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Yes, they are asking you to sleep at the house the night before they leave and no I would not do this. I would try and work out something else like: plan for an early arrival (maybe around 6 am depending on how long the pets can be left alone) and just charge them extra for that, rather than having them pay you for the night before.


Thanks, that’s exactly what I ended up offering


What’d they say?? I feel like it would be so weird for someone who is being genuine to legit ask this. Why would you want a stranger over when you’re asleep too, and don’t they get that’s a weird ask?


Yeah seriously, as a woman, my mind goes to all the worst places with that kind of request. After conversing some more, it seems they may be legit. To which also makes me think I’m surprised they don’t realize how weird an ask that is, as you said. They ended up asking me what time I can come the next day, and I said 7-9am.


Yeah, definitely weird, but some people are just oblivious but without ill intent


Lolllllll definitely not! Also, does this pet need 24/7 care? Why can’t you show up four to five hours after they leave at 8/9am


Exactly, my response was: “How long can the dog be left alone?”, to which they replied, “4-5hrs”…. -_-


So strange, seems like an orange flag for sure


I would much rather meet them at the house at 4 am than sleep in a strangers home while they are there. Is this person insane??


I did this once because I really needed the money, but I don’t think I’ll ever do it again. The client explained that the dogs were really suspicious of new people and wanted a “transition” period before they left town. The only reason I agreed was they seemed like an safe elderly couple and the house was massive so I knew I’d have enough distance and privacy that night, but it still made me uncomfortable. I felt like I had to sit around and make conversation or else it would be awkward.


Similar experience I did this as well because I didn’t know any better/that I could suggest arriving early the next morning, but it was *so* awkward.


Hopefully not the elderly couple in the movie X


I actually did this once for a family that was leaving at like 4 am for the airport and had a very young puppy. I met them and they showed me where I’d sleep (bedroom with a lockable door). There were two adults and two kids and I didn’t get any bad vibes, and they knew I had a partner who knew where I’d be. They acknowledged it might be an uncomfortable request and paid me very well. Definitely don’t even consider doing it unless you’ve met them and feel safe.


I had the exact experience. Met the entire family at the meet and greet. Sleep over was fine and the dog slept through them leaving at 4am (dog stayed in my room).


“Excuse me sir, but I don’t know you”


Ew absolutely not


Seems like it…maybe they thought that was preferable to you coming over at 4am


Personally, I would be uncomfortable with this. I just think it’s weird to coexist in a strangers home while they are there!


Just tell them you’ll be there early am like 7 that you don’t do over nights with clients in their house


Yep, exactly what I told them and they were ok with that


I had a booking once to arrive at 445am (they had flight) they said door is always unlocked. I felt super sketch walking into house - so I text - no answer. 15m later I walk in. They are both in bed. Woman gets up w no shirt on - door is wide open. I freaked and went to living room on couch. They both come out and said oops it’s tomorrow. Did I mind being there all day so they could pack and go out to ?? Most awkward assignment and they never called back or gave review. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have the “oops wrong day” fear every time I enter a home. Now I’m adding naked owners to that fear.


I’ve shown up at house sitting gigs at like 5am for no good god dang reason hahaha. Good clients and fun dogs and good money but still. Unnecessary.


Are they just uncomfortable leaving you keys in advance and think they have to do it as they are leaving? Weird.


So, I have done this before in a similar situation (time wise). Big difference is, I had sat for them multiple times before and was friendly with them as well. They were one of my best clients at the time. As a first sit I would absolutely never do this. Definitely have a meet and greet ahead of time. If they want you to meet them at 4am that's fine, but honestly if it was my dog I know he'd be okay alone until breakfast time. Obviously every dog is different so that may not work for this situation, but I certainly wouldn't sleep over while they're there for the first sit, and if they insist it's a bad fit.


Its actually not crazy request - it happens more than you would think. that's super early for someone to leave


I have done this before. I always met the people before hand. Although I got no bad vibes from any of the people I’ve done this with, it is very awkward and a little uncomfortable. I am a vet student so I actually have to go to bed on time, but I don’t have the courage to suggest not doing this…


I have done this before. It was a nice family with 2 teenage kids. They also had to leave at 4 am for their flight. The thing is it was a 45 min drive away, and they gave me a ride so I didn’t have to take public transportation. And they paid me for that extra night. I met them beforehand (for free and they gave me a ride then also) 🙂


I got the same offer from a booking just recently. They were headed out early in the morning and wanted me to get the nighttime routine down since their dog takes insulin. I was pretty uncomfortable and offered to come in for morning routine and insulin the day before, and then I’d be there when they left early the next morning. They’re a really nice family and I don’t think anything would have happened but I just felt weird and uncomfortable


Crawl into bed and cuddle with them


Yea they’re asking you to sleep there. Ask if you can come at 6-7am. Say you’ll update with a picture immediate upon arrival. Problem solved.


As an owner, I have taken many a trip where I leave at the ass crack of dawn. I have a lock box on my back door where I leave my keys and I ask the sitter to arrive around breakfast time to feed/take out the dogs. I would not ever ask a sitter to sleep at my house when I am there. That's weird AF.


I've had multiple clients hit on me during meet and greets. Other clients who ask stuff like this seem to lack class consciousness and a respect for service workers and I usually don't book them more than once.




Is very unreasonable tf


I mean do you wanna show up at 3am?


Why do they have to show up at 3am?? If the pup can be left alone for 4-5 hours(which it can) the sitter can easily show up at a reasonable hour of 8-9


Why don’t they ask?


They did. I’m just not sure why you assume 3am is the reasonable solution because it’s not


I didn’t assume it’s reasonable lmao


Because you offered that as the alternative. That's not the alternative. The alternative is showing up at 6-9am. Heck, with my dog you wouldnt even have to show up until like 10am.


Yes they want you there before they leave with it totally understandable. If you are uneasy then I suggest do not eat or drink anything they offer you or show up at like 2am of course


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My very first sitting the clients asked me to spend the night with them. I also ended up persuading them for me to not spend the night but show up at 5am instead because their flight was super early. Also their dogs could be left alone for 4-5 hours so I was able to do my short shifts at my main job as well as do the sitting. I felt so weird when that request came through though. Like I was not gonna risk getting into some scary situation. I’m glad and lucky I have been getting very decent clients since then but I also have a lot more ratings now versus back then when I only had 3 recommendations.


Not only sleep over, but spend the whole evening with them, too. What did they say when you said no?


They could be nervous that you’re going to bail, so by making sure you’re there the night before they wouldn’t have to worry about you not showing up the next morning. But yeah it would be awkward depending on their living situation.


Is saddle Brook a sketchy neighborhood?