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USA: believe to be indomitable road-warriors *Proceed to fail to drive in a circle*


A circle where there are painted lines with instructions. No government will tell me how to drive! FREEEEEEDOOOM!


USA: NASCAR is better than F1, driving in circles is better USA: What is this circle in my road


That's golden 😀


And this is exactly why i love this page 😂👌


The problem stems from their insistence on driving on the wrong side of the road


Karen voice: Excuse me! I think you’ll find it’s the *right* side of the road. End Karen.


The wheels on the bus go round and round...


I don't understand how you can accidentally go the wrong way at a roundabout. I mean, it's not the best one I've ever seen but you'd think common sense would kick in. Even the angles roads join/leave would be a clue you think. I've heard of it occasionally happening here but that's usually if someone is really drunk or having a medical episode.


"you'd think common sense would kick in" Yes


To be fair my Dad did it once when we got to Calais from Dover. Admittedly he was used to driving on the other side of the road


Oh yikes. That must have been terrifying.


Polish in the UK. I'd never dare to drive in Europe as I've spent most of my adult life in the UK. Error happens. I'm sure your dad learnt from this. We are all human


Remember, common sense isn't all that common...


You think the yanks have common sense?


These aren't Yanks, they're Confederates.


The only way that can happen is when you move from a right/left side driving country to the other.


Guys, why build roundabouts if they still cannot produce cars that can turn?


to be fair, modern (last 10years and onward) american cars have enough european engineers designing them and european parts that they now can actually turn.


However, there were also some who had been able to do this for several decades. But only to the left.


true American cars can only turn right! away from communism and radical left!


So u say NASCAR is communist?


yes! they are trying to indoctrinate children and kill law abiding Americans causing incidents and throw themselves onto the crowd! my heart bleeds at the sight of capitalist lives lost


No to turn left you have to turn right! I've seen the propganda that is Cars


If I was an European with the typical North American mindset , I would have replied: so they are not American, USA poors cannot build anything by themselves so we have to teach them ho to do. Europe wins! Glad that I’m not from the USA


Making me turn my car is restricting my freedom!


This thing you're trying to make me do is entirely reasonable, but as a true, free, American patriot, it is my duty to do the exact opposite, to the detriment to my fellow Americans.


They can get around them , they are just stupid. I drive a truck with a 53’ tralier and have little problem .


I’m Australian and drove in the US while on holiday there. I went through an area which had quite a few roundabouts and it was shocking how bad the other drivers were at navigating them. Coming to a complete stop and hesitating when there’s literally no other cars to give way to on the roundabout is not how it’s meant to be done, American friends.


They are not ready for zip merge concept yet. Not even close


Neither is Germany, or Austria, or Italy, to be fair. I don't know about other countries, though


You're gonna love Indian roundabouts


Yes, americans seem to be unable to comprehend roundabouts. They are the biggest pussies when they come up to one. Hesitating and second guessing what they are doing making it all that much more dangerous because not only do you have to be looking for vehicles in the roundabout, you also have to make sure you dont nail them because they got spooked and stopped in the middle of it. Source: live in the usa but grew up around roundabouts


It was in Sedona, for reference. Lots of complaints online as to how bad the traffic is in Sedona and I’m at least 50% convinced it’s just because people don’t know how to use the roundabouts.


As a non American do they not know how to use a roundabout or do you have some dual direction rules over there


They don't like to learn new things. They really don't.


TIL that the US didn't really use roundabouts until the 90s. Also that it caused dismay in the populace because even police found it confusing. How is going in a circle confusing to some people?


They even drive in a circle for fun


Many areas of the country are just getting them recently. Even then, they're not super common


How is that even possible? It's literally one of the most effective ways to direct traffic, reduce emission and noise. That's madness


Because intersections and not liking change. Hell, the US standardized their credit card payment systems on chip and signature YEARS after everyone else had gone with chip and PIN because they didn't want to change how they did things. It's madness.


Apparently it's even decades, in France chip and pin is the standard since the early 90's, I haven't seen anyone swiping their card since then


How did they build their speaking suburbia without roundabouts? There's probably 50 in my Aussie suburb alone and I have no clue how they'd flow nicely when driving without them 


I didn't use roundabouts until 2005 when I got my license...


Yeah people tend not to use roundabout on foot, because it's designed for vehicle traffic.


Point is how can you not learn something in 30 years. "Not until the 90s" is a bad excuse.    Edit: they've had plenty of time to get accustomed to roundabouts.


It's not an excuse, what are you even on about? lmao It's just simply baffling that the US keeps trying to sell themselves as no. 1 yet they didn't implement one of the most basic traffic intersections till the 90s.


We are in agreement. Reread my posts, my point is they had plenty of time to get accustomed to it.


I think it’s the multi lane aspect and the need to pre plan where you are driving, Germans struggle with them too and they are extremely reactionary drivers, hardly any pre planning on where they need to be. On multi lane roads it’s stuff like “this is my turn so I’ll move over now” instead of “my turn is coming up, I should move over and get ready”. They just work with exactly what’s in front of them, so multi lane roundabouts fuck them over hard because you have to move over and stuff. Also if it’s not painted in the street where they have to go they struggle too, it has to be extremely simple or there’s issue and there’s only so much simplification one can do on multi lane round abouts. I come from the U.K. and one thing I would love to watch on TV is the average German dropped into the middle of a big British city in rush hour and record the whole process, it would be hilarious.


>Germans struggle with them too  I'm German, we have plenty of roundabouts here and I've never seen anyone "struggle" with them.


Because you are German, you don’t know the difference. I’m also not talking about simple roundabouts, a child can navigate them.


Germans in British Cities have to drive at the other side they are used to, so it isn't that surprising.


So did I when I first went to Germany, it’s not hard, the only issue at the start is your hand forgets which side the gear stick is sometimes.


We do not know how to use a roundabout. During the one drivers test I was required to take 19 years ago (I am now currently 35 years old) we spent maybe five minutes discussing how to use a roundabout in the classroom and never practiced driving in one. The vast majority of Americans have no fucking clue how to use a roundabout.


If you need to be told how to use one then you're an idiot. They're very obvious.


As somebody who uses several roundabouts every day on my way to work, I can totally see somebody not getting it if they've never been actually taught about it. I see enough people using their indicators wrong on them, even though they were definitely taught. It's a bit stupid but I can see people going the wrong way because they need to take the exit on their left


Well, they are a little counter intuitive, especially if they have several lanes, because the "wrong" car needs to have the right of way or it won't work. Then, of course, there are all the different schools about how and when to signal \*staring at Sweden\*


In France my driving instructor took me to one of the worst area of the city and made me drive in successive roundabout for approx 2 hours. It was annoying but at least I know how to drive correctly.


How do you need to be told?


To be fair, there’s a roundabout near me that’s a little confusing as it’s a double roundabout. I recall my driving instructor producing a whiteboard to draw circles on and 2 toy cars to demonstrate. The rest were pretty obvious but then I’d spent my whole life as a passenger going around them so it was common sense.


They need to be told everything bc they grew up inside of a cult. 


They kept the imperial system and obviously other leftovers from the british, but now they use some of the metric system and.. sometimes go the other way in a roundabout 😀


The imperial system is defined on the metric system nowadays, so technically they use metric with a confusing layer on top.


..and a confusing geometrical shape to drive on 😃


They are very rare in the US. The first time I drove in Europe (Italy), I learned after navigating a couple how to do it efficiently. My eyes were opened to how awesome roundabouts are compared to the typical 4-way stops we use. That we don't use roundabouts here as often as possible is as confusing, and as disappointing, as our commitment to not using metric.


I believe this video is an old one from Texas when traffic circles are first introduced in an area that never had them before. Imagine it like how in "the king and i", she tells the kids about shit they've never even thought was possible. Granted those were kids in a book/movie and in an age where information wasn't available, and these are just very very stupid adults.


''i watched so many videos of people driving around roundabouts in the uk, i swear they all go round this way''


Maybe we should show them Swindon.


The magic roundabout! Got a feeling America would rather blow it up than try understand it


Roundabouts aren't that hard to figure out (and a darn sight easier and safer than a 4 way stop)


Yup. The unsafest of the roads I know is an old villa area with an equal 4 way crossing every 20 meters - with houses built directly to the roadside and one of the roads is a meter wider than the others, creating an illusion of "this bigger one must have the right of way all times". With a roundabout.. just follow the flow. Be a sheeple.


You'd think so, right? I live in Malta and we have a lot of roundabouts but it still seems like they are the Maltese driver's arch nemesis. It is crazy. In pretty much every other European country I've been to or lived in, drivers are pretty decent. Scandinavia, Germany....all good drivers, but the Maltese...... Let's put it like this, the Maltese drive with the attitude of Italians but with the skills of an old Chinese lady.


Sadler's Farm Roundabout (Essex, UK) would like to have a word..... Known as a Magic roundabout - one large roundabout with about half a dozen smaller ones around it - it is quite possible - and legal - to go the wrong way around the main roundabout. However, once you understand the system, yes, it's pretty easy but my first time approaching it was a big WTF moment. Also easier now that there are link roads between A13 and A130 but still confuses people.


Thankfully that's an exception and not the norm (I'm so thankful that Australua drives on the left like the UK, because otherwise my head would be hurting concentrating on driving that roundabout(s)


If you've never encountered one, I'd venture a muktilane roundabout could be a little confusing


We have all sorts in Australia, even these. They're a little more difficult but you get used to them


And they're somewhat uncommon in the US. I'd venture some places still don't have any.


I watch a YouTube channel Type Ashton and she did a great episode on roundabouts (US v Germany and wider Europe experience), and yep, much of the US lacks roundabouts (and even those that have them, 1 lane ones are usual)


Roundabouts are not a problem. These people are.


In USA you have to be professional elite driver to drive around in circles like Nascar or Indycar.


Why is it *so* hard for Americans?


Because roundabout looks like 0, and 0 is so metric like 1k = 1000 etc. Americans only understand round numbers like 1 inch = 1234 hamburgers = 6789 freedoms


Because a lot of them are thick as mince


The American mind cannot comprehend this.


Apparently roundabouts are communism. One must protest


I never understood how folks fail so hard at roundabouts. My city is installing more of them in trouble intersections, and the sheer amount of people who seem to be intentionally screwing up is staggering.


Americans are used to 50 lane highways. Roundabouts are a foreign concept to them


And these people have easy access to fire arms...


Is the idea that they shoot the other drivers, until they are the only one left and can go in any direction they want? Drive free!


There's a new Fortnite patch, parachute down in your vehicle onto the roundabout and it's last one standing.


How can’t they understand something so basic? Are they stupid?


Yes, you know they are…..


The problem is the people driving there, not the roundabout


I think the main issue here is the name "roundabout" just rename it to "Freedom circle" put a pole with a huge US flag in the middle and people will know what to do.


# That’s a brilliant idea actually! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅


The drivers are definitely stupid but that roundabout design is awful.


That’s a Turbo roundabout, which is common to see in The Netherlands.


Really wish we had more of these in Scotland, love how effective the design is!


A turbo roundabout? Basically Americans are being taught to run before they could even crawl 🫣


Not very easy to understand, especially if it's snowy


How is it supposed to work ?


just don't go left and keep moving till you're off the round about?


[this](https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/04/15/first-data-on-south-bays-new-turbo-roundabout-are-in-with-surprising-results-is-it-really-safer/) is a good explainer on it. Basically stops lane-changing in the roundabout


And adds lane changing before the roundabout especially if you're not familiar with the area


But replace it with a more dangerous lane crossing...


You already have to cross a lane to enter a roundabout. The way it's designed you only cross traffic on entry, and not on exit (except ped crossings and bike lanes). It is much safer AND faster than 2 lane roundabouts


You don't have to cross a lane when entering unless you are going left, and even so, you do it at an oblique angle. Likewise, when exiting, you make a lane shift right after the previous exit, and everybody is moving in the same direction. With this construction, you do almost a 90 degree pass, with the risk of a T-bone. Also, you might end up having to stop, something which should never happen in an ordinary roundabout, and which is a risk situation. What makes roundabouts safe is that everyone is moving in the same direction, more or less, and that you only need to have your attention on one thing. What makes them effective is that the traffic never stops in them. This design breaks both of these goals.


tell me you've never used a turbo roundabout without telling me you've never used a turbo roundabout. turbo roundabouts allow the increased throughput of two lane roundabouts while reducing the number of conflict points using physical barriers


Tell me you have never worked with road design.


If you could explain to me where you think this design - could require you to stop IN the roundabout - doesn't have traffic moving the same way/requires focus in more than one spot i could help clear up your confusion.


So there are lane dividers... If you've never seen a roundabout before, it's not totally unreasonable to think it supports 2 way traffic.


American traffic engineers have a genuinely difficult problem. They appreciate roundabouts are better. But they also know American drivers are terrible at negotiating them. So they try to over engineer them with lots of signs and guidance. however for regular roundabout enjoyers it counter intuitively makes it harder to understand and navigate. A typical Brit would be perfectly happy with no road markings and a circle. Stuff like this just makes it more confusing.


You make it sound like this particular roundabout design is American, its not. Afaik its a Dutch invention, and if not invented by an actual Dutch person it was at least introduced there.


Surely those are all foreigners from left side traffic countries in the US for the first time. SURELY....


They are and don’t call me Shirley….


[laughs in swindon](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1scC1mAEFms233A7A)


Now come on y'all. You can't blame them for this. It is almost as hard to drive a partial circle as it is to count above 12.


They put in a roundabout near where I live in Canada and almost every day I see someone do this


Needs a lot more arrows. BIG arrows.


Simple tip for those having trouble with roundabouts: Cut up your license and sell your vehicle. You do not belong on the road.


We have a large multi-lane roundabout with traffic lights INSIDE of the roundabout in my country. That one is notorious for causing near-misses and confusion for drivers who haven't encountered this specific horror before. [https://prnt.sc/lygIQIb4baoj](https://prnt.sc/lygIQIb4baoj) The white lines inside the roundabout has them. it's a bloddy mess.


Who the hell came up with that? It defeats the purpose of a roundabout lol


When almost 50% of the US population can’t read past an “8th grade” written book them not being able to understand the fundamentals of a roundabout doesn’t surprise me.


Before I moved to the US I was thinking that Americans are great drivers ( makes sense since they are raised in a car centric culture, right?). Boy, was I wrong!


Oh boy, this is need more than ever https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k7YVxLLIuGM&pp=ygUTYm9zbmlhbiBhcGUgc29jaWV0eQ%3D%3D


This is the country where the biggest motorsport consists in turning left in a circle for hours. That's the only thing you have to do here.


How do you fuck up the simplest form of intersection so badly? Just put a circle there. Just a circle. No insets or cuts or lines, just a circle and tell everyone to give way to the left.


You do that, and drivers will go whatever direction they want, maybe even over the middle. And it's not 'give way to the left' you give way to traffic already on the roundabout. Roundabouts can go clockwise too.


Just proves they are not educatable to better ways of keeping traffic flowing, like most things they do. Driving other than in straight lines on freeways it seems to be beyond them.


Shit Americans Do.


You know people are dumb when they can’t read signs or understand a circle


How can you get it that wrong? No wonder there is a conspiracy theory about these.


I suppose 90% of people understand and appreciate that particular roundabout.


Am I in the wrong? no it's all those other cars entering my lane!


Always turn right. How hard can it be.


I wonder if they still would have had these issues if it was just a simple roundabout instead of one with all of these lane dividers.


We're number 1, we're number 1 !!!!!


The dual trucker gets it.


And here my friends american mind can’t comprehend this


This is like if you left monkey to design everyday items.


Should put up signs at every roundabout. ”Only drive in the Nascar direction”


As a Brit it's quite funny to watch at first. But to be fair, none of us would be much better here. The road markings seem designed to confuse. There are extra, inner lanes with dead ends and starts. This has taken a simple design and added extra steps.


I don’t understand this. US drives on the right, everyone in the video is driving to the right. Except for you. Who do you think is wrong, bud.


This is in Kentuckistan, I think. 😂😂😂


It’s [near Hollister, California where highways 25 and 156 meet](https://maps.app.goo.gl/b2W8ZLVPj5GW4VN67?g_st=ic).


Could be a confused Brit of Ozzy


If you’ve never seen one, especially the double layered variant depicted here, I can get it takes a bit get used to it. But there are literally arrows painted on the road here..


These people should not be allowed to drive.


I just wanna credit Vermont drivers with being able to navigate a circle Recently went on a roadtrip over there, Vermonters(?) knows.. at least in that small town


And then you see the Americans at r/germany asking about where they can rent a sports-car during their weirdly planned holiday in Germany and all you can think is "you guys fail at driving through a roundabout, please don't consider driving 250 km/h on a public road"


One of their most popular sports is a bunch of cars driving in a circle for 3 hours... So why do they struggle with it here?


I NEED CAPITAL LETTERS how to deal with roundabouts. It's only a company driver. You'd think they know how to drive


This is a weird roundabout though. What are these 90-degree-turn lanes?


Tbf that roundabout looks shite. Doesn’t need all the bollocks


The one fault of the roundabout. The driver has to be able to drive in a circle.


Has anyone ever seen a similar video from a European country? I mean, before I call these guys dumb again.


This looks kind of similar, maybe the yanks are wanting one of these https://youtu.be/Kafx_GGHqVg?si=Vr0n-ngsPdAfgoUP


Ehhh im English, I cut my teeth on roundabouts, roundabouts with traffic lights, with 7 lanes, with lots of entrances, even roundabouts surrounded by roundabouts. I have to defend the Americans a little here, it’s not just them that’s struggle with them. I moved to Germany 6 years ago and let me tell you unless it’s a simple one lane round about the Germans have a hard time too, they just panic and some just stop dead in the middle. I took my German partner back to England a few times and everything she’s in the passenger seat and we take a big roundabout she stresses and she’s not even driving. She thinks I am a driving god just for being able to do them with no issue yet for me it’s a nothing burger. So yeah it’s not just the Americans that struggle here.