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"You think I'm stupid!?" "In every way possible."


Yeah, I DO think Shad is stupid, there's definitely something to be said about a broken clock I guess.


What’s the quick and simple deal with this guy? Last I watched him a long time ago he was just making semi-interesting videos about history stuff. Did he just go full right wing grifter now?


Basically. I think those videos got way more views and interaction. After that, he was just chasing the dragon.


"Do you think the sky is blue??" Like, why are we asking such obvious questions?


I’m not questioning Shads intelligence I’m denying its existence


I hate 99%+ of these YouTube people. They should just become real whores and at least provide a service.


Imagine paying a monthly subscription to watch shows you supposably don't even like.


Well, maybe he pays it to watch Kiff. Although the lead is a woman, so probably not.


Kiff, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men!




I understand watching something you don’t enjoy: to review like this YouTuber “yourfriendnamedpat.” He’s been watching that daily wire show “Mr. Burcham” I think. It is nice to have a documentation of the poor quality of something. He goes in open minded (as best one could be watching right-wing conservative media as a queer person). This person OP is showing seems to do it solely for rage bait purposes.


Imagine not being able to understand that fans want to like a thing, and then rightfully get upset/angry/disappointed when new writers ruin the thing they grew to like.


Imagine dedicating so much of your life to something you already decided to hate before it came out. Then scheduling time to watch and hate on said show. Then take even more time and resources to make videos of your hatred for said media. None of the time or energy focused on how to make anything better just hate. He could just move on but really digs in just in the hopes he can profit from all of it. He might as well be mainstream media at that point.


Are you able to acknowledge the legitimate criticisms made about The Acolyte or are you just another shill


I don't watch his videos so not sure what I would be acknowledging. I enjoy the show so I watch the show. Not a hard concept to understand.


Big shocker: A star wars fan hates star wars. Find a new hobby for fucks sake.


At this point you aren’t a Star Wars fan unless you hate some part of Star Wars. And the more you hate it, the bigger fan you are.


Another shill


As someone who doesn't have nostalgia glasses for the original Star Wars, cuz I'm not fuckin old as shit. All 3 trilogies are pretty much the same. The prequels are a bit more memeable, but it's the same story of some protagonist, who's a super special wizard boy, that never has to struggle, and wins because "main character" it's just that the newest iteration of that is a woman, so conservatives are butt hurt, because they're sexist. The old Star Wars movies aren't bad, and neither are the new ones, they're both just fun little stupid stories, that aren't that serious. The only points I'd give the original over the new ones in terms of writing, is that the originals were an analogy for Vietnam, and a criticism of Americas actions, so the story of a boy beating an oppressive force of evil against all odds works, because that's what happened in Vietnam, Vietnam won despite America trying to literally kill and subjugate the entire population, and having the resources to do so. Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, but I digress.


So much wrong with this comment, but the US won the war in Vietnam. It was SV who lost 2 years after the fact.


So much wrong: *Only names one thing* As for your response, it got too expensive so they quit, they tried to stop "the spread of communism" by killing everyone, and yet North and South Vietnam were later united under communism in July of 1976. The US pulled out 3 years earlier in 73. Read about it next time uwu.


Yeah, I addressed the most important thing you got wrong. You're telling me to read about it but you don't even know why we pulled out. We forced NV to come to the negotiating table and negociate an end to the war. At first they refused, so we bombed the absolute living fuck out of them for 2 weeks until they came back to the table and agreed to the terms of surrender. That is literally the US winning the war. 2 years later, after negotiating in bad faith, NV invaded SV killing several thousands of people and subjugating them to communism. The US had nothing to do with that war, so how could we have lost it?


So you lost? You didn't achieve your aim? That sounds like losing. It also sounds like America is a terrorist state, which yk justifies the comparison.


We did though, we forced them to surrender and then there was peace for 2 years before the communists decided to start another war because they cant help themselves and their imperialist tendencies.


"In January 1973, the United States and North Vietnam concluded a final peace agreement, ending open hostilities between the two nations. War between North and South Vietnam continued, however, until April 30, 1975, when DRV forces captured Saigon, renaming it Ho Chi Minh City (Ho himself died in 1969)." From History.com So basically war between the US and NV ended, but continued between North and South Vietnam. https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history "The agreement represented a victory for the North Vietnamese but also it seemed to provide an honorable way out for the Americans. Nixon quickly approved the terms. On October 22, however, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu stopped the process in its tracks. Especially infuriating to him was the cease-fire in place. It left thousands of North Vietnamese soldiers in South Vietnam (estimates ranged from 140,000 to 300,000) well positioned to continue the war when the Americans departed. To gain Thieu's support, the Americans reopened negotiations with the North Vietnamese based on his objections. This so offended the North Vietnamese that they too insisted on renegotiating several settled issues. By mid December the talks had collapsed." From the Department of State https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/time/dr/17411.htm So basically the US and it's allies, acted like little fuckin cowards, the US quit the war, and didn't achieve their goal In short, they lost. Also imperialism is an inherently capitalist idea, it's the end result of capitalism, the US were and are the imperialists. "Marxist theoreticians interpret imperialism as a late stage of capitalism wherein the national capitalist economy has become monopolistic and is forced to conquer outlets for its overproduction and surplus capital in competition with other capitalist states" https://www.britannica.com/topic/imperialism Sorry not sorry :3


Negotiations collapsed by mid-December, and what happened after that? The US bombed the living fuck out of NV until they came crawling back to the negotiating table and we forced them to surrender. Also you can claim imperialism is "inherently capitalist" that doesnt stop communists from doing imperialist things. NV couldn't stand the thought of SV being free and so they forcefully imposed their imperialist ideology on them.


These people just want to be angry they don't want to enjoy things. They don't write anything positive only negatives


We know they're stupid. So does Shad. That's what the grift is about. Unfortunately Shad doesn't even know how to grift the stupid people effectively, and that makes him double stupid.


I don't think it's a gift, he might just be like this. Which is so much worse.


I think he is, based on what I hear about his religious views.


Both. Both is good.


Unfortunately I think there are alot of people like that on this planet.


I just started the show this week and caught up last night. I’m not seeing what the big deal is. I’m enjoying it so far. I been seeing a lot of hate from online grifters and a lot of their criticisms are dumb or answered in the later episodes. It’s obvious a lot of them just want to complain.


I’ve heard it breaks cannon somehow but idk haven’t watched it yet?


There’s only one thing I can think of, but I don’t think it’s a big deal like people are making it out to be. I feel like a lot of people (not saying you) use “breaks canon” as “I don’t like it.”


Probably I have zero opinion on it cause I haven’t seen it just like how I have zero opinion on most of andor cause I never finished it cause I found it boring


It's on the level of Obi-Wan which is also garbage. Compare it to Andor (also female leads and has gay couple) and you can see how much worse it is. From writing and acting, to costumes, to sets, just about everything.


So basically you're upset because you're afraid of women, knew the controversy was stupid lmao.


What a terrible reductionist take from what I said. Either terrible reading comprehension or intentionally misrepresenting what I said. Andor had plenty of lead women and that was a great show. Also rogue one. I compared it on equal footing to Obi-Wan which was male lead. Are you saying any criticism of Acolyte is equated to being afraid of women?


You're right, my bad, I misread your (Also women and a gay couple,) as criticism of the show, and not just comparing Andor with Acolyte.


I see, sorry for being so charged, but there are people intentionally misconstruing valid criticism. For example I do think there is some percentage purposely bombing Rings of Power because female lead, but many just expect all works to conform to Tolkien's extensively laid out canon. I think it's important for us to condemn individual bad arguments, especially explicit sexism, rather than anyone who happens to have criticism. Edit: For context, I happen to be a Rings of Power super fan, even though I read the Silmarillion and can see some historical/canon issues. I believe the production value, script, acting, sets and special effects outweigh the, what I perceive as small, issues with canon.


Yeah I had the same reaction to RoP I was like, "ykw this is probably about as good as you could adapt this book" Mostly I just am familiar with how Shad thinks, and I know most of his criticism was likely based on sexism. Which are arguments I see a lot when it comes to shit like this. Especially with the suicide squad game, people were pissed that the game was "woke" and that Batman didn't triple super backflip and execute Harley Quinn, and that's all I heard as opposed to like real criticism like that it's $70 with micro transactions, and online only. They were also super pissed that it was the last Arkham game, and that they "only got 3" but there's 7 and a movie.


I did see that wave of criticism come through for suicide squad, but I never played any game in this series, so I couldn't be unbiased judge. I also was never much interested in the movies, more because I favor marvel over dc. I did think criticisms of the original Captain marvel movie were a bit unfounded after finally seeing it. I enjoyed it as much as Ant-Man or whatever.


Yea, I never saw Captain Marvel, mostly because the original hero just didn't interest me for all the same reasons I don't care about Superman. However I always thought the criticism was really really stupid. Since it was mostly the same thing.


No, they just want to manufacture outrage to get people to watch their videos and buy merch.


The acolyte is fine, I think the cast are mostly pretty good it's a solid 6/10


Star Wars bar should be well above a 6/10. Like if somebody described a movie to you as being a 6/10 would you waste your time seeing it ? I wouldn’t but I guess that personal preference.


Most Star Wars movies hover around 6/10 or below so if anything it's par for the course


So many want to believe star wars is some high fine art when it's just a space western about space wizards and space nazis. Acolyte is no worse than alot of other star wars media. Is it the best thing we've seen no but it's not as bad as these youtube grifters say it is.


It's not even about space Nazis it's about space Americans, not much of a difference now that I say it out loud ig lmao, the original story was just a criticism of America's actions in Vietnam. That said, you're right about everything else


6/10 is above average. I would watch something that is above average because I watch things that are average. That’s how we establish the baseline for average.


Why should the bar for Star Wars be above a 6/10? The Original Trilogy had one great movie, one good movie, and one "alright" movie. The Prequel Trilogy had one good movie, one "meh" movie and one terrible movie. The Sequel Trilogy had one "alright" movie, one terrible movie and one movie so bad it's hard to believe it was made. I love Star Wars, but on average the movies have always been just okay.


I think you're putting Star Wars movies on a pedestal they maybe don't deserve to be on, and I love Star Wars. But, it's not that deep as a series.


If someone told me a movie was 6/10, I would not think they were telling me it was a bad movie, just an okay movie and I'm okay with watching "okay movies."


Star Wars was never more than a 7 on its best days. It just had snazzy SFX


Ok well acolyte according to a large section of the fans is below the average Star Wars creation is the point.


Yeah, cuz the fans are operating on nostalgia glasses, and sexism. Every Star Wars movie is pretty much the same in terms of quality. Kinda fun but not exactly a masterpiece.


I mean people have liked many recent Star Wars shows. Not sure about the sexism I haven’t heard critics say the show is bad because of women. Are you saying this many people dislike the show because they’re sexist ?


Usually the only criticism I ever end up hearing about Star Wars these, and honestly most other media these days is that the protagonist is a woman, and that makes it bad, and judging by these comments, that's pretty much all Shad had to say too.


Yes, because 6/10 is an above average movie Y'all need to stop with this notion that anything below a 7/10 is shit and nobody should watch it. You're missing out on too many fantastic movies and shows. 5/10 is average, not bad


I can stomach a 5/10 meal because I have to eat, but I don’t have to force myself to watch mediocre entertainment. My time is worth more than a series which won’t be renewed for a second season.


I feel like you're failing to realize that a 6/10 is still a conglomeration of people who absolutely hated it, people who absolutely loved it, and everyone in the middle It might not be your cup of tea, that doesn't mean it won't be someone else's


Look, I despise the Acolyte right now and loath Shad. We exist, people.


And that's completely fine! Not liking the show doesn't even need a justification, tastes are different. The thing is when people actively watch something they hate to fuel a culture war. You have people like MoistCritikal who don't like the show for completely valid reasons, he doesn't find it amusing, subpar, etc. But the people in the comments when he reviewed it, were all making racist and homophobic "jokes", which is the result of the grifters, to the point where someone can't just not like something, they've made it an "Us vs Them" issue.


If you formed that opinion going in with an neutral open mind that's fine. Shad and his ilk were just predisposed to hate it and were never gonna approach it fairly. And he's actively choosing to hate-watch it when he could stop at any time.


Out of curiosity, why don't you like it, and on that same note, why do like that guy not like it?


Well, to say I despise it is rather too strong a word (though episode 4 was really pushing he there this week). I would say that I really don’t like it. It’s just a bit ‘meh’ - not particularly well written and the acting is inconsistent. Its biggest crime is being just another tepid show set in the SW universe and halfway into this series and it’s still not able convince me why the story even needed to be ‘told’. I’m way past thinking that anything SW related is worth celebrating. It’s got to stand on its own and justify itself and lots of Disney+ content just doesn’t these days. Compare that to the Andor which is just a fantastic series on its own.


Wait what? Is that last sentence a typo?


I assume they meant Andor


That's totally fair! I will respectfully offer one point--strictly speaking, *none* of the Star Wars stories needed to be told. The first film alone provides a satisfying narrative arc that would have stood alone perfectly well with no sequels or prequels. We didn't need to learn about Vader, or the nature of the Force, or how the Old Republic's political myopia led to the rise of the Empire, or Palpatine's manipulative rise, fall, and subsequent return, or Luke's struggle to cope with the pressure of single-handedly reviving a dead mystical tradition and passing of the torch. These things all add interesting texture and depth to the world and its characters, but none of them were necessary. On a real-world level, of course, the justification is money. They exist to make money for Lucasfilm, which every piece of Star Wars since the first has done. Nothing new there. Not trying to change your mind or anything, your opinion is valid, just want to raise that one point for consideration.


Yeah, judging stories by “whether or not they needed to be told” sounds…strange because almost no stories need to be told. I remember Andor before it came out got a lot of hate for being about that random guy from Rogue One- and then it turned out to be absolute peak. Or even rogue One itself got hate for being about a single sentence from the trilogy and it was really good too.


Well the first 3 were a criticism of the Vietnam war, which is important, but you're right that none of them really needed to be made.


Most of these grifters were never going to give the show a fair shake regardless if it’s good or bad. They get monetized to write negative reviews all day long for things they supposedly don’t like and fuel the culture war. This goes for anything that sparks negative reactions on YouTube as well, not just show reviews. There are so many people out there just fishing for rage and clicks. If you don’t like the show because you don’t like the show that’s fine. You will never be censored or reprimanded for saying something extremely popular.


He should hang out in the sims 4 sub. I don't like EA either but those people make complaining about stuff they haven't even played a profession.


If it's so bad just don't watch it. No, you shouldn't hate watch the acolyte, and if you've been hate watching it all the way to episode 4 then you ARE stupid.


Honestly? This may end up being one of the most-watched D+ shows because of the free publicity it's getting. If it can stick the landing and deliver satisfying answers to its mysteries (which I think it will), it'll make the people who condemned it look foolish, and boost its ratingss high enough that other "cameo-light" shows get funded. The Neilsen ratings don't care if you hate-watch.


And then they'll wonder why more gets made. It's always amusing when companies do exactly what their supposed to. "Oh, lots of people watch that. We should make more of that, " but people like shad (or more accurately who he's pretending to be to get attention) will act like it's completely propaganda driven and not the soulless corporation just following money


human pet guy?


There’s probably a lot of overlap between Shad and critical drinker


Im waiting till the season is over before watching it.


I'll never understand people who actively want to remain angry. I knew going in he was never gonna give it a fair shake thanks to he and the grifters reaction to the trailer. It's clear as day going in with a neutral approach was out of the cards. You were already predisposed to hate it. You are not getting a fair level headed review out of this even if you ultimately did not like it. He is hate-watching it, and he and his audience wants to live in a constant state of hate and misery. It's not healthy for you.


Never noticed how yellow shads teeth are


Looks like corncob. 🌽


I am genuinely loving the hell out of acolyte. I can not fathom what people are even remotely upset over.


As I understand it the sanctity of that Conehead Jedi I’ve never heard anyone mention plays into it


The whole "you should stop hate watching" thing from these guys is laughable because it just draws attention to the fact that they've constructed a bullshit reason for why THEY can't just not consume stuff they claim to hate. The reality is they can't get enough of this shit and will never not be a day 1 watcher because they're brain rotted by franchise consumer culture. They could never admit to be straight up plebs though so they have invented this martyr complex where they are being 'forced' to watch it as a public service and obsess about it all the while getting to belittle people who just watch it as morons


The greatest disappointment after graduating college was realizing there’s way more stupid people and next to no adults in the world. Shad is a man child and , I know the “man child” thing gets thrown around a lot and means something different to everyone but to me shad is textbook man child. The reaction to a disappointing or bad movie from a stable adult is “that sucked or that was lame” anything beyond that is childlike behavior. The “movie wasn’t just bad it robbed me and called me a stupid meany” just peak child behavior deserving of scorn. I wish public shaming still worked world would be a better place with less self important Ytbers in it.


Eh, I feel like saying “It wasn’t worth the price of admission” or something along those lines is a pretty normal adult reaction to a particularly bad movie, but this goes way beyond that.


If you’re hate watching the show, then it’s successful. Disney doesn’t care if you like it, they care if you’re willing to pay. It’s perfectly fine to not like it, but if you choose to not like it every Tuesday, then Disney is going to keep making it. It’s weird this has to be explained.


"they think we're stupid!" only because you lot keep demonstrating it... over and over and over again.




It really conveys the dangerously high blood pressure over a show


He gave himself the "woke" eyes.


Ironic. He could call others triggered snowflakes... but couldn't bear that title himself.


I was just thinking how funny it is that these guys unwittingly make me want to watch this stuff. She-Hulk was pretty decent. Like just a smidge above mid. Me and my wife watched together because these babies pissed their diapers over it. So obviously when Acolyte came out it was more of the same until MoostCritikal released a video "is it as bad as they say it is" and apparently it isn't so good. LoL


Yeah, the show isn't something amazing, I'm sure there is a group that will enjoy it, but for many it's just not amusing, rather than as outwardly offensive and triggering as Shad and other rage-content creators paint it as.


If you watch something you don't like and feel the need to post videos about how much you hate it maybe you are stupid if you keep watching. Disney isn't forcing you to watch. the only drive you have is apparently hate and that shouldn't be something that controls anything in your life.


The most amazing thing about the second thumbnail is, he sat in front of a computer making fake angry faces with the knowledge he'd be giving himself glowing red eyes. And the entire time he thought it was cool.


I would say it’s a 7,not good but not bad either


I'd say that 7 is a number for good things. What you described is a perfect 5.


Number rating systems are flawed when everyone has a different idea of what each number means. To some, 7/10 is a C like school grading, average yet passing, to others a 5/10 would be considered average because it's smack dab in the center. Basically, forget number system, just say whether you like it or not and explain why. That gives people a much clearer image of what the show has in store for them


Eh, more like 5.5/10 slightly above mid for me, won't blow your socks off, but it's also not infuriating bad like something like the Velma show.


they think you are stupid....well you are making videos crying over a franchise that was created for 12 year olds in mind, you tell me


Well it is a franchise that's always had other force using factions. Had aliens and people of color. And basically every force feat shown or hinted at in the Eras we know had a older or sometimes greater parallel. All things I'd say known by being a fan of Starwars. Not some read everything diehard just a fan Now maybe Shad has some real actual criticisms. I'd imagine though his is things like race sexuality, or thinking something alluded to in Acolyte is some bastardization. So no Shad they don't think your stupid You just are.  People like the show, or hate it, or something in-between all cool. But grifting neck beards butcher the actual conversation that could be had


Sheesh I remember when shadiversity was the cool midlevel weapons guy . Why did he turn into a drama YouTuber


I was going to say, didn’t this guy used to be normal?


there were always little weird moments, like him going off on long tangents about how weak women are in the middle of an otherwise unrelated videos, but apparently at some point the tangents became the actual main topics


The very act of hate watching is stupid. It’s literally supporting something you claim to hate, especially in this context because it’s making other people consider watching it, giving it even more views. Maybe idk watch something you enjoy? Because otherwise it just makes you look like a hypocrite. You could be giving that view to something you actually enjoy, but instead you’re incentivizing them to make more of what you supposedly consider crap. Which feels pretty dumb unless you secretly like it or something and just don’t wanna say that. 👀


Somebody get this mfer a toothbrush and mouthwash for yellow ass teeth


Should you stop hate watching things? Yes, because you look and sound like a moron STILL whining about something you SWEAR you hate so much. It's whiny incel behavior at this point.


Less than 100k per view… why does he think this is lucrative in any way?


They'd be a lot happier if they did what I did and just stopped watching it. Just like I gave up on Wheel of Time. Though that one still hurts since I had been waiting like 20 years for an adaptation.


Like, I used to watch Shad for his medieval combat and architecture stuff.... then he insisted on making a sheathe that would allow him to draw a sword from his back and wore it in *every fucking video*. Like, he did a whole video on how stupid drawing swords from the back is, and made a shethe to allow this stupid thing, and the shethe is fucking three times as wide as the sword and has a GIANT FUCKING SLIT IN THE SIDE. making it GOD DAMNED USELESS at protecting the blade, which is the purpose of a shethe. After that I was not as surprised as I could be to see a bunch of people questioning his knowledge on the subjects he talks about and pointing out moments where he was outright wrong.


What is it with the red eyes thing? It’s so obnoxious.


Shad is such a perfect microcosm of the decay that all of these critique channels seem to go through. Just more and more clickbait with every video. Yet all these people are doing is begging at the Corpo table for scraps.


Shad is just trying to prove he’s the biggest sack of shit.


To clarify, yes, I think you are stupid.


I decided to not reup the D+ subscription when people like Moist and SWT weighed in. Those two are very critical of the project, but not because of race/gender representation. That's a really important distinction because a lot of Star Wars has been slop that is fair to criticize, but many of my bedfellows in also thinking it's slop feel that way first and foremost because they don't like seeing women and minorities in Star Wars. There is zero grounds to claim diversity ruins the immersion of Star Wars. You could not pick a fictional setting *more* friendly to the idea of a myriad of different races and genders being represented. I want better Star Wars, so I'm voting with my wallet. Hate watchers are forking over money while foaming at the mouth while not doing anything to actually twist the arm of Disney.


Couldn't have said it better, by giving them money and exposure, they are ensuring the slop continues. Maybe because their rage-content hinges on it.


Wish shad just stuck with makin weapons and armour videos and occasionally dipped into media like "how accurate is "xyz" movies fighting. Etc etc. Now hes just a lolcow


They think they can lose us in there dad!” Fury road


Why is Sol in the thumbnail. The series has a lot of flaws but he's the gem.


If you don't like it stop watching, you only hurt yourself.


I don’t know who this guy is but I think he’s pretty stupid just from the thumbnail.


Hate watch? No. Love watch ? Yes.


Rage and outrage fuels the same part of the brain that sex does. So it sells. Ragebait attracts people.


“They think we’re stupid!” Well yeah, you’re hate watching a show instead of just watching and talking about stuff you enjoy.


I mean I didn't really like it either, so I stopped watching it I didn't continue watching a show just to complain about it


I hate that the thumbnail and the title of the top one are essentially the same question but have opposite answers


God shads such a fucking wet turnip of a man.


Didn't he complain about not making enough money from his videos a few months ago? I guess his only choice was get a real job, or really lean into brain rot right wing "anti-woke" bigotry. I guess we know what he chose.


Let Shad Hate Watch so you don't have to.


It’d be great if Disney shows were actually pissing off these jerks. Sadly, hate watching is just an act to create their outrage content.


Spoiler alter shad: You push AI imaging software, you are stupid.


You should never hate watch anything. It's unhealthy.


No Shad. We think you’re stupid.


I want to check out this show but I've heard nothing but screeching about how its bad and woke or something. I legit dont even know what its about


YouTube thumbnails are getting seriously stupid


They don't think you're stupid... They know you're stupid.


Is this that cringy sword guy?


Why does he think the Acolyte writers think they're stupid? Is he stupid?


I've enjoyed the Acolyte so far. Except Episode 3... it made no logical sense. But otherwise it's been good.


This is honestly one of the most cringe subs out there and I’m not even a shad fan. Just letting yall know before I mute you


If only he and his mods hadn't banned every single human being from their actual sub.


I don’t know, maybe I’m out of the loop, but very strange seeing a sub devoted to hating a single content creator. And one who isn’t really all that prominent. But I’ll leave yall to it


Again, none of this would've happened if he wasn't wasn't immense creep, a cretin and banned each and every single person off his sub for giving even the mildest criticism.