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Normally, we don't either. How they communicated the roommate situation to us was vastly different than reality. Our vibe check passed at the meet and greet. Live and learn I guess.


I think that this is pretty common because roommates don't automatically mean that they are friends, and also as someone who was a roommate, sometimes it's annoying to have to look after something that isn't yours because your friend decides to have a schedule that doesn't mean that they can take good care of their pets as they should so it's up to me to do it. Your comfort level is up to you, but It reminds me of a post we had a little bit ago about a mom hiring a dog walker even though they had an able-bodied teen son - some people aren't good with animals, some don't like animals, and some are just busy and would like an extra hand.


I have encountered this situation several times. It's kind of weird and uncomfortable because I'm an introvert and female, and all of the roommates were male in each of the cases. It was fine though. I would just be friendly and say hello and then go about my tasks. I never felt unsafe, thankfully. I feel like it is fairly common.


That's encouraging. My wife is the same way, so I've been going in the morning and we tag team the walks during the day. This client mentioned wanting repeat weekly bookings and my wife doesn't want to do those by herself if the male roommate is home. Which is valid. This is their first booking on Rover, so they may figure out what works for them also.


One of my friends had a roommate and he was home once when we did a drop in on his dog. The roommate did not leave their room or come out and say hello. It was weird but not concerning.


I’ve had this situation before many people can’t necessarily trust their pets to roommates to receive proper care Usually though there was better communication with the roommate so that I didn’t run into issues I even the ability to communicate w the roommate


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Did walks this week with this and yeah it’s awkward but went fine. I just try not to be too quiet so when I go up to check the water bowl (request by owner) so I don’t walk in on someone naked. Roommates aren’t automatic pet sitters, they may not want to or have the time etc.


I’ve pet sat for a woman whose husband has been home while she was away. Never quite understood why he couldn’t take care of the pets. He normally stays out of the way or if he is around he’s friendly and asks how the animals are doing. I’m always much happier when I arrive and see he’s not there just because it makes me more comfortable.


Currently a sitter and a pet owner with a roommate! I could never rely on my roommate to take care of my pets. Unfortunately, on a few occasions when we tried to trust him, he has “forgotten” or just ignored them. However, I wouldn’t put a sitter through the awkward situation of caring for everyone while he sits in the living room. I always have a close friend of all of ours or a family member come to care for them. The only situation I’ve said yes to that involve someone being home is an elderly man living with his daughter. She has a very energetic puppy and honestly, he needs breaks from the puppy haha.


It's not exactly the same situation, but I had a client who I had sat for a few times in the past who told me she was having surgery but would be discharged from the hospital the same day. She knew she would be bedridden the rest of the day, so she asked me to come by and feed her cats while she was home. It was awkward knowing she was there and I tried my best to be quiet so as not to disturb her. Wouldn't agree to do this for someone I had not already built a rapport with though.