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I let my 9-year old daughter paint my nails and my FiL said it wasn’t very masculine. I don’t know what’s more masculine than being a good dad.


I let my ex girlfriend paint my nails and I painted hers, it felt strange and I felt like people might be judging me, but she really enjoyed it🤷.


It’s a bit of paint on your nails at the end of the day. If it brings someone you love happiness, it’s not much of a price to pay!


Yeah I definitely didn't mind, it was kind of fun. But it did actually feel weird on my nails, I didn't realize there would be a bit of a burning sensation and I ended up picking it off when I'd get bored.


W dad


Aww that's so cute!


Respect!!! Love this. I work in a male dominated industry, one of the concreters lets his daughter do the same. Best dad ever. Love this


I’m asexual and child free. Still, seeing a man being a good parent (or kind to animals) stirs something in me.


I think any kindness to another without personal gain feels good to see, though my daughters happiness was a personal gain if I’m honest!


>my FiL said it wasn’t very masculine. He just wants to see his daughter slapped around by a good Christian boy like God intended.


Honestly as a woman I find this mindset SO MUCH more attractive than guys who get insecure like "oh no am I allowed to like this?"


As a gay man, nothing is more “fruity” to me than caring so much what other men think about your manliness. If we’re doing the “real man” toxic trope, wouldn’t a real man be himself even if other people disapproved?


I'm a "real man", soldier, prison officer, carpenter, play rugby, I can do various mechanical bits and pieces on my pickup truck, I love war films, I love chasing women. I'm everything that a "real man" is. But you know what? I also loved occasionally sleeping with guys too. You can be the manliest man and still like to get taken to town by another dude. Manliness is such bullshit really.


"Will people think I'm gay if I drink a pink drink?" So stupid!


I was with you until the bit about Coldplay.. :)


I will fix you


I liked *clocks* when I was like 12 or 13. It jammed on C93 FM late at night while the clouds rolled over the moon.


Same! Confidence >>>>




Agreed. Men get made fun for so many little things that are considered unmanly. Two I have experienced is my use of daily skin care for my face with face wash and moisturizer. The other is the fact the I put lotion on my tattoos on my arms. Apparently these are considered girly. People who make fun of this can shhhh


Oh no! A man who takes care of himself. Must be gay!


I know people who lowkey think like this tho


Back in the olden days they were called “metrosexual”.


LOL, I too, am old enough to remember that!


I got asked if I was gay because I was wearing a scarf… More recently because I was using a lap blanket …with cats on it Guys, is fking hating winter gay?


Idk but being called gay shouldn't hurt you.... if you come to terms with the fact that "gay" is a sexual orientation and not an insult.


Which is a fair take The issue remains that it’s being used as an insult against an unnecessary thing (This is how people cut themselves off from things that they like and did no one any harm) and that it’s being used as an insult to support someone’s need to feel good about themselves at the cost of others


Apparently so, this stuff is so silly. I was asked the same question because a wear a green bracelet in support of mental health on my arm. Don’t forget men, blankets, scarves, skin care, jewelry, and more are all things that make you gay apparently


Old tattoos look *so* much better when you’ve been putting lotion on them. The one on my leg (which I can easily moisturize) vs the one on my back (which I obviously cannot easily do) have a vast difference in quality despite being done by the same artist just months apart. Weird to think you’re not manly for wanting your (presumably expensive) tattoos to stay looking great.


Hell yeah brother


I used to get relentlessly mocked for ordering a glass of wine at the pub. Just think about how much of an insecure bonehead you'd have to be care even a little bit about that.


sophistication is highly attractive. I see a guy ordering wine and not giving a f about what other people think... yes.


As a french I don't see anything wierd or special about ordering a glass of wine at a bar. Or maybe you're fairly young?


Here in the UK, ordering wine might make you look French 😬 😏


I was young at the time, but this has more to do with weird British ideas about masculinity and what's acceptable to drink at the pub. Wine is seen as a bit 'poncey' compared to good 'ole beer. We'll grow up as a nation one day.


Good for you. Real men wear pink and don't care. Stand up for what you believe in! Free world I say! Honestly, when I drank (years ago) I used to mix fruit with vodka and let it go for a week or two. Real great fruity drink!!! :D Rev was my favorite premixed Vodka drink. Blueberry flavor. Haven't touched it in 3 years, almost 4! :D Coldplay ain't bad! In my Place is one of my favorites.


Reaching the point in life where you have nothing left to prove to anyone is a great thing.


Think about it this way. If a guy is worried that some trivial thing like a color, song, drink, or car makes them less manly, that implies the outward appearance of manliness is important to them. Now consider what that means. Do actual badasses walk around acting tough? Do actual geniuses try to convince you how smart they are? Do people with loads of money talk a lot about how rich they are? Nope. It’s the wannabes that are trying so hard to convince everyone. Guys that tie their masculinity to a bunch of unrelated validations are broadcasting the same inadequacy.


Good for you. Honestly, as a woman I much prefer a man who is comfortable in his own skin and just enjoys what he enjoys rather than someone who feels the need to act 'macho' all the time. Fruity drinks are the only think I will drink at a bar, Coldplay have had plenty of solid hits over the years, only a psychopath wouldn't love puppies and Brokeback Mountain won 3 Oscars!


A guy who is confident in their sexuality is the most wholesome thing ever. I’m still impressed that my little bro peaked at 27. He’s straight, works in landscaping with big burly guys and went to work with his nails painted. No explanation, nor fucks given.


Honestly as a woman this is exactly what I’m looking for in a man.




Coldplay fandom? 🤣


Dude I fucking cry because of movies and games and shit, I don't care. That's not something I make a secret of. I still find it funny though when people call something "manly" but I don't take it seriously.


Real chads dgaf what others think. Don't live in fear like those cookie cutter assholes think people should. bring change to society.


I've been like this since middle school. I hate inhibition.


The best way to be. I gave up on people pleasing years ago. I'm 64 and drink Earl Grey tea, I'm a big fan of Lindsey Stirling (and proud of it) I believe in Faeries and I like cats. I think we'd get along!


Welcome to adulthood! Puppy bros unite!


Who tf even thinks liking puppies is girly? Do some people not like puppies? These people are weird man.


You have achieved the first level of real happiness congratulations


I’ve never cared about this kind of thing. Even when I was a teenager I liked a lot of stuff that was considered “unmanly” but I didn’t care. I’m one that believes you like what you like and as long as what you like isn’t illegal or harmful to yourself or others then go and enjoy it!


First of all, Brokeback Mountain is a fucking masterpiece and I'll fight anyone that says otherwise. Second of all, I agree with your premise 100%, but nah man, Coldplay just isn't good music, lmfao :P <3.


Idc what other people think but i love coldplay and their songs. Violet hill, arabesque, white shadows, politik are amazing songs


I dig it. To each their own! 


Welcome to the club. I ordered a cocktail the other day. The waiter informed me it was pink. So what? sounds delicious. At the same brunch, I saw some sliders that looked tasty. They were on the kids menu. I said, if you’re ok serving them to me, I’m fine ordering them. It was fine. Be your own person.


that's hot.


I cry when experiencing beautiful music and art and I feel absolutely zero need to justify that to anyone. Welcome to the club my friend.


I needed to hear this. Thank you final descendant


It's your unique journey and time on Earth. Do only what pleases you. "Unmanly not masculine."So what


Well done brother you have freed yourself from the toxic masculinity b******t isn't it so much better out here. We can wear, listen, talk and do anything we want and no other man can judge us took me many years to free myself im glad your free too. Good luck stranger.


Was watching my sons 7 on 7 football camp/practice and in the stands I held an umbrella over me to protect me from the sun. Had a couple dads make comments. (I know it was dudes busting balls ) I just played it off but wanted to respond that I’ve already had 5 cancer spots cut out of my skin and both my dad and grandpa have both undergone major surgeries for skin cancer.


Honestly, I love that my husband and I have been together for 16 years and sometimes unless he mentions that he has a wife and kid a lot of people just assume that he is a gay man. To me I find it hilarious and he doesn't care either. He is very comfortable with who he is and says that it is not his responsibility to make everyone else comfortable with who he is. He's the same. He likes fruity drinks but can drink "manly" drinks when he wants to, as well. He loves cats, puppies, ect. He likes Coldplay, Queen, a lot of other bands, and agrees about Brokeback Mountain. To him, he fell in love with me at 14 and married me almost 10 years later. We've been together forever and it never bothered me that he liked that stuff. It never bothered me that he sometimes wears my clothes and I sometimes wear his clothes. I think it's weird there's groups of people who care.


Hey, if it makes you happy and it's not hurting anyone, fill your boots. There's far too little joy in this world to let shit that like hold you back.


I need this mindset!


if you don't love puppies you're not even human


Good. Don't live a life that you don't like to please people that don't appreciate you. That would be the least manly way to live and also just a poor life no matter who you are as a human being.


Hahaha dudes that don’t drink fruity drinks cause they think they’re “girly” or “gay” crack me up man . All my friends always make fun of me for drinking them but they taste good lol . I’ll drink everything from straight whiskey , beers , mimosas, red wine , white wine , margaritas, Bellinis , and any other drink you can think of haha . I’m an alcoholic


Masculine and feminine energy needs to be balanced in order to be a fully functional, healthy human being.  Men need to potray feminine traits so we can listen and understand each other.  Women need to portray masculine traits in order to be more assertive.  Don’t worry about the ignorant ones, the path you choose will be understood by a few. 


Who the fuck doesn't love puppies??


Just be secure in who you are. Own it, that’s all that really matters in the end.


Good for you my dude, wish more people were like this


I find men who embrace their unmanly traits very attractive. After all, everyone has them, but not everyone has the courage to admit it. Such men are much cooler to me – they are free and strong.


Who even made them rules?💁🏻‍♀️


Coldplay tho. That's too much.


Fruity drinks are the best




This is what I like to hear 👍🏻😍


What the fuck?! U must be insane to love puppies i cant stand by that


I envy you. It takes a lot of strength to get to that place. 💪


I've always been a fan of the "I'm a man and therefore all my tastes are masculine" theory. (Yeah, I know, but it still works for me.)


As a straight man broke back is a hell of a good movie


On Brokeback Mountain... What could be more manly?


I'm from the feral generation. I started out with no fucks to give. Welcome to freedom!


What do you mean? There's nothing manlier than the Brokeback Mountain movie


Manliness isn’t in what you do. It’s how you do it. I will personally fight anyone who says a dad in a dress for a tea party isn’t manly. As an example.


You’ve just become the coolest, most confident guy I’ve seen on Reddit. That Brokeback Mountain thing…. you’re fire, broh.


There is nothing less manly than trying to look manly 


Unbothered has entered my aura and it's honestly addicting


Tbh I never really cared, didn’t realize I was supposed to care til the internet told me I should.


Good for you! That’s more masculine than big, stupid trucks and backwards ball caps.


Forget the people who don’t like it. You love it. Others love that you love it. When you take your last breath, who do you want to flash before your eyes? Your lovelies of course!




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Pink is a masculine colour. Seriously. A guy wears a pink hoodie or shirt or pants, he is quite secure in his male identity.


Why exactly should *interests* define how manly you are? If you're gay as hell but you would risk your life to save someone then you're still manly, and very brave. And why is it "unmanly" to like Coldplay? Idk. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting but that shit sounds stupid.


Play on playa' My first concert was Coldplay lol


You can only do you baby. That’s it.


I’m a man trapped in a man’s body


why did you let society dictate these things for you in the first place? actually it doesent matter its good that you achieved freedom. Fruity drinks on 🔝


Look, Coldplay tho


I was on vacation once, traveling by train and stopped in Bern Switzerland. Was the first, and possibly last time I’ll ever be there. Sat down at a bar to eat, and figured fuck it- I’ll order a fruity drink. I never do and who cares if anyone thinks it’s weird, I’ll never see these people again.  So I order my dinner and random fruity ass drink. Wind up hitting it off with the guy next to me. My food and drink comes but we keep on talking. He’s retired Swiss military. Had badass stories. To this day, honestly, one of the more fascinating people I’ve ever met.  After like an hour of speaking with this really interesting man, he offers to buy me a beer. I thanked him and said I’m good, I appreciate it, and I need to get going. He is like “All you’re going to have is that girl drink??” and proceeded to roast the fuck out of me for 5 minutes. 😄 Saying how he enjoyed talking with me, he has great respect for me, but is surprised I ordered a drink for pussies.   Never ordered anything fruity before or since LOL. 


The Coldplay reference is weird, their first two albums are amazing and beloved by all genders.


Based af


I've got girls, so I use that once in a while.


No real man cares about you either


How many people are giving you shit in real life?


I like skirts in summer. My balls sweat less.


Better late than never ig...


I'm not seeing much compassion in the comments for people who are insecure about their masculinity. Being called boneheads for their feelings! 🤨 It's great if you have stopped giving a shit, but it's not something you can simply switch off. It takes work and a lot of time. Once again men being shamed for their feelings.


Nobody thinks Coldplay are "unmanly". A lot of people just think they're shit.


Congrats for shedding the shackles, now enjoy fruity drinks and puppies, also I'm telling you fragrance soaps are amazing


didn’t know coldplay wasn’t conventionally manly, isn’t it like the White Guy’s Favorite Band? Maybe that’s just where I’m from. Either way good on ya dude. Rock on.


Respect my man 🫡society can be weird sometimes


But by posting this, you are giving a shit. Just do you. Like what you like and get on with it.


That's good, man. We need some fruity dudes here and there !


I absolutely love this for you! Screw gender stereotypes and being ‘masculine’ - just be you and be happy and sod what other people think


Same here. The more things I hear about "being a man" the more ai think I'm non binary lol I was told that la Croix type drinks are not manly. "Just drink a soda".  Oh and "I drink my coffee black, like a man".  Any attempt making life more appealing is apparently not being a man anymore. Only desires allowed are alcohol, women, cars, ufc, and other sports


Brokeback Mountain is a great movie. Why that would be tagged as unmanly? But yeah, me too. I'm married, have a daughter, fuck this "macho" thing. I cry much more than my wife and I'm not afraid of admitting.


I have never felt “manly” or “masculine” despite the balding and bushy beard. I don’t like beer, I don’t like football, I’m not interested in dick-swinging contests, I generally find it quite hard to get on with men in general, I’m empathetic and in touch with my emotions…


The patriarchy hates men too.


This is actually so fucking hot and shows actual real unshakable confidence that we find delicious


Same. Recently I got into doing chalk art again and I drew this colorful butterfly. My brother was like "Why did u draw something a little girl would draw?" Like mannn I just love how butterflies look


Respect! I'm 63, male, and happily married. I agree, and support you!


Since when is liking puppies unmanly or even have anything to do with that shit? Fuck that. You're friends suck if that's who said that. More puppies for us


There are no guilty pleasures just because things to enjoy or not.


Coldplay is pretty manly dude everyone knows that Yellow song and Viva La Viva. What man hasn't put on a Coldplay song to stew in there feelings. Coldplay is just for those times when your away from your friends and you feel like shit and need some song of there's to process. It's one of those artists that's lime therapy.


'I am at the point where i don't care about your opinion of my tastes but go fuck yourself if you don't agree with me' lol


love this. My brother felt embarassed to drink when it turned out that the drink he ordered was pink🤦‍♀️


I’d rather talk to a man that likes more than only the gym, cars and has an alpha-male mentality. Guys who are confident in their masculinity and a cute pink bow won’t hurt their ego are wayyyy more manly than a guy who feels the need to say “bows (or anything, whatever) kill masculinity”


probably like owen wilson and nippleback too 🤔🤔


Then you have become a real man. Exactly what women want. A man who knows himself, confident in himself, and not macho. This is a pleasant relief.


This is pretty normal stuff in this day and age


Coldplay, though... ![gif](giphy|DBa308wq8XTMs|downsized)


who doesn't like Coldplay?


OK I can see how some of these can be seen as 'non-manly' but what the fuck is wrong with Coldplay in particular lmao


You sound like you care a lot.


Ha. Gaaaaaaaay


so ssoooo gay... /s


Now I come across unmannerly, like I’m in a bike gang, Sons of Anarchy 🎵


What's your stance on Baillies?


>Go fuck yourself if you don’t like it. So mature of you, lol. Are you like 18yo, by any chance, though? You sound like it.


Nobody gives a shit. You want a medal or something?


I give a shit and I applaud the OP


I think OP is actually pretty freaking cool. Is something bothering you, man?


Nothing wrong with being gay, bro. Happy Pride Month.


This guy is in so many anti vegan groups that I think someone hurt him lmao


I’m not gay.


Lol I knew someone would go there. There's always a few. Imagine being Carnilinguist and being super insecure and then telling the world. Very weird.


Imagine not being able to take a joke.


Jokes are meant to be funny.


It was hilarious


Be careful guys, we've got a manly packaged meat hunter there.


At least I don't like Coldplay


Time to get out of the closet.


You first bro


People have no sense of humour. Lol