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Outer Wilds might be tough gameplay mechanics wise, but would probably be an experience that you wouldn't find anywhere else. Don't look up any spoilers!


i couldn’t understand it sober


One of the best games of all time


>!Bro so many things in that game would give me a full on panic attack if I were high!<


Dark bramble is already a bad trip all by itself


I was enjoying the (relatively) chill experience of that game, minus the first couple times that resetting caught me by surprise. Then Dark Bramble happened and I was having full blown Subnautica level panic attacks. Fuck that place was awful. 10/10 fantastic game.


Booted up Outer Wilds to play the DLC (played through the original game sober), and literally couldn’t even figure out how to maneuver the ship in a remotely stable manner lmao. Kept crash landing everywhere and gave up. Ended up playing Titanfall 2, got absolutely wrecked in MP as my hands were too dissociated from my brain’s inputs to even pull off the basics of wall-running, and just decided to replay the brilliant “Effect and Cause” mission on the easiest difficulty. Was much more manageable and had a great time. This was on 2-cp, one of the few synthetic psychs I vibe with occasionally. 10/10, but would only highly recommend it to someone who loves visuals (both open- and CEVs), in particular, and doesn’t mind a *looooong*, 14-16hr trip.


Plssss finish the dlc lol it’s so good!!


I personally like driving games for this, since they are visually exciting and the sense of momentum and physics is exhilarating. Forza Horizon is my favorite but if you're on playstation there is that Crew Motorfest game that I have not played but have heard scratches the same itch.


i have always wanted to get into car games but i know almost nothing about them and doubt i’d be able to spec a car decently


Yeah I am not an obsessive racing game fan either. I can tell you that Forza Horizon at least is extremely friendly to non-gearheads like us. There is car upgrading that you can engage with if you want but there's also an auto-upgrade feature that picks an optimum/recommended loadout for each car. The game really wants you to just cruise around and have fun. If you have access to xbox or pc (or if Microsoft ever brings it to playstation since that is on the table now) I highly recommend everyone at least check it out. It's on game pass also. (Forza *Motorsport* is more of a sim, that one I think requires a little more technical engagement.)


Wreckfest might be one to try out


Forza Horizon 5 is the most accessible (arcade) car game ever made, IMO. Don’t need a steering wheel or anything to have a great time. I’ve only ever played it sober, but it’s now on my list (thanks, u/scarfleet!) of games to try playing while on speed or psychs — I can’t even imagine how *even more* exhilarating it’d be! I played it on Game Pass when it first released. I believe it’s still on there — if so, I’d most definitely give it a spin ;)


Forza Horizon is a first party franchise, so as long as it's available on the store it'll be on gamepass (the older ones get delayed due to licensing). I would like to 3rd the notion that this game is just really great to chill and drive. I played it for hours and hours and barely did any actual races. I just took in the scenery and drove as fast as I could through Mexico. Had a lot of fun, and I can't imagine there being issues with not having fun if you're inebriated, although it's not something I partake in myself, it just doesn't seem like it would be a problem


The need for speed most wanted game was fun for this. Drive fast and avoid cops Maybe the burnout games too?


Yeah I can attest that Burnout Paradise is good for this as well. I do think open-world driving games are kind of the sweet spot here because they afford the opportunity not only to race but also to just drive around the environment blitzed and listen to music which is something you obviously must never do in real life. I also recommend setting your own soundtracks.


I mean I played Dead Space on peyote. But from experience I'd say play Journey, Flower, Geometry Wars, Any easy open world game. Also if you got Rock band just play some Doors and break on through


i played dead space last month and had a lot of fun. Journey is looking stellar right now. have you ever played Hauntii?


id also highly recommend journey. its a game you only play once but that one playthrough is insane


that sounds terrifying😭


Right that’s just being a masochist at that point


It was. And that what's exciting about it


Man I freaked out multiple times playing dead space high 🤣🤣


You are a braver man than I. I had to play it sober so I wouldn’t lose my shit.


Cocoon hurt my brain, sober. Abzu is probably more in the right direction. Try Superflight. You just wingsuit-glide around some floating structures, with no real goal, but it’s very relaxing and visually pleasing.


was concerned about the cocoon part :( it looks so good i will probably get it regardless but i’m trying to get a good game to break in on faced haha


Could always try subnautica. The leviathans might sour your trip though.


Abzu, 💯


No Man’s Sky is my high game, took two tabs and just played it in creative and did fucking nothing… had a great time. Also played it in VR, nearly cried just walking on top of my freighter, 10/10 experience.


Second this, No Man’s Sky and weed go great together. I tried it on shrooms too but for some reason I don’t like gaming while tripping


Tried it, my rods and cones going nuts filtered through shroom hype was overwhelming with the colors and lushness of the art. Blue Meanies kinda grab you though.


Obligatory [r/nomanshigh](http://reddit.com/r/nomanshigh) link


My favorite game to play while tripping is Journey as it can be beaten in one sitting yet feels fulfilling every time. I could feel the texture of the sand and the wind blowing in my face. The music was a proper guide pushing me forward. Afterwards I had the revelation that Journey almost feels like a metaphor for a trip in and of itself. Another one that’s great low-commit is Mario Kart. All those colors flyin by and very little required skill or input from you EDIT: Abzu to me is underwater Journey. I’ve never played it trippin but I imagine it’s a good choice. I prefer Journey but i bet the feel of swimming would be fantastic during a trip


Hellblade (is a game that you should definitely NOT play on psychedelics)


I second this for sure


I can think of a few titles that would be otherworldly with the right psychedelics: * Immortality - That shit got me trippin' sober, so I can only imagine that under the influence. Also people tend to forget that complex controls or a sharp mental inventory of the whole game are just gone and shouldnt be attempted. This will be one for the history books * Microsoft Flight Simulator - Are you having fun flying? You mean psychdelic drug induced mentally or flying the plane? Yes. Really feal the giant size of the planet you inhabit. * Red Dead Redemption 2 - Any story or dialogue is going to be a wash, but you horsin' around on 'ol bojack or Roach is the shit. A beautiful experience. * Psychonauts 2 - This one might be a bit of a stretch with gameplay and instructions, but the levels inside people's heads are freakin' awesome on the dust * The Artful Escape - This is literally made for just such a thing, almost no competitive gaming elements just for you to enjoy yourself and some wicked guitars. Just dont forget to land safely


red dead was so good on acid and kinda changed my life recently, i was hunting and fishing for a solid 2hours before i did a mission and burnt down a tobacco field. afterwards i pondered heavily about nicotine and haven’t smoked a cigarette since. beautiful game i recommended playing it high. i’ll definitely have to review the other games thanks for the stacked and detailed recommendations :)


You bet, I loved the tobacco field burn leading to you making the best and healthiest decision of your life. Arthurs TBC coughing probably helped with that motivation. Enjoy


Ok I might play Sayonara Wild Hearts + Tetris Effect. The music and visuals are pretty amazing. Cocoon great puzzle game, not too hard. I would go from stuck to solved quick. Stray pretty easy but has some dark sections.


I second Sayonara Wild Hearts. Not too difficult, gorgeous visuals, and fantastic soundtrack. Just want to say that the game is only an hour long but replayable if you like going for high scores or achievements. Pretty much a series of gorgeously made playable music videos


Cocoon will blow your soaring mind. Might be a bit exhausting to wrap your untethered brain around some of the puzzles though. What you really want to play while tripping is Jazzpunk. It's the perfect combination of easy and stimulating, whilst being unlike anything you've ever seen or played. You won't regret it.


I tripped the other night while playing Hollow Knight and it was a magical experience. Maybe not the best game for it it can be stressful, I'm near the end and mostly have corners of the map to fill out so I was leisurely traveling around enjoying the ambiance, i even beat like 4 bosses. Idk if I'd recommend it to everyone but I'm definitely doing it again


I feel like I would avoid >!Deepnest and maybe the abyss, heh!<


I actually ended up in Deepest at one point and noped out pretty quick xD






You’re not gonna do it well but Katamari Damacy is fun


Tetris Effect. Played it on shrooms and it was magical


Took some at a party way back when, and it didn't to want to kick in, bad batch maybe, so I went home and decided to fire up Tetris on the Nes... It eventually did kick in midgame, and I dont think I ever got a higher score than that particular time.


GTA 5 First time I pretended to be a human, driving slowly, stopping on a red light, watching people as they go, stop by the beach. Just strolling around is extremely satisfying. RDR2 and Cyberpunk might be also great for that same level of immersion.


I'll never forget the fear I had trying to play WoW. Immediately got off.


Some games I've had fun playing while tripping: Audiosurf. Superluminal. Manifold garden. Stanley parable. Hellblade. Deep space exploring in Elite dangerous. Far cry 3: blood dragon. Valley. Scorn (if you're weird like me) Most of the time gaming makes my eyes sad while tripping and I just end up listening to their soundtracks instead.


Sayonara Wild Hearts would probably be an experience




Islets might be a good one. Fantastic art style, relatively simple, and very lighthearted. Or Dandara? Unique, fluid movement mechanics and interesting art style. I could imagine some parts of that game flipping my lid lol. SteamWorld Dig 2 maybe? Sail Forth could be a good one in 'the safety zone.' Fun lighthearted atmosphere and silly dialogue between characters, sailing, exploration. Colorful, poppy graphics. If you're looking for eye candy and don't mind something more complex, you could try No Man's Sky. I believe it has a creative mode where you don't have to worry about resource and fuel management and can just explore freely? Or Sublevel Zero Redux for neon cranked up to 11. Subnautica and The Planet Crafter are great for exploration and graphics quality, but probably too complex while tripping. Although, Subnautica also has a creative mode where you can explore and not have to worry about enemies. It can however evoke liminal and aquatic fears. RiME might be a good one too. Very peaceful game (for the most part - aside from one or two levels, which are quite long). But the underlying plot of the story is very sad. Journey is a good one too, but same general idea as RiME.




cruelty squad


Diablo 4 the cut scenes are legit on an 8th of shrooms. I also Iike Xcom2 but don’t plan on winning.


High on Life for extra irony.


Superliminal, CyberPunk, my friends and I love trying Super Smash


[Tetris Effect](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1003590/Tetris_Effect_Connected/), [Rez](https://store.steampowered.com/app/636450/Rez_Infinite/), [Lumines](https://store.steampowered.com/app/851670/LUMINES_REMASTERED/), and [Chime](https://store.steampowered.com/app/62100/Chime/).


This guy knows. Rez shoulda been top of the list. Also Child of Eden.


I do not support the use of illegal psychedelics. That being said, Rayman. Simply amazing. I remember being so vested in my character while tripping that I literally cried when he died.


I microdosed magic mushrooms and it did wonders for me (while not feeling high)






Control I've never done psychedelics but I imagine it would be trippy


ABZU! Diving in a beautiful and colourful ocean with the wildlife is something else in psychedelics! Played it on a healthy dose of mushrooms and it was lovely. Very easy too.


Was playing cod on about 3 grams of shrooms Saturday. Had to get off an hour in bc I was seeing sounds. Too much stimulation. Lol


If you're brave [Thumper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtPGX8i1Eaw) is your game


Sayonara Wild Hearts - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-RyxYcxSQ4&ab\_channel=AnnapurnaInteractive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-RyxYcxSQ4&ab_channel=AnnapurnaInteractive) trippy arcade game, banging music




Abzu isn’t very difficult, and in my experience, is an incredible game while impaired.


A few years ago I had been stuck on chapter 9 of Celeste for actual months and had kind of given up on it. One night I dropped some acid with my roommates, booted it up, and steamrolled the entire rest of the chapter. Then I played through Resident Evil 2 Remake in its entirety. So those are my picks lmao




Fortnite is pretty neat on psilocybin


Abzu might get you turned around, but is relaxing and gorgeous. I would recommend The Artful Escape. Played that on psil and it was euphoric. Colorful, non-stop rock-opera music.


Katamari Damacy


Just get a 3DO and put a good CD in, use the controller to change the audio visualizer/make it as trippy or chill as you want


Tetris Effect


Little Big Planet is awesome on shrooms


First time i did acid i took about 10 hits thinking id play wow and chill, not knowing what to expect. I took like 3 hits at first, waited 30 minutes, felt nothing, took 5 more hits, waited about 30 mins and started feeling it a bit, so i took 3 more because i wanted to feel it more. About an hour later, i was doing anything but playing WoW. That was a very eye opening experience, and a wild start to my psychedelic journey.


Alien: Isolation


Chat the point is to NOT have a panic attack mid game


Journey is pretty hard to top, I’ve had spiritual experiences playing that game. Honorable mentions, Skyrim and Cyberpunk


If you like Animal Well you should play Fez! One of my all time favs, and have actually played it on psychedelics and can confirm it was a great experience!




PUBG with unknowing teammates. The anxiety is amplified the consequences are dire but any successful revive or kill or chicken dinner is monumental.


I liberate the galaxy on shrooms every weekend. For Super Earth!!!


I would really love to play one of those futuristic super fast racing games, like F Zero. For example there's Redout 2 that is free on Epic right now. Just playing time attack without putting to much pressure on yourself, and enjoying the speed and scenery, that sounds like a great time.


Vampire Survivors all the way!


Disco Elysium. The main character is on drugs too and the writing and VO only gets better when you’re high.


Psychonauts and Katamari would be a trip.


Oxenfree is a must for a mushroom trip...the soundtrack, visuals, and haunted Island mystery keep you wanting to play through until the end...I've probably played through the "Time Loop" of that game over multiple different trips and it never gets old... the sequel is good as its own game, but the original is like revisting an old friend...


Valheim could be cool for that at least aesthetically


Mmorpgs..just wander around the world and take it all in..cast some colorful spells and enjoy some voice acting quest objective. Single player rpgs can work too but mmorpgs often have massive worlds to explore


High on life


I play fifa on acid. Its cool


Doom Eternal


I beat both A Short Hike and Lil Gator Game while on mushrooms and they were each a top 5 gaming experience for me


I learnt to play street fighter 2 on acid.


NMS - no question about it!


Supermarket simulator... Working high af in a supermarket like in every second Reddit video


Hyper Demon


I used to take shrooms and drive around the beach/mountain areas in first person in GTA V




Everything. Literally, there's a game called "Everything" and its really cool. Enjoy!


Might sound silly but I played “The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.” On shrooms. Not on a very high dosage, but I was having such a fun time and laughing too much.


portals? hmm maybe skyrim? better yet mario.


Legend of Zelda (any) any good Mario, Elden ring, animal crossing, GTA 5, and strangely league of legends is really fun


Monument Valley


Oxenfree is great, I’ve played it through maybe 3-4x now. A fairly casual game story based game with simple dialogue choices, the sequel is terrible (in the process of trying to complete it). The original is the best they’ve ever done and it has multiple endings, for that reason I might even recommend until dawn. These games aren’t very “geometric” but I trippy in a different sense. The visuals for oxen free are nice and feel simple with the added “triangle interactions” without spoiling too much.


Played ff16 in shrooms and the boss fights were some of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. 😂


Hollow Knight




everything imo aslongs its not a horror game lol


I like to play FPS like overwatch when I take shrooms


Lumines. Or Bejeweled. Although Bejeweled tends to do that "God's Colonoscopy Cam" between rounds


I don't remember the name, but in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, there is an exploration-ish type of mode where you can just walk around without any fights.


The first time I tried acid, I was staying at my friend’s house and we were playing Fortnite and absolutely losing our minds at how vibrant the game looked. This was right when the game came out. Really funny to look back at now. As for your question, I’d try out something like Animal Well or dead cells/Hades. The different art styles would probably be really cool to see all tripped out


Beyond Blue! It’s based on Blue Planet 2 and is pretty chill - you’re just in the ocean looking for different fish and sea creatures because you’re a live-streamer. Nice colours and visuals, nothing too difficult


“Stray” “life is strange” indie games where you basically just walk around


Abzu & Journey Little to no effort. Look at the colors


Elden ring would be wild


Outer wilds


I used to play rocket league and battlefield on acid. Not competitive in the least. I’d just be doing donuts and watching my rocket boost’s visuals. And in battlefield I’d be on some random patch of ground 300m from any objective just prone and crawling around.


I’d say high on life would be a blast


Juice galaxy, it’s free on steam




Geometry Wars


My buddy and I played through all of Superliminal on acid one time and it was mind blowing, I usually hate puzzle games but it’s perfect for tripping


Silent Hill




Call of Duty WW2 is the obvious choice here.


I havnt dome it in awhile but I used to love eating some shrooms and wonder around WoW.


‘Everything’ would be interesting just saying




Wallpaper engine with an animated desktop always worked well for me.


I used to get obnoxiously high and play no man’s sky. You should start the game sober learn some mechanics before going ham in the infinite universe


Tetris Effect


Beat Saber


On the other hand, if you want the exact opposite of the nice stuff you're asking for. Hellblade


Geometry Wars with a custom soundtrack is tough to beat on this question


I had a really good time playing Limbo once


Rocket league!


Rez, Psychonauts, Cuphead




No man's sky..... just float around in space and discover trippy planets


Hotline Miami


Rez HD


I liked league of legends my team mates did not


Goat simulator






Before your eyes.


I played Portal on LSD once.. it was something.. lol


Definitely Lisa: the Painful


alice, madness returns


Sayonara Wild Hearts


Last time I was on LSD I, for whatever reason, booted up rocket league. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. The game is so visually nice. Obviously I sucked, and everyone was mad at me. But i was just blown away by how good it looked. Didn’t even care


I'd recommend minecraft and stardew






Dave the Diver on Mushies is a great time. I also REALLY enjoyed Metroid Zero Mission on LSD




I played Half Life 2 on shrooms once (the ant lion chapter) and have always felt that it was not the right game to trip with. Experiencing No MAns Sky for the first time but while tripping sounds legit


Not tiger woods.




I beat the last like 10% of Fez while on 2 C-b with a group of friends and it was magical.


Exo one. Fun and short flow state game with trippy visuals.


I played pillars of eternity 2 Baldurs gate 3 style, D&D game, tons of little details and moving things. The character portraits alone entertained my brain while tripping


get Ultrakill and Ultrakill all your neurons


What’s wrong with edith finch


I feel like some imagery in Celeste isn’t exactly suited for psychedelics


Sayonara Wild Hearts for sure. The visuals I think would work well on a trip paired with the soundtrack. It's only an hour long, but that's because it's pretty much a series of playable music videos. Haven't played it but maybe Soundfall? Gameplay might be a bit stressful for psychedelics but it's a rhythm based dungeon crawler. Looks neat Pizza Tower has weird visuals. Not sure if the fast paced and seemingly unconventional gamefeel will work well, but might be worth looking into I doubt following the plot would be easy on psychedelics, but maybe just walking around in Paradise Killer could be neat? Bizarre visuals and awesome soundtrack Indigo Parallel was recommended on a thread for games like LSD Dream Emulator but looking at the visuals it may be unwise to trip while playing it Yume Nikki also has bizarre visuals, though a lot slower paced. Also progressing isn't very straightforward Tales of Off-Peak City is very surreal and has fantastic music. I would listen to some of the soundtrack high and it was amazing It sounds like it would be a nightmare trying to solve the puzzles on Antichamber but if you are anything like me you may see that statement as a challenge and be intrigued Dujanah is an art game with mixed media, a surprisingly good soundtrack, and frankly bizarre story. Not very long but I think the mixed media aspect would be very interesting while on psychedelics Hypnospace Outlaw is a detective game where you investigate very very weird websites inspired be GeoCities. There is actually a weird first person shooter that in canon was made by one of the characters in it that you can buy irl called Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer DEFINITELY Katamari Damacy if you can get any of those games Haven't played it but Umurangi Generation Maaaaaybe No Straight Roads? It's kind of a boss rush game but in my opinion other than some of the bosses the gameplay isn't that good. The visuals and music are incredible though Neon Drive looks like it would be fun. I remember it being not very hard and gorgeous I think Hylics would be a bit of a nightmare to play on psychedelics but it would at least be memorable


LSD Dream Emulator on PS1. Trust me on this.


A friend and I played the entirety of A Way Out on an acid trip. I'd definitely recommend that one if youve got someone to play with. One of the best times I've ever had with video games. Speed runs on Super Mario Maker are also a really good time. SNES classics are great too.


Cooking Mama


Abzu is amazing, recommended. It's sister game Journey is also a good option. As for the games I like playing while "having the high ground" I really like Warframe though it can be a little flashy for a new player, quick movement, flashing lights and many enemies but it's still one of my top recommendations. BioShock 2 and Dead Space 2 are also recommended though it might be a tough run at times. Any Devil May Cry, except 2, can be really interesting like that, same goes to the God of War and Doom sagas. These will be quick, agressive and with a really good flow once you get there. Also, this might be a weird game but Disney's Extreme Skate adventure is amazing due to its soundtrack and simple style, you may question all my other picks but this one is for real.


I’d like to try settlement building in FO4 and see what happens


Pikmin 2


Hi sir, the perfect game for your trip is The Artful Escape. You will tour the most beautiful universe. The trailer doesn’t even do it justice. This game is stunning for an experience. https://youtu.be/7Jrtok2SfzE?si=heDkFDuh0ioUCJhI


tetris effect connected (casual and super positive), it takes two (can get intense but insanely funny if you dunking with someone else), sifu (the progression and path taking really hit deep and is satisfying af ) those the 3 standouts imo from a fair amount of "research" xD


Just listen to Jimi Hendrix and doodle like as normal psychonaut ;)


the dead and finger painting is actually pretty relaxing




cruelty squad


Donut county. Bee simulator.


Fallout, be a raider


Hotline Miami


Senuas Hellblade, good luck <3


Katamari damacy. Simple mechanics and pretty fun premise for psychedelics


I think Subnautica on creative mode would be perfect for this, the world is beautiful with different biomes to explore and a solid soundtrack


Im telling ya’ll; powerwash simulator when BOOFED


Sayonara Wild Hearts is a blast to play sober, so with psychedelics involved I’d imagine it would be even more fun


i just hop on any elder scrolls game and wander around


My favorite has always been Tetris Effect. Crazy visuals moving with the soundtrack. Makes for a hell of an experience.


Not really a game but an experience but Radiohead Kid Amnesia is absolute magic. It’s kind of like a museum with different Radiohead songs everywhere. Hard to explain but highly recommend.