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I wouldn’t even be weirded out as a server if someone asked for the bill right away while eating, so I think as soon as you get your food, ask for the check as soon as they can get it to you. Maybe you’re a busy kinda person, they don’t need to know! :)


I would honestly say after you finish ordering. Say your order and then be like “and can you bring the check now or when you bring the food?” cause honestly I’d rather be weeded and not be able to bring the check for a few minutes after they order but are still waiting on the food than be weeded and not be able to bring it for a few minutes after they get their food. But you’re right, as a server I wouldn’t be weirded out by any of this. I’ve had tables do it before if they’re on lunch breaks and stuff!


That's right. You can pay whenever you want, even before you're done eating if you want. You won't have to wait, OP.


This is amazing! I’ll only have to do this a few times to desensitize myself like I’ve done with other things. Thank You!


Asking for the check ASAP has never bothered me personally as a server. You could even say something simple like "hey, I'm all good here, you could bring the bill whenever you get a minute" or something like that. Any good server will have it to you within minutes and then you can cash out at YOUR earliest convenience. And they'd still keep an eye on you in regards to service. Also, as someone with a panic disorder who struggles with everyday things like heavy traffic and really busy grocery stores, I feel you ❤️


Thank you! It's insane... wondering how to get the check ASAP without coming off as self-important or entitled gives me... wait for it... anxiety . I'm probably overthinking it... my wife sometimes get frustrated because I strike up conversations all the time. We'll walk into a store and a cashier or stock person will wave and ask how I've been, and she's like "Do you know them from school or something, or just from shopping?"


You are overthinking it, but that’s alright! Reaching out for reassurance should never be a bad thing! Like they said, any good server will check you out whenever you’re ready. I can’t imagine you’d get a bad response but in every blue moon that you do, it is NOT your fault at all. And you don’t come off as self-important, at worst you’d just come off as really busy which isn’t a bad thing at all! I’ve had tables ask for the check right away cause they’re on a lunch break and want to be ready to go when they’re ready. Don’t stress about it!!


> I'm probably overthinking it. Honestly... yeah. I'm just picturing the average lunch type place, but the second they bring the food, and ask "anything else?" ... all you have to do is say "I'll take the check so I can pay now." You'll get a "sure, one moment" and they will be back shortly. They will ask how things are tasting and hand you the bill. If you have a credit card out already, you can just hand that over. They will return with paperwork and you'll be paid before you've eaten half your meal. VERY SIMPLE! I've had countless business folks do that. They are on a time crunch and want to finish their last bite and walk out the door.


Question: are you drinking a "non-refillable drink"? When you've just finished ordering, yet before the server walks away: Yes? "Hey after I get my food, could you drop my check? Not sure if I'll grab another drink after that." No? "Hey after I get my food, could you drop my check? I'll probably be done, but might need a refill when I put my card down or when you bring the receipt back" It's simple for ME to say. But if that matches your personality I'd go with that.


it’s not uncommon for a guest to ask for their bill as soon as i drop their food. i would assume you had a meeting or other plans soon after the meal


I would just ask for the check when they bring the food. You can still get a drink refill when they pick up the check or bring you back your card to sign. It’s not a big deal.


Just when you see them when you're getting close to done eating, whether it's your entree or dessert depending on what your last dish is, ask them for the check. You can say "I'll take the check whenever you have time too", or whatever. People have asked me this many times especially if they know they have to leave soon, It's not weird. They'll bring you the check before you're even done eating, then if you put your card on it they'll probably check you out before you're done too. And then you can just get moving right when you're done.


Just hand over your card. I'd suggest when the food is delivered. Be sure it's to your server, not a food runner.


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Honestly it’s no problem at all if someone asks for the check right after they order and even before the food drops. Just say you have to leave right after your finished and ask for the check before you’re finished. It helps the server turn the table faster, we like when that happens.


Just ask for the bill right away as you order your food.


Yeah as others have said asking for the check right away isn't that odd a lot of business people who are tight schedules do it or just people who have somewhere to be. Don't stress servers see and hear weird shit all the time this is nothing.


As others said, you can ask for the check as soon as your food arrives but it would also speed up the process if you bring cash with you to pay. That way you can pay whenever you’re finished and walk out without having to wait for them to run your card. Every once in a while I will have someone hand me their card and then I get caught up doing something else for another table for a few min.


"Hi, I'd like my check to be delivered with my food please. Thank you". That's it. That's all you need to say. We don't care why.


Can confirm, “hey, could I have my check when the food comes out please? I’d like to settle up right away :)” is perfect and I will always accommodate guests who make this request.


Ask for the bill to be dropped with your food. It probably helps servers out too not having to judge when you’re done !! Don’t stress about it, people ask for it that way sometimes. 🫶


They will be glad to. They know you won't dine 'n dash and it's one less thing they will have to take care of.


I print tickets as I go, so that I can tell I've entered the tickets. I tell customers it's so I can be prepared any time they're ready, but it's honestly just for me to know I've got your order in.


You can ask for the check right when you place your order, I have people do that all the time! Usually people who are on a lunch break or some other time constraint. It’s not unusual for people to ask for the check and even get another drink afterwards, I just bring an updated check with the new drink. I also recommend always carrying cash, that way you can tally the total in your head and leave the appropriate amount + tax/tip and be good to go in a worst case scenario. If you are nervous about leaving cash on the table you can give it to a host on the way out, but that way you’re not “trapped”, if that helps? We deal with so much craziness in this industry a gust asking for the check earlier than I would usually bring it isn’t even a blip on the radar. Congrats on coming so far with your triggers!


Due to people taking various modes of transportation, working hours differing, traffic, schedules, appointments, ect, not only do servers know there are some people with time constraints we expect them and do not care about the specifics. We just want to get you in and out in a hurry if you're in one. Ask for the check immediately upon placing your order with the simple excuse of either not knowing how much time you'll have, or possibly needing to leave in a hurry if you truly feel obliged to give one at all (like I said, we really don't care- in a not mean way). Your server should have no trouble accommodating you, but just make sure you are certain you won't want a refill that isn't free, additional sauce/side, desert, ect that they may have to charge you for as that creates extra work for the server unnecessarily and could also gum them up so they can't get your card back to you the second time around as quickly as the first. Some may even hold it open if they're not sure if you're sure you are done ordering. They shouldn't, but that doesn't mean some might not anyways.


You’re doing great, I’m getting really anxious and need to leave, may I have my check please.


Would it be easier to go to a restaurant where you pay on a tablet whenever u want?