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I’m going to assume this man was already enraged by the tedium of managing a gally solo. You just happened to be his outlet, quite unfortunate.




Some people are just toxic. I try to help obviously new players, but the very least they could’ve done was to just take your stuff and keep their mouth shut. Also, I’m astounded that there was a solo gally.


Sounds like bad luck man


Lol sounds like bad luck man, keep playing there’s some good pirates out there. You’ll run across the bad pirates too though from time to time.


Lmao, ngmi


You lost to a solo gally? Like, I get it.. it sucks but what did you do?


I didn’t do shit to bro.


No I mean, like did he just shoot your ship? Did you just stand back and watch? Spawn camped?


I was trying to find a treasure on Snake island, I had parked my boat to the right island. I was looking for it when I suddenly heard cannon fire and I saw him trying to shoot down my ship, I tried fighting him but I died. Then he stole my stuff, I think because when I respawned it wasn’t on my ship, which had been moved to a neighboring island south. I tried one more time to get my stuff back to which I once again died.


Stealing loot from others is part of the game, whether you are new or experienced. Always pull sails up and ALWAYS bring anchor up when you reach an island. Never worry about loot, you can find loot on every island and you can always, always redo quests if you get sunk, they aren’t lost. “Loot isn’t yours until you sell it”- sea of thieves motto


as for your comments, you voted on the mission on your mast, that is a pvp quest, you just got what you voted for. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|19934)


There is nothing wrong with this community, you have entered high seas, that is has servers where pvp is on, I suggest you do any tutorials and get the hang of managing a sloop solo in safer seas, then join high seas. Safer seas IS an extension to the tutorial voyage In high seas anyone will attack you, even if you are new, for no reason. That’s not toxic, you are just fresh meat for everyone at the moment. The ONLY time a crew is toxic is when they start with the slurs and other vulgar name callings etc etc. You were never griefed by the solo gally player, you just got spotted and were deemed an easy target. If you had just kept shooting back with your cannons instead of going up to the enemy (pvp mechanics are WAY different than other pvp games) you could have easily sunk the galleon. Never attempt to sail solo on a galleon or brig, it’s too much for solos.


Just unlucky, but people are allowed to and will kill you and sink your ship for no reason so don't get too attached to any loot




He stole the chest for the briggly mission


the briggsy mission? thats not the beginning mission, thats a 'pvp' quest


Wdym? It was the first quest that I got. She told me to go to 2 spots.


Yep, that was a pvp quest that is posted to your mast. Not meant to be a first quest necessarily, but I can see how one would think that.


That sounds like Siren's Skull. One map for the chest and one for the key, and it spawns on your mast? It's not a tutorial quest, it's a world event designed to instigate PvP. Unlike other world events that have a static location, this one spawns on your ship when active. There aren't really any tutorial quests once you leave the Maiden Voyage (at least that I remember) you basically just have to figure shit out.


Theres one tutorial voyage for each main company


If Briggsy herself is telling you do to anything at all, you've just opted into PVP. Making any progress on that at all will tell everyone where you are, and that you have the exact item theyre looking for too.


I think it was the first quest at least.


You will find that particular quest on your ship every time you set out. Before you go mad thinking you can’t progress or something. Most others ‘quests’ are found on the voyage table in your ship.


Try safer seas. High seas you can get attacked for any reason


I will never understand what is toxic about players being shitheads in a game about piracy