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They should just move all these types to their own servers. Scopley knows who they are. Once you get 3 strikes you go to the offensive server and decent people just don't have to deal with you any more. Pretty simple solution if they really cared but they don't.


This is a great suggestion! Scopely gets to keep making their $$ and we get to play in a non-toxic environment.


And that's why it will never happen.


Good luck. If he spends any money in game, he is safe. We had a guy who would go on about what he wanted to do to 13 and 14 year old girls and nothing happened for over a year. Typical response for this game.


Exactly. We have a whale on our server that talks shit and horribly offensive stuff. People have reported him and outside a few day chat bans that’s it. They wonder why people quit.


I would have emailed screen shots along with the game name and server number. It all depends, but that might be enough probable cause to get a subpoena. One of those would likely be enough to take action on Scopely's part because who wants a possible pedo using their service? It's a long shot, and will likely end in nothing.


I was unable to find an email address to send to directly, so I reached out to Scopely through their tribble chat, but I did not receive a response.


You people forget this is a global game. The age of consent varies greatly country to country. ‘Murica ain’t the center of the world as much as it likes to think it is. 14 is actually the age of consent in quite a few European and South American countries.


I follow /notadragqueen and most offenders come from ‘muricah’ .. granted, that’s mostly because that’s where most redditors come from but 🤔


how i picture that guy. https://i.imgur.com/NkPEf8R.jpg


We had a guy that got a perma ban for making repeated violent direct threats at people. This guy seems like a POS, but if this is the worst he’s doing then it might not be enough. I would love to hear an official response from them on where the “line” is.


This is typical behavior that Gropely does nothing about. Best way to get a hold of Gropely is to have the biggest spender on your server post in the whale discord.


Just coming here to ask how much is the person in question spending.


Great point, if you spend big $$$$ then Gropely will let you get away with anything.


I can’t shorten Paladin to Pal in chat or messages, but sure this is fine


Mona(veen) is blocked too






Everyone forgets relatively young kids can play this game too. The community reporting should matter as it should help protect others. And the fact scopely does no live moderation given the money they make is crazy.


How bout learn to use the block button and ignore his ass.


I do have Bru blocked, but when the women of our alliance started to complain I unblocked and started to follow the conversation. We all get upset, and we all rant. This is neither of those. It is ongoing abuse that goes beyond what I have posted.


They can block him too and then make a point to blow up his miners on sight. It’s what the ladies in my alliance do.


For all the commenters who don't see how this is offensive.. ask your sister/mother/daughter/wife/female friend how they feel about it


You're a K'Bisch




Seriously, I really hope this is a kid. If not, 😂


Yeah that’s definitely a kid. I hope🤣


Maybe try to reach out to one of the Community Managers and see if they can escalate the situation? Ultimately, if you've reported said player in-game multiple times and nothing is being done, then maybe reaching out to one of the Community Managers might get the point out there that this player is being a vile person.


Thank you for the suggestion. I will ask around the alliance to find out who that would be.


There's a few community managers active here on Reddit. Alternatively, if you're on the STFC Official Discord, you could try reaching out on there and see if one of them can help with it


Keep reporting and have your entire alliance report them. We have had people like that banned on our server. Report thru scopely chat and attach the screenshots. You can share the ss in your discord. Share with any other alliance who is offended.


I have tried to contact through the chat, but have not heard back from Scopely yet. I hope they do respond so I can share the screenshots.


They are usually pretty quick. Did you start in game by clicking your profile ?


You all realize if everyone blocks him then he's talking to himself? Problem with people like him is he's like a train wreck and everyone wants to see what he says next. They just can't look away.


What server is this on and was this incident reported already? If you want to just send me a private chat to keep your server number private, you can do that.


The only way (maybe), would be to have people joining together and say they won't spend on BPs or other events until something is done, Scopely only cares about money!


We had a guy on our server that was 20 times more vile with his racism. No amount of reporting helped. What did help was the whole server going after him until he quit.


Good god, use the damn mute button.


If this is the worse example you have then suggest the mute or ignore them Option as a more adult way to handle your problem


Only 1 way to get their attention.. spend major bucks.


Social media is another .. screenshot that shit and blast it on media


$copely will very rarely do anything. I mean, report it, sure. But that’s about all YOU can do besides block the user and don’t feed the troll. Better yet, do what I do and stay out of gc all together.


There is a block button for a reason. Toxic people only thrive on having someone react to them. Scopley already sanctions way too much as is.


They rarely do anything about stuff in chat so good luck with that


My opinion? Never gonna happen. Scopely is a utterly useless when it comes to providing a safe environnement. Reported several cases of bigotry and obvious abuse, to no fucking avail.


Update: The player was reported by many people when this happened, and has been block from Global Chat. Hopefully it sticks this time.


The internet ain’t your safe space. Scopely gives you the tools to handle it yourself. Block him, report him and move on.


This 👆


Block if it's that offensive to you. Maybe I'm numb but that seemed mild. Scopeley makes a ton of money off butthurt. Base getting smashed too much we have a prime for that! Want that big ship no problem 99.00 bucks. Our biggest player is a female and she bruises egos badly she is amazing


I don't see hate speech. I also see a mute button on the game.


You're offended bc real-life hasn't slappeu in the face enough


Just block him.... Then buy a helmet for the next player that starts talking smack.


Don’t! No censorship! Banning ‘hate speech’ is the thin edge of the wedge, the slippery slope to banning all speech that goes against government narratives.


Just ignore it !! Man up what server you on


Why should they ignore vile behavior? Why should they have to put up with this level of toxic BS? How does anything change if they do nothing?


Nobody has to put up with it. There's a block button. Scopely probably won't do anything for these. They really don't care unless it gets to the point of threatening people.


How do I join WAR? I just got a 48 hour ban for telling Anne frank jokes. Lol your weaknesses is my gain


You just don’t joke about Anne frank, you just don’t..