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Sean Ross Fapp having a meltdown somewhere rn


Hah he really is! I went on twitter and it was the first thing I saw. Fn dying. https://preview.redd.it/k0wht7jmihyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e6f31a6c59c7a9b6cd8a444e3f2229aeee4b18


He’s such an absolute tool. Lmao where he got his inflated ego I’ll never understand. His website employs people who openly shit on WWE and do the “HHH” has to know everything about Vince head cannon. Now he’s surprised HHH thinks he’s a fucking idiot? Thigh master is a loser


Excuse me, the biased lady who tweets EVPretty and defends every bad decision is a real journalist. Triple H is furthering the death of sincerity in wrestling journalism! This is why I read Voices of Racists instead


He’s doing all this while he’s “on leave for a funeral.” Not sure how you can be “on leave” from writing a blog. But OK.


"HHHimler bullies wrestling journalist while he's on leave for funeral!"


Should I hate someone so much I never met? Because I do.


'real journalism' = emailing the WWE press office


I feel like they have a filter rule just for this guys email address.


Absolutely hilarious. Glad you posted an image because he blocked me despite having zero interaction with him on Twitter ever


If you’ve liked or commented on anything negative about him he has you blocked. When the whole “rub your thigh as you do” fiasco was going on, I liked a tweet making fun of it and he blocked me.


I’ll give Dave Meltzer this. Even though he also does the “nuh uh, YOU’RE the one that’s wrong” shit as well, at least he’s not completely obnoxious about it like this prick is. Edit: Apparently Dave is also losing it on his forums and boards. Only like 20 people actually use those things so it’s easy to miss it. Nvm then uce lol


Nawh ol Dave is having a meltdown on the F4W boards too 😂


It's cuz Dave has meltdowns on his own forum. I haven't read one in a while but they were HILARIOUS


The basement has some Meltz comment from his boards and it's 'imagine if Tony Khan said this' cause everything must be framed against the Dub and Tony Khan!


The work of people? He's a fucking gossiper who just regurgitates what people tell him lmfao fuck outta here


Did HHH mention frightful by name?


Sorta, he was asked if the drew gulak being released stuff reported by fightful or pwinsider was right and he said the above quote of "find better sources"


The ego to think HHH is going to come out and retract his comments about a guy who literally has been proven to make things up many times is actually hilarious.


Lol, screw Fapp


He OwEs Me An ApOlOgY!


that is so unprofessional and actually sad, does this guy not realize he is one of the biggest reasons people make fun of "wrestling journalists"


I'd love to see him try to talk this big in person at another one of those media scrums


He wouldn’t dare open his mouth unless he wants fapful to be banned from all wwe media events… on second thought let’s hope he does say something


“My mom says I’m a real journalist.”


Tony is so much more nice to our lovely journalists like SRS Another reason to hate Hunter Hearst Himmler Stop bullying journalists like the thigh molester


SRS is on a vanity search mission as he tries to bitch at 200 follower accounts.


How dare you bismirch SRS. His the most reputable journalist ever. I'd let him touch my thigh.. *I have to DUB GOOD and Journalist GOOD now because mods* https://i.redd.it/ifig6lknbhyc1.gif


After seeing that gif I don't know if I have the strength to jerk SRS GOOD, uce


He usually has to pay for that


SRS wasn’t even supposed to work yesterday but when those NXT releases dropped he sprung into action. He’s so good at what he does. This is a real tweet I saw.


Everytime I see that puchiacs face it makes me itchy


Motherfucker please tag this shit as NSFW or NSFL


Uh, heh, ACKSCHUALLY it's HEINRICH Hearst Himmler. Do your research, feddite. You thought you could pass, huh?


You both are wrong — it's HHHarvey


Well they start the question why "you just had the greatest match of all time..."




His response reads like the marks should know he's at a funeral? Loooool


Then stop tweeting. Mourn your grandmother and be a human.


This is the worst day ever Sorry for your loss. I'm sure she lived a long life No, not that. HHH criticised me


That and he feels the need to be all pissy about it are hilarious


Classic professional journalism like swearing and injecting your personal life into your posts


I am sorry for his loss. Of a loved one, not the other loss he had of dignity or respect in his industry.


Still had time to argue with the internet.


I’m sure thigh rubber will have a completely normal and level headed response to this


SRS already crying and writing novels about this on twitter while Thirsty is taking shots because WWE never responds to their nonsense. You absolutely love to see it. Thank you based Haitch.  To update, SRS is claiming WWE PR told him it was a mishap and he wants them to say it publicly because ‘intentionally undermining the work of people who take the steps to verify info is messed up.’ 😆😆😆  Yes Sean, HHH is gonna personally apologise to you for insinuating you lie about shit lol. Fucking hell this clown sure thinks he is someone doesn’t he? 


What’s the context? Like what is HHH referring to?


PWInsider and Fightful reported Gulak was released. HHH said they weren’t released, their contracts just weren’t renewed. Semantics really but anything that makes that little twerp cry is worth it. 


I wouldn’t say that’s semantics TBH. “Released” is fired, not renewing a contract isn’t. I saw SRS crying about how they verify info, but if that’s true then I wonder how they got this wrong. Meltzer definitely will print a lot of things without even contacting the people involved for comment, which is journalism 101.


It really boils down to WWE and most people not taking Fightful seriously and SRS getting butthurt over it. He’s asking for a public withdrawal of the comments like WWE gives a single fuck what he has to say lol. They’re not real journalists and that’s why nobody treats them as such. He can cry all day long as far as WWE is concerned since they clearly don’t rate him whatsoever. 


I honestly think he does it for fun. The CM Punk return was the most obvious. Hints on tv for weeks and SRS was pompously saying it wasn’t happening because he had some great inside info. I love it. It’s the only time these dirtsheet writers are any way shape or form entertaining in the slightest. 


If I was in Triple Himmler's position, I'd absolutely be doing shit like that A) to fuck with them And B) to smoke out the actual leakers who leak important shit I don't want leaked. And FWIW, I think he's been doing the second quite a bit. Nobody knew about Tanga Loa joining the Bloodline. I don't think I even saw a printed rumor that he was in play for it.


Bro everybody is being a hater in 2024 lmao I love it! Katt Williams started this shit lmao


Paula Leveck stunting on these hoes in the pressers!!!! My King I stan!!!


I hope the pathetic thigh rubber gets banned


Laughing at sean ross sucks right now ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Triple HHH is a disgrace. Hopefully HHHHHHHHH apologises or me and my friend Mark will tweet our displeasure


Incoming Vine


"Just to clarify, SRS is not only a shitty source but also a little bitch. This is the official position of the WWE and also the United States Government" -HHH


The thigh rubber must be in shambles. The dubbalo defense squad jumped into action real quick on this to defend their pals and insist this behavior would never be acceptable at an AEW press event. No no, Tony would only ever take cheap shots at the World Weinstein Entertainment company, never the precious dirt sheets.


Yeah Tony just insults his former employees. It’s their fault for not being loyal to the holy one.


“Is WWE named in a sex trafficking lawsuit or not?” - the new Dub Defense Force talking point


Hans Himmler Heidenreich is the worst. How dare he dismiss real journalists like that! SMH my head.


Triple Hitler right now ![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS)


I’m guessing a source to Mr. H is something more like ESPN than independent blog site with 2000 pop-up ads or guy who makes stupid faces on YouTube.


The only news I trust is xXx\_SSJVEGETA420\_xXx's Super WWE page/Matrix fansite on geocities.


PWInsider is probably seething 4000x harder than SRS since they are literally the official dubbad source (which I read bc Jim Cornette told me to)


Nah, they just said if he feels that way he does, it doesn't change how they are gonna report. They handled it like adults 


Mike Johnson had a good response. Dave Scherer responded like this: https://preview.redd.it/x2my8pvehiyc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbcf4c53f744ad1d63f1ca155a8a0e998e2e56f


If anyone wants a good chuckle check out the DubOfficial thread about this. I can't believe so many people are willing to stand up for dirtsheets just because it's HHH saying something.


watching them react to a fantasy scenario where Tony Khan said this and people shit on him for it was hilarious.


Ringside News is very reliable. I love sites that quote other sites and I especially like Steve Carrier. If your news outlet isn’t being run by a guy who was arrested for masturbating in front of their neighbor, are they even legitimate?


Goat making those idiots cry about it on twitter now


DAE most evil tactic committed by a promoter? He should be executed!


The kicker was he added “I should say ‘credible’”


This is so the ultimate touch grass litmus test


Simp Sapp on suicide watch right now 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|VMO6qeIbr7JRLnLTGw)


He's an Arcadian Vanguard guy


Lol Good on Trips for shutting that shit down. What a stupid question to ask to end the press conference.


LAVECK will pay for this


How dare he question the journalistic integrity of these journalists that are never anywhere NEAR an actual big story like Vince or the company sale


Wait, "sources in a position to know" isn't good enough anymore?


What if Triple H doesn’t apologize then what happens??


They released a 'gotcha' alleging that Gulak was intimidating NXT wrestlers.


Dirtsheets should know their fucking place


SRS fuming rn.


its funny how even the slightest jab or even poke triggers the aew viewers so so badly it didnt even have anything to do with aew its like they feel the need to defend these journalists just because theyre paid to talk nice about aew


I took a shit on somebody's head yesterday and they didn't complain as much as the troglodyte den over this mild quip


Why is he doing this internet BS on TV?


Can someone explain all the thigh references


SRS: *constantly shits on HHH and the fed* *HHH claps back* SRS: Wow wtf? I choose the bear.


Did Fightful ever confirm Gulak? I didn't see his name on their initial list.