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The IT bar


Fuck you, take my up vote. Damn that was funny. All i can think about today is "what the fuck was that IT Bar post about."


I'm still processing the trauma generated by the existence of such a thing


Like, that just sounds like the stick you use to bust up decommissioned HDDs lol. "The IT bar."


Is the it bar not the thing you use to bar your door to keep users out? Mine is a sign saying "in training, do not disturb". The real bar is the mental hurdle they must cross to come up with a valid excuse they are disturbing someone during mandatory training. I love working at a place that goes out of its way to give mandatory training to people seemingly at random and anyone who has a problem with it must answer to their bosses boss.


The confidence that OP had that it was something normal. What do you guys do with yours? The fuck?! Do I do with fucking WHAT?!


I thought they forgot to add 2 T and Y to the bar, because I definitely would endorse that after a long day.


Never heard of one before today but now I understand what it’s for


Got to keep the Whisky within reach, who needs a bar...


This guy ITs.


that's just when you put up a disco ball in the inventory closet


That reminds me of the service desk at MicroCenter. There is always some kid there that you just KNOW thought tnat it would be his dream job. Only to realize that its just fixing your mom's printer except in this case your mom hates you and you make minimum wage.


There's plenty, get a cushy gov job, preferably something with top secret clearance, brag about it everywhere, and suddenly you'll have all kinds of Russian, Chinese, or North Korean women all over you. Best part is they'll be super into your work, so you'll always have something to talk about!


I know, right? If even I can find a hot eastern European woman who is super interested in missle design technology, just like me, anyone can!


I remember watching some company on the news and a sysadmin literally could not get a girlfriend and china gave him some really hot ones for his access. He was never seen again and moved to china I think and is rich. That’s why it’s stupid to work on yourself acceptance is just a click away




You'll have a higher than average turnover but it should still work. Just don't leave the country with them.


sorry, the only person that fucks me is Microsoft


Broadcom enters the chat


The real answer


\* Oracle slaps u/topknottington around a bit with a large trout


Fuck.. they found me


(laughs in Larry Ellison)


Mentioning his name means you now owe 5 digits in licensing fees.


I switched to OpenEllison and besides, what he don't know don't hurt em


Sir, you misspelled “Open For Ellison”


He's gotta pay for those fancy racing sailboats somehow.


The Co-Pilot denial play then force installing it on every machine I have was hot. oooo give me that Recall that I can't disable, yeah.


And Adobe and ORACLE and Google and your ISP


I have spectrum, ATT, Lumen... they all like to go at the same time


r/sysadmin : Don't be nice to your users, don't go out of your way to help somebody without a ticket, they aren't your friends, they are your co-workers, just walk past the office manager/admin assistant/secretary if they are having problems with the coffee makers, delivery, shredder, copier, the first words out of your mouth should be "submit a ticket" also r/sysadmin : Why nobody like me.


What if they submit a ticket? Ignore them. You are a senior sysadmin you don't deal with shredders or menial stuff like that, that's beneath you. 


Well you know how the saying goes, if you can’t find an IT baddy, you’ll have to become one yourself.


Why yes, I am bad at IT, thanks for noticing 😎


Pro tip: be the most attractive guy in the building. The best body. The best hair. The best office drip. Then all of the middle aged women in accounts receivable will be all over you. Actually, probably need to be in sales for this to be a viable option. Looks like you need to invest in a waifu throw pillow my guy.


I mean, if you can pull that off, it doesn't matter if you're good at tech, there's probably a CTO job for you.


True that. Be good looking and charismatic enough and upper management is in your future. That is my goal but it is really dependant on keeping my hairline in order.


If the hairline starts making a full retreat, just get moderately jacked and shave it. Grow just enough of a beard to look like you've got a chiseled jawline and you'll get a 3-letter title in no time.


I don’t understand at all, I’ve never had trouble getting dates as an IT person with other IT people. …Granted, I am a woman, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it.


I’m sure corporate policies love this guy if he’s actively seeking to date people in his dept. As a woman in IT, or a baddie, I fend them off with extension cords


>I fend them off with extension cords I'm pretty sure they're into that.


I’m into extension cords personally


That’s why I kept the cat5-of-9-tails on my desk. They know their place and the keepers are the ones that pick it up to see if the RJ45s are wired correctly.


The Internet: where the men are boys, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


> By stalking users, duh. Just accidentally commented on the original. Banned in 5 .. 4 ..


Holy shit. We’ve been bested.


Idk what theyre talking about. Hairy fat guys is *my type*.


R.I.P. your inbox


Damn I wish :/


There's a baddie at my job, but she is taken. Gotta respect it.


lady systems engineer here: i met my future husband at work at a previous job of ours and we still work together now. yes, current management and HR knew as we were hired (as well as everyone else) and no one has a problem with it at all. there are IT baddies out there, we are very few and far between. if you encounter one, dont be a creep. please. we already have a hard enough time trying to do our job working in the field we're in from gross clients, additional BS isn't wanted. also, work isn't tinder. don't make that your focus because it will certainly come back and bite you in the ass if you do.


it's ok Microsoft fucks us everyday


Lukily they have a ... Microsoftpenis


At first I thought that post was a shitpost.


Real talk though: be the least bit personable and nice to people as an IT person and non-IT will remember your name forever and morn when you leave. It’s like min-maxing you work life.


I would gnaw on my monitor for an IT baddie..


Met my wife at work, she liked me. Wore low cut shirts and always leaned over my desk from awkward angles. Turned out great.


Man I had one job and I had an absolute queen on my team. Cutie, great personality, etc. She was not single though lol


we have a liquor bar at our office. it's been mostly vacant because people actually prefer drinking happy hour which we have twice a week with the execs all that customer money keeping us half drunk at work


Imagine working alone and complaining about the dating pool at work. What a fucking loser! *Sulks to mirror, says”not my proudest one….”*


I’ve see. A few baddies wit da phatty in my time in IT


The day after we all completed our sexual harassment training one of the techs said something word for word out of the training videos as a joke to the user. It was so fucking funny even the user laughed but I think she laughed in pity because she reported him for sexual harassment. It was so dumb because he went back to being professional before she made it clear it was unwanted. I overheard everything so I had to attend multiple meetings about it. Every person I had to talk to laughed. It became a meme at the office. Tech didn’t get in trouble because he didn’t say anything too crazy and he apologized/ didn’t pursue it any further. I don’t remember exactly what he said but it was something along the lines of “oh shoot baddie alert.” It was just one of the examples of unwanted sexual remarks in the HR videos word for word but in the example they clearly stated that if it stopped and apologized it would be seen as harassment. So it made it easy for HR to “close the case” with the only suggested action being don’t let them work together again.


Kermit finds lots of baddies on Omegle. Try there. 


Don't shit where you eat. Check the competition.


Trying to find a soulmate at work? My brother in Christ use dating apps.