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I'll just list some keybinds that I find comfortable and most people use: L.Shift: Toggle low ready. This almost acts as a "sprint" key since you move slightly faster. Ctrl: Free Lean. Works much better than the normal lean and crouch, being able to use this easily is a game changer. Alt: Crouch. I barely use this since you can go lower just by using Free Lean, but it's there. C: Toggle laser/attachments. H: Drop chemlight.


Chemlight out


deploying chemlight


Thanks for this comment, I switched to these and the gameplay felt much smoother and easier to get the hang of!


Then just rebind it to whatever you like? Don't want to be mean but that's stupid question, RON has only 1 mouse button keybind.


I have side buttons, but I really don’t use them much.


I use my side buttons for peeking it is so nice honestly


I did too until I realize free lean was much more effective.


I have a couple side buttons, but only one I really use is to toggle flashlight/laser. I think the other is mapped for canted aiming/sights.


OP out here gaming with a lenovo office mouse 😆


Honestly close heh dad life op


A switch I've made for every game with peeking is to peak left with C and right with V. I just swap anything that used C or V to Q or E and I have full movement while leaning.


This is what works for me but few people play with this i feel like.sperated between (hold) or (toggle) Left alt for my laser/light (more useful with a light as suspects can see that) space for my low ready (hold) Left shift for my walk (hold) (dont forget to walk ladies and gents as it can prevent you from opening a door to get blasted by someone waiting in a corner for your boot stompin ass to come in) Left control for crouch (toggle) Q for switching between canted and ads Capslock for my free lean (hold) E for interact F for yell for compliance Tab for melee Z for the usual orders C chemlight X for fire select G nade Tappy is a cool mod that lets you point ahit out and use your acroll wheel to pull or push doors open without using your body to do so.


Get one for $20