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Be careful though the insurance itself might be shithouse! Like Qantas branded / white labelled travel insurance is....


It's white labelled from Budget Direct (Auto & General is the parent). Make sure you're comparing the price against similar tier (i.e, cheap / low rated) providers


Interesting, I'm currently with Budget Direct and my premium is higher with BD than what Qantas is quoting me


You could sign up, cancel after 60 days when you get the 40k bonus points, and move to a cheaper product. The cost for the points would be a lot lower. Make sure the insurance is like for like in terms of coverage though so you don't get caught out if you do have an accident.


1c per point seems fair, but what do you plan on using your points for? you could also just cancel the policy after getting the points and go back to your usual insurer


Only if you have a use for the points ... otherwise $$ are more useful and can be invested to grow in value


Depends on what you plan on doing with your points.


I gotta go with a no. Especially as it’s only 44k points. ~$400 annual fee on a Credit card will get you at least 75k points. And most importantly car insurance is important. Don’t wanna go with a company that might f—- you over.


To buy 45k top up points is about $1200, but seeing as you are effectively getting them for $440(the extra you are paying over your current insurance) then it seems a great deal. Qantas wine is often cheaper than top up points, and they had a great deal recently with a discount code where you end up with around 30k points for a $390ish purchase. Current wine deals can be compared here https://wines.reflyable.com.au but there is nothing comparible currently. I'd be tempted by the insurance!


No. Not even remotely. 1c per point is what everyone should value points at, and reality you shouldn't pay more for it. You're paying $440 for $440 worth of points. For comparison, I could pay health insurance or a credit card far less (like $99) for nearly 100k points - converting $100 to $1000. Save the cash right now. This is a terrible trade


I have done this for both our cars and will be switching back to budget direct as soon as the points are allocated. And driving very carefully until then. Points for free really.


Nah good luck if you ever get in a crash lol