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So they're okay with the dog potentially getting an awful nasty infection and dying a slow, painful death because they're trying to "wing it" to avoid a vet bill? A dog's tail is an extension of its spine. These people shouldn't have a dog if they can't care for it properly


Plus, zero care for the extreme pain that dog is currently experiencing. I hate people so much. So many people think it's fine to let animals suffer in absolute agony with severe injuries and rotted teeth because they're, what, too stupid to understand that animals can't talk? Sigh.


I'm just glad OP didn't post the name of the group or posters info because I really want to give the poster a piece of my mind. But I know there are other dog lovers out there, so I need to have faith that a bunch of other dog lovers told her she's a selfish idiot who shouldn't own a dog. I hope she adopted the dog out to a good owner who took puppers to the vet asap


They did tell her that but I doubt she rehomed or is taking the dog to the vet :( I considered calling animal control. I


Please report this… this is serious neglect that will lead to a nasty infection (that plastic bag is literally a breeding ground for bacteria) and is extremely painful. Putting the bag on it is actually one of the worst things they could have done and can easily lead to septicemia.


Not only that but it looking like the tail root is tightly bound with bandage? High chance this is over tight and going to cut off the circulation. I bet the tail is rotting under there. Holy shit this person is disgusting. Please please call animal control, this is a horror story.


As someone who works with animals on a professional level, I consider myself some form of mandated reporter. Have plenty of experience working alongside animal control, def had to interact with cops a few times, these resources are everywhere & easy as fuck to access so if this is a recent post, can OP or anyone else here who knows the name of this person plz just message me?? This picture fucking breaks me, In my personal life I’m mostly a cat person but I love dogs too & I think both are just too good for humanity. We don’t deserve shit from either.


I have her name if you want me to dm


Please do! Wildlife biologist/mammalogist over here feeling physically ill for that poor animal. If anyone knows this woman, call every authority on her!!


She only even put the bag on so blood wouldn’t get on her furniture and floors, not to attempt to take care of the wound. She needs to at least wash it and bandage it. Most vets I’ve been to bring you an estimated invoice before they actually order testing or do any treatments so you can decide which things to do if you can’t afford everything that’s recommended. She needs to take the dog in to be evaluated, get wound care instructions, get pain meds and maybe antibiotics. That would probably cost less than $150 (it might vary based on where she lives, but if you can’t afford a small vet bill you shouldn’t have a pet.) Reminds me of something my in-laws did that made me so angry, their golden retriever stepped on some sharp piece of rebar down in a ravine and had about a 1.5” deep gash all the way across his paw pad that was just gaping. They were cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide and wouldn’t take him to the vet. I convinced them to stop using hydrogen peroxide but they wouldn’t go to the vet.


Omg please report her to animal control or somebody who can look into this. It's neglect/abuse!


The dog could die. Please report this!


Any idea who to or how?


If it’s local to you, I can walk you through how to report if you are comfortable PMing me some info (I worked in veterinary care for over a decade and have had to report on a few occasions).


Hi yes. I do have to disclaim tho that I am high right now so I’ll do my best.


No worries. I just PM’d you.


This made me so angry but I am slightly less angry now to see someone helping


Did you report it?




Please please please please do. This is heinous. Imagine smashing off your middle finger and someone just wrapping a shit bag around it and leaving you to bleed. This won't stop bleeding easily and will likely need a cauterization (?sp?).


Not to mention it’s highly likely some of the remaining tail bones would be fractured. The owner doesn’t seem to have even thought about that or how excruciating it must be for the poor dog. Just because it’s not bleeding doesn’t mean it’s all better. Some people don’t deserve to have pets (or kids by the sounds of it)😭


I've known several lorg happy doggos that needed medical docking due to happy tail. One dude refused to believe he needed to let them take the tail and was in every few months, removing a bit at a time until it finally broke the base bone. He got rid of the dog after that because it was no longer a cute, fun , cool Dane but a miserable, pained, woefully untrained "problem", one he created entirely. Gah I hate that dude and hope that dog is happy somewhere. (Actually it's been so long the dog would long since have passed by now but I want to believe he lived a much better life)


That’s such a sad story. Poor doggo, he really deserved better🥺 Stuff like that just makes me hate our species even more. Human’s are evil.


I second this. It's neglect, and the dog is suffering thanks to this idiots selfishness.


Please do it… that dog deserves proper treatment


If you know where she lives, please put in a call on behalf of that poor neglected dog, who deserves proper treatment and pain relief. That the wound is still actively bleeding the next day means the wound needs to be stitched (or glued, or cauterized.) Infection seems highly likely for an open wound on a dog’s tail. These horrible people do not deserve the right to own a pet.


I work as a vet tech and have seen dogs and cats come in with tail injuries. This would need an xray to see what the bones in the tail look like and possibly anesthesia/surgery to clean up the wound and remove bone fragments. I feel so bad for this dog, it must feel terrible.


Yeah, they’re trying to justify it with the “they’d only put a compression dressing on” idea Like, no, they’d also apply antiseptic and give painkillers and probably antibiotics too…


And possibly amputate the end of the remaining stump to remove broken bits of bone and badly damaged tissue, and close the skin over the cleaned up stump so it could heal cleanly. Because this basically is a limb traumatically removed in a crushing injury. And dear god! **How** hard did that kid slam a door to do that!? If it cut off the end of a dogs tail, it would also have removed one of more fingers if a hand was caught in the door!


My first thought was that the OOP is lying. I highly doubt the toddler did (could do) this.


Not that I'm saying it's true, but the distal phalange of my mom's ring finger was accidentally amputated when she was a kid and her cousin slammed the door on her finger. My grandmother put the fingertip in a cup of milk (it was around 1961 so...) and took her to the hospital where it was successfully reattached. The doctor said she'd never grow a fingernail on that hand. She does but it is misshapen so she always has her nails done professionally. But that just makes me more angry at this lady. Why didn't she grab the lopped off tail and rush both to the emergency vet? I can't even imagine such cruelty and total lack of empathy.


Yeah I think because the door is a lever it amplifies the force generated by the movement. If he pushed at the other end it could be quite substantial, since the further from the fulcrum force is applied the greater the magnification will be. That's just what simple levers do, whether built for that purpose or just as a pivot. It's been an epoch since I learned this though, don't ask me to do the maths.


Big dog at that. I work as a dog bather and I'm used to getting whacked hard in the face by their tails. I couldn't imagine how much force it would take to do that to this poor pups tail


Honestly they should be charged with animal neglect at the very least.


Yes. It’s despicable.


I will never understand how people can be so callous to animals. Our cat recently had a tooth abscess, and I was absolutely beside myself with guilt, thinking that she had been in pain for hours or even days without me realizing it. Vet reassured me that the pain comes on quickly with this type of injury, and since I reached out as soon as I noticed something out of the norm, she probably wasn't in pain for longer than maybe an hour or two. And yet, I still felt bad I couldn't help her even sooner!


>A dog's tail is an extension of its spine I would say the vast majority of people do not know this. I didn't really realize it until after we got our pup. I kind of assume they don't realize this cause I have to believe that they'd be at the vet if they did. But that is probably giving them too much credit.


I’m more worried about them bandaging the tail too tightly and having the whole thing slough off


That's the post in about a week's time


I hate this use of the word slough even if I know it’s correct


People don’t take kindly to being told not to get a pet if they can’t afford to care for it. I know shit happens and you might fall on hard times once you already have a pet, but why get one if you know you can’t pay for medical care that they will need?


They fundamentally see pets as property, not as independent sentient animals that we (as more intelligent animals) have agreed to the responsibility of caring for. When someone is getting pet solely for their personal enjoyment, they think that the obligations that come with it are optional


This is EXACTLY why I HATE when people use the word "own" when referring to pets. I see it all the time and it GRATES on me bc that alone almost always tells me, accurately, everything I need to know about how they view animals.


My tiny little dog owns me, there's no dispute here.


I love grifters who want a specific breed of dog for free, they have no job, no vehicle and no money. People deserve pets but they need to be able to meet *their* own basic needs before dragging a poor pet into such a situation. A pet is a long term commitment and not a prop for clout. I have a year old Puggy boy I got as a wee pup and my daughter and his needs come way before my own. They’re my babies.


Based on those countertops they can probably afford the vet bill.


I mean, how closely was she supervising her child that this situation could happen in the first place? I get that it's hard but that's just asking for the kid to cross a boundary and get bitten - which could have easily been the outcome of this scenario


I honestly have a hard time believing a toddler could do this, especially accidentally. A tail is an extension of a dog's spine - they're full of bones, tendons, and dense muscle. For a dog that big, it would take *so much* force to be able to chop part of it off with a door. I think either this lady didn't actually look at the tail enough to see the actual injury (possibly degloving vs amputation?) and doesnt know enough to realize the difference with whatever tissue came off, or she's lying about how it happened.


Not to mention the broken bones in the tail :(


Yo fuck these people.


Posts like that remind me of why I don't miss working as a vet tech at a clinic. Ruined my faith in humanity, which was low to begin with.


Seriously. I hope they take their poor pup to the vet asap. Also hope someone reports them for animal abuse. If I knew them I would


I’d totally tell you their name and location if you wanted to 🫣


Not sure how seriously they would take me, being that a screen shot on Reddit was my source. But I encourage you to! Or post this link anonymously in the group if you can. https://www.americanhumane.org/fact-sheet/reporting-internet-animal-abuse/#:~:text=Immediately%20contact%20the%20Internet%20Crime,www.ic3.gov%2F.


Someone needs to. This is disgusting.


So. Hard. I hate them.


Seriously. This made me sick to my stomach. Now I need to go find my kitty, snuggle her, kiss her, and tell her how much I love her just to get the taste of this post out of my mouth.


Substitute dog for human. My kid slammed their hand in a door, and part of their fingers fell off! It's clearly very painful, but we wrapped a plastic poop bag around it to catch the blood. How can I avoid going to a doctor?


"It happened last night, do you guys think the bleeding will stop on its own?" That part really pisses me off


And snarls when I try to touch it…holy sh*t your dog is in pain wtf is wrong with you!?!


>And snarls when I try to touch it But what could the vet possibly do?!? I don't know.... MAYBE SEDATE THE DOG SO THEY CAN TREAT THE INJURY!


right??? “I can’t imagine the vet would do much other than try to get a pressure dressing on it” well, how about we ASK and find out what they would do? “which I am not able to do without her snarling” you know who probably could? a VET.


I’m a vet nurse and that poor baby would be getting some heavy duty pain relief and at least a sedation to assess and clean the injury! There’s a good chance she may need it amputated further down as well depending on if the bones on the tail are broken or what extent the damage to the soft tissue is. Also, tails are hard to heal because of how much dogs move them and often take weeks with bandage/dressing changes every few days and the dog in a cone before they are healed and even then sometimes, they just don’t heal. That poor dog needs someone to do the right thing for her and get her to a vet!


These are the same people who would probably be asking this question if it was a kid. Would collide silver treat my child’s missing fingers?


How much elderberry syrup should I give to my daughter? She broke her leg but what’s the doctor gonna do anyway?! Put it in a cast? I sprayed her with essential oils and put her leg in a Home Depot bag. #oilymama


Not the oily mama ain’t no way


Okay but that is actually the exact kind of bs we see in this sub all the time ☠️


Then it would be just like every other post in this sub lol


As a veterinarian, and now as a specialist veterinary pathologist that deals with forensic animal neglect cases- I can tell you that most people who attempt any sort of their own treatment on tail injuries like this usually end up with ischemic necrosis and an awful infection. Sometimes septicemia. The vet would certainly clean and debride it. Probably give some pain meds and antibiotics. But now she’s headed towards an awfully sick dog and potentially a neglect charge. I hope the dog gets surrendered and finds someone who is prepared to care for it properly.


I'm a vet too. This sadly doesn't surprise me. I've seen this type of thing and worse. It was the main reason I left many fb mom groups (I'm still in DVM mom groups which are the best). Too much vet bashing and dumb vet posts that boiled my blood in those local groups.


"idk what a vet would do" get you some antibiotics, maybe sedate the dog to do a proper exam and dressing maybe???? an open wound in a bag with all the bacteria on the tail and skin and from the bag does not sound like a recipe for healing. edit: also it still bleeding after 12 + hours is not great. obviously very different situations, but when I sliced myself on broken glass I was told to go in when it wouldn't stop bleeding after 10 minutes of pressure. also what if the bone is crushed or it was an incomplete amputation? yikes


That's what I was thinking. It's a door, not a knife, this is likely a crush injury so there is probably mashed flesh and bone on the end of that stub all exposed to the nasty inside of that poo bag. Ow and yikes


Seriously. The arrogance of thinking that a vet, a trained professional, can’t do anything better than a plastic baggie and some tape is what pisses me off about this post. When a dog snarls at a vet, they don’t just stop and go “oh well, I guess I can’t treat this animal now. Let’s just hope they get better on their own.” They find a way to calm the animal down/restrain them and go ahead with the appropriate treatment. Which is certainly going to be something better than “treating” an open wound by sealing it in a warm, wet, environment with plenty of bacteria. I’m also wondering how a toddler could “accidentally” slam a door so hard that a blunt wooden corner would slice through flesh and bone?


When I was a kid I did this to one of our poor cats on accident when she was leaving my room and it was horrible. I had no idea it happened until my older brother was outside my room stoned off his ass and saw what he thought was a weird sock on the floor….turns out I had degloved part of the cat’s tail, which his stoned as hell self figured out after picking it up, squeezing it, and freaking out lol. :/ I cried so much and felt so bad. Cat got found (she was outside just chilling somehow) and taken to the vet right after this because obviously this meant part of the bone was exposed and sticking out and I’m sure she was in a lot of pain but didn’t really show it. She had to get that part cut off and then she had a cute weird half tail for the rest of her 21 years of life. RIP Poncho you poor bastard. It’s been like 17 years now and even if one of my pets is nowhere near me I always close doors slowly and watch as I do it. Idk how people can see an injury like this on their “beloved” pet and not feel like a monster or immediately get them help.


The pup needs surgery honestly… whether it’s major or minor depends on the wound.


And how long they leave it. If this develops into a bone infection it's going to be a bigger surgery than if they go now and get it treated properly


We had this happen to our dog once. Her and my sister were playing and my sister tried to run in the house and didn't realize the dog was following and accidentally slammed her tail in the door and it cut the end off. She had to go to the vet and get stitches and bandages and pain medicine.


We have a cat that had the end of her tail die due to trauma. The vet explained how important the structure is for their balance and other health. They had to surgically amputate enough to have healthy skin to cover the tail end, to ensure it healed properly and minimize nerve damage, which can be debilitating. If it was just left with the bone, it would heal, but it would always cause chronic problems. I see no reason this dog wouldn't need some type of care to do the same.


Please get pet insurance y’all. You can get it through an existing policy or through work, it’s relatively cheap, and it can save you an absolute boatload of money if there’s an emergency and won’t leave you tying a dog poop bag to accidentally amputated body parts of your pet.


I got mine through lemonade and I literally pay $15/month for each cat. I have a $250 yearly deductible and then after that they pay for 90% of everything. Only things they don’t cover are dental stuff and exam fees. They’re amazing


Just wanted you to know that this info got me to look into it and I signed up for it through Chewy in like 10 minutes on my phone. $15.86/mo for the plan you mentioned and it was so easy. Thanks, I’m really glad to know this option is out there.


I’m so happy! I shopped around a ton for pet insurance and theyre the cheapest BY FAR. They have been great about paying me back too. My cat literally fainted from a hairball recently and it was $1000 visit at the emergency vet bc I thought he was dying and I got most of that back. my last cat got heart disease and it was soooo many thousands of dollars so I’m just glad I’ll never have to go through that again


….that’s not bad at all


Yeah Trupanion was $80/month and a $1000 lifetime deductible PER HEALTH ISSUE. so my cat could have had $900 in eye infections and then $900 in broken bones and they wouldn’t pay a dime. Completely useless


damn I’m gonna look into this. Also love your username!


If you are low income the humane society will pay for part of your vet bills. I know this from experience with my cat who has cancer. There are always options if you’re actually willing to try. I can’t imagine not getting medical assistance for my kid or my cats


Humane society is amazing and I’m so glad it exists to help people.


I bought insurance on my 8 month old puppy for 80$ a month. Less than three months after we got it she randomly tore her ccl one day just running around the house. after several vet visits, surgery, three months of 3x daily medications, physical therapy, and arthritis shots, we were up to around $8500 for the injury. pet insurance paid 90% of every bill, so I payed around 850 for the whole fiasco. I never had to worry about whether we could get her these treatments and instead was able to focus on her recovery. I seriously recommend it to EVERYONE even if you think your dog is too young or healthy to need it


Holy shit that’s expensive! Our dog had acl surgery last year and we paid $650 at the vet. Medicine was like $8-$14 a bottle. She stayed the night two nights I believe. The check up vet visits like once a week and then every two weeks then once a month were all included in that price as well. And our vet is known as the best in town. We don’t have pet insurance.


> so I *paid* around 850 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i literally thought about this stupid bot when I typed the word and still couldn’t remember which one it was


I just got health insurance because of your comment, thank you! Edit - I meant pet insurance lol


This is grotesque


The baggy is absolutely more about not wanting them to get blood on their floors than thinking it will benefit the dog somehow. I refuse to believe there are people that stupid to not understand how dangerous and harmful that is. These people simply don’t give a shot about that dog. Look at those marble countertops. Dishwasher, fancy cupboards. They can afford vet care.


Just an fyi, this looks like a newer trailer's kitchen cabinets with the fake marble countertops and cheap knobs


Yeah and there's no way that was an accidental cabinet slam. It simply couldn't cause that much damage by accident, or with those cabinet doors


Not with those. To be fair, she just says, "in the door."


I rarely have a physically reaction to something on my Reddit home page, but this really got me. This is the first time I’ve thought about a need for CPS but for pet. This dog needs to be taken away from this family immediately and they should be severely punished if they ever adopt another animal. I’d also venture to guess that they’re shitty parents too and I wouln’t be surprised if their kids need to be taken away too for their own safety. The audacity to question if a vet would do anything more than tying a bag around his severed tail. If you can’t pay for vet bills for a literal severed spine, SURRENDER THE ANIMAL! He’s clearly not that important to you anyway. As much as i ADORE my dogs, if this happened to one of them and I couldn’t come up with the funds to pay for the care, I would absolutely surrender my dog regardless how heartbreaking it would be. Their life/health is more important than my wanting them with me.


Yeah, I feel sick thinking about this poor pup.


How hard do you have to slam a door in order to rip a tail off? I don’t know which is worse, the fact that this happened or the fact that this poor animal hasn’t been to the vet and this imbecile is posting pictures of this on the Internet.


Yeah the way they worded that is just…odd. You don’t “accidentally” slam a door so damn hard you amputate a piece of an animals tail. Also, these people are major assholes for not taking the dog to the vet. This is abuse.


especially in what looks like a trailer home so.. hollow core doors?


I was surprised I had to scroll so far to see this! I’m no dog expert, but it seems like that would require a lot of force 😬


I'm also not really sure how a toddler could do it. I guess an adult could probably do some pretty significant damage with like a heavy sliding door - but I can't imagine a toddler doing that much damage with a door.


This happened to my dog once. When my sister was about 6 she ran in the house and tried to slam the door closed and didn't realize the dog was running behind her and it cut the tip of the dog's tail off.


Same thing happened to my friend’s cat. They accidentally slammed the back door on the cat’s tail and didn’t realise at first. I was in the backyard and the cat walked past me and dripped a drop of blood on my toe. It was basically devolved I guess? The skin & fur was ripped off, but the bone was still there. We grabbed the cat from where he was hiding under the car, put him in the pet carrier and took him straight to the emergency vet.




This is the comment I wanted to see! From all of us who were feeling helpless in this situation…thank you. (Also commenting to draw attention to your comment.)


Puh Puh Puh pleeease keep us updated. If you’re fb friends with the person maybe they’ll update


I told them they were a fucking idiot in the og comments so I don’t think they wanna be my friend 🫣


You’re a rockstar. Thank you for doing that! …maybe we will see an r/AITAH post from the dog’s family. 😵‍💫🍿


Thank you for the update!


As a vet tech, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. People like this piss me off so much. That dog needs to be checked. It might even need a damn amputation of the tail!


Especially now that it has been festering in a nasty ass poobag full of blood overnight


oh god i didn't even think about that. I just had a full body shudder of disgust.


This is so sad for that poor dog! I’ve rushed our dogs to the emergency vet for much less, I can’t even imagine just sitting on an injury like this?!?


Ikr! I paid $200 to be told a scratch on my dog’s ear (from another dog) was going to be fine and there’s was an extremely low risk of infection. Some people don’t deserve animals.


I just went today for a bump that my dog wouldn't leave alone and was getting yuck. The vet for pus out of it but aren't sure what it is. So $50 for antibiotics later we go back in two weeks.


For real. I threw the tennis ball a little too hard and it bounced off the wall and hit my dog in the eye, and I think I cried more than he did. The first thing I did was look at it and then called my vet. I've heard too many horror stories about eye injuries, I wasn't going to mess around with that. I found a vet that had an opening and took him there. Gladly forked over $200 for them to look at his eye and tell me he was just fine and to come back if he experienced symptoms


My dog rips out a toenail and it’s immediately a trip to the vet. I hate these people. They are scum.


I’m sitting in the vet right now waiting for them to look at my dog’s dew claw that is slightly ripped. I couldn’t imagine leaving my dog to heal an amputation on its own 🤯




Can we request a follow up from OP I need to know they took that death trap off


They deleted the post after an hour of comments telling them how much of a fucking idiot they are.


We’re they trying to defend themselves at all


Not that I saw. It blew up quickly.


This is absolutely disgusting. Such a hard read. That poor freaking dog. I can’t really figure out what’s happening with this bag in the photo though. ETA: Nvm I see it. It looked like a dog turd pushing the bag down off the tail at first. This just makes me so angry and sad.


WHY?! Did she state any kind of reason as to why she wouldn’t just GO TO A VET?! Was it purely to avoid the bill?


She posted this and only this, no comment. Then dirty deleted.


What a coward


People like this shouldn’t have animals. Jesus.


This is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever read on this sub - and that’s saying a lot


All bleeding stops eventually.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) I mean you’re not wrong


That's what we say in the ICU... But she did ask if it will eventually stop bleeding. The answer is yes. She didn't specify if the poor dog would be alive when the bleeding stops...


Please tell me they’re being eviscerated in the comments


So badly they deleted the post.


We love to see it


I hope it changed their minds about taking that poor dog to the vet




As someone who works at an ER vet, it’s shockingly common how many people aren’t financially prepared for an emergency. To be fair, I am not either, nor would I be able to walk into a human ER without insurance without bankrupting myself. So I got pet insurance. I wish every pet came with an insurance plan. Breeders, humane societies, etc need to be pushing it more. I’d happily provide a variety of sample ER bills to help drive the point home.


That poor pup. This makes me sad.


Omg I feel so bad for this poor dog. Last year our dog sneezed blood and I drove to the vet so fast. Turns out a fox tail thingy went in his nostril and caused some irritation, nothing life threatening but at the time it was scary to see blood out of his nose. This pup must be in excruciating pain and she thinks is no big deal.


Story time: I was a vet tech 18 years a go. We had a man bring in his dog (Labrador) with a broken tail. It was completely paralyzed about mid tail down to tip. We gave him the estimate for amputating the tail at the break. He said no, gathered his dog and left. A month later her is his wife bringing the dog in. The dog decided that he would amputate the tail himself and chewed it off. We gave them the estimate to fix it. They opted to surrendering the dog to us. We collected a fund from all the employees of our clinic to fix his tail. I then found him a wonderful family who kept him healthy for the remaining 10 years of his life. The End.


I MIGHT actually try to manage this myself. I have livestock and we do a lot of low level vet procedures. But if the bleeding hasn't stopped in 12 hours, it's not going to with any happy ending.


Someone who thinks it’s safe to put an impermeable plastic bag over the wound to “catch the blood” is not remotely intelligent or skilled enough to manage this. And is clearly not even trying to (at least in the dogs interest) save for selfishly keeping blood off their expensive cabinets and hardwood floors.


these kinds of wounds are tough to heal mostly because the dog licks/chews on it and also keeps reopening it when wagging their tail and whacking it on stuff If that bandage is on too tight (and I have no faith in their ability to safely bandage this) then the dog could loose the entire tail


I have definitely treated bleeding chicken feet myself. But the dogs are too complex for me. They get the vet.


As a farmer as well, my thought was to put an elastrator band (for castration or docking lambs tails) a joint or two above, and treating the wound itself. But I'm going to wager that the center of the venn diagram of "people who have elastrators" and "people who have poop bags" consists almost entirely of veterinarians.


But you are obviously experienced and would go to the vet the minute you realize something is above your pay grade, wouldn’t you?


Prior horse girl. I would try to deal with it on my own too. But we also would probably make a decently cushioned bandage and wrap with Elastokon, not tie a fucking poop bag to catch the blood drops. Ffs.


Well she doesn’t want to get blood on the carpet. Geez that would be a real disaster.


this is so horrific oh my god


wtf? Infection maybe? Or your dog remaining in pain? That should have been an emergency trip to the Vet. No one likes vet bills, but seriously? I hope someone offered to take this dog off their hands, because it deserves better.


Angry! 😡 Poor animal needs pain meds, and antibiotics. Might even need a further amputation depending on the tail, after xray. Ouch! If hurts so bad the dog snarls when she touches it that’s pretty bad Too tight of a bandage at base of tail can cause much worse issues as well


Please call animal control, this is cruel.


Holy shit I can’t even read this. Wtf.


Two things: 1- Imagine having your finger cut off to the knuckle with no pain relief and one of the people who you love the most in the world - and whose obligation it is to take care of you because you quite literally cannot take care of yourself in this situation - puts a bag on your hand and tells you you'll be fine. Ghoul. Your dog is as helpless to remedy its own pain and care for an open would as your toddler would be. 2- Look, I'm childless and I'm sure toddlers demonstrate strength at times that would surprise my ilk, but I hung out with a rambunctious, insane, physical 3-year-old the other day, I really am having a hard time squaring away a toddler being able to slam a door hard enough to chop a dog's tail. Unless they line their doorframes with razor blades, I'm not buying it, sis, an adult accidentally did that shit. Throwing a baby under the bus, smh.


It should not be this easy to adopt an animal. This dog needs to be taken from them.


Not even some quickstop, gauze, or wrapping it in something that can breathe? The moisture is making that bag a bacteria orgy pit.


I don’t think I could live with myself if this happened to my dog.


Wow, not only do they have a pet (or more than 1), but they have also reproduced. Awesome.


Ugh, this person reminds me of my mom. A while back, our cat started limping and had a wound on his leg, and she refused to take him to the vet for over a week. She finally took him to the Pet ER, but only because I BEGGED her to take him because I didn’t want my pet to die. By the time he got to the vet he had gangrene and a terrible infection all the way to his tendons in his leg. Thankfully he did recover, but his recovery was a lot longer and more difficult than it had to be. She didn’t take him to the vet at first because she didn’t want to spend any money (although we could definitely afford it), but by waiting, she probably spent MORE money than she would have if she wouldn’t have let the problem get worse.


So this honestly happened to my dog we had several years ago. He had to have surgery. It was like $300 I think (it's been 7/8 years ago). He came through ok but it was awful. I didn't even hesitate to take him to the vet. I had to get a ladder to clean blood off the fucking ceiling. My house looked like a crime scene. It was horrible. Eta- doggo came home on a ton of medicines. An antibiotic, a pain pill and something else that I can't remember what it was for. (I just remember there being 3 pills)


As a vet, this is absolutely horrifying. This is reportable as abuse, this dog must be in agony. Where is this post from? OP, please report this.


How the fuck did a toddler shut the door with enough force to do that kind of damage. I think they’re lying, and an adult is abusing that dog


This happened to my friend’s cat one time when we were kids. We all got into the car and took the cat straight to the emergency vet, because traumatic amputation NEEDS EMERGENCY VET CARE.


Sell the toddler to pay for vet bills. Simple.


This likely needs an amputation. That poor dog is going to bite someone out of pain and be blamed.


This is so sad and beyond selfish. I hope this poor pup get the help and treatment that it needs.


All bleeding stops eventually. That being said, go to a damn vet.


please have an nsfw tag, i almost threw up, and it’s very upsetting


Can this be reported for animal cruelty??


Take the dog to the damn vet. Brain dead idiot parents. If their kid got their arm ripped off would they put a bag on it?


JFC, take any and all animals away from these horrid people. That poor pup.


I’m over here trying to figure out how hard this dogs tail was slammed in a door? Was it it a full concrete safe room door???? A normal home interior door isn’t CUTTING OFF A TAIL. Wtf.


This is making me so sick 🤢 that poor dog


This is straight up animal abuse. If they do this to a poor, defenseless, injured dog imagine how they treat their kids. They seriously need to be reported and the dog removed from the home. My pup is like a kid along with my human child. Neither one goes without and I’d definitely go without before I let either one suffer. This is disgusting. WTAF. 🤬🤬🤬


* *cries in vet tech * *


Well this is horrific.




Nah, no way the toddler had enough strength to chop off the tail. Those pieces of shit did something to the dog.


OP, pls let us know if they post any updates


So you think it just needs a bandage but you can't and won't get it bandaged....someone please take that dog. And while you're at it, check the toddler out too!


My god, how hard do you have to slam a door to cut off a piece of the dog’s tail ? That poor dog.


When my niece was 3 she accidentally closed the door (she pushed it with her body not seeing that cat was running in her room) on her cats tail and cut off the tip. (Cats tail’s seem more fragile than a dogs tail too imo) and my niece was devastated and cried hysterically running to my sister and you know what my sister did? She rushed her cat to the emergency vet and got her cat treated asap and got her emergency surgery and all the kitty drugs. Though she notes that her cat did not seem to even notice and was purring like normal even though she did bleed and it was a scary sight. It was a horrible accident and my sister didn’t hesitate and ask a damn FB group if she should take her to the vet or not. That was 10 years ago now and that cat is still living her best life being like 20 years old, just with a slightly shorter tail. No infection or pain, BECAUSE SHE RUSHED HER DAMN CAT TO THE CAT DOCTOR! I do not understand people… and that was a small cat.. I can’t imagine a large dog with a much thicker tail!


Holy eff. This person shouldn't be allowed to care for anything. Clearly painful, no shit Sherlock. Go catch your finger in the door and slide off the flesh and skin and place a poop bag over it and see how you feel. I remember being on my way home from work and I was on the phone with my husband. I'm talking about my day and the next thing I hear is my husband screaming "oh god, oh god!" And I'm panicking asking what's wrong. He had shut our cat's tail in the door and had degloved like from the middle towards the end of it. I get home and there's blood splattered on the wall and the furry bit that was left and a scared AF cat. Took her to the emergency vet who amputated the exposed part. Scariest shit I've ever seen.




This makes me so sad. Poor dog. It deserves better.


I literally am seeing red and want to knock this piece of shit person on their ass. TAKE YOU DOG TI THE FUCKING VET YOU TURNIP


Now dogs break their tails in “happy tail” accidents quite frequently, but the force needed to amputate a tail… A toddler does NOT have that strength. That’s adult level. Something really dark happened. OP idk if you can but I would report to local police if you can.


I literally had a "wake up my cosleeping LOs with my screaming" level night terror last night about my dog getting hurt, being in horrible pain, and the only open vet being super far away. Seriously, how can you know your dog is suffering like that *right in front of you* and not feel desperate to help them? People are THE WORST sometimes. That poor doggo 😞


Why wouldn’t you take the dog in for pain relief?? And to properly clean and dress the wound.. how sad. And how the heck did a toddler shut a door with enough force to cut the tail off ???! Seems like there is more to that story


That poor dog 😭 mine has cost me a stupid amount so far this year at the vet, but she's a family member why the hell would I see her in pain?!


The vet will stitch, cauterize, clean, debride, possibly amputate. I cannot believe she thinks this is ok. If she broke her finger off would she wrap a bag around it and wait? Of course not. Also is it seriously still bleeding 8+ hours later??? My dog I once cut her toenail so badly that it took 2 hours to stop, mostly because she wouldn’t just stay still so she kept walking on it and knocking off the clot. But I was like 15 minutes from taking her in for cautery when it finally clotted. I cannot imagine 8 hours/overnight and being “fine” with it. This is animal cruelty.


This happened to my cat. I didn’t realise he was behind me and his tail got caught in our heavy screen door, took the skin off the tip. I was distraught, took him straight to the vet and they had to amputate 4cm off his tail to be able to close up the wound. That poor, poor dog! I hope she comes to her senses and takes her to a vet.


The actual fuck? Did the kid detach part of your brain too?


I'm pissed off about this, this one should be on the news for animal abuse


Emergency vets exist for this reason. When something happens after hours or when you can’t get appointment, they’re there to take care of your fur baby. These folks don’t deserve a dog.