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I've gone on Amazon and checked the Q&A on some stuff I've bought. Literally saw this... Q: Can this item be used ? A: I do not know, I have not purchased this item. Like... why?


that‘s partly amazon‘s fault.  the mail customers got was kinda misleading, looking like a direct request.  plus the inane practice of bundled inventory, where totally different items can be sold as variants.  


I can see that. On a surface level without really thinking much about it, it's hilarious that they not only include those replies, but often they are the only or top replies. Again, probably that's Amazon or the store's responsibility to clean that up.


Oh yeah, they keep mixing up the reviews of Blu-rays and the reviews of DVDs.


The comments come from average, everyday people. Have you met average, everyday people? It's not an overwhelmingly encouraging experience.


They're polite to your face but obviously awful when they can be anonymous...


This. They can be totally savage.


Because people like to think they are important when in reality they're not. People are egoistic and feel the need to talk to get attention. That's it. They're idiots. Smart people keep their mouth shut when they don't know something.


I don't know.




Who even is op?


There are plenty of people with too much spare time which is frustrating them and they feel the need to share their own frustration in any possible way. We should just ignore them and move forward




Because it's fun.


It’s for attention. Sometimes people comment or reply to me with some weird bullSchite. And it’s easier for everyone if that guy just shut the funk up.


Because we live in an age where asking a question about something will usually yield no response, but stating something incorrect people will literally climb over one another to try and tell you how wrong you are. Pro tip: if you want to learn more about something, just make up some bullshit fact about it so people will correct you and you'll get the proper information WAY faster than asking. Welcome to the Internet.


ya see, i want to give my theory. but i also don’t want to comment on it since i really don’t know much about it😂😂


It's Dunning-Kruger effect, in its finest. People will speak at long length, and with great fervor over something they are only vaguely acquainted with, while those with imposter syndromes are veritable experts yet feel under-qualified to speak. I mean just look at the college campus protests. Besides the potential for this to be a massive psyop perpetrated by bad actors, most of these students don't understand the key historical talking points, the history, the geography, the culture, and yet scream and attack people over things they are completely ignorant about.


To be fair....grieving over a celebrity, a total stranger, is gah damn strange on it's own.


Seems a little strange but eh I can understand especially if they were a singer or sth and those fans used their music to get them through hard times


Definitely agree, I’m just not built that way.


TF is this guy? What's his deal? What's all this about?


The internet allows them to do so.


Reddit figured this one out


Some people are trolls, some people are haters, and some people want to call out how pointless they think something is. Either way, unless they're an actual bully, racist, sexist, ableist or in any way harassing a person(s), they're entitled to share that. It's the internet baby, just gotta make due when content is made so public that literally anyone in the world with an internet connection can see it.


Wtf ? Just joking, lol : )


Probably got something to do with spreading private stuff to the public - which some ppl clearly don't care about and they voice that. Nothing wrong with that, imo. If you go publicy you gonna bother some ppl and that is okay. Everybody has the right to feel offended and to voice that.


Old people asking questions and not phrasing them properly, they are genuinly curious


I'm sorry to inform you that the internet separates humans from reality, human emotions, and coherent thoughts.


I blame talk radio, for training people to believe that however ill-informed or inane their opinion is, they have some sort of right to be heard by everybody else.


I don't have the faintest idea, but I just had to comment.


Beats me.


The absolute worst I've seen was in a Q&A post on Amazon. Someone asked something about a product, and someone literally answered: "I don't know." WTF? How narcissistic can a person be? The poster wasn't wanting to know if YOU, specifically, know or not!


because i'm bored at the moment, and i should go to bed, but instead i'm browsing this dumb site, and i'm training my typing and english at the same time. > just there to spread hatred on the example you mentioned: you don't know celebrities personally, and people die all the time. Plus making a reel using someone's death to gain likes and traction to your profile seems a bit disrespectful to be honest. Not that i would spread hate over someone grieving, but the act of grieving a celebrity is still a wierd concept in my mind, they are not your friends, they don't know you, and you don't know them, you only know their public persona


It's another way of saying "You need to provide context because nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about"


I have no knowledge of this phenomenon


Only psychologists should answer this question…


Anonymous shit posting could easily be the highlight of some randos' day. Don't worry about it.


It’s the free internet. No one needs to do anything. Even if someone comments something negative or positive, it’s engagement / clicks / views - all that is necessary. That’s how the online community thrives. Even you - here complaining about those that are rude - that’s another way to get you talking.


Thats me


People want to put their two cents in, for what it's worth. Like me right here. No clue what a reel is or why you ar so upset about it. But my answer would be - hey, life is too shirt to bitch about things that in the big picture don't matter. Put your device down and go take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, go have an ice cream and communicate with someone real. Enjoy your day.


People often don't know what they don't know.


Answered your own question there didn't you? Seems like you already made up your mind. What's the purpose of this post? Spread some love? XD haha it is funny