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Bro wrote a script and became Oppenheimer


Now I am become writer, the destroyers of audiences.


These are exactly the kind of replies I would expect from writers. Well done!


The script: *And then he stabs her. But, like, loads.*


I'm talking an abnormal level of stabbing. I'm talking a give-you-nightmares-for-life type of stabbing. I'm talking people-running-out-of-the-theatre-screaming/crying type of stabbing. I'm talking a "I demand you give me my money back and also pay for my therapy" type of stabbing. I'm talking a protests-outside-the-theatre type of stabbing. I'm talking a pants-ruining type of stabbing.


Yeah and the guy yells while stabbing. I’m talking an abnormal level of yelling. Like a blast-your-eardrums-till-your-ears-bleed kind of yelling. I’m talking like people-running-to-get-an-ear-exam-at-Costco-for-a-hearing-aid-because-they-have-permanent-hearing-damage kind of yelling.




*Blood. Blood. And bits of sick.*


I know writers who use subtext, and they’re all cowards.


I shat my pants reading the post!


I will not sleep for eons


You know you're drunk if you can sleep after shitting your pants.


Or if it takes you eons to clean them.


If you're right, you don't need any advice. You'll work forever as a horror writer. I sort of suspect you're not right and the script isn't QUITE as scary as you think. But I genuinely hope I'm wrong about that!


There’s a difference between scary and disturbing. I don’t think a script can be too scary, but it can be too disturbing.


That's good to hear. I am certainly more interested in fear than yucky-ness.


Just based off the fact you used the term “yucky-ness”. I don’t think your script is too scary




Can it though? If it fits your intentions why should it matter how disturbing it is?...I mean lots of extremely disturbing movies...sure they're either made by underground filmmakers or a certain kind of auteur but still...


Dear community, I'm worried my script is TOO good to ever be read by a mortal man. Please suggest some ways I can temper my script down to something that can comprehended by a human mind without inducing madness. Please also suggest strategies to prepare myself for my upcoming extreme success and wealth. Lol.


I wrote a script once that was so perfect it peeled back the veil between realities and I glimpsed the fiery furnace of creation. But it was a short script so no one was interested in making it. :-(


I remember that. It was scary. We can only pray that OP has mercy on us, shreds his script and buries the remains in consecrated earth before the same thing happens.


I am a demigod. I'll be okay if I read this script.


This guy had purposely made an outrageous post so now everyone would want to read the script, smart.


You know Human Centipede exists already right?


*The House That Jack Built*, *Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer* and the original *Last House on the Left* as well.


Can a film be too scary? Like what's the worst that could happen? Angst (1983) is about a real life serial killer getting out of prison and immediately killing 3 people in a house for a whole night. It's narrated with actual diary excerpts from a different serial killer. It's extremely well made, bits Hitchcock would be proud of. Think of it as a de-glamorized Clockwork Orange. The director was functionally blacklisted and never directed another film again. When you see it, you'll understand why. On the other hand, there's Wes Craven's Last House On The Left. That ugly piece of borderline snuff is also a piece of art (somehow?) and launched him to a multi-decade carrier at the top of the horror medium launching as many franchises as Spielberg. Is your movie really this scary? You sure?


Yes, I believe it is.


That’s one way to get people to read your script, I guess.


Congrats, you can basically sell the script tomorrow in a ten way bidding way!


IM FUCKING HYPED AFTER READING THIS LOL. btw if you ever want to pitch this, use the second paragraph word for word.


This is your art and you choose what you put into the world. Be careful! The filmmakers of the infamous film La Fin Absolue du Monde were not careful - their film sparked a homicidal riot in theaters and all copies of the movie were supposedly destroyed.


I heard there’s at least one copy out there somewhere… and that Norman Reedus knows where??


sparkle crawl unwritten whole exultant knee modern aspiring advise towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No disrespect I'm sure you wrote something quite good and something that you feel proud to call scary, but at the same time it's subjective. What's scary for you others may not find as scary or feel its truthful. I really would love to see some of the script if you want. I am trying to wrote a horror myself, but slowly lol


No worries, I don't take it as disrespect. Of course I cannot say that everyone will find it scary, I'm more talking about myself when I say that it's scary. I will post it when it's done; probably a few days from now.


Please do, now we want to read it


This thread is a masterclass in clickbait pitching. Not even the briefest logline yet the otherwise sane and cynical have been reeled in on the OP's hook (plus he got free blacklist access). Methinks others will repeat this stunt. It's the billboard without the cost.


I'm a hardcore horror fan. There's no such thing as too scary. There's no such thing as too disturbing. Just look at Terrifier. You're not going to make something more disturbing than that. Scary? That's more subjective. Audiences are desensitized these days. We have things like actual snuff films available to us. Mass shootings get passed over Facebook and X. Beheading videos on GoreGrish. Your responsibility is to create insight and entertainment.


I'm glad to hear your opinion. I'm talking more about movies that are meant to have wide appeal to the point that it can get funded and released in theaters for people to watch. Part of the reason why I'm asking is because I'm still considering whether or not I should worry about hitting R as opposed to NC-17. I understand that most people don't want to watch gore and stuff, but I am talking about *fear*, not discomfort.


Think less about some esoteric audience and rating system. Do a deep dive of different distributors and production companies. You're making films for them, not an audience. They choose the audience. Terrifier 2 was a viral hit and was disgusting. Not sure the rating, but it should have been NC-17. Skinamarink was also a viral sensation a few months later and was basically PG.


I understand that, but, I guess another way of putting this is: I don't want to have my name associated with "the movie that gave 10,000 people PTSD". That's more what I am worrying about.


Why would you be worried about that?


Hahaha bro no way this is a real script, I doubt it could scare a 10 year old


Also, I'm still not sure what you mean by fear. What are you planning that's more fear inducing than High Tension or Martyrs? Then there's terror of more gothic horror like The Haunting or The Innocents. True classics.


Yes, I don't want to give away too much here. I am currently unaware of any movies that would make for an apt comparison, so I suppose I'll have to leave that question unanswered.


Fear is subjective. What scares the shit out of you might just be another day at the office for somebody else.


If what you say is actually true that script will get you noticed, wether it will actually get made or not. Like the famous The Sky Is Falling script from the late nineties. Personally I hardly if ever get scared by movies. Which is why I'm such a huge horror fan, always on the search for the one movie that will finally do the job of scaring me sleepless. So I'd love to see a movie as scary as you describe. In all fairness though (and not trying to put you down) I am afraid there's a decent chance your script isn't as scary as you think it is. But I sure hope I'm very wrong about that. Anyhow good luck with it wither way!


Isn't it subjective? My sister read my second amateur script, bad things happen behind doors or alleyways, and only people's reactions to the aftermath are shown later, no gore is seen. It gave her disturbing nightmares for days (which I felt very guilty about). I didn't think it was anywhere near that disturbing. So I am not sure its easy to tell.




Haven't you heard of the Curse of Showgirls?


Bravo. I'm wait for the script link with bated breath too.


Back when The Exorcist hit theaters, people were puking their guts out and had to be carried out on stretchers after passing out. You have nothing to worry about.


I'm going to tell you something, the replies in this thread are having me laugh out loud. You all sons of bitches are clearly writers cuz this is some of the funniest shit I've read in a long time. Bravo


This might be my favorite Reddit screenwriting post ever. /u/john_smith_5028 check your PMs. You've got a free month of hosting and a free evaluation on the Black List coming your way.


I bow. Glad to see so much interest on this!


Be careful with this route. After making this "I think my script is too scary" claim -- There are "Industry Pros" on The Black List who are also low-level screenwriters who will download your script and intentionally find ways to shit on it. There have been a few instances where screenplays were "live read" on Twitter and just f'n sandbagged at every opportunity.


Well look at that, a brand new account created specifically to make this (fictional) comment. The facts: All Black List industry members have been approved individually as people who can substantially advance a writer's career or project in the normal course of doing business. But by all means, feel free to post the links to supposed industry members of the Black List website live tweeting the reading of a script they downloaded on the site. They'd be banned from the site for life if they did, but I am not aware of any such thing ever happening.


> Well look at that, a brand new account created specifically to make this (fictional) comment. I actually, I made this brand new account to make a factual comment. Here's one that immediately came to mind. 👍 https://twitter.com/brianscully/status/984225092023418880 > If you're going to pull a move like this, then it's fair game for me to download the script and live tweet my reactions to it as I read it today. PGA member and Black List "industry pro" sees a billboard in LA advertising a screenplay listed on the Black List. Downloads the screenplay using their "industry pro" status and then livetweets their reaction INCLUDING posting screenshots of that screenplay's pages publicly. There are more than 100 tweets in this thread about this one script. Just scrolling through, seems like there's a lot of views/likes/retweets encouraging that behavior. 👍 Oh, sorry. This one's in your little "social circle", so it's acceptable behavior. 👍 Here's the Hollywood Reporter article on this incident. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/how-wannabe-screenwriter-henry-c-kings-promotion-backfired-1112087/ > In mid-April, prompted by the billboards, writer-producer Brian Scully (not The Simpsons and Family Guy‘s Brian Scully) started live-tweeting his reactions to the material, which includes a dog that may have been reincarnated as a shark. After eviscerating the script, inspiring a Reddit thread and backlash, Scully defended himself, tweeting, “He blew a ton of cash on public requests to read his script,” likely $2,000 to $15,000. “I responded just as publicly to a poor script loaded with sexism, misogyny and racism.” --- > They'd be banned from the site for life if they did, but I am not aware of any such thing ever happening But Hollywood Reporter even contacted you about this? This is your name in that article right? How were you not aware? > The Black List founder **Franklin Leonard** confirms that the script is no longer on the site. So that action caused the screenwriter to pull the script from your hosting platform. --- You also pull the same "free hosting and feedback" stunt here based on a QR code seen in public -- https://twitter.com/franklinleonard/status/1632870434659246082 > Seen at the corner of 23rd and 6th in New York. I have to choice but to respect it (and give them a month of hosting and a some feedback from The Black List Which, that same "Industry Pro" responds to you, discussing the script that he "live tweeted" and you "were not aware of"... What if the same happens to u/John_Smith_5028 through your website? At least it's a free review, right? 👍👍👍👍


You’ve suggested that this is a common occurrence, and offered two examples: One involves a writer buying multiple billboards to promote their script six years ago. You also fail to establish that Brian Scully was an industry member (writers can make their scripts available to other writers if they so choose.) Your second example has absolutely nothing to do with a tweet thread.


You also fail to mention that the script in question “loaded with sexism, misogyny and racism,” which is what elicited the tweet thread in question. And yeah, I had completely forgotten about Van’s Best Friend. Thanks for the reminder and hearty laugh. So OP, if you want to steer clear of having people live tweet reading your screenplay, skip the billboards and you should be okay.


*tears in my eyes, I put the $15,000 back in my pocket. my billboard dreams--crushed.*


I am deceased.


Remember how The Exorcist worked for people. People lost their minds in that theatre and it made buckos my friend.


Do you mean revolting from yuckie things on screen? or do you mean terrifying from the horror elements and thoughts from the central dramatic question and feeling of treaths outside the film?


The latter.


sounds cool. Will you bump this post so we get notified when you post the thing?


I will, absolutely.


Good pitch. I really want to read this, please. Lol.


Can you post it?


Certainly. It will be done in a few days and I'll post it then.


I’m interested to check this out because I haven’t been scared by a horror movie since I was a kid.


Watch When Evil Lurks (2023).


I’m curious to see it now.


Link it


I think making something scary is great but as everyone is saying “scary” is subjective. I would suggest that you make sure the reader/audience also cares about who is in the story and make sure it is scary to those characters. I believe to make an audience feel true fear we have to feel love and care for those we’re watching first. Just my two cents. I am definitely intrigued to see what you’ve created.


These are literally the only types of posts you make to farm engagement, look at all of your posts and a pattern emerges lol 😂 Nice troll, I wish this was real and someone was legitimately this delusional on the subreddit, I’d love to read their work


You'll get the chance soon https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Luh-5Jlv15gzowq1-vxUfflGAq732u5P/view?usp=sharing


Lmaooo it’s real! Holy shit I’ve been blessed 🙏🙏 Honestly congrats on writing it, not everyone can claim they’ve completed a 150 page script.


Doesn’t prove anything, I can space out a final draft file 145 pages and write EXT. lol


Post it and let us see if you are right


I don't really see how that is possible without gore. Like 40 people fainted hearing Chuck Palahniuk read "Guts." That is gore, though not like Saw or something. The only exception I can think of... people apparently crapped themselves over Paranormal Activity. I don't think it caused PTSD though.


Share it man !


Ngl describing it this way really makes it seem like it's just gonna be a bunch of shock value gore. Good scary media doesn't have to say how it scary it is. Hope it's good tho


I don't know if your script is too scary but this question is too silly. Your script just needs to be a good story.




Time to drop a link for the first 10, I’m ready to empty my bowels


I’m interested. Horror is a very difficult genre to write without falling into the trope traps, getting cheesy, or remaking an existing concept (ex. Dracula, Frankenstein, haunted house/poltergeist, slasher/cabin in the woods, etc.). I’d love to read it!


Have you had any writer friends or any family / friends in general read it or give you notes?? That’s usually a pretty big part of my writing process. Getting notes on drafts and editing, etc. So first off, if you haven’t done that and are curious what the consensus is, that’d be the best way to get opinions on the scary-scale. If you have done this, I’d say their general opinions are probably a good indicator and if so, what does anyone whose read it have to say?