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Yup, happening everywhere. Many people are leaving because of customers attitudes.


Meh, I serve a lot of older people, so 50% are happy a young person is doing something useful with their time, the other half just do not like young people and have a “I deserve respect” mindset, like mate, you’ve been an asshole to me and my colleague for the past half an hr, you deserve to be kicked out of the store


If any customer treats me like this and speaks to me like shit, I do the exact same back. The customer is not always right, in fact they are often wrong. And if I was to be reported and lose my job over it, boo hoo, I hate this company and job anyway. Fuck the angry customers, just because I’m in a uniform doesn’t mean you can walk all over me and not expect it back.


So sorry you are at the receiving end of unhappy customers. There is so much wrong in the UK right now. Inflation, cost of food, shrinkflation and too much change for the worse. Unfortunately, to miserable customers, you are the face of Sainsbury's and they are going to show you their displeasure, even though you aren't responsible for all the issues.


What's wrong with people I could be 9/10 angry and app polite


Just how it is unfortunately , customers always right needs to stop because they follow that and think they can get away with murder


Probably the heat, can’t ventilate their body so they vent the frustration at retail workers instead


Think this is actually an element of it. People who are overly hot tend to be quite irritable and people with sun/heat stroke can be quite severely impaired without realising it. Obviously the fact that a significant portion of the British public has the emotional maturity of a toddler in mid tantrum doesn’t help. Throw in a major sporting event and the tumultuous emotional rollercoaster some people experience throughout (often aided by significant amounts of alcohol) you don’t even have to be personally invested in any of the teams, all it takes is for *someone* in the household to have pinned enough of their identity to the performance of a couple dozen well paid athletes and and everyone gets agitated. And finally were a gnat’s whisker away from a pretty significant general election, you have to really *try* to avoid being told how shit life in this country is at the moment.


Truth, all of it.


These shitty customers should remember Covid, without retail workers how they have survived. Or maybe there are thinking Covid is over, they can go back to treating the retail sector like something they stepped on.


It’s a full moon. Keep aware of that & you’ll notice they get more odd around that time.


You guys have one person working the checkout so it’s either a 20 min wait to pay for my items or I have to take a trolley through the self check, unload it onto a tiny table then load it back into the trolley all while you have 12 workers on the shop floor pretending to fold a box, don’t get me started on the forever changing price increases


need to be trained to work on tills and more than likely the 12 workers "pretending to fold a box" havent been trained for that. if it's early morning, there can be an influx of online shoppers that have been told by managers to tidy the store (or fold boxes as you put it) if online shopping finishes early. i can guarantee you, those workers havent been trained to man a till. and they dont particularly care for your struggles either. on a separate note, your comment kinda sucks. and its not the fault of the workers that the prices increase.


All of that.^


I'm sorry that's your experience. In my store most days it's me and 1 other colleague on the floor, with 1 checkout staff and loads of self scans. We still get verbally abused. Sainsbury's as a company is refusing to hire the labour it needs across the board.


If you scan as you shop you save yourself the bother of unloading and reloading your trolley.


In the "shop of the [near] future", manned checkouts will only be opened for people who actually physically (through injury, illness or disability) cannot use any of the other means of shopping. Nearly all the major retailers offer 2 alternatives to old-school checkouts; Scan it yourself at the end. Scan as you go with a handset. If you choose to queue at a manned checkout, then that is what you've chosen. It's no one else's doing.


You're deluded.


And I'm trying to keep it respectful.


everywhere is understaffed at the moment and management are not bothering to fill the places. i was working at the tills alone on a saturday, and the one other colleague with me was spread across 23 self checkout tills. we are struggling as is to keep up with the amount of customers and so having a shitty attitude because you need to wait will not make the process any faster. not all staff are trained in the same areas and can help you, we all have different jobs. for example, i am 17 and so i cannot help anyone on a self scan till, but i can open a manned checkout. and complaining to a teenage floor worker does absolutely nothing about the prices, so maybe be more understanding that we have already been reprimanded by many customers across the day that all seem to think we have any influence in it.