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Yes they can. I used to have that scorp and a few BDFB. They leave each other alone anyways and they have a symbiotic relationship. I currently have 3 BDFB w my Androctonus Australis


Highly recommend! I've got a black giant hairy (h spadix), and some blue dfbs, and they've gotten along great! I've seen my scorp shoo them away because they're just bumbling goofs haha


i keep my bdfb's with a couple dune scorpions, i'm sure a desert hairy would be just fine as well.


Yes, they can. A scorpion cannot pierce their exoskeletons, so even if it tried to eat them it wouldn't be able to.


Is this why they coexist? The scorpion can’t so it just gives up?


That's how I coexist with my job.


Pretty much 😆 it could try all it wants, those pedipalps are not getting through that exoskeleton I collect insects and they're notoriously hard to pin because of this. Even a human has trouble piercing their shell with a small point.


Are BDFBs part of the Ironclad family?


Yes they are, I was actually going to mention that but I deemed it to be a bit too nerdy and off topic haha


I love all bugs (terrestrial arthropods) equally. And the Diabolical Ironclad can survive getting run over by a camry.


That's insane the name checks out though haha


Depends on the scorpion really some are passive some are aggressive, i housed my desert hairy with 2 bdfb but the beetles where pestering the scorpion in his chosen cave even tho there was plenty other hides for them to explore and it agitated the scorpion so i seperated them.. the stinger can not pierce their exo skeleton but it doesnt mean they cannot hold and pin down a beetle and slowly eat their head/limbs believe me if the scorp wants to eat one it will! Ive seen my scorp doing exactly that why i seperated them, had him gripped trying to eat his head luckily i saved him! Just be careful


When I got my first scorpion, which was a dune scorpion I also bought two blue death Beatles The Beatles. They have a hard body and there’s no way to sting them so I believe they can. I’ve never put them together because my Dune scorpion kind of timid and didn’t want to really stress him out. so I never really put them in together, but I know for sure there’s no way that something can sting those Beatles


Yes, they work quite well together. *Hadrurus arizonensis* will eat it's prey, and leave a bit (as scorpions tend to do). This will be eaten up by the *Asbolus verrucosus*, they work as a clean-up crew. I used to have some BDFBs, however the place I got them from didn't have the best specimen. I received the trio with missing limbs and other problems, so they didn't last longer than a year and a half.