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Lawyer up, if you are not sharing tenants with others you should hire specialist to take ownership and lock them out. 


That whole thing is bananas, i have a couple clients that are publicly traded as well as pretty large, they thought their MSP's were these giant companies, but a single brick and mortar using technation and just charging them out the wazoo. So the whole thing is pretty nuts. Reason i give MSP so much shit is due to this. BUTTTTTT for the real reason is was posted. We are losing our game here, I'm not sure who the worse maniac is here. The MSP, guy who did it, or the client who has let it go on and is just finding out. I've heard of all kinda companies snooping email like it isn't a big deal. As long as the client is happy, i guess we can pretty much commit murder. Do you know how many Gundam models i could have bought with this level of ShittySysadmin'ing?


The Premium Gundam Models and hire a model painter to customize the color scheme to be the only unique one.


I could have had my own Zero model with real wings from actual birds and some artist i've never known customize it?!?!?! Sounds like a steal and well under the money moving here.


The next obvious step for the MSP is to ransomware their client’s systems until this is all resolved.


not legal advice - but take it into consideration if you're playing with the elites. depending on this big that is, stuff like that happens every single week in the money moving space. just being real with the sys people, don't mess with legal or finance if you know the system is overly broken and corrupt unless you're willing to go up and down with the big boys. if you want to be a hero, you've got to be a leader and go the whole nine yard, risking A LOT. i'm not saying do nothing, but don't expect to sleep easy at night if you're summoned to US federal court where news media gets involved or they don't. i will just be clear cut and dry, if there are billionaires involved, you will NOT be walking away without the eyes of large corporations and elites following you for the rest of your life. leave it alone, and get out of there if you know it's not worth the fight. i've seen large fortune 50's fight over software projects that ran contract bids in the hundreds of millions of dollars - and it gets really ugly. these dudes are in a conference room, staring each other cold - because only one team is walking out with that winning contract, out of maybe 10-15 bidders. you take that into consideration, it's not who's software is better than the other, it's who has friends in the game. if it's just a shitty $100k contract or something, sure, fight it. but if you're talking $100m contract, then F\*, you better be ready to cover your a$$. CEO/CIO/CTO is not your friend if you're just a sys server dude smoking in your backyard collecting a $10k paycheck each month.


Not going to lie anytime someone says "im no legal expert" or "not legal advice" i always read them but cant help but giggle along the read just because of those starting words. How half this stuff makes it to reddit is beyond fascinating to me.


this was a good wake up call for me. i never am asked how it works i’m always asked make it work. i guess when i’m asked how i should start cleaning off my resume


guy must have found out he was getting fired in 6 months


This is in my back yard. I really want to know the MSP and the ex employee involved. Not a fan of what the MSP did, especially as there are legal avenues to collect the same information. Not a fan of the ex employee using whistleblowing as means to build a client list. But I'm not surprised to hear any of this as I've come across a few questionable characters in the local industry.


Same, if you find out dm me 😄.


Obligatory re-post of original post: MSP Stole Our Data After We Discovered Overcharging - WWYD We have found out our current MSP searched our email systems (maybe more), took email between some of our team and a third party, and used it to sue the third party. Context: third party was an old employee of the MSP, we connected with that person because we believed the MSP was overbilling us, and that they weren't doing their job. The old IT employee gave us a free spot check, found that we were being overbilled on licensing, was being charged for a higher level of antivirus then we were using, and that we were behind on updates. The MSP issued us a substantial credit when we approached them with these findings. Without our knowledge, they then searched our systems, AND an undisclosed group of other of their clients and launched a civil claim for solicitation and loss of revenue against their old employee. All of our emails with this old employee are now filled as public accessible record in BC Supreme court along with another companies emails filed as a sworn affidavit by the CEO. There is a separate list of other firms that the old employee used to service, presumably they searched at least all of them as well. We are considering reporting to the police, and a civil claim against the MSP for their breach of contract in taking our data without permission but first need to get them out of control of our systems. What would you do?