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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not a fan of their music but this is based.


ICP and Juggalos are a bunch of weirdos, but they seem like good people


My sister grew up listening to ICP. It was definitely different, not my thing, but I remember a lot of (relative) positivity in the music. I think they have an album that was mostly about striving to make the world more like Shangri-La, though that seems sort of an outlier considering their biggest claim to fame might asking how magnets work. And from what I recall from a Wikipedia rabbit hole some years ago, Juggalos are also pretty community-focused and have setup a number of charities. But like most somewhat niche fandoms, they developed some weird customs and some losers came in to co-opt the name and do some sketchy shit. But on the whole, I think Juggalos would be pro-Union abolitionists, so they're alright in my book.


But still, how do they work?


In their defense, I’m an engineer and I still think magnets are just magic. Sure I know the physics and mechanics behind them, but all that just gets translated to “yup, magic magnets”


Physics nerd here, yup, magnets are magic. Just look at Neutron stars!


Just don't put them in water.


Grew up with a bunch of Juggalos. It's a group for people who literally have no other culture or support system to rely on. Like, the shit-covered, bottom rung kind of folk. But despite that, they welcome everyone with open, sticky, Fargo drenched arms. They want to see you have everything you need in life. They also want to see your butthole. It's a crazy subculture, but friendly.


Slight disagree. I’m a upper middle class guy and I was there from the start as a kid in Detroit. I Went to the first Juggalo gathering . it’s a subculture with its own norms and traditions, very much an economically diverse crowd.


….and the buttholes?


That’s after my time. I think that’s mainstream dirt ass culture bleeding in. I see rednecks wearing “show me your butthole hats.” ICP had more creative lyrics than that: “I might stick my big toe in your butthole, and jiggle your neden with my other toes…” they made up thier own word for vagina


I think they are one of if not the best examples of 'I am cringe but I am free'.


They are a super weird niche subculture that you would not like having as neighbors. With that said they are and always have been super inclusive and supportive of each other and thats pretty awesome.


I’d rather have a juggalo next door than a traitor flag waving trumper


“Whoop whoop” - John Brown


A Juggalo may have all night parties and the occasional front yard wrestling match. But, by and large, they're not going to try to systematically eliminate entire groups of people from existence.


I’m putting this on a shirt.


Plus having gotten to finally try Faygo recently it’s actually pretty good, especially the apple and watermelon flavors.


Bro Redpop is the one and only flavor of Faygo!


That one’s pretty good too!


Ok. Nothing against Juggalos here, but why does everyone act like only juggalos enjoy faygo?


Kind of a square/rectangle situation going on there I think


I think that’s a perfect description of them


Always have been.


Yeah, in honor of their wonderful burning of the traitor flag, I will stop teasing the band and their fans for the rest of time.




Same here unironically


fuckin magnets, how do they work?


I used to be a Ted Nugent fan until I saw him wearing a Confederate flannel. Cat Scratch Fever is still a good song though.


I feel like I've been detected-- r/ShermanPosting and icp together in a post? hot diggety damn.


It happens more often than you expect.


They got us, I just posted juggalos over to the Kendrick subreddit also lol - the plague is spreading


Nah, that's no plague man: that's that clown love, you know what I'm saying?


It blows my mind how many people where I live have both ICP/Psychopathic Records stickers and traitors flags on their vehicles. Also, I live in Montana, about as far away from the south as you can get.


ICP has a huge following in an obscure small town in Wyoming too


Is this a reference I'm not getting or am I just stupid


No, it's just a snapple lid style factoid. There's a counter culture of 'jugallos' in a town in Wyoming. I'm not sure if it STILL is that way, but for a very long time it was.


It’s amazing how pro confederate there are. It wasn’t even a state until a whole generation *after* the traitors were curbstomped


They may not understand how magnets work, but their hearts are in the right place.


Magnets... fucking how do they work?


You know how you can't phase your hand through your desk and you don't fall right through the floor? The electrons in the desk atoms and your hand atoms repel each other, same as the floor and your feet. The forces only get big enough to notice when they get so close they're touching. Magnets are the same thing, only the electrons forces are lined up so the forces are magnified so you notice it larger distances. I know you're just quoting the song, but explaining things is fun lol


I mean... I was just quoting the dong, but this is a pretty great explanation. Thanks thealmightyzfactor, and thanks ICP. Who knew I could combine a love of pop culture, science, and burning Confederate cities to the ground in one convenient online forum?


Obviously magic.


Fun fact: The context behind that song is just a light hearted little rap about appreciating the little miracles all around us that you tend to overlook because they're so common


I always feel obligated to post this when there's an ICP post in a lefty sub. IWW recognizes the juggalos an oppressed people. https://archive.iww.org/node/9022/


The Wobblies still exist?


They're a bit weird, but they're alright.


Disliking the Confederacy can make for strange bedfellows, but I'm here for it, light the traitor's rag up!


We could learn a thing or two from em' too. Faygo and learning to be free. I could get behind that!


Chicken huntin is another good one.


Flamethrower is perfect for this page.


Piggy Pie is also great here


Yeah for sure.


Whoop Whoop


I love these guys, been anti racists forever.


They make terrible music but seem like good people. Fair trade.




I’ve never hated on Juggalos. They legit just want to whoop whoop and have a good time with others that society isn’t always kind to. The fact they burn confederate flags is just extra awesome. Although, you can read up on magnets. There is a really good explanation of how they work.


Idk who they are but I respect them because of this


Same, never heard of them before but burning the Traitor's flag is morally correct


Scary evil clown rap


A couple of guys who dress up like clowns and make terrible “lowest common denominator” rap music, but who also seem to be decent human beings.


So ICP burns Confederate flags and juggalo paint confuses most forms of facial recognition software. This officially brings the number of good reasons to wear juggalo paint to two. But to be fair, they are good ones.


On those two reasons alone, I think I could convince myself to enjoy their music.


I have tried, and I do respect them more than I used too. Might be as good as I can give though.


Same. Gotta respect their standing if they can not fall in with the types that *like* them and still side with pro-confederacy MAGA dipshits.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE2RSbd/ In an alternate AI timeline, the juggalos came to North America and lived in harmony with the Native Americans.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


The pride of Zug Island!


Oh shit is this why Kid Rock is pro-traitor rag?


Honestly, in Kid Rock's case, it seems more like a market grift. His fans were overlapping with the Juggalos at one point. Given how he pivoted towards the MAGA crowd sounds more like a financially motivated move. Whereas ICP have always been, well ICP. If the clowns come out in solidarity with Palestine, then I guess I'm a juggalo in support of a good group of people.


So tell Mr. Billy Bob I'ma cut his neck up


We're all down with the clown here.


ICP has insanely good politics for presumably insane clowns.


Honestly, I *don't* think they're all that insane. They have a pretty progressive stance on all social issues and are pretty anti-corporate overall. I think it's meant to draw attention of people so drunk on the corpo-kool-aid that think the sociopathic drive of material is better than people.


Ok. Fine. I'll give them a listen.


Lol. Good luck.


Making a difference FFS


I think the only song I know by them is their cover of "Let's Go All the Way." That song comes off as much more uplifting than you would expect from a band called Insane Clown Posse.


Today I have gained some respect for the Magnet Guys.


Not a fan of ICP but as long as they are charging at those smelly dirty rebs it’s fine by me.


People legit don’t really even understand how magnets work though


Now if only someone could explain magnets to them...


This is how I start my bbq on july 4th


Pouring out some Faygo for all the union boys that didnt make it home 😞


The only flag id ever fly is the American flag. Idc if it's not racist the Confederate flag just feels that way and the people who hang it up also aren't always the most accepting either...


Our culture doesn’t celebrate this sort of thing enough


Funny thing Kid Rock started with them. Now he's a Trump loving racist piece of shit.


Wow that’s wild! And it didn’t even have the same stigma around it back then. Give em props!


Just a friendly reminder that ICP has been around about 30 years longer than the Confederacy was.


rare ICP W


Not super rare, ICP is legit and I’m not even a fan of their music


Common ICP dub.


why rare?


was this done in the south?


can I nope out of both?


I was buying 4th of July decorations from Hobby Lobby yesterday and outside I saw some scumbag wearing a Confederate flannel. That traitor might as well have been wearing a white hood. Now I'm gonna celebrate 4th of July twice as hard to oppose people like him. I even got a front license plate with the Juneteenth flag on it to oppose all the "people" with Confederate license plates on theirs. How's that for patriotism?


This is literally the only reason to love ICP.


I know nothing about ICP except the Paint, but Fuck the Confederacy


How edgy!


Found the traitor.




Juggalos have been around longer and made more meaningful works than the confederacy.


First time on r/Shermanposting, eh?


Are there any black people who are actually mad about the Confederate flag, or is it all just white people who feel they're being virtuous in hating it? Because I have never met a non-white person who gave a single shit about this. (I'm speaking as a non-white person)


Actually white people are allowed to hate racist historically illiterate fuckwits too.


For the past few years, I've taught social studies at a school that is predominantly students of color. The break down of our student body was roughly 50% Latino, 25% African American, 15% Asian/Pacific Islander, and less than 10% white. Damn near every one of kids of color hated that flag, and many would want to have discussions about its meaning during our civil war, reconstruction, and/or civil rights units. I had two black kids who said they didn't really care about it, but they were the exceptions, not the standard.


Now you know at least 2 by name, so you don’t have to say something so mind numbingly stupid ever again. 1. [Bree Newsome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq3JvcGBqe0&pp=ygUhV29tYW4geWFua3MgZG93biBjb25mZWRlcmF0ZSBmbGFn) 2. [Muhiyidin Moye](https://www.cbc.ca/shortdocs/features/meet-muhiyidin-dbaha-the-man-who-grabbed-a-confederate-flag-on-live-tv1)


I'm white, and I don't feel virtuous or self-righteous when hating that flag. I feel shame for that part of history even fucking happened. Like we could have prevented this as a country if the founding fathers had slightly bigger balls. I feel anger that a whole section of the country thought it was their God given right to enslave and abuse and torture other people. And I feel sadness at what our country could have been if the confederacy had never happened. So you and you're stupid fucking take can sit the fuck down and keep your dumb thoughts to yourself.


I just hate it because it’s anti-American. No different than an al queda flag.