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Helping founders stop building products nobody will buy with [ProblemFinder](https://problemfinder.xyz).


How are you making money from this


He isn’t making money from the website. The website still in “early” development.


Okay, when it’s live fully let us know


Correct - at the moment its just a toe-in-the-water to see if anyone will use it. Will have a full release out in the next week or so.




I would pay for this, especially if the information is somewhat organized


This is incredible, idea and execution! Would you be willing to drop a link on https://peerfecter.com for our users to see?


Hey! Cool idea, but just a heads up, your site absolutely _crawls_ for me on MacOS with Arc browser. Like I wasn't even able to scroll down the page, just constantly locking up. Not sure why, but figured I'd let you know!


Thanks for letting me know. Performance isn't great on some platforms and I'm working on it. It's a WASM app which runs fully in the browser and for some reason performance is variable. It flies on my machine - which is no use to you whatsoever ;-)


Exactly what ive been looking for


I like this very much, I have this in a collaborative apple note https://www.icloud.com/notes/00fFVfbmBFsbiPDNa5SCJg0uw#Problems_That_Are_Around


Also, if you need any Dev help, message me. I am ex AWS


Interesting concept. Please do let me know when it’s fully live, I know a few people who may be interested in seeing a bit more than the MVP as it is now.




[Aquiestoy](https://aquiestoy.io) simple employee clock-in / shift tracking for small organizations that don’t have the means to get machines/cameras but want something more than manual timesheets. It uses QR Code, geo-fencing, etc.


This is really a cool app? Please fill in the form, how much traction have you made so fa r


[ConfirmOk](https://www.confirmok.com). An automated check-in service for people living alone or if you'd like to keep tabs on loved ones without calling them everyday.


Email as the only alert mechanism seems not great. It's easy to miss emails. A choice of alerts would be better. Does it alert after the first missed call, or does it retry? If the former, I can see this generating a lot of false positives. If the person is not very mobile, unless they keep their phone to hand permanently, there's good chance they may hear the call but not reach it in time. If you generate a lot of false positives, there's a risk people start to ignore them. Is there a way as the concerned person to skip a day? Maybe you already called them yourself, or will be visiting them in person. The Instagram icon uses a dummy link. There is no favicon or sitemap I'm not a web designer, but I'd change the font on the regular copy to sans serif. I like what you have for the titles, but for the regular text serifs look messy. You mention that you set this up after personal experience with your dad. I would lean into that much harder, with maybe a photo and more detail about your story. I'd usually be against that kind of thing, but in your case I think it would give your service some heart. I wonder if per-call pricing might work better. Maybe I don't want daily calls, but every 2 days or every week. You're alienating those users by making everyone pay the same. Does it only work in the US or anywhere? I don't know what your competition is but it seems like a useful service. I could see people using it.


Thank you for your thoughts and feedback! The system will try to call 3 times (in 10 minute intervals). If the person doesn't answer after the 3rd time, their care group is notified via email as of now. SMS is still being approved by the carriers. A person can also call the system to self check-in. A person can also set what time and days they'd like to be checked in on. I like the picture and pay per-call idea, I hadn't thought about that. I can see how both would be appealing. The system "works" everywhere and currently looking for orgs in Europe that would be interested in testing.




Oh hey! I'm a dev who has lived alone extensively, and tried to build something like this, because i'm paranoid that if i randomly slip and fall I might just rot in my room, and eventually become a mystery youtube video character :D But i stopped, because it's shit crap to implement in my country lol. Good luck on your venture! Actually this has got me curious into trying to build it again, now that I've learned more things (since that was a couple of years ago when i developed it)


$15/month??? for an automated call? seems a bit steep imo. If you really don't give a f about a person that you are too lazy to call them once in a while, will you really pay $15/month for that?


I disagree. I think the price is spot-on. 50c per call, if they answer first time every time, which they won't. If it's something that simply extends someone's ability to live by themselves for a bit longer, the price is peanuts compared to putting them into full-time care.


People pay a lot more to put their loved ones in care homes, so probably.


https://bocument.com/about Document signatures for free and cheaper sends


Quite cool, please fill in the form with your details


That is so simple and so cool! Actually to be fully honest, I’ve never developed any solution such as this as an statistics’ major… If you don’t mind taking the time, what is the programming stack for developing something like this?


I help people get rid of spam and junk from their personal Gmail inbox with [Sentrya](https://sentrya.net) I went from 250 junk emails a week to about 20 important ones, so I can say it works really great :)


Your feature comparison is hard to read because the rows are not aligned, e.g. Email and Video Call support is on a different row for each plan. It makes it hard to see what features are and are not in each plan I have never seen an annual plan have more features before. The advantage of annual plan is usually that you commit to longer up-front, and get a discount in return. Having more features as well doesn't really make sense. I would simplify and have just 2 tiers, Free and "Premium", where Premium lists 2 prices (perhaps with a switcher). You may also consider framing the annual pricing differently, i.e. "$6.40/month, billed annually". This is the same price, and it's clear that it's not billed per month, but might psychologically seem cheaper.


You own the product , how has growth been so far for you


Yes, I built this :) The growth is kind of slow - right now I have 35 users, with 2 paying


I just checked , I think you need to target correct keywords and work with SEO, your website needs lofe work on SEO even if your DA is 7, will love to help you with this if you don’t mind at all feel free to DM me , fill in the form tooo


[ArcadeCal](https://arcadecal.com) is a calendar and scheduling platform for gamers to put together game sessions easily. This week we are releasing the first major update, which moves most of the premium functionality to the free tier!


I want to make gamification accessible to anyone, so they can increase their user retention with my headless gamification platform. The website is not completely done yet, needs images and video explainers, but im still working on finishing v1 👌🥳 https://www.questlify.com


Property management app for small landlords.


Wow really cool, how much traction have you gotten so far from this


I just soft launched in beta. Have a couple users and ramping up marketing this week. So no traction lol


https://venturesignals.io/ Pre-Seed Startup Discovery Platform. We help VCs to identify recently launched startups that might be looking for funding.


Running 2 SaaS companies at the moment: [Pairy](https://pairy.dk): an integration platform between e-commerce and ERP. [The Planner Studio](https://theplanner.studio): A 3D configurator built for furniture businesses. Integrated into their e-commerce system so the client add to cart directly from the configurator.


[Text2Calendar](https://text2calendar.com) We are building a chrome extension that helps google and outlook calendar users create new events in one click from anywhere on the web. Just select the text describing an event and create new calendar events instantly.


I need to check out this tool, how has traction. Been like so far for you


Thanks. I would love to get your feedback. I'm still building it and going to do a proper launch in coming weeks. I'm also figuring out how to get traction for this so any input is appreciated.


Making a GUI tool that facilitates personalizing tailwind components from internet [https://www.twics.dev/](https://www.twics.dev/)


Are you using a service for the SSO?


Developer first support for saas companies at https://www.zyg.ai/


Survey platform that drives conversion and zero party data collection for Shopify brands - [Forma](https://www.getforma.shop)


how does the brand’s owner analyze the collected data in a simple way (which data are we collecting?) Sorry if I didn’t find much information but what information does the customer need to input on the survey so it would be substantially valuable for the store’s manager to use it?


AI-Powered Job Landing platform. [LandFast](https://landfast.app)


DataFlow: a WordPress plugin and Shopify app that creates blog posts/ advanced custom field post types from Notion, Google Sheets or CSV.


Mind sharing your link and fill in the form so we can reach out


[LeadDistribution.io](https://LeadDistribution.io). A software to manage lead routing for marketing agencies generating leads for clients.


Building a CRM for B2B saas powered by product data, to manage your audiences and email communication, product usage reports, sales and feedback. I was building an analytics platform but I noted that saas need a better way to manage all their operation, there is a workflow broken especially for small teams. Imagine to trigger a campaigns just for people that usage a feature x amount of times and see what feature impacts directly in your revenue. The landing page is now focused on analytics but soon will be focus on the CRM flowlog.io Let me hear, this product provide value for this community?


[Curzo.io](http://curzo.io) - an app to help students master any subject faster. With a simple framework that makes use of scientifically proven learning techniques like active recall, spaced repetition, and the fyneman method. And with AI baked in to help explore topics and create flash cards etc. Still working on a closed beta, but we're currently looking for testers - sign up is on the website.


I've recently launched and am working on [YourNextApp.Online](http://YourNextApp.Online) . I'm focused on streamlining the journey from idea to product success (or failure, because it's important to "fail" quickly and with minimal resources if necessary). Currently, the product allows you to draft multiple versions of a landing page. These versions are automatically tested by the service, so each visitor sees a different version. This helps the founder determine which version collects the most subscribers. Afterwards, the founder can redirect the service link to a custom domain. Every comment and real feedback I receive greatly influences the development. Recently, I've added features for building an MVP and setting up a marketing budget. I'd appreciate any assistance or feedback to better tailor the product to your needs!


Proposal framework to make it easier to manage and maintain proposal info. Also makes it easy use that info for responses with sprinkles of AI It’s like every thing now has to be solution + AI lol [octoiq.io](https://octoiq.io)


No Everythjnt has to use Ai


Love a bit of salient 😉 - jokes aside I also used a heavily modified salient for one of my sites. Yours looks great


you mean a whole lot of salient? 😉


Can you make a Google Form instead of a sheet? You'd be able to have a sheet yourself without having all of the survey responses public.


I am building a product that helps the small and medium size businesses manage their receivables better. Currently it works with quickbooks and expect to launch it by next month . We plan the communication to be intuitive and AI first and help companies collect their dues and manage cash flows better


Really cool, have you designed and buildt the MvP already




I'm building Narrative Nooks, an educational app that uses AI to create interactive lessons and offer personalized tutoring. It features AI-generated lessons and a tool for homework help via image uploads. Check it out [here](https://www.narrativenooks.com).


useArtemis.co - A LinkedIn prospecting automation tool with AI.


WhereToInvest.io - a tool for real estate investors to find the best locations based on their risk tolerance and available capital.


Aimdoc.ai. Turn your website into an AI agent in minutes.


I'm working on a tool to improve the efficiency and response times of customer service agents. The idea stems from a very minimal version that I built while I was a service agent, and I used it for almost 4 years.


https://curateit.com Your all in one content curation, productivity and monetisation platform


Assisting marketing in generating leads associated with specific intents to engage them according to particular use cases.




How much traction have you gotten so far with this , when did you launch


I launched 30 days ago and I have some users now. I'm pretty feeling the water to see if people would use it and to refine the service. I'll start adding payments in some weeks.


Helping digital content creators to sell their products [Marketsy.ai](https://marketsy.ai/)


Uncody.com Build websites crazy fast , just describe your business and ai will create your website for free




This is really good , what type of language do you support and how has traction been for you so far


Thank you! Currently, the platform only supports JavaScript. Unfortunately, I don't have any active users right now. Most of the users who signed up left at the step where they needed to connect the platform to their databases. Now I'm thinking of updating the onboarding process and simplifying the connection process


I've been working on [ValidFox](http://validfox.com) - a no frills, streamlined landing page builder. Allowing user to focus on their product or service not a landing page.


[Autofunnel.ai](https://www.autofunnel.ai) - Building complete marketing funnels, landing pages, checkouts, one-click upsells and more in a few minutes using AI. [Bookle.ai](https://www.bookle.ai) - Generate entire books using AI on any niche and topic using your notes and input. Complete with a generated book cover and ability to edit and regenerate any part of the book…


[https://www.gameclass.ai](https://www.gameclass.ai) Boosting learning engagement by taking video games and turning them into fun and memorable educational lessons.




A cloud computing product to help you easily manage distributed systems. All business logics or processes in 1 visual cloud workflow https://www.thecloudworlds.com


This looks like B 2B, how much traction have you made so far


No traction atm. It’s currently in Beta and i’m still looking for beta users. I have a couple of developers joining to experience, but they might not fit in my ICP.


Are you targeting your SEO well


I haven't done any SEO optimization, but would love to. Most of my time right now is focusing on marketing research. Do you have any recommendations on SEO?


Yeah I could help you with keywords to rank for but it’s going to take me the next 3-4 hours , if it’s somehthjjg you will be interested inn,n on the form include SEO optimization on the feeedbavk aspect






What is your traction like so far


Thanks for asking! Since our soft launch, we've been focusing on gathering feedback from early users and increasing our sign-ups. Additionally, we're working on adding new features such as the option to generate social posts and email sequences. Hopefully, we'll start seeing some real results in the next couple of weeks.


An MVP feedback forum, https://peerfecter.com


You just launched this


Building [bismuth.cloud](http://bismuth.cloud) a one click deploy serverless cloud with an AI assistant to help people write solid software quickly without having to spend a lot of time on figuring out hosting and dev ops. You can launch software in seconds.




This looks solid, how much traction have you gotten so far , please fill in the form


Submitted! Thanks. Launched just a couple of weeks ago and have 1 paying user.


Currently building http://snipowl.com Combine any part of the internet and build live dashboards in seconds - without integrations


[refern](https://www.refern.app/), an all-in-one image reference platform that lets you save, create, find, organize, study, moodboard & share curated image references. currently targeting specifically towards artists (since i'm an artist)


Self-Guided Tour App for Apartment Complexes; check in and listen to interactive audio tour for building amenities and each of the selected layouts features


[cliptalk.pro](http://cliptalk.pro) turn text script into videos with ai


Nice website , you need more work on rearrangement , I’ll advice you bring the how it works to the top , it’s hard to understand how your tools works without scrolling downn, what’s your traction so far


[Kiivi](https://kiivi.app), the fastest way to plan meals while saving money. It uses LLM to generate recipes based on given ingredients already available. Next step is to fetch ingredient prices from local stores.


A mobile app to show tech news daily


Helping startups automate segmentation, cut costs, and make campaign creation 5x faster. Check it out: [Amplift.io](https://amplift.io)


devtool that reduces production bugs by letting devs build directly on prod data + traffic (we're still in early build mode) [kardinal.dev](http://kardinal.dev)


I made a roadmap creator for SaaS builder, it's free https://roadma.app


This is really cool , nice domain name , please fill in the form


[B2BHive.io](http://B2BHive.io) A cross promotion platform for SaaS companies to help them expand their audiences and get more subscribers.


I'm currently working on [Surfoncode](https://www.surfoncode.com), a coding platform for beginners. It's still in beta but aims to be a friendly space where new coders can learn without feeling overwhelmed or burned out.


A productivity app powered by Calculus. [https://www.acumenweb.app/](https://www.acumenweb.app/)


I’m building https://shout-out.co. Incentivization platform to acquire, activate and engage users! 🤞🏼


linkspace.bio …let’s your links explain themselves with a description. did it solely for fun as you can see no pricing or monetary enforcement, just donations or voluntary $1 / month subscription




How much traction have you got so far


We launched this on 18th June so in a week we have over 100+ sign-ups and the total posts generated so far are close to 1000.


How much revenue has been made so far




Building a lead generation product geared toward agencies. It works like this: 1. The product will come packed with companies along with their people, titles, names, emails. You can also upload your own leads. 2. Ability to segment leads based on different criteria. 3. Generate personalized videos showing leads’s linkedin, website or any webpage. 4. Users will also have the ability to add pre defined screenshots or short videos showcasing their offering / services (ie: UX agency can add their portfolio) 5. Bulk generate and export to csv to use with outreach tools like Lemlist or the like




Super big fan of your product, how much traction have you made so far , please fill in the form if you are interested in a Q and A, I’ll reach out to you


We have just hit 80 big corporates on our waitlist. Did beta testing with 15 of them. Now translating the feedback into our new version for alpha testing.


Good good


[Formzero](https://formzero.io) - a lead collections and management app coupled with forms builder.


Currently building four while working full time: * A personal bookmark/learning system * A DeFi market analysis for passive but risk tolerant investors * AI powered Call Center tool for sales * Project Management dashboard for product teams to better optimize communication and planning with AI


A micro saas to schedule your posts on social medias very easily. Only 3 clicks and you’re done 😁 https://plus-tard.com


We just launched our MVP in May for [Jobfolio](http://jobfolioapp.com), a job management software for contractors like plumbers, electricians, roofers, painters, lawn care, tree care, etc. Our focus is on maximizing the UX and aligning our digital workflow with their physical operations. (I filled out your form too. Look forward to talking with you.)


Building Clipflow - a content planning tool build specifically for YouTubers. https://www.clipflow.co


Head of your product before, what has traction been like for you so far


Very slow! But we are getting great feedback and iterating quickly. I’ve done this before so know it just takes time so we are just going to keep moving everyday


How much revenue have you made so far


[Hunori](https://hunori.com) it’s a personal website builder for professionals and academics. Think a linktree / bio and a blog for someone who doesn’t have time to build out a full site. I am marketing towards professionals, entrepreneurs, founders, academics etc. please let me know what you think!


Apartment Locator CRM


I'm building [FelixTalk](https://felixtalk.com/) - Study language with AI teacher.


dataraccoon.io - Talk to your business data. We launched with Stripe integration so for now it is a tool to talk to your Stripe data.


I'm working on a price tracker that works on any website. Big redesign coming very soon. [AnyTracker](https://anytracker.org/)


Have you got designers working on this


Yes, I've been working with a talented designer for the past few months. Sneak peeks available on Twitter: https://x.com/anytracker






[olasty.com](http://olasty.com) . An e-commerce store builder for artists / photographers


Building a saas called [Digest](https://usedigest.com) for creating personalized newsletters for yourself. It aggregates content from all different sources to generate a newsletter for you each day. For example: it displays your daily meetings, weather, top posts on subreddits you follow, new posts from people you follow on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, top posts on hacker news, etc.


Building [ThatWorks](https://thatworks.ai) for teams to take control of their data spread across multiple apps and automate rituals like standups, and reporting without wasting tons of time manually or in emails and Slack. Still super early and testing different ICPs in the beta period. Would love feedback as we explore critical needs in different job roles/industries


I'm building [Whisperback](https://whisperback.com/) which performs audio-to-audio translation using AI voice models.




Been seeing a lot of form apps, how much traction have you gotten so far building this




im building designsync, a small saas in millworks and interior design niche


I'm currently building PeaNote – a SaaS platform designed specifically for students. PeaNote allows students to write documents, create notes, manage tasks, and organize their agendas all in one place. The goal is to help students streamline their workflow and stay on top of their academic responsibilities with ease.


Have you launched already , what stage are you in


Saner.ai -a Onestop productivity app for ADHD :)


Creating a personalized AI powered content operating system that you can automate to scale distribution of your content and generates ideas for you based on your content topic! For creators/small businesses/content marketers/social media managers


I’m working on [CompressX](https://compressx.app), a macOS app for offline media compression


Got a few on the go. We’re a small team almost 2 years in - with a goal to have subscription revenue replace project fees. [Harvy.au](https://harvy.au) - for transport companies struggling with compliance paperwork [Lindie.app](https://www.lindie.app) - share your Linear projects [Claras.ai](https://www.claras.ai) - turns financial advisor meeting transcripts into structured notes [Prestart App](https://prestart-app.com.au) - for safety prestart checks on equipment


Ongoing work with my site [dawnvox.com](https://www.dawnvox.com). Helping early start up founders quickly pull in customer feedback from multiple sources and then helping them analyse trends and opportunities. I recently did an overhaul of the onboarding so a little nervous. But the customers I have so far are happy


Generative photo editor for marketing: https://getreica.com I’m looking for graphic designers, marketeers and eCommerce manager to validate the idea. If someone interested want to be faster and more creative subscribe into the form or reach out to me I’ll send add some credits into their account.


Will love to test this out, fill in the form , write that you need feedback ? I’ll reach out to you


My team and I are building [Feedspace.io](https://feedspace.io), a tool that helps business owners, freelancers, creators, almost anyone and everyone collect content in the form of audio, video, or text from their customers or clients. Under one link. They can then choose their favorites and show it off on what we call a Wall Of Love. One of the most interesting things we found was how people tend to take a saas product and find their own use cases for it. For example while we primarily wanted it to be a tool that is used to collect and feature testimonials, we’ve seen our users use our forms to collect anything from interview questions to conduct online competitions. Would love to answer more of your questions if you have any.


I help founders by creating explainer and product demo videos for them.


[DataQuery PRO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cf4OzZBlnQ) a conversational app for data analytics. Targetted at non-BI non-tech business folks, who want to quickly get their analytics. Open for beta testers at a steep discount of $15/mo, signup for the [waitlist here](https://forms.gle/UAFnCPAK2F2Li9RD7)




Building a SaaS to automate the standard customer support requests via a custom AI chatbot builder. Kind of a ChatGPT wrapper (yes) but we save tons of time for companies vs building it themself, as demonstrated by the super cool startup using it. Here is the link if curious [Gali AI](http://galiai.com)


Lots of companies will use this, how much revenue have you made so far on this


I agree! on the road to 1k MRR, not a lot but is not a full-time project for the whole team...


I think you should check out sahil lavinga’s tweet today, they launched a simmilar tool called helper ai for customer requests


[FluentAI](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hbghjfaenddmdpbkobgdcgkmcdcdjjko) a chrome extension that let your learn languages powered by AI. My competitor are old and they don't use chatgpt for their translation. So my translations are contextual and quite precise, in many language such as japanese. Username is growing everyday so I'm very happy. I have 2 paid customer and hopefully more soon. It took 1 year of work as a side project to reach the current state.


I am building and have just MVP’d [QCards](https://apps.shopify.com/qcards) . It is a shopify app where merchants can drop a simple high-conversion frictionless question card in the checkout : pre-purchase! Would love some feedback ☺️


I am building https://www.postspark.top for people who write newsletters


I'm currently building AI Tool Discovery Platform that uses AI to recommend best AI Tools Also, Im building an AI Outreach tool that I've been working on for 4 months. It's a monster :)




I think you need more deisgn, SEO and content work done on this , I’ll remove those technologies you added at the top, your customers are normal users not devs ,do you mind if we help with a redesign at a small fee, still fill in the form


I am building an open source alternative to Teachable, Thinkific, Podia etc. You can run your entire education business from one platform: 1. Sell courses and digital downloads 2. Create a website, landing pages and sales pages 3. Publish blogs 4. Email automations 5. Newsletters Start here: [CourseLit](https://courselit.app)


I am making a saas which will allow you to generate Instagram stories and publications with stats from a strava activity.


I'm building [Licode](https://www.licode.ai) for building AI application with no-code. I also launched [Licode Page](https://licode.page/product) to help founders launch Join Waitlist or PreSale landing pages easily with all payment gateway integration available out of the box to validate idea fast in the market. :)


AdAstra - Ai powered Ads , we focus on helping sellers reduce their advertisements cost on sales with automation and deeper insights. Learn more : https://www.1trillionclub.com I have been part of this Reddit since quite a while, love the enthusiasm and support all of you shower. Keeps motivating. Help me reach ecommerce sellers.


https://addtowallet.co - Create digital wallet pass in minutes.


It's a platform for syncing your songs and playlists between music apps like Spotify and YT music


A place to post and find the internet's best videos: [https://tokin.video/](https://tokin.video/)


[Spacewalk](https://www.gospacewalk.com) create and manage your own talent marketplace to connect talent to opportunities faster, eg link tutor pools to customer briefs, staff to internal roles, students to jobs. For small to medium sized businesses.


[LoyaltySurf](https://loyaltysurf.io) - Grow with word of mouth


How do you prevent abuse in the case of the rewards being issued automatically? i.e. the same person performing the same actions over and over. Especially with genAI being able to make infinite variations of the same crap. Are there some kind of monthly limits so I don't end up spending an unlimited amount? Is there some way to prevent the same user from semi-legitimately doing every type of action? "1 per customer" kind of thing Don't feel the need to answer here if you don't want to, but these were the questions I had when reading the landing page. I don't know what the going rates are for those kind of actions, but I would personally reduce the monetary values in your "use-cases" section, at least for some of them. Even though I'm sure the value is completely configurable, just the *suggestion* that I might automatically shell out $15 for a no-effort linkedin post is enough to scare me off a bit.


Great point -- these are things we'll address in the upcoming website update. The other software we run is referral software where people inevitably try to game the system, so bad actor defense is something we've built out over the years. Just to name a few things we have in place: - Reactive anti-fraud features: blacklist IP addresses, email address wildcards - Proactive anti-fraud: behavior detection - Manual approval systems: Approve/reject submissions, Approve/reject rewards - Reward limits (e.g, 1 per person)


Job search aggregator with some extra nice features https://first2apply.com/ Mainly built it to help my wife with her job hunt, but others found it useful too.


Giving a [space for IRL community](https://myhoc.in) creators to showcase their community and host experiences.


Nice, when did you launch this


Awesome!! Out of curiosity, how would you financially sustain this?


So from every community creator we are charging a subscription of $35 dollar/year. Plus we are bringing event booking, brands sponsorships finder like features where we can charge fix comission for every transaction.


Sounds like Meetup.com


I’m building [Yosemite](https://yosemite-app.com), a password recovery tool for Instagram




Customer Feedback management software at [Productlogz](https://www.productlogz.com) Would love to get featured and share my story


Copy needs proofreading all over "Enagage", "In-AppSurveys", "Align product development with user preferences for increased satisfaction." - ends with period, the other two bullets do not "All in One" -> all-in-one


Create charts from notion [notionplotter](https://www.notionplotter.com)


I'm working on [Get May](https://www.getmay.co/), a marketing analytics tool to help startups get the insights they need to grow their business without spending hours analyzing all their product, marketing, and web data.


You just started this or this has been for a while now