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I have like 15 and never noticed any effect or crisis after or whatever. Do it as many times as you’d like


thank you for the feedback i appreciate it


I have two; haven’t experienced ill effects (we all have different experiences). Just hydrate well and get some rest before you get the tats. If you want a tattoo you should get one. We should live full lives!


i agree, thank you for the feedback


I’ve got two small line work tattoos as a warrior. Make sure you take post care seriously. Apply the creams and don’t scrub or itch it for the first couple of months (depending on the size) you should be fine! :)


thank you so much, i really just want one dedicated to my sickle cell it's going to be super small so i appreciate the advice


You can get a tattoo or any piercing you want, as long as you going to professional to avoid exposing yourself to unclean; unsterile equipment that can cause other blood disorders and/or skin infections. I have SCD; I’m also a nurse; there’s no correlation between our illness and tattoos. If anything you may not feel the pain as much just due to the level of pain we experience/tolerate. Have fun


Naw just be sanitary plus moisturize well I have a shit ton of tatts hasn’t messed with my ss personally


No I've got 20 plus


No I have like 8 lol I just take medicine before to be safe especially when tattooing certain areas (one time when I got out of admission my dad & I took a cab straight to the tat shop) it was needed after that 😂 have fun ml get that tattoo!🫶🏽


Also I love the tat idea! I have something w a crescent moon for ss too💕


I have a bunch of small ones and a half sleeve and haven’t noticed any negative effects at all. But everyone is different and I’m sure it’s possible it could trigger a crisis even being a small tattoo- I’d just make sure you’re prepared for if you have one!


Please keep your skin clean.


how come


I just consider tattoos as a waste on skin.