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Why not have him show you how to break them down and spend some time every now and then bonding with the old fella


I live in Florida and came for a week long visit 2 months ago. I quit my job to stay and help my parents. The house is in very poor condition and scrapping is low on the list for everyone. I’ve organized everything in the basement and we’re planning a few trips to the scrap yard.. there’s just too many of these damn motors.


stop planning and start doing. unfortunately the cash in dad's hands are probably going to make him go for more


Been awhile since I checked but motors were about .25/lb


There is thousands of dollars worth of copper there... it's 5 or 6 dollars a pound for scrap copper.


depends where you are... my #2 last week was 3.85


Sorry, that was canadian price (so,close to your 3.85) and forgot this was in the US. Either way, Scrap copper prices are set as a commodity price and should be close to that commodity price no matter where you are located.


It's 3.05 for #2 where I am in the US


$5-6 a pound…? You can literally look up scrap value for #1 it’s around $4.


Yes.. that was canadian price. When I looked it up, it was 5.60 canadian a pound I forgot to convert it to USD It's a traded commodity so changes everyday


I bet it’s a real pain in the ass hauling scrap with square tires.


Copper prices are about to skyrocket so wait to cash in


What makes you think so?


Bags of rocks are in the vault, above ground supplies low


5 or $6 a lb where?


Here in Milwaukee bare bright is $3.50




I almost shit myself 😳


Scrapping will open up space in the house while also getting you money that can be used to help clean up the rest of the house


Melting down all of the copper wire and putting into bars can sell REALLY good , it can make a hefty profit!


Build a forge melt the copper out of the steel and move on


Scrap places don't like ingots because they have to drill or cut it to make sure it's not filled with lead.


People on ebay like ingots, and you can get 2-3x spot price depending on how nice your bars come out.


Great idea! 💡


Lead aint cheap


what part of Florida. what you lookin to get for them?


House is in Missouri. Couldn’t even walk in the basement when I got here. I made about 4 of these piles. I’m not necessarily looking for anything other than info and ideas.


Some states copper goes real good at the scrap yard thousands for real some not the best can depends on the spot price call your local yard but that’s honestly a good amount man decent money


U could sell them to Me lol seriously tho. Idk it would be iffy selling them as is. There's alot of money in motors, but the problem is that he removed a good portion of the weight already, but they aren't fully processed yet. As they sit, a yard will probly offer you motor price which Is significantly less than straight copper price. Those motors are so close to finished but not quite. It wouldn't take much work to finish them


Depending on how much you’ve got, the scrapyard may be able to bring you a container and they’d just deduct the trip charge from your turn in value


I used to turn those in for about $0.15/lb at the local scrap yard. Google says you can expect between $0.20 - $0.30/lb nowadays. Clean copper will fetch ~$3.00/lb, but removing the Cu from the iron cores is a LOT of work, and removes most of the weight. I'm honestly not sure it's worth it if you're using hand tools.


How many pounds i live in Florida’s and I can get you 3 to 4$ a pound


I run a small HVAC business. I take the motors in whole when the price is up. Would they give me more if stripped? Yes, but that much more time isn't worth it for me. Id call around and tell them how many roughly you have and they'll give you a price. They are definitely worth something.


Basement in Florida?


More like indoor pool.


Any of them able to work?


Well that just sounds like entirely too much work…


He's right, they are worth a lot if broken down. Not worth much as they sit. There's lots of good YouTube videos on how to break them down! I use an angle grinder and a machete. Hope this helps


Looking at a grand or more once there all taken apart


Yes. It's worth way more broken down. You will probably get aluminum, copper (obviously), and steel. Check with your local scrap yard prices. They are different than the government prices. Sometimes, the motors are worth more whole. But, considering the large amount. You might want to compare apples to oranges on this one. Good luck!


Yard near me was paying .80 for electric motors… worth it at that price to sell as is in my opinion.


Unfortunately, scraping didn’t take with any of his kids or anyone I know. I imagine someone would come pick all of them up for free? Edit- I bought myself a new car 3 years ago, used car prices were insane at the time, so I gave my truck away for free to someone in need.. this was my train of thought thought about giving away for free


You dont need to do that. Nesrest scrap yard would likely give you motor price or so, 20-30¢/lb. Find you some empty 5-gallons and trash cans, get em to the yard. The above if you simply want no hassle. Same energy expenditure as getting them to the curb - and you make 300+$. Broken down everyones right. You would add a lot to the take home.


They could rent a box truck from uhaul. 1 day rental isn't very expensive, $20-40 a day plus $1 per mile


Home Depot truck rental may be worth it too depending on what's closer and easier


Yeah I'll take em for free LOL


Oh absolutely. Your not in maine by any chance haha


elastic innocent voracious sophisticated theory innate plants airport grandiose ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Corey recycling in orrington is usually pretty good


Rent a pickup at U-Haul $20/day plus some mileage but you will still come out ahead.


Idk why you got all those thumbs down for a being a good person. I wish more people where like you.


Yes gladly I'm nowhere near Florida but I don't care I'll come get them


Hi there! They are not "worthless in their current state" at all. To my eye in that picture there is around 1.75 gaylords full of electric motors which would be around 5500lbs. You should be able to get at least $.20/lb for them and if you find a good commercial buyer at a scrapyard, as high as $.30. If you separate the ones that don't have the outer shell from the ones that do, the ones without you can sell as transformers and get an extra .20/lb or so. My best recommendation would be to get a couple of empty watermelon boxes from a local supermarket and a pallet for each and separate them into the ones with outer shells and without. Then haul those to the scrapyard as is. You can set the pallet and watermelon box up in the back of a pickup truck and just load that way so you don't have to lift the box at home. Make sure you get pricing from a buyer first and don't be shy about shopping around a little. Without doing any work beyond carrying them upstairs and putting them in a box to take to the yard you should be able to make $1k-2k out of this. Since the quantity is significant, you might even get a yard to come pick them up.


1.75 gaylords? This is getting out of hand. Just adopt the metric system already ;)


Funny thing is we get various gaylord sizes in from 1 cu mt to 1.75 cu yd. I just know what an average gaylord of motors weighs lol


Dude get a chop saw and a couple good abrasive blades and get busy. That many motors will make you a nice chunk of change especially for a weekend project. Just cut the windings off of one end the pull them through from the other side. You can use pliers a hammer or get creative and use a floor jack a piece of 2 3/8 pipe and a couple clamps and you can knock that basement full out and never brake a sweat.


But if you don't feel like making use of something your old man obviously felt strongly about let me know and I'll save you the time of hauling them back up the stairs and come there and get them. Free of charge


Why not do it with him? It may not have been a hobby interest for y'all but it's free money. Would go from 80 bucks to 1000


You should be able to sell these as is for transformer or motor rate. Might only be 25 cents per pound, but definitely do not trash them.


Giving them away for free??? Jesus, I wish I lived by you…🥲


Your looking at 2-5 lb of #2 copper in each once broken down, great project. some good $$ for someone.


Goto scrapyard with pic and ask. They might give you a special price for all at 1 time. So instead of 25 cents per pound they might pay you 30 cents per pound since you have so many. Rent a uhaul for about $60 depending on mileage. Make 1 trip. Sell all that fits. Fits it ships special. Make some nice under the table cash.


In Ireland youd get a pretty good price per kg for motors like this , about 200€ per 1000kg


I'll road trip I don't care where you are. Message me and I'm loading the truck I'll see ya in 24 hours or less.


Seriously it'd be worth it. This dude is basically talking about throwing away a huge amount of money because "I don't have interest in it". Ridiculous. I feel for his dad. He saved these and just can't physically do anything with them while his kids just don't give a shit


This is a little uncharitable. Kids don't need to value the same hobbies as the parents, there could be health considerations and so on. And if the money isn't as important to them and they can pass it along instead, that's also fine.


Yes but the parent is still alive and they could spend some time with him doing something he loved to do. That's not asking for much


We don't know if any of that is possible because we don't know their circumstances. Nor do we know that it was something he loved. They look like HVAC motors, it could be just from doing HVAC work. It's probably not necessary for us to pass judgment here but we certainly don't have the information to do so. I do agree it would be worth the road trip if the fella ends up giving it away.


All the comments are right. If you don’t have time, just sell them as is to a scrap yard. It will be worth the time and trip for those motors. If you don’t have the time, you could try selling them cheap on OfferUp or marketplace. If I lived by you, I’d pick those up in a heartbeat


1) Find out where local scrap yards are that buy this. 2) call them and tell them what you have, ask if you can send a pic. Shop around, these are partially stripped so should pay a little higher. 3) once you got a buyer, rent a uhaul pickup and work fast.


There is thousands of dollars worth of copper there... it 5 or 6 dollars a pound....


Yes. You have steel, copper, and aluminum- any metal scrap yard will pay for that


I’m more interested in the construction of that basement! What is that? Cobblestone foundation walls? Pure concrete poured slab? I think I see stones in the floor too.. at least one circle shaped one


A 30s house in Missouri. Floor is 2” concrete. Walls are stones with mortar. That wall does have serious water damage tho


re:water damage make sure any gutter downspouts are kicked way way out from foundation. Buy some PVC (pipe and elbow) and a and run them at least 10ft away. Quick and makes a huge difference.


Nice 👌


Any yard would buy them as is, just way less than when broken down.


Not all of that’s gonna be copper inside of that. Some of that’s going to be cooper clad aluminum wire. You need to separate those out. I found this out the hard way when I broke down a bunch of those and tried to sell mine as number two. The guys at the yard had this little wire brush that they would scrape off the clad coding to expose the aluminum wire underneath. I was a sad boy that day


Cash em in and remember…Kramer and Newman drove a mail truck full of cans to Michigan to get an additional $0.05 per can!


Give them away to someone who will scrap them.


I’m in Az and they take just the motor. My brother in law does ac so I’ll break down the ac and take it in to the recycling yard. I would just find a recycling yard and stop by and talk to them you already have a picture to show them.


I see lots of copper


Where in Missouri are you? I'd gladly come take em off your hands.


EV Gundam, here we come!


My grandpa rebuilt alternators, starters, generators, from the 50s till early 90s. We had 4 dump trick loads of unusable pieces just thown into several large piles in a gulley behind his shop. Knowing what i know now, that was a lot of money just thrown away. We had to remove it to sell the property


Just scrolling away and go what the fuck people trying to scrap Zyklon B tins?? Oh its just motor windings..... Shew...


With a nice or reliable machete You could get all that sweeet red gold out no problem Youll also require a person that gets it done I however am not that person my apologies


Looks like he collects used scaled down nascar and f1 tires.


thats A LOT of copper


I used to scrap motors whole, would get 18-30c a LB. (Boston)


I used to help my dad scrap all the time when he was in the heating and cooling game...you might just learn something and make a little cash if you help your pops out.


That would take a long time to pull out the copper, but it would be a great payday. Damn that’s a lot of motors.


I feel a modern art project coming on.


What kind of motors are these?


I’ve got a few questions. Why take the motors apart? Does he plan on removing the copper? If it were me, I’d have just left them together and gotten the .29¢/lb they are paying for them now.


He worked at an hvac warehouse. Spent 40 years taking these apart in front of the tv. It’s been a few years since he’s been able to scrap on the same scale..


I have shopped around in my area $3.25 is best for number 1 copper 👎🏻😭


It's #2


What is he planning to build , a particle accelerator!?


" Motor hoard ... What's your price for wire?"


What a motor hoarder




Been a while since I’ve scrapped but I know electric motors have a price category better than, say sheet metal. In my experience those ac windings are hard to extract the copper from. DC fields are a different story I used to make some nice extra cash on those because you can separate the copper fairly easily.


Yes you'd get anywhere from 18 to 30 bucks for 3 or 4 of those once broken down because of the lead core and copper....if you have that many id say it's work taking a few hours on the weekend to breakem down


This is the way


I see thousands of dollars in copper


Rip apart motors for copper and sell it.


That’s a man’s rainy day fund


In my area youd get $.30/lb as they sit. If you broke them all down and separated the metals properly and scrapped them, I'd guess it'd work out to like $.50-.60/lb since copper pays well but most of the weight is steel. Call your local yards and find the best paying one for copper motors and bring them in.


I just hauled a load of electric motors to the scrap yard 2-3 weeks ago and made $175 on maybe 40 - 50 full motors. It's definitely worth scraping. To me, it isn't worth the time to pull all the copper out. That's a lot of work.


Scrap copper is really high right now, just saying


Get that copper


It is not easy to get the copper out of the steel in these things


If you are in florida I can pick them all up for you. 904 894 2012