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The valley has a ton of single people but alot of them are exhausted with using dating apps and don't have easy places to mingle and meet new people like some cities. I'm noticing some single people I know are just home bodies because the valley doesn't force them to go out. You might have luck at socially organized activities like sports, music or art.


You really didn't have to call me out like this 😔


Ive accepted I’ll either be single for life OR end up marrying a Tesla bot


HAHAHA omg I teased about this years ago 😂


An organized activity is absolutely the best way to meet people. Kickball is a fantastic one for singles. I'm currently in a bowling league with lots of single 40 somethings.


Pretty much this.


Nope, there’s literally no single people in an area with 2 million people


2,000,001 people. Because OP is the extra one.


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about single people to dispute it.




38 M living in Reseda. Went on hinge for the entirety of 2023 and only got 3 dates out of it. Went on a 4th date this year with someone from Facebook dating platform. Ambitious woman who loves animals and also lived in reseda. Wasn't a fit so no 2nd date. Took a 3 month break and decided to go back on Hinge again earlier this month. Gotten 3 likes & no matches. I work from home and can't stay in the house all 7 days so I go out a lot. Gym after work, AMC porter ranch on Fridays, and the occasion EDM or sporting event. I never say no to parties unless I am sick. I've met lots of people, but not anyone to date hence I've decided to use Hinge as my main platform to meet someone. Took a couple of new photos and see if I see "better" results than last year. Not holding my breath on it though.


I'm female but same age range. Hinge is joke now, the algorithm is a mess. I get maybe one like a month if I'm lucky. I've heard from people that paying for it is no better either.


I made the poor financial decision to pay for the premium account from October until Feb. Unlimited swipes with your profile being shown at the top deck of the cards. Paying $130 for premium during holiday season was a mistake and only 1 date to show for it. The challenges of dating as a 5-6' asian man. It is what it is and even though my last 4 dates didn't pan out, I'm glad there's people out there interested in going out with me.


Sorry to hear that. I paid for several months of Bumble premium on a promo last year and it didn't help. And they are just as bad as Hinge now too. And considering the current conflict in the middle east, my identity probably isn't helping either (not hiding who I am on apps)


since you were on hinge and bumble, did you come across the same people on both apps?


Yup, quite a bit.


At least you got dates off of those things. I’ve been on those things on and off since before 2023. Never got anything.


it is a Damm grind. I basically doom scrolled in the mornings before work and used up all my free likes. Played the numbers game. On average, I got about 2-3 matches a month. Most conversations went nowhere, and good chunk of people were just using the app as validation like posting their IG handle for views and followers.


Good luck! I also tried hinge, but not many dates as a guy similar age. Took too much time sending likes with messages trying to standout. Said screw it a couple weeks ago. Hoping to meet people organically. I like hiking; plan to doing that maybe with Serra club or some other organization. A key for me, work on my self mentally and physically.


My friend was telling me since I’m not on Facebook I won’t get as many likes LOL apparently it’s linked? Not sure but I haven’t been on the apps for a while now. Where’s the Reddit singles forum? Like one post said, the sfw version just to put everyone serious about dating in one section..


I was single in SFV before moving to SCV. Now, I’m single in SCV.


Aww man I heard it’s even worse out there no?😔


Yeah, it is.


lol single 32 woman in the valley. i find it’s hard to even date. no guys wanna date they just wanna hook up and im not looking for that so i’ll prob be single forever 🧍🏻‍♀️


Don’t put that into the universe! But I feel you.. it’s pretty rough out there 😅


lol ive already given up 😭and the apps are so garbage


@thursdaydating @thursdaydatingla Not me advertising yet another app 🫣😂 we’re working on singles being able to buy event tix without downloading the app! You know it’s rough out there when us hosts are single too LOL I still have hope for you and all us single people!


Wait, so this entire post was astroturfing for your dating service?


Maybe, maybe not. I like to see what others are thinking.. but also because let’s be real.. it’s not my dating service I’m just trying to attend and host as well like all of us singles struggling but also don’t want to be pushy. Come if you’d like, don’t come, all good here! I personally would love to be a match maker, but that’s a lot of work.. respect to those people


Girl, same… I’m 34. I’m too old and too tired to be randomly hooking up with different dudes all the time. Just wanna find someone to settle down with but all these guys think there’s something better a swipe away.


same 😭😭😭


Are you asking for your friends or for yourself? This post has big time, "NOT MEEEEE but my friend wants to know..."


😂both? I’m not in my 40s just yet but we all talk about this often


Single here had a bad time with dating apps.


Have not found any.


Are you me? Living and dating in the valley is hard. I've always felt invisible here though, even when I was younger. People generally just talk to who they know if they are out in public, and if a rare guy approached me it was just to hook up. Los Angeles Fun Events does at least one singles mixer a month in the valley at that brewery in NoHo. I went once on a comped ticket, it was ok but nothing came out of it. I don't think it's worth paying for either.


Haha yess born & raised 🥳 yea I’ve gone to a few of their events as well.. lawless in noho with friends where mostly everyone kept to themselves and a speed dating event in west LA.. still so hard to find connection. And here I am working for different dating service trying to throw singles events too 😂 rough times out there


Yeah thats just u guys lol


Have they tried dating each other? That usually works out.


The friends who would date in the friend group are married to each other already haha 😅




Yes, I'm 37 and was in the dating pool last year. Unfortunately it just hard to date now a days. People flake on dates, don't even put effort into meeting, give up after just finding out one think wrong with the person they're meeting and ghost them. I somehow got lucky with all the online dating I did and found an amazing partner last year through Hinge. It's honestly the only app I felt like I've met women that are really trying to find someone.


Hit up any semi-yuppie looking cafe and it’s mostly people on their laptops working - im sure they’d be open to being approached (if they didn’t want any social interactions, they’d take their caffeine to go). Lots more action and stuff in west/cebtral LA (I.e DTLA, West LA, W Hollywood, Silverlake, etc.) though :)


Gay and single here. Most of the valley gays live at home because they're underage or they're married and have open relationships. My research the past few years. I'm from the valley and hate the hustle of when i lived in the city.


Go to a yoga or spinning class.


My buddy just got married to his Yoga instructor last week. The data backs up your advice. Not sure why I'm still on dating apps myself when the better path is so obvious. haha


I’m a single 6’ Asian male super fit. The hinge algorithm always takes me to 60 something white lady 20 years older than me. I’m super active and I want someone my energy level and fit. Screw Hinge. Tried the Bumble with no success, so many scammers with fake pics and funny English. So I thought I’ll try Bumble BFF and the dude I chatted for a while says straight, going I’m interested in dating man. Undercover Gay!! That was so messed up!


Yeah they’re all single with 2 baby daddy’s and 5 kids


Porter Ranch