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R* likes to shit on players, and this is a rather annoying thing they came up with doing! It happens that even if you're not trotting, you can watch mounted NPCs purposely switch sides of the street to get in your way. It's rather ridiculous.


Yep it happens right before you get to them. It's definitely intentional as it happens a lot all across the map.


It's been a thing in The GTA games too the AI actively tries to cut you off and at high speeds it turns into a bullet hell for cars


Was riding out of Roanoke Ridge yesterday and a NPC mounted on a horse literally spawns right in front of me out of thin air within a few feet lol. We collided and he died. Zero way to avoid him. Wanted for murder.


Lemme guess, you were galloping? It’s a Rockstar Games thing. They like to program NPCs to intentionally cut you off or swerve into you if you’re in a hurry. Same thing happens in GTA games. I think it even happens in Bully and the old GTAs


I'm replaying GTA4 for the first time in over a decade and this has been driving me crazy. I thought it was just bad AI, didn't realize it was intentional by Rockstar.


Same thing with all the horses must be 3/4 blind and dumb. No animal regardless of the rider distraction runs directly into random trees, fences, buildings, etc. My God, running fast through the woods is a death wish.


Let go of the directional analog and just tap whatever counts as the 'run' button for you and the horse will steer itself through tight-knit spaces without crashing.


Really? Gotta try this. So let go of L analog and just tap X (PS4)?


Yep! I'm also PS4 and it works well, now the horse might slow down or scream if it's too tight but it will try to navigate itself


My tea cup Arabian and I thank you!


Can confirm, been riding horses my whole life, both for fun and for work. My Arabian is fearless, and will run through thick woods with no issues. I don’t even steer him through the trees, just let him have his head and he gets us through with no issues. Snake? Who cares. The one time he threw me was because of a young cougar, he ended up eating a .44.


The cougar right Right


Lmao yes the cougar 😂


Misunderstandings in the Wild West were quite common


Horses are terrible people


There really are a million ways to die in the Wild West


This stuff annoys me like crazy, especially when I lose honor for it as if I deliberately wanted to ram my tiny arabian into a NPC’s Belgian Draft.


It’s okay, partner! When the bounty hunters show up you can shoot em n loot em to pay the bounty


Yep, in St. Denis I had an NPC bump into my horse while I was standing still and fall back into a train and I was wanted for murder


I was doing a bounty last night and had this happen - with the bounty strapped to my horse - on those little narrow bridges/raised platforms near St Denis. Witnesses go both directions. Now I’m running witnesses down, get them. Get almost back to St Denis and now there’s a witness to me killing the witness. It was a whole big thing


I killed some NPC who mouthed off to me for no reason. Had to kill the guy he was riding next to as well, for obvious reasons. Had to kill the witness, too. I’m looting all these bodies and another witness needs to be killed. Next thing I know, I killed eight people because witnesses kept coming up on me while I was looting bodies. I was just out looking for a perfect raccoon pelt. Why’d that one guy have to get lippy with me? So many lives lost because he couldn’t keep his trap shut.


I wonder if throwing your mask on first would stop them from identifying you. It should, right?


I had a mask on. Still killed them all. Even if they couldn't identify me, they needed to die. Couldn’t risk it.


It does not. They can tell a masked Arther Morgan from 150yd away


The npcs horses will literally get right in your way every time


the worst part is most of the time you can’t get on your horse again fast enough so you have to shoot that person then seconds later another npc comes along and you just end up with a road of dead npcs 😂


I whistled for my horse once in Saint Denis. He ran over a person, and I got slapped with a murder bounty. I was like "oh, if the game's gonna accuse me of murder, I might as well", and shot up a good chunk of the town


I like to antagonize NPCs in front of the law as my own payback because of things like this 🙃


This is kinda like getting a wanted level in GTA when the cops rear end you xD


Haha exactly


I like to think of this as a hilarious easter egg, referencing the way oncoming traffic in GTA steers towards you to produce more near-misses, with the side effect of causing a lot of seemingly deliberate head-on collisions.


This is why the Law and Order Rebalanced mod is almost a must-have for me. 


Ive been playing on my xbox so I can sit in the living room. My PC is for sim games mostly.


Last time I played the game I wanted to play some poker in valentine. As a good cowboy I wanted to park my horse neatly in a designated area. While character was doing its thing, some fucking dude turned and walked into my horse. Bear in mind the mechanic of dismounting horse was in progres. Npc got blocked on my horse and started to shoot at me. Sherif came out and started to shoot at me. Everyone started to shoot at me. Fucking game. Still love it.


Had this happen to me during one of the horse race encounters up to Calumet Ravine. I blasted through that npc at full speed and the game glitched out or something because the NPC and his horse flew off the side of a cliff and I somehow still won the race.


Last night my black shire ( i keep him every playthrough) died cause I happened upon a carriage and I thought, "you know what, I'm gonna sell this at emerald ranch" On my way there, there's the woman with the horse collapsed on her, of course she lives in valentine. I offer her a ride and turn around. I noticed my horse wasn't following me anyway, cool I'll call him to follow on the way to valentine. I come steaming around corner, the shire charges straight infront of the carriage killing him, and the two carriage horses. The woman then complains about me stopping and wants to carry on going home? There's no horses lady! She gets off complaining and walks away and I think fuck it. Shoot her in the back of the head. Just plain anarchy.


Right now I'm in a perpetual loop of loading my save and he loads in and dies 😪


I hate that stupid bitch. She shows up a lot I never thought about killing her


It was worth killing her. Cause of her my favourite horse died and I can't get him back 💔 😢


Why don't you go back a couple of saves?


I don't regularly save...


Oh man that sucks. I have three saves that I rotate out constantly. That way I always have a clean save to go back to. I learned that from modded Skyrim and I forget some people keep one save file.


Just some more brilliant Rockstar Games gameplay mechanics. Little stupid stuff like this is what worries me about gta 6. It’s like they add stuff to deliberately make you upset so you go on a rampage to interact with the wanted system.


Between this and GTA pedestrians jumping into the street to guarantee getting run over, I think Rockstar does this intentionally.


In the GTA games if you be a rule following boy the traffic lights wont switch from red


Gotta get used to wearing bandana almost all the time....


Yeah RDR2 and many other rockstar games are like this, for some reason even staying in the same place for a while inevitably leads to some clueless idiot dying and then you being shot to death lmao


I got blamed for a woman stepping out my way on a train platform into the oncoming train. Thought for fuck sake why am I blamed for that idiocracy.


Maybe the horse got spooked?


Last night I was in Annesburg. An empty carriage flew by me with no one on it. No x to mark a corpse so I hope on it to sell it of. Drove by another carriage and the stupid NPC decided to get his carriage as I’m riding by. Well I see crime reported for murder. Apparently I ran him over because he decided to jump off in front of the carriage


It doesn’t matter. Just go pay off your bounty or don’t. Enjoy the game brother


People wanna make this game so hard. The horses drive themselves. Username tracks.


Horses don't drive themselves


Give it a shot brother.


They will miss trees but not NPCs or animals