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Yeah we should bring back Ancient Roman Legionnaire Skirts


and tunics.


never trust someone wearing a tunic.


Link is untrustable. Got it. Fuck you Zelda!


It's always the quiet ones.


"Well excuse me, princess" -Link


Was that from the old cartoon?! Or Spaceballs?


From the cartoon where Link is a sex offender


The what now?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OE4VkfYaP1w There was an era where Nintendo just let anyone do anything with their franchises. There’s some wild shit in there.


"hyuh!" "hup, hup, hyuh!"


It's just a little rule I live by


Enik is trying to scapegoat below


A brain the size of a walnut


That movie never got enough love. It was incredibly stupid but had some of the funniest scenes, especially when Danny mcbride was in them


If you don't make it it's your own damn vault.


Unless you have Chaka with you.


It's "never follow someone wearing a tunic to a second location."


Don’t see that movie reference often! Good stuff


Kilts should have become the international standard for men's wear.


I dunno. A dress would be better because I won’t need more than one piece


I dont know where you are from, but i see dozens of men in tunics daily. Its a cultural clothing, but it doesnt have to be.


Tunics were impractical as fuck. They were a semicircle of material that needed to have a radius equal to the height of the wearer, and you had to keep one arm partially raised to stop it falling off. Edit: I misread what was said as toga, not tunic. Disregard!


That sounds more like a toga to me.


Ah shit I am an idiot.


Welcome to Club Reddit buddy. High five.


One of us! One of us!


Im more of a kilt kind of guy


That’s the fancy senatorial tunic, not the average everyday workers tunic, both were called tunic but had very little in common


Actually it was a toga, a totally different garment. The Greek word was kyton. A tunic was basically a long, loose shirt that would be belted at the waist.


Might need to edit that edit.


Bring back capes


Do you WANT to be sucked into a vortex?


No capes!


"Do you remember... Thunderhead?"


Hell no. Capes are hot garbage, unless you have no arms. Want to stay warm? Too bad, you looked at your phone and now all your warmth has escaped. Want to stay dry? Too bad, you had to open a door and now you're wet. Any bit of wind? Cool, now you got dramatic billowing. Also you're cold and wet again. Capes are TRASH unless you're so fucking rich that you have servants to do everything for you, at which point you're the fucking aristocracy. And nobs get the guillotine. So, in short, fuck the king, fuck the nobs, fuck capes, and fuck you. Cloaks guy down there can get some too.


\*Cheesy informercial music plays* *You want to stay warm when it's cold outside. And you don't want to be cold when you have to use your phone. Capes are OK, but they slide open when you move around. Introducing the Capey! It's the cape with sleeves!*


Are you thinking of a cloak? Because I've never seen a cape portrayed in a way it would provide warmth or rain cover.


Ponchos are where it's at


Wearing kilts every day


Trousers were first developed for horse-riding, IIRC.


My initial reaction to this statement was "psha... Of course not." And then I thought about it for a second and I guess it makes sense... When were horses domesticated? Then I looked it up on Wikipedia, and sure enough... That's the prevailing theory. TIL.


wait until you hear about high-heeled shoes. Yup, fucking horses again.


I guess you would need some leverage if you were to fuck horses.


Also hard to seduce a horse with our stumpy little legs


Nah, just jump up with great aim and hold on for your life.


Fun fact the average height of human male was 5'4" before fucking horses became a selected-for evolutionary trait.


So horses helped design human fashion?




I had always heard it was butchers that had started wearing those


Dude heard something he didn’t believe, and did his own research. Respect


On the internet? Inconceivable!


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means


I always assumed they were developed for trousing.


This guy trouses


And which gender does more horse riding today?




well, they do wear pants while riding.


So were high heels. I wonder how different our fashion would be today if horses had died out before humans got going.




The same has been said for the gendered bicycle frame.


I mean yes, but the gendered bikes are that way because of long dresses. Source: we have 2x more bikes than people here


Let me guess, Netherlands? e: just saw ur name contains NL :p


Wasn't that hard probably


That’s what she said! Sorry, I couldn’t resist..


*That's* what she said!


Well she probably said nether regions not nether lands


And we could fix that with the idea in the post




What is the gendered bicycle frame


Mens bikes break your nuts.


if you have the wrong size of bicycle frame yea.


Yeah, but you wouldn't need to have a large portion of the frame sized specifically for you if it wasn't for that design.


you would still need to have it sized correctly because the same frame size that crushes your nuts is what helps you get a good distance and geometry towards the pedals.


I rode a bike for years that was a woman’s bike and I would get on/off it like a woman wearing a dress despite being a man wearing pants. I found this much easier than kicking my leg high over the seat and rear tire to get on and off. When I got a good bike for myself it took me a while to figure out how to get on and off it. I don’t understand why the same geometry (distance between seat, pedals, and bars) can’t be obtained without the high top tube.


The top tube makes for a stronger, stiffer frame. Without the top tube, the bottom of the frame has to be stronger to make up for it. This often led to “female” bikes being heavier than the equivalent “male” version. However, with modern materials and designs, the strength difference has not been as relevant anymore and the weight difference has also been reduced. Unless you go mountain biking and put a lot of strain on the frame with jumps and drops, most people will be fine with a tubeless design. Many men still want the ‘male’ design because of cultural reasons (not being perceived as feminine and such things).


Needlessly Gendered™ bicycle frames for men have a high, straight bar affixed directly beneath the seat that connects to the handlebars while women's frames have a low, curved bar affixed closer to the pedals that connect to the handlebars.


I think it comes from the time when women only used to wear skirts so it was easier to hop on and hop off from the womens bicycle with the skirt on.




I don’t think there’s enough wind speed for it be flapping around while riding Oh… you mean the skirt don’t you….


I don't wear skirt/dresses but prefer the curved bar because I once slipped off the pedals and hit the straight bar, almost blacked out from the pain.


happy cake day, twin! and i also agree until the because part, ouch!


Not needless at all. My finacé occasionally wears a skirt or dress when we go for a bike ride in the summer, and loves the fact she can due to the different frame.


What purpose does your 'male' frame serve then?


It's a big triangle. It's waaaay stronger. To have the same strength from a "female" style frame, you need to use considerably thicker tubes. If you build a bicycle for performance, you use the "male" style frame. The other one is only better for convenience.


You can build a much lighter bike with the same structural integrity since the triangular frame is much stronger.


Has to do with using triangles to design a structure to use less material for the same strength. "Theory of triangulation. Triangulation involves the use of triangular shapes to give stability to structures. It relates particularly to pinned or hinged structures. Usually these types of structures offer no resistance to bending moments when a force is applied. Members trying to resist bending do not need to be as strong. "


more stability, easier to lift over stairs or into trains, possibly less material used but not sure about that, space to attach things like (more) bottle holders or a frame bag all these are relevant for bike touring


It's a superior design It's less *convenient* for riding casually, I suppose, but it's better in every other way


I dunno. I'd never personally looked at it as male and female frames, more a standard frame and then a frame made to accommodate dresses and skirts more easily - so in the west, women. I'd imagine the standard frame is more rigid and allows for the construction of bikes with lighter materials. Most bikes with the "drop"/"swoop" frame have much thicker frames to facilitate the design, at least in my experience. At the end of the day, buy whatever bike you want. Who cares.


In the Netherlands we refer to them as lady bikes and gentlemen bikes. You'll find plenty of men riding a bike with the lower frame. But a woman on a high frame is something you don't see very often. Might also be about the difference in getting on. The leg over might be less ladylike or something. But your right about how it doesn't matter. No one here will judge you based on what bike you ride.


It makes a ton of difference for shorter people. It's much easier to stop at a traffic light if you are riding a lady bike. Of course, it is funny that this doesn't really make that much of a difference in the Netherlands, one of the tallest countries on the planet.


Have you guys never ridden a bicycle because it sounds like it. 90% of women ride regular top tube bikes. It isn't "needlessly gendered" that there are a small number of bikes available with no top tube that are easier to get onto. Which is also relevant for people with hip issues.


Maybe not anymore but step throughs were ABSOLUTELY considered women's bikes


just make the female frame the standard like in japan


The Dutch do it too, Oma Feits bikes. A clever idea is to just say "Oh it's a foreign bike, I got this imported from ____" when someone questions why you have a "women's bike".


Then they'll just think everyone from that country is gay. If someone's ignorant enough to question why you're riding a "women's" bike, they're not going to suddenly open their mind up because you said it's imported.


Well they are made with skirts in mind so solving the topic..


I work at a bike shop. It's frustrating when older guys come in looking for a bike that's easy to get on and off because they have back and knee problems, educate them on the benefits of a step thru frame to help with that exact problem, have them like the idea but then at the end flip around with the "BuT tHAt's a giRl's bIKe" when they're entirely unisex


Ouch!! I remember hitting my balls while trying to stop bicycle as a kid. Damn went to the corner and checked if I still have 2 or have split one into a 3rd one.


Could you/someone clue me in to how bike frames are gendered? Genuinely curious!


pants are generally more practical for both, just need to be well designed (which is rare sadly)


Yeah as a man I much prefer having protective layer between my junk and the elements. I suppose the OPs logic is that skirt would give more room for it to dangle and flop around, but that’s not what I want lol. Yeah I want a comfortable amount of breathing room in the pants. But I definitely want that protective layer at the bottom there. Too each their own of course, but I wouldn’t say skirts are “more suited to male anatomy”. Women don’t have dangling genitalia flopping around that need to be protected and kept in place.


I'm imagining the "dangling and flopping around" and I can't stop laughing. Wouldn't that just be solved by wearing some undies, though? It's not like women go around without undies under a skirt


>It's not like women go around without undies under a skirt Undies are a fairly new invention. Up until the 1800s women went commando under their skirts.


Yeah but those usually went to ankle length at minimum.


Men went up until 1800s commando under their skirts too....


Some do :)


You must be new to the internet


my problem with pants is that, the area underneath my balls gets sweaty when it's hot. i look at skirts and i can only imagine how fresh that would feel, having natural ventilation down there.


> i look at skirts and i can only imagine no....you can go put one on right now.


the biggest concern for me would be not tangling my legs, stepping over something in a skirt sounds like a hassle but that being said, while not exactly dangling female genitalia also prefer being protected


Or for sure, all genitalia deserves protection lol. It’s just that men have a lot more things that can easily go wrong with theirs than women do ;) But like I said, to each their own! Some people are nudists, so I don’t claim my preferences to be the one and only truth. But I’m guessing I’m not the only guy out there who appreciates the extra laying of protection that pants provide. But I certainly think men should be able to wear dresses/skirts without judgement if they want to. I definitely do not agree with the social stigma. I think it’s baseless and silly, who cares which shapes of fabric we cover ourselves with. An absolutely trivial thing for people to get worked up over. Soviety can be so weird sometimes with what’s deemed acceptable and unacceptable. But from a functional standpoint, imma stick with pants ;)


What are some attributes of well-designed pants?


Something called gusseted pants. For people who work and bend/squat a lot. It's like extra fabric for your crotch


both butt and balls fit in without being uncomfortably squished and butt doesn't show when you bend over mostly, unfortunately apparently that's a lot to be asking for according to whoever makes everything available at stores well, that and decent pockets, but this usually isn't an issue for male models at least


As a Scotsman I am here to prove you wrong 😬


Listen to him men, he won first prize!


That’s where that blue ribbon came from 😅


Actually you'd prove him right. He said males are better suited for skirts and as a Scotsman that means you're about to whip out a kilt.


He meant the part about "WE" insisting on the reverse. We is doing some assuming there.


Yes, all of Scotland wears kilts, even the dogs.


Even the haggis run around the hills in little kilts. Makes the a bugger to catch for dinner.


I wish kilts would be in style


The Asian countries got this right. Robes for men in the middle east. Lungis for men of rhe Indian subcontinent. A more modest, thinner and lighter kilt.


> Lungis for men of rhe Indian subcontinent. Only in the southern parts of india. Yes some people wear them in the northern regions as well but thats usually just old people. You would get a lot of stares if you wore a lungi as a young man in northern india


What globalisation does to a mf.


One of the more disappointing things about the UN is how everyone wears a black or navy blue business suit, except for Swaziland and the gulf Arab monarchies. Nothing against European menswear, but you guys all have interesting native equivalents, and even within European menswear, there are a LOT more options than navy blue suits. Someone *please* wear a plaid sports coat at least!


Suits are a British creation, so theoretically lots of European countries should also have their own unique formal dress too.


As a German, I don't even know what a German formal dress would be besides a suit. And before someone comments "Lederhosen", I wouldn't consider them formal (at least not in the way suits are) and they're just a regional thing


I remember seeing a picture of a person wearing traditional Papuan clothing at the UN a while ago, and more than half of the comments on Reddit were saying how disrespectful he was being for showing a bare chest and uncovered legs. The UN should surely aspire to be culturally neutral ground, where traditional formal dress of all kinds (including where that means varying degrees of what we would consider nudity) are given equal respect, and respect is taken in the spirit with which it is meant.


Northerners wear dhoti. It is a bit different than a lungi and has multiple layers. I think all dhotis have plates/creases in them that you tuck in front or in back. Search haryanvi dhoti for example. But yeah, now people are moving towards pants even in villages.


I spent 3 years in haryana and didnt see 1 person in dhoti. Maybe that just shows that they truly have gone out of fashion. I have heard they are still around in gujrat


And sarong for Maritime Southeast Asia. Well suited for the weather


Pacific Islanders have skirt type clothing for men too, tupenus for the Tongan variation.


Wear them every day. People are constantly commenting and complimenting my kilt


I love my kilts. I have a utilikilt too. Way better than shorts


If at first no kilt you find, try try yukata


I see a guy who regularly wears a kilt, and I've only ever thought "Wow, that guy is a total badass." I'd like to wear one myself, but I haven't felt like spending the money on it, yet.


Utilikilts are a thing


I do find my kilt very comfortable, shame I only get to wear it on special occasions


Wore kilts for years when I was younger in Scotland. Something about kilts make you more confident, and the ladies totally besotted.


They are if you wear them with style.


Why are pants practical for female anatomy?


Yeah as a girl pants are cool but aren't skirts more comfy? easy to pee, air flow, etc


as a girl who live in middle east i hate jeans lol. in summer heat it just suck


As a guy, I also hate jeans. I almost exclusively wear cotton shorts.


I never wear pants. I love a skirt/dress for comfort, and you can always toss some leggings or bike shorts under. I do wish most were better designed--pockets, and ones you can actually use.


Lady pants keep the [sootikins](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sootikin) contained


I wish I didn't know about that


Reddit really is a bloody informative place...


Yeah I don’t really understand this on the male side either. Male anatomy allows men to pee standing up which makes pants more practical for that, whereas a skirt would make using a urinal very difficult. Unless it has a fly like pants do but I’m not sure how common that is in skirts, or if the skirt would have enough tension while unzipped to stay up while urinating. Meanwhile a woman who needs to sit down or squat to pee need only hike up her skirt (and also get rid of underwear if she’s wearing it) I assume the argument for skirts being more suited for male anatomy is that you can just let the cock and balls hang free but I don’t really know if that’s much of an advantage. As someone else has pointed out, woman wear bras for support and confinement of jiggly body parts and men wear underwear for much the same reason.


I wore a longer skirt to a festival, it was very easy to pee, easier than with pants I'd say, just lift the skirt up. No buttons or fly or anything you have to undo.


In my experience peeing in my kilt, it is fairly simple, just lift the front section up and pin it to the stomach with arms.


> whereas a skirt would make using a urinal very difficult. Unless it has a fly like pants do but I’m not sure how common that is in skirts, or if the skirt would have enough tension while unzipped to stay up while urinating. You're overthinking it way too hard. You just got over the top like a pair of pants, and then you hold onto the fabric with a finger or two so they don't fall down (just like a pair of pants). It's really not that complicated.


Yeah as I woman I completely disagree with this post. I have no idea what they are thinking. Skirts are practical for everyone.


Solid shower thought but not true. Skirts and dresses are better for everyone if the climate is good and nobody rides horses, the reverse is true for pants. Except there is the argument to be made that skirts and dresses are good for the vagina because it helps prevent yeast infections.


If you're walking through a field, you'd probably want pants. Unless you don't mind the insects and grasses brushing up against your bare legs.


I love the thrill of not knowing whether it’s grass or grasshoppers tickling my balls.


Wise words Mr. Truman


I think open air could help some men's hygiene in the lower half as well, not as common a problem for men but not zero percent either.


Pants are perfectly fine for men. I mean, unless you're a doofus who wears pants that are too small, I guess.


I have seen veins through denim. FFS size your pants you Neanderthal!


Google "scrotal eczema"


Thanks, but I think I'd rather not.


Google "scrotal eczema kink"


It's exactly what you think it is. Don't do it.


Holy hell


New skin just dropped




I usually wear dresses and skirts, despite my anatomy. Just go for it.


That takes courage in some places, or winning a battle in your head. Either way, skirts are nice.


Nah. Skirts are definitely nice as a woman.


Not true. For the same reason women wear a bra, men wear underwear: support. And once you wear underwear, there's no practical difference between skirts and pants.


>For the same reason women wear a bra, men wear underwear: support. I would say that your underwear are too tight if they're providing significant support. You want your balls to have room to breath. The primary function of mens underwear is hygiene. The reason for wearing something like boxer shorts is in other words not at all the same as the reason for wearing a bra.


This guy's balls will hang to his ankles when he is 60 lol


THis is why I wear only a crown royal bag most of the time.


What a giant waste of research budget.


I'm from India, and we have the dhoti/lungi/sarong. It's the best, especially during summer. We're living this shower thought dream, and my god It's glorious. Pants apologists don't know what they're missing out on. Admittedly not great for winter, but who wants to live in frigid climes anyway.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Grew up in a town with lots of Hindu folks, and they are 100% the reason I wear a tunic in really hot weather. These dudes would dress like the white people in town 90% of the time, but when it got real hot they would bust out the clothes from the old country. Always looked great, and more importantly, always looked comfortable. Fuck it, my white ass deserves to be comfortable too. Pants apologists can eat my shorts.


Sarong wearing male here. It's so much more comfortable for loungewear in the house


Gendered clothes are so silly, I really wish society would allow anyone to just wear what they wanted free of judgement. I'd definitely rock a summer dress on a hot day as a man.


Be the change you want to see. Wear that summer dress homie.


r/malepolish might give you some confidence to wear that dress for a day and make people's heads turn. Any day you can make people think is a good day indeed - we don't do that enough as a society lately.


Thank you for this! Surprised I've not discovered that sub before, I actually paint my nails quite often so this is ace to see.


There's a certain part of the world where male do wear skirts


This is like saying "Bras are more practical for male anatomy, while big sweaters and shirts are better suited for female anatomy, yet we insist on the reverse" Pants are great for men, so we dont helicopter around, and our cock and balls dont stick to our thighs all day, and are gently nestled between our legs.


Scotland got it right


Depends on the situation I guess but I’m absolutely for the right to wear what you want! Especially stop casting men as dark and serious and only fitting in dark colours and “business-y” attire. More flowers and soft colours to men!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Tunics are better for everyone. Big Fashion doesn't want you to have them though.


As a father that often takes his young daughter hiking a lot, “bush wees” (colloquially called “popping a squat”) is a lot easier for girls to manage when urinating. Men are more flexible in their options. I’d wear a skirt, but gathering up my bunches to pee makes dropping a zipper seem a little easier to do, especially one handed.


Skirts and dresses are better for the female anatomy. Women's underwear from many years ago were loose fitting as well. Tight nylon panties and pantyhose are not healthy for a woman's vagina and women shouldn't wear panties to bed.


We just need to reintroduce cod pieces to men's fashion


That's how it was for the longest time. Everyone wore variations of skirts until the horse came into the picture. That's when trousers became a thing. Much easier to ride a horse with trousers than with a skirt. The people riding horses were soldiers, thus were men and then that's where the association of trousers=man, skirt/dress=girl comes from.


Unless you're in the far north then pants were worn by both. Such as with Inuits and Siberians.


Skirts and dresses are the best in hot weather and western men are missing out. There are a lot of places in the world where men wear different types of skirts or dresses and there’s nothing feminine about it.