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If I had a nickel every time someone share obvious AI art, I would have plenty of nickels. Which is a lot, but it is weird that it happens so many times. **EDIT:** The fact that this "artist" is actually charging money for the simple convenience of downloading their uninspired AI slop is really scummy. Can we stop sharing these goddamn bastards and their soulless content?


Yeah, the scythe shafts not lining up is my giveaway here.


I had an unfortunate feeling in my gut that it was...


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I didn't know Ruby was Actually Arlecchino's daughter the whole time


LINK TO ART: https://www.deviantart.com/enlightenedspaceman/art/Ruby-the-Reaper-1065555813


Wow and for even charging people money to download AI art


Someone cooked


More like threw a few words into a generator, found the best-looking one, and tossed it up on Deviantart.


The Red Reaper. Has a good alliteration to it as well.


Badass! You know I read a fic called through her eyes where Ruby is part Grimm and can summon their limbs and meld with them so she had nevermore wings and looked like a reaper Thanks for reminder going to read it again


Can I have the link please


Sure here is the author for both versions. He did a remastered one with more scenes like a Pyrrha vs ruby and Yang spar and ladybug canon thoughts (that’s the main ship here). The first version is done but he stopped near the end of the remastered so just read first one first then imagine it’s ending for remastered version https://m.fanfiction.net/u/2263006/ Enjoy






If you like dark ruby stuff here’s a couple https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14307545/1/RWBY-Blood-Love: Blake’s a vampire bat Faunus and needs blood so Ruby becomes her lover and gives her blood (aphrodisiacs in her fangs like blood brothers anime) https://archiveofourown.org/works/19054759/chapters/45261904 Best ladybug story ever a friend of mine wrote called phoenix rose. Blake searches for Ruby for years when she falls out of her life, only to discover she had a son with Adam when she was captive by white fang. How will she react?


Ruby rose: what will you do Salem. You can no longer hide the shadows of atlas. Salem: atlas is dead because of your rage the losses and hate consumes you ruby. What more will destroy? Ruby: the hands of death could not defeat me. The Grimm could not hold me. And you will not see the end of this day. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!! Salam: Petulant child! I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR INSOLENCE NO MORE!!!


Honestly Oscar is a lucky guy tho. And she is the GOAT🔥🔥🔥🔥