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>as a solo sloop imo solo sloopers are completely justified to do anything to get away from large crews haha


People that get salty over a solo sloop running are always funny. Unless it’s another sloop, I’m not wasting my time and treasure on a one sided fight


This. I had a three man brig chase me the other day, and I outsailed them and dove (I had no loot on board). They started messaging me insults until I blocked them. A ship never owes another ship a fight unless you're in hourglass (and arguably unless you're flying a reaper flag). Edit to add: to be fair, we portalled away from a galleon a year or two ago and they took in stride with some friendly back and forth banter via DM, so not all "chasers" are jerks, just like all "runners" aren't afraid or bad at PVP.


I’d also argue that if you can’t get the fight and are unable to catch your prey that’s all on you and you’re in fact the one who needs to “get gud”. People run, good hunters catch them, bad ones bitch about it.


This really is the whole thing. If you can't catch a runner then you've lost the PvP match. They just forced you into their kind of PvP and beat you on their terms rather than yours. Learn how to stop runners and reflect on how you can get better.


Saving this to throw in people's face when they harass me in the future. Nice wording!


It's just the counterintuitive nature of SoTs pvp encounter design: - If you don't feel confident in your PvP skills, you can run. - Since running is fairly effective only pro crews will catch you (but they WILL catch you, unless they decide not to) - Since they are pro, you get destroyed and you will feel even less confident in your PvP skills - On the other hand crews you would actually stand a chance against, and have a good PvP experience, they will absolutely not be able to catch you. - Cue "Why do I only encounter sweats?" posts


This is a thoughtful observance. I appreciate your having shared this perspective.


In my case I try to be as friendly as possible. When I have nothing I even go "Look you can come aboard and check but theres literally NOTHING" and some people ignore that and simply want to force a fight or sink you because.. I guess you wasted their time not fighting back? I guess? Some people are nice about it. Hell even some Reapers are pretty chill people last I played. But I do lowkey hate the determined ones. You can sail across the map entirely and they'll be hot on your tail constantly trying to shoot you or just follow you until they can get close. Which sometimes when I have nothing I simply just exit the game if theyre shooting at me. I'm not interested in fighting. I'll run a reaper flag for that.


A good comment AND a Battletech reference in the username? I regret I have but one upvote to give.


If I could have a displate of Natasha or even both versions of a poster of hers I would. I have a Marauder, Daishi and Warhammer painted in her colours (all have the best attempts at an hourglass that someone cant draw can make). I'm a bloody simp 🥴


FASA Corp (creators of Battletech) sort of recreated her in the Crimson Skies universe as the Black Swan.


There's something about being hunted on the seas that reminds me humans were the ones who chased down prey until they were exhausted.


If you have a flag you have literal loot. OP was L3 Athena. Fair target.


Eh, if a level 3 is near an island for a bit and is sailing off after. Its fair to say the only "Loot" they have is the Flag. Food and Ammo dont really count since those are obtainable everywhere.


Loot is also obtainable everywhere. Doesn't mean it's not fun to steal. Also flags are fun to collect even if there is no loot. There's even commendations for it. Emissary is meant to be risk vs. reward, people are less likely to chase if you don't have one.


I agree with this take actually, despite my tendency to be a runner. A grade 3 Athena flag would bring in what, 6,000 gold to a non-Reaper? Still lucrative and worth getting. Flying Emissary makes you a target not just to Reapers but to anyone wanting your flag. All that said, you have to catch me first.


I’m not catching anyone - I’m actually a runner too (although only when solo). But I’m not a runner that complains about being chased at all. Even if I’ve got nothing and you just want to sink me for fun - that’s valid but I’ll do my best to avoid it.


This. I’m a chaser, and just yesterday someone watching was complaining about this person running from me. I told them that the person I was chasing is valid to run, it’s adventure and they have everything to lose, and nothing to gain. When I did sink them after a 20-30 minute chase they had 9 fotds on their boat. Shit I’d run with that too, the lag from loot alone would make that fight uncomfortable.


Hey I understand it too. Everyone who plays gets to spend their time how they want in game. I personally am the guy who takes on all challengers. That's my thrill, plus if I am able to sink a brig or a galley it is. . .it's just so much sweeter. But no shame in any playstyle. Unless you spawn kill swabbies until they leave the game. Lol.


Whatever your play style, we can all come together and say fuck those players lol


yeah just had a level 5 reaper galleon chasing me around for like 30 minutes screaming "fight you fucking f\*\*\*\*\*\*\*" over and over over their megaphones. just doing solo sloop deliveries and these dudes are frothing mad lol


Exactly. I'm LSD/TSD and win something like 75%+ of my solo HG fights, and I'll still occasionally run from sweaty brig and gally crews if I'm solo. Doesn't matter if I'm the best player - I'm not winning against 3-4 good players in a game where numerical superiority is much more important than skill. Even if I do want to fight, it's normally better to do a tactical run to find a better situation against competent large crews. Or even to scout out the larger crew's weaknesses first.


See, if I know I am being chased by a full crew, be it sloop , brig or gally. My sole goal is to beat them to an outpost and lower my emissary flag. I 80% of the time run under my guild, so it is very easy to do a sail by the sovereign and vote that flag down. It almost always pisses them off, but I don't care. I had a due team ambush me yesterday at port merrick. I had sold most of my stuff and was standing at the sovereign selling an athena crate when I heard the first canon ball hit my ship. I immediately ran to the table and lowered that level 5 flag! Then said to them, "LET HER SINK I ALREADY LOWERED THE FLAG!" My ship sank, I messaged a friend who hopped on, and we proceeded to sink that reaper 2 separate times. The 3rd time they came back, I was standing on top of the sovereign at the harpoon at galleons, and my crewmate led them past the sovereign where I harpooned the ass of their ship and reeled it backwards. Afterwards, we actually spoke with them, and they were pretty nice! They laughed about my lowering the flag but most won't.


I had a galleon chase me and then hop into my stream. So they were 4 against 1 AND stream sniping. They were getting so irritated at me because I wouldn’t turn and fight lol like… that’s not fun


If you do it long enough you kinda learn little tips and tricks to your advantage. I got rolled up on by a brig and galleon that were allianced. The galleon crew was definetly not as experienced. The brig crew was a bit sweaty. But yeah. Once I knocked down some masts and put a few fires and holes on one of the boats I went to make distance. The galleon ended up catching up to me first so I went into a storm and anchor turned so i could do a quick 180. Sure the galleon rammed into me. But the brig lost me in the storm for a few minutes and the galleon ended up sinking lol. Turned in the loot I cared about turning in before they found me again. Lowered my emissary before I sunk. No real loss and I was pretty entertained for a good 30 minutes But normally when I solo sloop I just dive to events. Surprisingly I've ran into less people that way.


Yeah it's kind of weird how people these days stay away from world events


Love those sails at night


They're definitely my favorite vibe right now. ❤


What sails are they?


It's the top grade of Order of Souls emissary ledger from month 1.


Name and can u get still get them?


[Order of Souls Inaugural Grandee Sails](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Order_of_Souls_Inaugural_Grandee_Sails). And they are continually the reward for the first month finishing at tier four for OOS Emissary Ledger.


Look I’m an active pvper that goes for most ships and whatnot. I’ll solo sloop and pvp, BUT if a ship chooses not to fight back they don’t have to!! You have the choice to fight back or run if you want, so to all the salty players here saying “why run” because they can and the game allows it. Don’t want players to run get better at boarding.


That, and I also am very much of the mind you need to "bait the hook". A duo or brig rolls up on a solo with a totally empty deck and then whines that they don't want to take the fight? Mateys, you don't catch fish with a bare hook. You gotta make them feel the risk is worth the possible reward. People make poor decisions when motivated by greed, and that's how you lure skittish sailors into a deathtrap. Employ strategy, reap rewards. Put some shinies in plain view and convince me to bite.


Louder for the mateys in back More people need to understand this


It’s their right to run and my right to chase!


last time i tried this, we got anchored inches away from the portal cause the damn dialog took so long XD


If you progress 1/3 of the tall tale, you can save the check point and by consequence, activate instantly the portal, without dialogue


What you should do is do the tall tale until the fist checkpoint, then quit early. Now you will have it saved in your inventory and can resume from that checkpoint skipping the dialogue (Also you won’t have to stop at the outpost to vote it up)


yep, i learned this after that event XD


Holy crap I had almost the same exact experience last night but I was chasing a grade V reaper and they did this. Thought it was their POV for a minute


I've often wondered what the other crew sees. Do they see the green glow of the portal, or just you disappearing?


We see the nothing but the ship disappearing


A green spiraly thing swirls around the boat and they dissappear, pretty cool to see


I've seen a green ring around them up close before. But I'm not sure if it was a result of a dive or a portal, since I've seen the dive elsewhere.


I assume the latter but honestly no idea. Never been on that side of the exchange.


How does that look like from the other ships pov?




Post of the thread right here.


They still get the flag don't they?


Apparently. But more importantly I don't *lose* a flag, or the considerable supplies I had in my barrels. And I guess if I wanted to be spiteful I also cost them half a dozen chainshots and ~30 cannonballs with no reimbursement. But again, I enjoy just the thrill of the escape and keeping my goods.


That is a good point 👉


You escaped. , kept your emi and supplies that’s literally all that matters. Bonus style points putting put up the checkered flag and when it becomes obvious I’m going to win the race I go nuts with fireworks


Lmao fireworks I can't! Ok, if I'm feeling particularly spiteful may have to do that one next time hahaha.


supplies get duped too no?


Even if a 3-man did this, I would get it. Sometimes you're just not in the mood. It also only saves your emissary + supplies, not your loot, so it's a fair strategy in my opinion.


There's definitely skill involved in evasion. Good job 👍🏻


Running is absolutely 100% a legit game play. Also, running absolutely does take skill, especially solo. You need to be able to visualize the map and where outposts are in relation to you, plan a route of escape, while constantly maintaining the sails and trying to stay with a full billowing sail. All while probably repairing, watching for boarders, watching for rocks and other ships. Sometimes, you even have to fight off a skelly ship, and/or meg and/or kraken. There is a lot to think about and do while running. Chasing is easy. You just watch what the runner is doing and either copy or tweak it slightly to get an edge. Anticipate what the runner may do. Watch for boarders and other ships. Also, chasers tend to be duo sloops or full brigs or gallies. While solos tend to be sloops.


This pirate gets it. 👍


When I am solo, I always run. I will run a chaser across the map and back again just for the fun of it, but also, if they are chasing me, they are not chasing some new pirate just getting their sea legs.


I like that you're taking one for the swabbies. I'd never thought of it that way.


I hated being chased when I first started. Couldn't understand why anyone would want to waste their time chasing me for a few peices of loot or for a low-grade flag. Then I quickly learned the ones who chase endlessly are usually looking to just fuck up your day and so I wuickly learned how to waste their time so they don't do it to others. The longest I have been chased is upwards an hour, and then when I bored of that, I laid down a voyage and made sure to dive while they bare witness to the dive so thwy could reflect on the amount of time they wasted lol


Yup and if they're not paying attention, you can sail in a straight line and drop overboard to anchor them and/or keg them.


We were being chased a couple of days ago, so I dropped off at a sovereign while the crewmate led the. Directly past the sovereign, where I used the harpoon to tag the ass end of their ship and reel them back into the sovereign lol. It was the funniest move I have pulled yet.


Running and evading is a viable tactic and a well honed skill, especially now they’ve fixed ship speeds. My greatest achievement is losing a reaper in thick fog, doubling back on ourselves and watching them keep sailing completely unaware of where we had gone.


I love me some environmental evasion. I did this once with a storm at night too! I think my absolute favorite escape though is when I just sailed a reaper into another reaper and escaped in the fray.


LOL I love that people are upset that you chose to run and are using the stupid reason of “B-b-but you won’t get better!” as if everyone cares to improve their PvP skill in this pirate-y sandbox. Some of us are just here for cosmetics and to sail around doing PvE shit while we play a Spotify playlist. If it’s okay for you to fight whoever you want and steal whatever you want, why is it frowned upon to run if you want? Do you think pirates never ran away? I’m a pirate and I’ll do what I want. Sometimes that means wasting your time, my time, or both. Get over it.


It's also so telling that they assume people *never* fight. Like no. I just have sense enough to know when it's worth engaging. And a duo reaper with an empty deck I stand nothing to gain from is not worth engaging. Don't like runners? Sail up with bait. Ante up with a deck of treasure if you want a fight. Or actually "gEt GoOd" like you want to project on others and learn how to catch runners. People be big mad that the only skill they have is "put cannonballs into other ship" when a player versus player experience is so much more strategic and dynamic. So I'll gladly relish in them all seething over seeing a runner win. 💅


Not all pirates are out for blood! This is a common misconception, as some just want to sail, hunt for treasure, get rich and have fun while doing so! Some are just toxic and use the "it's a pirate game..." to justify their being a morally corruptable and ignorant human being!


I haven't played in a long time, but toward the end I spent a lot of time just out retrieving reapers chests and bringing them to the hideout. Those long, slow trips, visible on the map for all to see, just me and my ship were some of the most tense sailing sessions I've had!


wtf this game has portals


The fight wasn’t in your favor and you went through a portal. You lost nothing and saved a lot of time that would have been wasted. Idk why dudes are so mad about it.


Nobody owes anyone a fight. As much as other players have the right to chase you, you have the right to run if you're not feeling like a fight or simply don't want to waste time on an extremely uphill battle. If they want to waste an hour chasing a sloop, it's on them ( and it's also on them for not being able to catch you, you even had to do a flyby at the castaway camp ). If I engage someone and he starts clearly running with no intention to fight, I just leave them alone. What's the point of me wasting time? There are other ships on the sea and I don't have to fight someone on principle.


Kinda off topic but anyone have a clue why anytime I try to upload similar experiences, the mods flat out remove them? They never tell me what the reason was and I would very much like to share some of the laughs my friends and I have had. Regardless, nice escape there man.


Nicely done. I’ve been playing for years and still forget that this is an option, haha.


It’s the funniest thing when they’ve been chasing you for ages too, like damn it’d be so much easier for them to just go for someone else or do hourglass 🤷 Just wasting their time in the end 🤭


They definitely paid overmuch in supplies for the flag and no supply reimbursement, that's for sure.


youre wasting your own time by running and they still get your flag and whatever loot on board


The amount of times i don’t have loot on my ship though and i tell the chasers i have nothing, yet they still follow me. If i can i also jump off at an outpost on the way to lower the flag. They literally get nothing from me and it’s hilarious!


Don't you keep your stuff? Who cares if they get it if the goal is for you to not lose it. They also don't get the satisfaction;)


If i have someone chasing me so desperately i want them to gain absolutely nothing from it :) That’s a bigger win in my eyes, and also saves from any frustration of me sinking knowing they get my flag. I can then just dip to another server and get grade 5 again in no time 👍


They got a G3 reapers flag. If they spent half an hour chasing OP wasted their time too and they wanted their own time too.


lol byeeeeee I always imagine any reaper boat to be full of angry zero follower tween streamers with big “arggghh pirate game fight me bro” energy.


Funny enough my last post was about the nicest reaper duo ever that helped me get my platinum trophy for the game. Not everyone on the high seas is ultra toxic!


Yeah true, I was solo slooping a skelefort and a rando reaper player rolled up; dude helped me finish and gave me all his loot too for some reason.


Not everyone sure but there certainly are a ton.


Who cares if anyone gets mad. No one owes anyone else a fight.


Running is the only card I have to play dude. I have maybe 3400 hours in this game, and I **always** sail with no cosmetics on my ship. I do this for 2 reasons: 1. People will make all sorts of assumptions when they see a vanilla ship, and probably none of them are true. 2. I'm only OK at this game. I have a lot more bad luck than good luck because I don't have the skill not to rely on luck. One area that I'm not quite as bad at is using kegs and putting chasers in situations that I can then run them into stuff. Rocks, kegs, portals, you name it. If I can do it while running, I'll do it. I'll go out of my way to get the shroudbreaker just in case I need to make a get away. I'll dive to a random mission to get chasers off my back. My ship's name is Gingerbread Man.


Me as a solo slooper when I run away with a shit ton of kegs :" DID YOU EVER PLAY "PIRATES CARRIBIAN HUNT?" :"DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DO WITH KEGS?" :" SHARP ISLAND TURNS AND DROP KEGS OFF MY BOAT" :*watches the enemy explode and burn while doing all that as long as i can*


This! It's the biggest way of defense! Had some great sinks and kills with some stronghold kegs too!


It's nice to see em sink because of floating Kegs and the bigger the kegs the more fun it is


💯 It's so much sweeter the 2nd time too 😂


I once sunk a reapef level 5 who was out for blood with that


This is a thing. I usually just slalom through the roar 🔥. Now we are both in danger


Same, plus add the fact that I jump off with gunpowder barrels... Welcome to the jungle, you're gonna diiiieee...😂


I’m pretty new to the game, can someone explain what this is? Is it from that one ghost fleet thing or smth different lol Nevermind I just read it’s from A Pirate’s Life, but how do you do it exactly?


Certain Tall Tales use these arches to transport you to an instanced island for the tale. If you progress one far enough to a checkpoint and leave it, starting from that checkpoint will always drop the portal back to continue the quest at the nearest arch. There's one nearish each port.


Oo nice! I’m gonna have to complete one of the portal Tall Tales and restart it for the checkpoint 🥲 loll thank you


Do you lose the loot on your boat when you go through the portal?


You do, so it's only situationally useful to protect either your emissary grade or your supplies. If you have treasure on deck you need a different plan.


Yes, but you keep your emissary grade and supplies. Useful for fleeing a fight you know you can’t win on a session you want to continue It used to be the only way to switch servers like this so reapers used to use it to jump to a new server as reaper V but now with diving it’s only use is escape


How do you activate that portal?


You can either activate the tall tale at any outpost, or you can have a checkpoint saved and activate it from your ship. Any Monkey Island tall tale or Pirates Life #1 or #3 work. Some of them are more efficient than others because of the cut-scene in between.


By starting any of the Monkey Island or the 1st and 3rd POTC tall tale checkpoints


How do you get back home from the tall tale? The portal closes behind you.


Just vote down the tall tale at the quest table, it’ll kick you out back to another server


As a nearly forever solo slopper, I've been wanting to acquire this skill. Do you need to vote for the start of the talltale, or do you need to start said talltale and vote for the checkpoint?


Need to vote the checkpoint. Otherwise you need the on island dialogue to play out and you will be dead in the water for sure.


Thanks, I'll try to unlock the Monkey island and the shores of gold checkpoints.


Shores of Gold won't do it as none of those are instanced. There *is* something to be said of toggling on the ability to sail into the red sea for the Shores of Gold but if the chasing ship has a checkpoint too they'll just follow. The instanced ones are Monkey Island and Pirate's Life 1 and 3.


Thanks a lot!


How do you get those portals? Never seen one....


Tall tales. But only five specific ones use the portals.


You have to sacrifice 3 chickens on a nearby island


Literally I think they were trying to follow you into the portal which is probably not possible If I’m correct the portal is just for you


Correct. They don't see a portal nor can they interact with it.


Relatively newer player here, Ive been told sloops are near impossible to catch if they just got against the wind vs bigger ships cannot catch them. If the chaser was a brig or bigger doesn't running take no skill? Just go against the wind and you'll never be caught? /Genuine question


In real circumstances it's generally not that simple, especially as a solo sloop. There's all kinds of rocks and islands and it's unlikely you can just sail any straight line long enough to escape without needing to navigate, wind directions changing, or hitting the red sea. And bear in mind any ship chasing you can both turn *and* adjust sails simultaneously so every single angle needs to be a careful decision, because you're always anteing up some of the distance. So in real situations, mind games come into play. Make them have to do more things where they can make mistakes. Board them if you can and get an anchor off to gain distance. Sail close to in between rocks. Get a rock between you and use the blind spot to suddenly change your heading when they can't react. There's a lot that goes into it to effectively gain space to actually lose them, create enough space for a dive, navigate to a portal, or make drop passes at outposts to sell the best of your loot and mermaid back. Running is a lot more a thinking and strategy battle than people will want to lead on, because those people want everyone to fight on only their terms. But a sailor with good evasion can give even bigger ships a slip if they're not on their A game, and it can be even more impressive than a sink when someone pulls it off.


Well that's more insightful than any comment I was expecting 0.0 thank you so much for all the info. I usually do open crew brig high seas and try to just have fun games so guess I never sloop


Tldr: yes with extra steps


Sloop does “outrun” the other two ships IF the sloop is on a long straight line against the wind AND if the other ships can’t catch even the slightest breeze when their sails are to left or right. Sloops also have much easier turning speeds so use the islands/sea rocks to your advantage. Especially those that you can zig zag through I’ve had brigs/gallys try and follow me through sea rocks (mainly the ones by port merrick) and they aleays end up crashing and I take that opportunity to shoot a few cannonballs at them.


that’s awesome, i once had a galleon crew chase me as i finished an athena quest, i passed by an outpost, me and my buddy jumped off with the chest of legends, (both of us so he could protect me while i sold) got back to the ship and after about 30 minutes of sailing and maneuvering to get some distance between us, we dove simply to not give them the satisfaction of sinking us. as expected we got some pretty nasty xbox messages lmao


Do you lose your loot when doing this? Like you do when diving to a voyage.


What adventure did you use?


For me as long as u try to fight, if they are too slippery then catch me if u can.


How do portals work? Are they random? Do they have to be activated? How do you do so? Played a long time ago but have yet to know anything about the “portal jumping”


Damn what sail is that? O.o


Fuck them, you don’t owe them a fight. If they want to keep chasing, their choice. 


As long as you didn’t have any loot on you, it’s all good. They never saw it coming either I’m sure, you just disappeared.


I'm trying this next time. That's pretty clever.


Not really an “evasion” as you just lost whatever treasure you had and dropped a copy of your flag, really you just made it easier. Unless they were hungry for supplies for some reason.


I didn't have any treasure, but I had a *lot* of supplies. Don't know why everyone's focus is on denial. It's preservation. I keep my emissary III, my bone callers, my hundreds of wood, cannonballs, and fruit instead of losing them. That's just a total win.


SoT players will do anything to avoid actually getting better at the game


bro is so mad about how other people play lol


Like posting in the most whiney ways possible that they're not good enough at PvP to catch a solo sloop instead of just getting good? Yeah I agree. ❤




you mad that he got away or sum?




I laughed at this unabashed honesty actually haha. Cheers matey.


its was probably him that you got away from lol


well at least your honest lol


No means no buddy.


Not in sot






Its an exploit people use to board people from extremely far away.


It was patched twice but a third was found a day after the last one was patched


Yeah. I use ladder and crudlaunch to stop the little merchants from running. It’s so satisfying when I dolphin dive onto their deck and anchor them… adrenaline rush straight to the soul


That dive goes crazy I can't ladder launch more than 2 feet sadly


I watched a video to get custom settings to super buff fps, I can ladder launch real far Crudlaunch is better when you’re closer and ladder is good for when they are really really far I love catching them with their pants down, thinking they are safe


Can’t wait to combine it with the harpoon gun to ensure this never happens.


until you get a nice blunderbuss to the face and they still get away


I'm very confused why you're getting downvoted


Because this is official sea of thieves sub, they only post "grand escapes" here and very proud of running. If you are a pvp enjoyer get ready to be downvoted.


I love being shamed for enjoying the pirate aspect of the pirate game


FYI they still get a copy of your flag. So keeping low grade emissary up sounds like a questionable achievement.


So it is a win for both players, what is the problem


*shrug* I don't know if that's true or not, and it wouldn't make much sense for the flag to be duplicated to me. But either way I still keep my flag and all my supplies. That's an earned win in my book.


They do get your flag, since it counts as loot. But you also keep yours.


Weird. But either way like I said, my point wasn't denial but preservation of all my supplies and flag. So I don't feel any less accomplished evading them.


I think it's specific to the type of hop/dive you do. You keep collected flags when you dive in hourglass, even though they are loot, but you don't keep them in regular dives. I don't think you drop a copy of your flag in that instance, either.


You do keep flags on regular dives too. But you don't duplicate yours like you do when you portal hop.


Do the supplies duplicate as well?


No, supply crates, cannonball crates, etc, aren’t counted as loot in this scenario, so they just stay aboard the ship that went through the portal.


> I don't know if that's true or not it is > it wouldn't make much sense for the flag to be duplicated to me Same reason as why your loot items will remain at the portal or your dive location - so that you won't abuse the system and so that the other party would get it all as if they've sunk you


It’s true, and since you killed their boarder, it sounds like you weren’t totally outmatched and could’ve possibly had a good fight/learning experience to get you better for the next fight. But this is a good way to spit in an annoying crews face if you really don’t wanna fight them.


I probably wasn't, but I'm still disinclined to fight from a numbers disadvantage. Especially when their deck was empty and I didn't stand to gain anything from the uphill battle. I know a lot of people hate my mindset, but I'm playin' my way. ❤


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this, it’s true


Because this subreddit is a PVE echo chamber I saw a post where this guy made an entire compilation of double gun clips and he got downvoted and called a sweatlord


Sounds about right


Does a copy of my flag drop if I dive as well? Or only if I use a portal?


Only if you use portal




The true cowardice is being big mad about runners instead of confronting the reality that being unable to catch runners is a skill issue on your part. 💅 I assure you I posted this because I felt accomplished, but I am *revelling* in the sad lot of you telling on yourselves that you lack the strategy, skill, and knowhow to stop players from running from you. Keep 'em coming. ❤


Why don’t you play safer seas if you’re going to run and don’t want to fight?


All the kissing emojis in every comment hurts my soul


This was the intended effect. 😘


To specifically piss you and only you off. 😘 Wild coincidence isn't it!


because you don't get as much gold? how is that even a question?


Yep, so fun to just ran away and not atleast try to sink them to get better abd sink them for real the next time.


I know this is going to come as a shock, but in a pirate game that is a giant choose your own adventure game not everyone has "fun" the same way you do. ❤ I had a fuckin' blast escaping what was more likely a certain death situation.


What a crybaby


cry about it


PvP is the only reason why I played this game for so long. When I was new I was runner too. But tbh the PcE is fun for maybe few hundreds hours. I stayed in this game for few thousands only because of PvP. If you will not try to get better, then you will never get better. And PvP is where the real fun is. Just look at YouTube and how this game is dying. The true PvP community was awesome. I dont have time to play anymore, but I still remember the awesome time I spend in arena. Golden times of Sea of Thieves and endless fun.


Game isn’t dying it’s far from it.


why evade like this? level 3 isnt hard to get and you lose all your loot besides storage crates


Because the only stuff on my boat is exactly what you described: supplies and my flag. I lose nothing instead of everything, sounds like the right play to me. Alternate reasoning: because I wanna. ❤


Sure but you won't get any better at the game doing that. Learning to lose and learning to win are part of it. You are definitely welcome to play how you want to though if you find it fun don't let any salty sailors get you down


Oh they're definitely not haha. But I also challenge the assumptions that I'm not learning something from this. I learn something from every PvP encounter and make no mistake, running is a form of PvP. I also don't run from every fight - I don't know why that's the assumption lol. I run from fights that I have weighed are high risk and low reward. This is a perfect case. What you didn't see is earlier in the encounter where I verified their deck was empty. So as a solo versus a duo and I stand to gain nothing of significance from an uphill battle yes, I bailed. If they want me to fight them, ante up and sail up on me with a full deck. But reapers just sailing around without bait ambushing solos at sea forts? If anything you deserve only runners in that case.


I think running is the opposite of PVP…


It's a strategic battle. Mindgames on where I'm sailing, picking when to change angles or targets, working them to a spot behind me where they literally cannot stop me portalling. That's a chess match friend. Not all PvP is combat. I'm just forcing you into a battle of wits instead of a trial by combat so you're now fighting on my terms, not yours.


Bruhh that looks so fun, i cant play anymore cus i played on my shitty school laptop until the anti cheat came around, which the administrator didn't let me download 😮‍💨. Welp, i managed to get to PL with sunken sorrow, so it was good while it lasted