


Bestiality is already illegal


Well played


CO2 generator.


The type of person who makes you think “Hmm, maybe some authoritarian control over who is allowed to reproduce wouldn’t be so bad…”


I've said it for years. I'm not saying I agree with eugenics. I'm just saying it would have prevented this.


I woulda lowered that jack packed up my shit and left. Fuck that cunt.


Yeah - he was actually very cool about it.


Sir, I’m sorry I can’t assist you with knowing what size socket to use because your wife daughter sister is a fucking cunt and you can google it.


Working with the public, he's probably met enough dumbasses that she isnt even the worst. Plus he gets to laugh his ass off inside knowing that she's likely a broke ass poser in a 10+ year old Benz with all the warning lights lit up, and 15% interest on the loan. :)


Exactly. The most surprising part is how long he stayed and even tried to reason with her. Amazing. Literally the patience of a saint.


Yeah. No need to put up with that shit


If I were a wealthy man I would find this guy and give him a very generous amount of money. This level of character deserves to be rewarded.


Once she gets to the threats you simply pack up and leave.


100% lug nuts on or off. I’m leaving.


For real. Do it yourself then bitch.


I would lose my mind listening to her nagging. I have no idea how this guy is so patient, while being disrespected on for so long. I would’ve been left the property the second she told me to leave. She’ll have to fix that car back up on her own.


He enjoys his paycheck


Unfortunately, you are correct. The video should be enough evidence to let them keep their jobs and blacklist the woman from their services, but too many companies prefer the simplicity of "the customer is always right" and this woman WILL go on social media to complain about how she was treated. Employers need to realize that some people will complain no matter what.


It's a tough thing to understand as an employee and I see what this guy is doing. I just started a new career completely different than my last and have customers manipulate me in believing I'm wrong in what I'm doing. Id then go to my super and he would be like, no you were 100% right because of this and tell me sometimes the client is not right or has no idea what they want or are doing. So I think the same thing is going on here. This crazy lady is making this poor lad second guess himself and now he's confused. Then after trial and error he knows he's right and finally leaves. She's lucky he was nice about it all, I know a ton of guys who would of made it worse.


The correct quote is “the customer is always right in regards to taste” that’s it. Just means if they want a white car , fine. If they want a red car,fine. That’s it.


Yep. The bastardization of that saying is one of the worst things to happen to western society.


This comment gets it. The man probably has kids at home, a mortgage, and understands that in the south we have “right to work states”. He is not going to lose his job over a crazy customer. Good for him


You aren't going to get fired if the customer told you to leave their property just because you politely told them that they don't have what you need to do your job. Seems like he stayed because he's a good guy who actually wanted to help.


At the end, the husband stares and sadly waits for them to invite him along.


What a horrible bitch


I hope they send her an invoice still. I would send her one for my time


I was gonna say a stupid bitch but that works too


¿Porque no los dos?


All the meth she's on isn't helping matters. She sounds speedy as shit.


YOU STFU and get outta here you understand me??? lol


Just drop the car and let her find someone else to put it back on.


Southern Boy manners gone too far.


He was a cutie.




Yes. He also informed her it wasn't the right part which according to her was "putting words in her mouth" and "scolding" her. I doubt they will, but I wish they would press charges. Inviting someone on to work at a location, then threatening to kill them, basically, is a crime.


It isn’t basically a crime. It is a crime- cut and dry.


You misread the comma. She basically threatened to kill them, without saying she'd kill him. It's definitely a crime.


Yea stand your ground laws don't exactly apply when you invite them in.


Why, must grammar be, needed?


How can anyone that acts like that trust that someone will fix their car without rigging it for death?


For that calculation to happen there are gears that need to interlock; gears that need to exist in the first place


Cheers for the explanation mate. Was a bit hard to follow what was going on.


He needs the Nobel Peace Prize ... I would hate to be behind or in front of her in the grocery store ..


You kidding? I'd LOVE to be in front of her at a grocery store. Nothing like a chance to inconvenience someone who is clearly a bad person


I never write checks but OH MY GOD what an opportunity to start that would be.


Ah shit musta left my checkbook in the glovebox hold on I'll be back in a sec.


You know the last item in the back corner of the store? That's exactly the one you forgot on your list.


Seriously, his boss should do something nice for him, or even make him a certificate or a free lunch of something. If his boss is cool, they probably all laughed at this later when watching the video.


And someone somewhere is related to that woman. Dude should have cross threaded those nuts and put every ugah chugga that impact had into it.


She sounds like the bus driver from south park i forget her name.


Ms Crabtree.


Ms. Chokesondick! Or was is crabtree?


Crabtree, chokesondick was the teacher.


I was thinking she sounds like Luanne from king if the hill.


Her husband is her cousin - does that count?


I think her dad is her uncle.


“Uncle Daddy, is that you? Tell them damn rednecks ta get on outta here. They dun messed with the wrong woman terday. Tell them sawry bastards ta get on for I open up a can of wherpass on them.”


I would say Roll Tide but she said she is in Georgia so they are close relatives for sure at least.


Roll Tide


I’m related to a woman just as horrible. Such a bad human all around. Just like my family, this lady’s family is probably over her shit


Her father is her brother Her mother is her lover They all fondle each other The Georgia family.


I was thinking the same thing, I would have crossthreaded the fuck out of those things and peaced out. What a bitch


The fact that she calls him a redneck yet she can't speak comprehensible English. Somewhere right now Alanis Morissette is crying.


It’s like rain on your wedding day…




This song ruined an entire generation from understanding what irony is.


I swear someones just getting off from scolding complete strangers who are retail or serving them. Fuck those people


This is a "sounds like a YOU problem at this point" moment if I've ever seen one.


Considering she doesn't know how to change a tire, or is so entitled that she simply won't, I guarantee you she calls herself Boss Bitch unironically


Actually....yeah. I'm not mechanically inclined, but even I can change a tire. And I treat service workers with respect. I was so focused on the rudeness that forgot that this is something she could have done herself. I guess she spent all her character creation ponits in rude mouth and not enough in intelligence, competence or charm.


A lot of people don’t know how to change a tire. Or do anything even remotely handy. I lived in a condo and was on the condo board - somebody “lost power to their kitchen” and was freaking out and asking the condo to send over an electrician. I had to go over and explain to them what circuit breakers were.


I hope this blows up and someone can identify that cuntry bumpkin


What a vile cunt


Wow! Normally when I hear that kind of language and screaming during a tire change, it’s from me screaming at my tire. Or my tools. Or myself.


Or me yelling at the YouTuber who is kindly trying to explain what I need to do to change a tire.


*Guy is actively leaving* "GET THE FUCK OUT"


Ive seen everyone say something but holy shit this woman is an insufferable bitch holy shit.


I praise the tech here. Clearly not at fault and kept his attitude professional. I'm not sure I would have done the same.


As a former tow driver. I feel for this dude. I’m have been in the same situation. Key was wrong. And I was told I was stupid and didn’t know how it worked. Put the other lug nuts back on and in about two hours was called back out to tow it to the tire shop. Same bitch same car. She was not vet pleased as she was proven to be a huge asshole.


Did you get any funny lines in on that second encounter?


She was basically speechless. No apology either. But the look on her face was that of defeat.




I was like “okay at one minute it’s been a lot let’s see how this ends…”. By god it’s almost 8 minutes long. I have no idea how this man didn’t flip out.


I will never understand why people will just sit there and be berated like that. I'm not saying he needs to talk back but just walk away. Why subject yourself to such vitriol?


Some of us have been to jail before and don't want to go back.


Jail for just leaving? You gotta explain that one


Sometimes working is a condition for your bail, otherwise you go back to jail. He can’t risk losing his job no matter what. This video is his best evidence to support his case, so that his employer doesn’t fire him when that bitch inevitably calls to throw a fit.


Totally brings back memories of my own childhood and mom. Thanks, I need a couple drinks now.


If your mom was bad as this bitch you deserve a drink


"I'll put a man in his place!" Meanwhile, has to call a roadside service to change a tire for her at her house.


Someone needs to find out who this unloved entitled piece of woman is and at least ruin a little bit of her day. She must make everyone around ponder suicide on a regular basis.


Bruh, remove your jack and leave it.


Is he on probation or something? She'd be horizontal


That’s Karen 2.0 version, holy fuck


She’s an unhappy bitch. Oh well.


I really can’t understand why everyone is calling her a bitch. She is a fucking cunt.


Cunts have depth and warmth. She has about as much depth and warmth as a penny on the sidewalk in winter.




I learned a new word - harridan: a strict, bossy or belligerent old woman.


Same here.


Kinda shocking to see it was a young woman - I was expecting to see some angry old lady flirting with dementia.


Can't believe she drives a Mercedes. Usually they are such nice sweet people.




I'm a body man! Honestly I've often said over the years to friends and guys I meet who are younger/earlier in the trade, "first you learn the trade but to make it a business you need to learn you're customers too!" It takes time but you eventually get an idea of what type of customer is most worthwhile and which to avoid. For example most : BMW drivers usually like to keep them looking tidy, obviously they have some money- it's a bmw! No issues I can think of The last two Mercedes I looked at- that weren't for a garage, as in I delt with the owners - I intentionally decided to avoid because I could tell they were not only clueless but also arrogant c*nts! : one was a 2019 cl220d, the lady explained that she had gotten a quote for 1800euros, and was told by a friend of hers to give me a shout, damage to the ¼& rear bumper from reversing into a gate, basically right in the middle of the bumper join - nothing major,no big crease the worse of the damage was contained in a fist sized area and the location was perfect to be able to blend the ¼ without painting the door! I quoted her €600, and told her I could possibly do it over a weekend - if not it would be with me for 3-4days(I've another full-time job to work around atm). Her reply-..... "wow 600 in a weekend, its well for some! ...... I thought it was something you could fix now like!" - erm no! It takes alot of time, most of which is drying time for primers/paint etc! Her reply " hmm? Well I'm going to Scotland next weekend but then I'm in Turkey from the Tuesday for 2weeks so could you do it this weekend (it's Saturday, she means now and I was in the middle of painting a peugeot) I remember thinking " the neck on you! I'm offering a quote ⅓ of the supposed other quote - willing to complete 18-20hrs of work over a weekend so she can still have use of it for work!- and she presumes I'm going to what? Rub me arse on the damage and say a hailmary to magicly remove the damage, wtF! it's well for me! to be able to burst me arse on my time off, to help her in her flash car who's jetting off every other weekend 🙃 I said I'm busy for a couple weeks! Give me a shout if you don't get sorted and we'll arrange, grand! no badness! I'm a polite guy(mostly!) - about 4days later the "missed calls" started, then afew texts being unusually nice! - she had obviously been bullshitin about the quote and received an acctual one, which would have been about 1000euros I suspect! I've seen the car since, and was delighted to see that the rear bumper was replaced instead of repaired, they never even attempted to blend the color of the bumper or ¼panel, an actually nice looking, 3year old car! That will have questions asked about being rear-ended when she tries to trade up, mu ha ha ha ..... meh!


Who the fuck is this completely condescending biiiiiiitch with absolutely *ZERO* knowledge of her own fucking vehicle? *"....I have to belittle you more..."* Fuck you, you pugnacious twatmuffin, the parents who birthed you, the children you may have birthed, and the man you're with for lacking *ANY* semblance of a spine.


Really nice of anyone there to defend him in any way at all. Who the fuck sits back and lets someone berate another human like that


I hope at the end of his work day he has someone nice to come home to 🥺


"All of his brains in his mouth" as she never shuts up and constantly berates the guy who was just doing his job and trying to explain to her what was wrong. I would have dropped the jack left the bolts on the floor and left. Then when she tried to move the car with no lug nuts on the wheel and it fell off I would have laughed my ass off at her while walking away.


I respect dogs too much to call her a bitch


Yoooo I've never seen a jack dollied like that. That's genius!


If this was a service provided by a third party (AAA, insurance road service etc…) I hope they used the video to cancel her rude ass.


Look, it’s pretty obvious what’s happened here, She’s the type of person who bought a Mercedes’ as an “investment” and realised it was a mistake and now a depreciative “asset”.


What an unhappy human being.


I was today years old when I learned you can transport a car-jack like that ;)


I would have just said "fuck y'all", dropped the car and left.


This bitch lmao poor guy. At least he was raised right. Not like that bitchass lady thinking she knows everything


I hope he crossthreaded each and every one of them too.


I hope Mercedes refuses to work on her car in the future. I think they could actually do that in this case.


One wonders who the fuck raised these people.


Honestly, I wouldn't have continued. Let her get it done herself.


Highest of karens


What’s her name?????


I have to talk to people like this every day. I feel bad for her husband. He should run run while he can. There is absolutely NO reason for anyone to talk to another human being like this. Especially for this reason. Karna is a bit$#


Wow what a nasty mouthy little cunt.


Please God let this woman catch some heat for this.


Just watching this makes me so mad. She is a disrespectful bitch and her voice is so irritating. I definitely don’t condone violence but this woman needs the shit slapped out of her.


That’s the exact car I would expect someone who behaves this way to drive.


Oh it’s Georgia. That makes sense.


Someone buy him a six pack. Jeez


Buy her a muzzle.


Wish I could send that tow truck guy a coffee!


I'd have said "I'm glad she distinguished Woman from Lady. You might have the parts woman but you ain't no fucking lady. You're just a Cunt!" No way i'd have put her tire back on. I'd have called in and had the office refuse custom too. But i'm forgetting this is the US where Cunts have more rights than employees.


Doxxing isn’t always a bad thing. Anyone who treats another person like this has done some other horrible shit in their lifetime. If it’s any comfort to people, I’m a nurse who sees old cunts like this at the end of their lives, and they always die alone. Begging for someone to pay attention and care for them while they also berate medical staff in the same way. It’s like the world is a little brighter once they take their last hate-fueled breath.


Can you imagine fucking that.


(Finishes) Woman: NOW GEET THE FUUCK OUT!!!


When I hear a woman say that dumb fucking line "A woman brought you into this world and I can take you out..." It takes me right into a episode of Maury. Stfu you goofy bitch.


I feel bad for not only the dude. But whoever has too live with that hot mess


This dude deserves a raise !


"Thank you for choosing Super Tow, please remember to give us a review."




Dude, I’m from rural-ass Georgia and even I thought she sounded like Foghorn Leghorn’s inbred grandma.


What a complete and utter cunt


Why did he take so long to leave? I would have gone as soon as she started her manical hee hawing.


I’m sure she’s a good Christian woman


I have the same patience bc I live for this shit I think it’s funny af


Props to the driver idve packed my tools took the jack and left, ain’t gonna try reasoning with someone who doesn’t know what the word reason is


Some Women get away with so much 🤦‍♂️


ego tripping lady needs to get slapped lmao. he's communicating for efficacy and shes saying shut the fuck up 😂 clearly doesn't want anything solved judt wants to put someone down. patheetic kunt


What a miserable CUNT.


Man, the poor guy that has to live with her must be miserable.


What a cunt.....hats off to the mechanic for putting up with this waste of life.


She sounds like she’s got melted marshmallows in her mouth.


never tolerate this kind of abuse from anyone… Do not be a saint do not be a pushover. people like this require extreme consequences


That woman wins the "Bitch I Want To Repeatedly Punch In The Head" award!


Imagine being married to that cunt


What a freak.




This should be in r/trashy


They should find out who this woman is and where she works and send the video to her boss but not before going viral. So she would reflect on how she speaks to people.


& yet there’s people who want to make it illegal for women like this to abort the next generation of mentally ill wage slaves


That woman is a broken person and should be pitied. She's likely incapable of experiencing joy or contentment. The prison of her mind is all the punishment she will ever need.




Does not strike me as someone who has a job


That is without a doubt the WORST voice i have ever heard.


There’s not enough money in the world to deal with her shit.


Her voice actually sounds evil.


Holy fuck I can’t even watch it’s so painful. The guy had so much patience.


This is the definition of a c.u.n.t.


I feel worse for her husband/father. You know he just wants to job done and for her to get into the house. Obviously he can’t reason with her and there’s no hope of deescalation. I bet that poor guy is living day to day hoping to die.


She bought a Mercedes and has no clue how to maintain it or nothing. She is the stupid redneck!!!


Can anyone make out the liscense plate number?


Props to him for not using the tire iron in a matter that woulda made Joe Pesci proud.


This is why I don't miss being a service writer at the Audi Dealership I once worked at. People buy these cars used and then freak out when they can't change the tire because it has the wrong wheel lock key in it. They can't stand to be inconvenienced once second and everyone else is a POS because of it


Who pissed in her wheaties?? Ida left her and let her figure it out.


Do not help her


Jesus.... this lady is filled with some toxic energy. 🤢🤮


She just really threatened murder. Stand your ground laws doesn’t mean “invite someone over to get killed”


Menopause? Take your meds.


I'd slip a note to the old man and ask if he's being held against his will. Because who would willingly live with that?!?


Glad im not the husband of that battle axe.


What a fucking piece of shit. Probably never worked a day in her life, treating this kid like he's a fucking slave. Mechakaren.


Jesus, the way she speaks is so tacky, what the hell is that accent 🥴


Whoever was filming was smart not to show that monster's face assuming they're its thrall. I wish he'd dropped on the brakes and took his jack and left if it goes down that low.


set the dak dak to max and send that mother fucker on all those lugs ​ Oh and use the red stuff not the blue stiff if you catch my meaning


Props to this guy. I don't know how he remained so calm and passive.


What is she even mad about?


You know for a fact this lady then proceeded on Sunday to enter her nearest church and sing "lord have mercy, hallelujah! I'm saved, I'm good, I'm going to heaven!"


When your car costs more than your house so you don’t wanna pay for any repairs


I don't know about the rest of you but I've been ORDERED to leave under, what is that threat of harm, the belligerence makes it hard to understand what she wants, I'm just going to drop the car right then and there and leave, give them their bolts and go.


Don’t we all deserve to know who this person is?


And she'll still wonder why she dies alone


No way in hell I’d have put that tire back on. He had every right to pick up his tools and walk away!


Poor Husband,lmao!