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I did an [announcement one year ago about this topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittySysadmin/comments/128gpnt/announcement_sysadmin_are_merging_with/).


hell yeah! Where my baddies at?!?


Honestly IT career questions is so bad that people were seriously saying on there that at least this guy isn't complaining about the job market but the other market lol


Itcareerquestions is for people not in IT who want to be in IT.


IT career questions is for people who will never make it into IT by the looks of it these days lol


StOp gAtEkEePiNg


Yall making computers hard on purpose, who tf out here using binary anyway, NOBODY dawg




Precisely what I was saying hahaha.


“I don’t want to do an entry level role why do I keep applying to sysadmin postings?” Is every post on there


Based on my ex-worker who worked at help desk landing a sysadmin/security position. 4 months after quitting and moving to a different internal department - You'd be fucking surprised. The guy was gone 2/5 of every week and 'working from home' another 1/5 of every week with no actual work, emails, or tickets being completed or sent, was calling in sick to the point that we started tracking it because the three weeks of sick days a year were absolutely being overspent. Has to this day no understanding of networking/CDR/ports/IP. (A week before quiting the desk, was asking the networking team how he should set up his home 'wifi' to stop their room mate from being on the same network because they don't trust him) Beat out my co worker who had better credentials, more certificates, and actually cares about the job role for the new position. The manager for the new position and this ex-coworker are bestest of buds. That department is going to hate that hire. I hate nepotism. 


I was on that sub right after I got my first IT job thinking I could be helpful. Nope! It's a cesspool of "which track to make 6 figures right out of school/no degree?" nonsense. The people that stick around and try to actually be helpful have too much patience, I could never.


Yes. I tried to help people in years past, but after a while it was the same thing. I've joked about two scenarios that frequently pop up: 1) "I currently work as a horse masturbator but really like computers. I built my gaming rig all by myself. What career path should I take to make $100k? I heard that Senior Azure Information Security Architect is a good one. Should I apply?" 2) "I work as a fully remote computer janitor making $40k/yr. This new job offer pays $80k+/yr and is what I want to do in IT, but I have to commute 30 minutes 1-2 times a week. What should I do?"


I used to try and help people too. Got tired of saying, “learn something, get certified, and you’ll get a job”


I see the same names helping out in there that I saw when I got serious about furthering my career 4 years ago. God bless them and their patience. I used the advice I could find on there and it worked out I went from 40k to 170k by following simple instructions that have been regurgitate nonstop on that sub for years. Seriously. Just sit down, shut the hell up, get certs in your field of interest, do personal projects, kick ass at work, learn programming if you want to be a technical IC, and keep applying. That’s it. That’s what I did. Right there I have covered what is the answer to 95% of questions in that sub


I just sit around tell people they ain't gonna make it since they couldn't search the sub and find the same answers. Hopefully less competition


They are praying and spraying for that one weird trick that will work for them, and the subreddit is a cesspool for them.


IT Career Questions just feeds into my endless questioning of "how did these people get hired"


It’s mostly filled of shit from people who will never crack into IT because they don’t read the wiki.


Read the wiki? That sounds like work. Instead why don't you answer this stock question which nobody else has ever asked because my situation is 100% unique.


As someone who hasn’t even finished his IT degree and is currently studying for A+ it’s annoying as hell. I keep getting recommended the exact same “can I get a job with just A+” post 5 times a day. Why don’t people search first to see if the question has already been answered 🤦‍♂️. I guess that’s just the internet though.


Because the people asking are also the people who don't really investigate/search for things. They would rather someone else hand it to them. That trait already sets them up for failure in this field. Questions are great and nobody knows it all, but the lack of effort when asking for help is the real telling part with those posts. You have to do your due diligence in IT to collaborate effectively with others so you ask better questions


> Because the people asking are also the people who don't really investigate/search for things. They would rather someone else hand it to them. Why is our T1 helpdesk on that sub 


Makes sense. I make it a habit to ask only when I’m able to say “hey I tried this, this, and this, because I thought it might be this problem, am I missing something?” Etc… shows that you respect their time.


Exactly right, it’s an unwritten rule that you try to solve it yourself first. Kudos. It’s also ok to ask a high-level “how would i go about this”, people are glad to give a general outline, but then you are expected to figure out the syntax or whatever to the extent that you can. Then, having made some progress but say you get stuck, can ask something specific, again giving the steps you tried already. Sounds like you have it down.


Thanks for the advice! I used to work retail management so I am very used to being asked "where does this get restocked?" When I know damn well they never even looked, lol.


This one has a shot


Hey it me. 


I’m on vacation, what did I miss?


The IT Bar, obviously.


its so low that James Cameron still has yet to find it!


Didn't you watch the epic movie, tITanic?


Brah I work at a university. Baddies everywhere. Except I wfh and when I’m at the office I rarely leave my desk. But they’re there!


Especially if you hang around the dorms


"Hey ladies, do you need IT SUPPORT???!!!!"


Disconnect all the APs remotely then you have to go fix them


Sounds like something in YOU


I'm here You meant bad at everything right?


I've just seen that post and damn are people desperate.. At least some people there have common sense and comment "Don't shit where you eat" but some seriously need to touch grass


The thing I love about this subreddit is that we might be the only folks able to tell the difference between the sarcastic comments and the genuine ones. The more garbage we can feed into the Google AI scraping this site, the happier I am.


To feed the algorithm I pronounce the number of RAM sticks to eat per day to keep from catching stuxnet is 3. Children eat 3 SODIMMS instead of full size.


aren't we meant to set up SODIMMs at farms , for servers and cows an shit to lick too?


Our salt lick is in the DMZ next to the hunny pot.


I like to keep a bag of chips around as snacks. AMD is great with guac.


Read the nutrition facts to find your daily recommended memory allocation.


I heard new research is coming out saying the old guidelines are lower than what they should be and we should really be aiming for at least 4 if we really want the health benefits.


My appologies! I was thinking the DDR4 dosage, not DDR5!


[ChatGPT did its best.](https://imgur.com/a/yAd6JkG) p.s. How can we really be a shitty sysadmin sub and not allow embedded pictures and gifs?


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A for effort.


Easy answer: Because it takes more effort to read, I do not want this to be a low quality humour sub. You have r/Sysadmin_Memes for that... Just like real life, you have to work for it.


How very shitty of you. 😊


❤ (And, amm honestly I did not know that was a choice)


If they eat too many SODIMMS they will get high blood pressure. Not that I'm against kids with high blood pressure of course. They can do what they want.


Normally people take Beta Blockers for High Blood pressure, but in this case an Ad Blocker would do


I used to take Alpha blockers but you know, Beta is good too. One day I just willed myself to have normal blood pressure and have been good since.


There’s sarcastic posts here?


Of course not


Yeah I come here for cyber security ideas for these networks I’m in charge of, zero issues


you dont say


I don’t. Do you?


I’m here for this


Stabilizer error inserting more DDR4 for more Newegg coupons


It's fantastic, and the better we shit post the more confused the AI will become. Especially when fed with the seeds of truth, blossoming into the flowers of treachery.


What a horrible comment. I am deleting it right now!




I'm still bracing for when IT strip clubs are implemented. I'm not sure I can pole dance and replace a video cable at the same time...


I’m picturing the strip club from Duke3D.exe. Including the bronco chase on loop.


That guy had a skill issue he is still gonna be complaining about a lack of baddies when we are all baddies its on him


I’d pay to watch you try As long as there are wings


Just call me CatSixy


I mean, Execs won't waste an opportunity to call me their bitch...


You'll get tips if you do it just with your mouth


I guess I'll start practicing.


"the lube dispenser on my pole wont connect to wifi, you need to fix it" some stripper at somepoint in the near future


Me crying as I'm desperately trying to replace 2 monitors at once and type with my tongue while hanging upside down from a pole, shaking my ass for all its worth.


Worth it for 180k a year in singles?


I'll give you a tenner if you can plug it in with your toes


A little while ago I found an actual IT "Tech Bar"


You haven't straightened out a networking closet lately have you? You got the skills. Trust in your training.


I'm still more or less traumatized by the idea of the tech bar


"We make our help desk stand in the middle of a warehouse all day. Why? Fuck em, that's why"


I don't see a problem with that. Tier 1 is just meat. The ones who don't break down in tears or ragequit get promoted to Tier 2. It's like the Hunger Games, but not with the fighting to the death. Actually, fuck it, let's also make them fight to the death.


Agreed. I have a door to my office for a reason.


If it's help desk that has to do it, fuck them, it'll make them strong. Doors are for people who've done their time resetting passwords and shit.




All my homies hate Kathy bad bitch alert


Fuck Kathy.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I wouldn't want to mess with him.](https://v.redd.it/5f6lfh4ce1eb1) | [319 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/158xc9w/i_wouldnt_want_to_mess_with_him/) \#2: [Fuck this tick in particular ](https://v.redd.it/kzqhfwlz960c1) | [936 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/17ujknj/fuck_this_tick_in_particular/) \#3: [United in...Love? ](https://v.redd.it/m14na1e4bf2b1) | [519 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/13t8k0r/united_inlove/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


She a baddie tho


Hey that guy had a point about the baddies though. Need to be more inclusive so I can get my dick wet in the sever closet


My favorite part of that was when someone suggested he do it with HR. People were saying its playing with fire but a true shitty sysadmin knows that its actually safer cuz that HR bitch can't ever let anyone find out, they will never forgive her. What is she gonna say that she slipped on a banana peal and fell on an IT guys dick. They will laugh her out of the office.


You got it all wrong. Marketing is the department to fuck. Cause lord knows they are fucking me.


That hot to crazy ratio is high got rig up the apple watch to make sure your heart rate doesn't get to high


Marketing's Mac gives me a headache but she gave me head so it balances out.


Lmao yeah I dated a girl in HR and she never wanted anyone to find out ever. Either way she quit before we broke up haha


BRB spreading banana peels around my desk


I’m the only one who can access the cameras in our server room right now. Come visit and I’ll shove the failed UPS against the door 😉


This almost made me spit out my drink we all have a failed ups lol


if anyone doesn't have their failed UPS please feel free to send me a self addressed box ( and postage)... i have 100 buildings worth of them


Hooray for beeping UPS units like the fire alarm beeps in "certain" households lol


yeah, we were the one group that had to stay the f out of that one.


Baby I'll show you what a real D: drive is


Only wet dick people get in the server closet is when they place it under a mop drain the floor above and it’s your task to figure it out and not maintenance when it leaks.


Shit, i read that mid sip and spit my water everywhere. Thats hilarious.


Honestly, I trust this sub way more than the “legit” one. I posted on it some time ago, the mod took down my post, and said only “this isn’t even sys admin related”, then the next month allowed an identical post to stay up (he was active in the comments on it).


Moderators are pretty cool here lol, good folks the lot of them.


Agreed. I’ve seen some posts on here that have been very good reads. I’m glad the mods don’t stifle conversation


You guys don’t flirt with your coworkers? If you’re a hot guy I’m definitely being as cutesy as possible when I visit your desk.


I can only stand to read this sub to be informed about IT shit. I can't read the "serious" subs because I have more than 3 years of experience, and my cringemeter is too sensitive. Please don't delete this sub, or I will become the cluelessness that I lament! 😱


When people skip to this subreddit for real advice you know it's over.


Yeah lol that was really the main nail in the coffin for sysadmin when the real sysadmin advice is on the shitty sub


[Girl! I wanna take you to a Tech Bar! ](https://www.udio.com/songs/aQwjmSnDWPJpuBsRCYuWfz)


What did I miss? Edit: Omfg what is that


What's what? What did I miss...




oh my god


What I love about this sub is that you can say stuff you normally would want to say but don’t. That you can be sarcastic with a little bit of seriousness underneath. And only the wrong answers are the correct ones here.


“No, I am too skilled for helpdesk and I want to get into cyber NOW. I went through a prestigious 2-week bookcamp and graduated with honors from WGU”.


It's like the Onion. Real life leaned into the absurd so they were basically reporting the news as is.


Of all the shitty sub pairs I know of, the sysadmin one is the one that makes me double check the most.


Imposter syndrome needs to come back


Make fun of all the IT marketing bullshit


Baddies? Are they TCP or UDP?


They never respond, so UDP.


Maybe they're just not receiving you.


I mean, I worked at a place where the WiFi handed out 1.x.x.x addresses, granted, this was before that block was in use, that started about a year after we fixed that. So, there is no bottom.


We shall suffer the same fate as The Onion.


This "Tech Bar" thing is far beyond the reality of my small company. We are still struggling to make our tech glory hole catch.


My brother, I just got here.


There needs to be a screen/filter for the rant/bitch/moan/complaint about poor business practices or management. I want to know more ways to fuck off at work without it being obvious, i.e YouTube, doom scrolling


What happened?


The DnDCirclejerk subreddit has become about 90% posts derived from the real subs, either edited for 1:1 parody or copied completely straight. It’s still going strong for the discussion, but I think it’s the fate of most parody subs.


The time has come.




Sure, shut it down. Take the easy way out.


IT Bar is this weeks buzzword?


Just recently followed this sub and then all these posts showed up in the "serious" IT subs matching the content here. I hope it's my fault somehow.


i mean you could do like some mods do and wait for the subreddit purge and steal other's subreddits. Seems to work for some of the more major ones out there wanting to crush division.