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The Blood Shack spotlight episode is my least favorite. You can tell the guys watched that movie very early in their bad movie watching careers, tried to come back to it, and found there wasn’t really anything much to it.


I watched that movie in a group livestream and, even with people to talk to throughout, I was bored out of my mind for 90% of it. The movie sucks, but I didn't get a "so bad it's good" feeling from it at all


It has exactly one comedic element to it, which is how the killer runs. They've given up on less boring films


This reminds me... there was someone here who hosted group watchings, saw one maybe a couple of months ago... is that still happening?


“Shoot the rodeo” is the only good thing to come out of The Chooper


That, and "The Chopper" is really fun to say


You mean The Chooper


One of those names auto correct just hates


Auto correct is so ducking annoying


Or the Ubrikkian Galactic Chopper


That and the one shot that looks just the like the one from Exorcist 3 but with a calvery sword instead of the surgical shears.


I would say it’s my least favorite except for Twister’s Revenge, that episode just doesn’t really do anything for me


Twisters Revenge at least has some spectacle and strange choices. Blood Shack has like one awkward music cue.


It’s also got that bizarre overhead knife attack run. But yeah, it’s otherwise pretty bereft of entertainment. 


I think for the RLM team at least Twisters Revenge had a somewhat local connection which made them enjoy it a bit more


I mean, that was kinda the entire point of the episode.


Robot In The Family made me feel like I was under some kind of horrible sonic attack, and I cannot rewatch the episode at all




The fact that Robot in the Family features talented actors like Joe Pantoliano and John Rhys-Davies is a travesty.


Good ole Joey Pants


And also baffling


Most picks here are either boring, or uncomfortable to watch, but in my opinion the worst to have to sit through is Robot in the Family. They actually left out a lot of really annoying parts, because there's just so much. I've never connected more with Jay, than when he screams "Shut up!" at the screen.


That was also my thinking. The film made me experience pain. I'll take being bored or disgusted over that I don't envy whoever had to edit that fucking episode


I really appreciated Mike's sublime comment about how watching the film felt like being on a rollercoaster into his own grave.


Exactly. Based on the episode alone, people seriously do not realize just how much yelling and almost incoherently screamed dialogue there is in that movie. It physically hurts to watch with headphones.


That kind of "noise comedy" is some of the worst thing I can imagine putting myself through. A constant barrage of "funny" voices, noises and sound effects is genuinely off-putting to me.


It's the comedy equivalent of Man of Steel.


They probably use it at Gitmo. It’s goddamn horrifying. But consider this: would the young TikTok crowd love it for the constant stimuli?


It's one of my favorite episodes because it has Shadowdown too and the episode itself is crazy... That said, we watched the movie 2 weeks ago and they didn't even come close to doing the movie justice. It's even worse than you all think. There is not a single moment of silence in the movie and nothing makes sense. It is an experience


But this episode contains one of the greatest peals of Rich laughter there is. A must see for Rich Evans enthusiasts everywhere!


Lol i have that one memorized like a golden-age Simpsons episode.


Anyone have that article written by the guy who was hired as the director on it talking about how batshit the guy who came up with it was?


You ever try watching the actual movie?


You've got to be kidding


If you're drunk/high/whatever and enjoy trash for trash's sake, it might be worth trying. I was watching a bit on YT but I stopped because it gave me aids.


I assume you mean hearing aids


Both. The quality was so bad you needed to open your butthole so that enough sound can penetrate your earbum.


Maybe the wrong subreddit but I was watching the new Death Stranding trailer and there's this new puppet character that everyone is talking about like it's wonderful, but all it reminds me of is the infuriating robot from this movie so I feel like I'm taking crazy pills


It’s the new Spamton Deltarune. Maybe it’ll hit it big and become some kind of Facebook Minion Meme figure.


And simultaneously, probably my favourite best of the worst for the first 2/3rds.


Silk is canonically the most boring thing they've ever watched. That being said, Shark Exorcist.


The Tomb?


The whaa?


**Bigfoot vs. DB Cooper** is the biggest case of cinematic blueballs. It's an AMAZING premise and I wish someone would take a serious B-Movie crack at it. So much potential. Worst 3 movies? The Jar, Repligator and The Tomb? The latter has Cameron Mitchell but it's a complete waste, Repligator is a personal 'never watch again' movie even as a riff and The Jar is just some guy masturbating on film for the runtime. Clash At The College was a rough watch through RLM, I couldn't imagine watching that crap for real.


I’ve seen a couple of other DeCoteau movies crop up on Prime or Tubi and i scrubbed through one to see if it was like DB Cooper. It was called “Hercules” or something like that and it was just a selection of shirtless young men hanging around a rented LA McMansion in their underwear, exactly like DB Cooper. It’s supposed to be Ancient Greece but he doesn’t even bother to wheel the gas grill out of frame. But the biggest sin was that it was *so fucking boring.* I can’t understand who the target audience for this kind of thing is. They’re clearly homoerotic, but also weirdly chaste. Honestly, the films would be less baffling if the guys were just having sex. I’d at least understand who that movie was for.


Extremely softcore gay porn with an atom-thin veneer of legitimate filmmaking has its audience. (Primarily David DeCoteau)


It’s gay porn for Mormons


"Those guys have such good fitting underwear. Look at that support!"


It's something to put on in the background while you show Richevans your Wendy's ad.


Don’t forget to bring the Warhammer figurines!


DeCoteau has also done "real" movies too, though we've had a hell of a job pinpointing exactly when he realised he could film buff dudes for no reason and nobody would notice. There's compensatory stuff early on with pornstars getting their tits out but it's mostly am excuse to drizzle the frame over the lead guys abs while he smooches her


> The Jar is just some guy masturbating on film for the runtime. I think The Jar is at least kind of interesting in that the movie was basically ruined original garbage transfer. It's getting a remaster [that Jay actually tweeted about a couple months back](https://twitter.com/JayBauman1/status/1704138884773208188). I have 0 expectations that it would suddenly be a good movie, but it could at least be a more interesting one.


I really liked the snippets of the sound track they played too.


Apparently the soundtrack is supposed to be getting a vinyl release as well!


Oh yeah, I've heard good things about Obscure Sighs




My guess is it's still going to be really pretentious but just look nicer.


I turn on the “Clash in the College” episode all the time! I think the whole thing is hilarious. I’m not sure how awful it’d be to sit through, but there’s so many head-scratching “what?” or “why?” moments that it feels intriguing and humorous.


I watched Clash at the College for real and it made me laugh a healthy amount. It's on YouTube! The best parts are already highlighted on that spotlight episode though.


>Bigfoot vs. DB Cooper is the biggest case of cinematic blueballs.  Ironic, since it seems the movie was made just so David DeCoteau can fuck all the actors. 


>Clash At The College was a rough watch through RLM, I couldn't imagine watching that crap for real.    Paul Kattupalli also made the movie [Hitler's Girl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U4tTvrYhwlk&pp=ygUiSGl0bGVyJ3MgZ2lybCBwYXVsIFBhdWwgS2F0dHVwYWxsaQ%3D%3D), available on YouTube.       The movie starts with footage of Hitler, then the text "A Paul Kattupalli Film" appears right over him!  I doubt the guys will ever cover it since the video would instantly be demonetized.     From a comment on YouTube:  >This is quiet an amazing experience. I can't type out too much, I have to listen to my Rush Limbaugh audiobook tonight


We watched Clash at the College and I'm pretty sure we sat through all of it. Mostly discussion theorising about how he convinced people to let him shoot on their property or hid the shoots in motel rooms At one point we tried to watch another film from the same guy, Hitlers Girl, but had to turn it off. It wasn't even funny, past the first few minutes


Clash at the college is one of my favorite best of the worsts. I cry laughing at the “water” scene. Hushed because they are in a public library. The running scene. I’ll be watching rush limbaugh at that time.


Shark Exorcist.


Oh you're not *really* picking Shark Exorcist....


It was.... New to the palette


When a film is just a porno catered solely to the person who made it, yeah it's pretty much worse than aids


I would not have been able to make it through The Jar.


Honorable Men. It's just gross.


Yes ! They always talk about Donal Farmer or David Decoteau (sp?) . But that dude is the nadir of sleaze. He makes Neil Breen seem self aware. And all the small pointless young women roles, you know what that was all about. Creep.


Yeah, this would be in my top 3 (bottom 3?) for sure. There are much more poorly executed BOTW movies on a technical level, but they don’t make me feel like I need a shower afterwards quite like (Dis)Honorable Men does.


Yeah it has like no redeeming characteristics and is just a guy's blatant creepiness on screen for all to see. It's the worst kind of black tank top movie.


That's how I feel about Mad Foxes. Ick


Mad Foxes made me physically ill watching that episode. Wtf, Collin?


robowoman for sure, also wicked world is a strong contender




I agree with Mike that Robowoman feels like it should be criminal


Robowoman feels like a film version of one of those erotic fetish stories you find online, or the ones trying to pass themselves off as "real" e-books on Amazon.


Wicked World gets a pass from me because you can tell there's at least some kind of artistic intent behind it even if it's executed horribly. Robowoman is actual exploitation.


Robowoman seems to be a black tank top film for an actress in her late 60s who is living out a fantasy of being an up-and-coming starlet in her early 20s I think they compared it to Sextette during the episode, which is apt, if generous


Oh my god I totally forgot about Wicked World!! Shit I might have to edit my worst movies list now...


It's hard to beat Shark Exorcist because not only is it bad, it is also exploitative. However an under recognize dog shit movie is The Amazing Bulk. The fact the entire movie is shot using atrocious green screen, and has the actors running in place in between the horrible CGI was just...baffling. there is a reason it has 1.7/10 on IMDB


Amazing Bulk came to my mind as well.  That was just hideous to look at, even in the small doses they had as clips.


I've seen the full movie. It's really something else


I died at the ending where they were throwing in literally every piece of clip art they could get their hands on


I was hyperventilating the first time I saw that. I also always think of 'I hate dust! I don't like it building up in my home!' whenever I clean 


Stuff like *Amazing Bulk*, which is clearly made to be bad, never works for me. Just like the Rich quote which I can't quite remember.


Yea there's something charming about a movie trying and failing spectacularly. Trying to be bad never works out


Nah, I can actually watch the amazing bulk, I've watched it like three times with friends. Mad foxes is a movie I could NEVER watch though, even listening to things about it feels wrong.


Star Wars Holiday Special, Shark Exorcist, and Clash at the College are up there for me


Wow. I love clash at college and the Star Wars holiday special. But let me check out shark exorcist…


It will be *new to the pallette*.


The best part about the Star Wars Holiday Special is the old commercials. Better production value and funnier than WIP STIRSTIR WIP !!!


The Item is pretty cringe, but I think it'll be hard to beat Shark Exorcist for a while.


The item, the Jar, and Shark Exorcist i think would be the 3 i pick. But I don't know if Shark Exorcist should count like the black spines because it's not really a movie, just a creep recording his fetishes.


I'd like to add D.B Cooper vs Bigfoot also, nothing about it is a movie, it's on par with shark Exorcist but not as creepy. The jar is pretty dumb but it at least attempts to be a movie.


Silk they literally had to break the emergency Breen enclosure


Diamond Cobra Vs White Fox Worst of the worst


That film is weapons-grade cringe, I tried to watch it myself but had to stop. It was like watching a mentally unwell person publicly humiliate themself


You just described Deaundra's entire "career." And we know you stalk the sub Momma Deaundra. How are you today?


her singing voice is painful.


Also gets points for the director/star/whatever being a shitty person and actually cease and desisting RLM.


That movie was genius. Just ask Deaundra.


The one that Mike said was the worst thing they'd ever watched.


That narrows it down


Maybe not objectively the worst, but I decided to watch Cyclone on my own. Yeah yeahhhh, Heather Thomas, boob lady, Jeffery Combs, etc... but holy hell it is a really FLAT watch through a big chunk in the middle.


fucking shark exorcist. I'd rather watch Ben and Arthur for the rest of my life than that crap.


Ben and Arthur was a delightful reimagining of Scarface


Ben and Arthur is an amazing example of how just some semblance of competence could elevate it to not being laughably bad. There's tons of little bits everywhere that could've been done better and they just didn't bother.


I think Shark Exorcist took the cake on that one, even in the video you could tell that they regretted having seen it. DB Cooper vs Bigfoot came close as well. Other than that, Silk (which they famously gave up on, it was that boring), The Tomb and The Jar, seemed to cripple them with boredom. I genuinely haven't got through the Clash at College one, because the footage just looks so remarkably dull. Of the ones I've actually seen, ROTOR broke me.


Clash at the College is honestly one of my fav episodes. That one and Ben and Arthur are fun watches because the guys dive into DIY filmmaking discussions which is real interesting to me. The former though is really more a discussion about using the same hotel location over and over


Yesss! Those are me and my wife’s two favorites. We quote the Ben and Arthur episode all the time. Mike’s whole “B as in bald. As in not bald” scene. “This country fucking sucks. It just fucking sucks” “they’re non-refundable” etc Clash in the college also makes me just go “what?” so often. It’s so obvious what they’re going for but they just do not execute at all and it’s amazing. “Aw, I can’t. I’m watching Rush Limbaugh then.” Showing up the bus stop to just talk and then leave without getting on a bus. I love it.


That Ben and Arthur one is a work of art. I love that stuff too, I think it was just the repeating of points and the movie itself looking boring bad that kept me from my usual level of enjoyment.


I haven't seen Shark Exorcist, but it seems too silly to be genuinely disgusting.


You have no idea. It isn't silly at all (outside of the obvious concept stuff), it genuinely feels like someone off camera is stroking themselves off as you watch it. It's too creepy... I'd seen it before the episode and the second I saw the title I said out loud, "Oh God no!"


>I genuinely haven't got through the Clash at College one, because the footage just looks so remarkably dull. I mean, they had a fist fight 1/2 way through the episode. Mike was hospitalized for a bit. Got furious at Rich for saying flag burning was good.


Movie footage. The guys are on, as the British elite put it, good form.


I think the worst tend to be the ones which clearly have the resources and competance to be decent but are bad due to pure laziness. Like a low budget/ low skill film thats interesting due to the effort put into it or the weirdness of the people making it is always more fun than a film that has a budget and a professional crew but theres no creativity or thought behind it. The Kid With The X-Ray Eyes stands out as a recent example of a film they watched that just didnt give a shit.




Technically not a BOTW movie but yeah it's pretty bad


I can't even recall the name of it, but the one with the abortion monster. I had a lot of trouble just making it through that part of that episode.


The Suckling sure suckled ass


The Patton Oswald episode was sadly some bad choices for films.  😂😂. Patton was madddddd 😂😂


Well, he missed his daughter's graduation to watch that crap


The worst as in, the worst movie to watch in full? Or the worst as in, it made for the least engaging BOTW episode?


In true BotW fashion, the worst for any reason you choose.


Which BotW has the longest run time?


[Junka 3: Doping Champion Tim Higgins vs. 3 Time Junka Loser Rich Evans, 1 hour 43 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtcfjF6geQ&list=PLJ_TJFLc25JR3VZ7Xe-cmt4k3bMKBZ5Tm&index=19)


There's an episode with a movie about... weird horror doctor whose jungle shack burns down? It doesn't seem to get recommended to me much.


Doctor Butcher, M.D.? Yeah, that was a forgettable piece of trash


To the point that I barely remember the rest of the episode EDIT: looked it up now that I know it's Dr. Butcher MD. Oh jeez that's the Shaq Meat episode. Yeah Double Dragon was also terrible.


I remember once when Jay was on previously recorded that he said the item was legitimately one the most miserable viewing experiences he had ever had. Not funny bad and worse than just being boring. My least favorite is probably the suckling from plinketto #9. I'm pretty sure that movie was just anti abortion propaganda.


Born Into Mafia, Pocket Ninjas


Born Into Mafia is legitimately hilarious though.


Robot in the Family, Pocket Ninjas, Robo C.H.I.C. There have been plenty of movies on that show about as bad but those are also the most annoying.


Several people commenting on some of the terrible stuff they have seen, but what about the stuff they didn't even finish? • Silk • The Vindicator • Cybertracker • [That no budget canadian sci-fi movie that Colin suggested, I forgot the name]


It's PHOBE eh!


They are all unique to the palate but Robowoman is an offense against the human race in every way shape and form


Behind the scenes, SOS and the Osho video might be the worst.


Have they done After Last Season?




For their intentions, something that gives them so little to work with that they abandon it - like Phobe - is probably worst. But Shark Exorcist, though it gave them material, literally embarrassed them.


last vampire on earth i get cringe watching born into mafia is hilariously bad but god last vampire is horrible


“I’ll eat it!”


Probably the best starter episode in the entire series though


I haven't seen it, but it's got to be Shark Exorcist


Birdemic 3


That's my pic too. It's not even competent and can barely even be called a movie. 


"But they don't have to give you anything. They're not legally obligated to you." Also, fun fact, there is a generally accepted definition for a movie, and that's that it needs to be 60+ minutes. That's literally it.


ROBO chic was pretty bad…


They were legitimately angry with Bigfoot vs DB Cooper because the plot was essentially shirtless dudes in their underoos.


I watched Faust. Woof, that was brutal.


It's entertaining, though. We watched it with only part of our group, and we were laughing and riffing and wtfing through the whole thing. We were actually going to rewatch it with the whole group, but now I need to find a new way to watch it since Netflix DVD is gone. I actually did a spit take and got beer all over myself at one point.


It's not the worst, but having a five-person table, including Len and Jack, discuss ninja movies was a crazy idea.


I think it has to be Wicked World.


Dorm of the Dead. They put the spotlight back on that pervert Donald Farmer. Ewww


Among the movies I have actually seen, the worst would be The Tomb. Things is worse, but that wasn't featured on BotW. Maybe Wicked World could be worse, but I haven't seen it.


Whichever one Mike said last


I'm amazed nobody's mentioned Mee Christmas from the last Christmas botw.


Shark Exorcist is not a fucking movie.


A lot of their Spotlight episodes are just painfully unfunny and uninteresting to me. Because the movies highlighted aren't funny or interesting. They're just bad. Boring and bad and there's nothing to be said about them. After Last Season Twisters Revenge Clash In The College Blood Shack Ben and Arthur Nothing about them does anything for me. Nothing they talk about does anything for me. They somehow talk forever about all of them and it's baffling to me how anyone can get more than two words out to describe any of it. "It's bad." That's it. That's all there is worth saying.




the one where they reviewed roar. culkins sidekick really brought down the vibe


This is an odd take, I thought it was great.


I recommended Bigfoot VS DB Cooper in the comments of one the BOTW YouTube videos. I am so sorry everyone


Any one with Mac in it, especially the one with his weird friend


I was hoping you were referring to the episode itself, I will always point to the Hawk Jones ep


I believe they called The Tomb the worst movie ever, but of course that was in the early days. Demon Cop was also called the worst thing ever apart from the last half hour. Then I would throw in Shark Exorcist or Bigfoot v D.B. Cooper


I felt like puking reading all these comments and reminding all those absolutely awful travesty of movies. By the way, burn Shark Exorcist and Robot in the Family with the potency of 1000 suns.


The Tomb was just shameful and enraging.


It's Shark Exorcist with D.B. Cooper vs Bigfoot a close second. An argument can be made for Silk since they couldn't even get through it. Nothing worse than boring and nothing to talk about


Their Honorable Men segment really creeped me out. And I am not creeped out easily. I never watched the whole movie (nor would I) so maybe the RLM crew colored my impression of it. But I found it actually disturbing. Shark Exorcist seems too silly to be genuinely disturbing, but I haven't seen the actual movie (nor will I) and I take RLM's word for it.


The Jar seems like the worst most pretentious movie ever. Not even laughable like Turtle Dreams. Just ugly, boring and hard to watch.


The abortion themed movie. Forgot the name. I couldn't get through it.


The Suckling


Christmas Vacation 2, by far. I would rather drink bleach than watch that.


For me, it's Lycan Colony, The Last Vampire on Earth and Robowoman. The top 3 at least. I could name more...


Surprised The Tomb or Silk aren’t there. Movies they just gave up on out of boredom.




You hit that wall in some of these movies where it arguably ceases to be a movie. Makes it a little hard to say some of them are bad "movies"


Tricky People. Rich's destruction of it perfectly mirrors my feelings.


Their three drunkest Halloweens. Those suck. Black Spine and Wheels are great.


Why do I not remember whatever robowoman is?


There's a few where I feel like they intentionally miss what's going on just so that they can release a video about it. After last season was like that. Everything about that movie can be explained by "this wasn't done in good faith. It's bad because literally not a single one of them gave a fuck" but they pretend like it's something it's not just because the cool kids like it. It's a very rare thing, but they obviously pander sometimes.


We had to turn Shark Exorcist off after ten minutes, and we're pretty good at sitting through almost anything


Robowoman is trash