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I'm more bewildered by the fact that that dead furry miniature still has a big rack


They find furries hot, and this makes them confused and angry because it's supposed to be "cringe". So to purge the self cringe they feel they act out even harder doing shit like this. That's my theory, anyway.


That's just a theory, a game theory. thanks for watching. Now I have that out of my system, that's my theory too honestly.


Real manly men men admit to finding big Booba on a furry hot, cowards will hide from truth, for it is too powerful for them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I guess I need to use /s more huh? For the record, it was a note about the fact that ownership of women's bodies is a fascist obsession, so if course their hero soldiers are stomping on a well endowed caricature of that which they hate. But idk, I guess parodying that is too close to an unironic opinion, which Reddit still has plenty of.


The model itself isn’t even that good! Like if you wanted a dead furry there are better ways than this shit.


Better furry models? Please, do tell more <3


its was cheap and quick to get


Ik, I use Heroforge all the time. I’m just saying that using the program you could get much better results with various four armed technique’s


praise the four-armed emperor


Hey it's niche internet micro celebrity Necro_Jo from this meme


Plot twist, the BT player paints the figure as a nazi furry.


Is it really a plot twist if its a cliche?


AKA the career of M. Night Shyamalan.


they dissolve in water and wear no clothing in a planet made out of water


This is a great idea ill think about it


Parody is truely dead.


Flashgitz I'm in your walls


Jesus Christ, I thought the whole 'purge everything that isn't human' thing was just a bit.


Same. I was aware of stuff like flash gitz videos but this was shocking and eye opening. I was actually accused of not letting people have fun when I said this was not a great look.


It's only a bit until it's socially acceptable, and then it's not a bit. Aka Schroedinger's Douchebag.


Yeah I had a look at the comments on the OP, it was high-key concerning.


Yeah honestly its a bit weird that Flash Gitz are still around. They were funny back in 2014 but now it's just so... tired. They haven't changed a bit while the world around them has.


Absolutely is not. Just look at the comments in the threads about the Avatar (the blue kind) movies. Full of people not seeing anything at all wrong in what the humans do, unironically, because they are humans and the blue guys are not and that is all the justification one ever needs. Would never happen here, right? _Stares directly into the camera and holds up a Tau model_


Yeah I saw a bunch of that too, those are prolly the same chuds that think the Impreium are the good guys and make shitty 'Little Dark Age' edits.


I will never forgive fascists for ruining MGMT for me.


Eons of Battle is the only good Black Templars player. Everyone else should go to the gulag


he is one of the few content creators in the community I love. When I saw his video on female space marines I was sold.


EoB is the exception that proves the rule.


His enthusiasm for Black Templars was definitely a deciding factor in my starting an army :)


I just like knights, but I really don't like any of the dark angels stuff


Isn't Discourse Minis technically a Black Templars player now?


I took a look at OOPs comments and sure enough he recently called a trans SoB scheme "heretical" and "slaanesh." Black Templars fans remain utterly predictable in their reactionary bullshit.




Who the fuck invited you? And fuck off with this plausible deniability bullshit. You're a transphobe and you know it.


dont need an invite i just walked in


Never really experienced furries as anything more than the butt of a joke. Having now watched the FlashGitz video to me personally it seemed the main issue was that a lot of the furry jokes seemed more to be thinly veiled LGBTQ jabs. Is that an appropriate takeaway? Then, is it the fact that it's a furry or a dogwhistle that's the problem?


You are correct, it's a bit of both parts and which one is supposed to be the main offender varies from offender to offender. When you see this shite, it's safe to assume that they mean to jab both furries and LGBT.


Man fuck the shtty flash gitz series that dredged this all back, most folk had gotten over the weird hate boner for furries and now the painfully unfunny "furries are HeREsy" people are back


I don't think they ever left.


honestly the worst part of this is that it's just lame and cringe.


How are they still doing this “joke”. It’s willfully stupid and unfunny, and almost always is at least going towards something even worse


Wow warhammer fans repeating a dead and over used joke? Never heard of that before just let me get my shovel.


Lmao. Been in the game too long, but even in hs a decade ago these jokes sucked


Humor grows old before hate does.


Don't fuck with us space marine fans, we'll repeat the same 5 jokes we've been using since 2006 that weren't even funny to begin with


This guy brags about being a "bringer of hot takes" and that "you'll be offended at some point" in his bio, he's clearly just a low effort shitlord troll.


Bro this is unhinged but the worst thing about this is the heroforge model. That shit will cost a *minimum* of 40 dollars, only to use it as a base decoration.


its actually dirt cheap i have a promo code ;) that's why you should download honey #ad


Yea.... the giveaway here is calling it a furry at all. If he called it a felenid (actual human cat mutant that is the imperium is fine with but the BT generally just kill anyway) I wouldn't see it as anything other than a reference to that. Now he is crossing real world hate with his Sci fi hate, and that makes him a *ucker.


Honestly I don’t really have any hate for BT. They are the worst of the worst as far as SM go and you can have fun with that (the Adeptus Ridiculous folks call Hellbrecht the CEO of racism and that still cracks me up). GW also seems to be fairly on point with this, like having a BT chapter massacre all its primaris reinforcements. It’s more that when idiots try to make 40k fash propaganda, they often use BT, and that association has stuck. Now one bit of fun trivia: there actually are cat people in 40k. They are called felinids and are considered abhumans. As for if this behavior is acceptable or not, I generally try not to legislate other people’s fun. To my mind trying to dunk on furries is incredibly cringe because they’ve been the butt of every lazy internet joke for decades now. But I would try to avoid letting it get in the way of your enjoyment.


When i was younger (and very unaware of all these connotations) i really like BT. As a european, i loved the knight theme marines and thought they just looked better than the others factions. Now i grew up and eventhough i still like the models, i have trouble dissociate what this imagery is meaning. I think the problem is always the same, great models, great lore, just stop showing them as the good guys.


You can play anything really so long as you stay self-aware about it. I agree, in the sense that they are absurd sci-fi space crusader knights, Black Templars are actually incredibly cool. And collecting and painting them for that reason alone is actually fine. The issue only comes when you try to _justify_ and identify with what they're doing. Stay self-aware and you play the worst villain imaginable without it being problematic.


Thank you i kinda needed that ❤️ Bad guys are always cooler anyway


I agree but what do I do if I’m Maltese?


>Now one bit of fun trivia: there actually are cat people in 40k. They are called felinids and are considered abhumans. And 95% of mentions of them i seen in the fandom are either hate or horny (mostly hate)


I think someone dunking on furries is a red flag. Not because I have any personal association with them, it‘s just that the majority of the furry community is deeply connected with certain elements of lgbt.


Thing is that the furries as a group are so big that there are intersections with pretty much every other major group. There are copaganda furries, nazi furries etc… Im fine with jokes as long as they are, you know jokes, as in say something beyond just labeling someone as a furry. Going ‘you’re a furry hurr hurr’ is just lazy. Exception is that calling space wolves players furries is really funny because for some reason it really pisses them off


I’m sorry but what? A lot of things are connected to queer stuff that doesn’t mean we can’t dunk on them.


Nah, I have friends who are furries. I assure you it bothers and hurts them to see nearly every community agreeing that it's "at worst" neutral fun to talk about killing them. Furries aren't an imaginary cartoon character or something. They are actual people with an albeit peculiar past time but that shouldn't be a hall pass to single them out for murder jokes. While the mini itself isn't problematic we would probably talk about it a bit differently if someone went through the trouble of making a mini that looked like another sort of minority exclusively to make sure their bases had dead versions of them on it. Furries have been a wedge for bigots to joke about killing Others for a while now and I'm pretty tired of seeing it.


Sure we would say something if it was a minority that has had a past of persecution. But this is the same vein of French people don’t deserve rights jokes. And also it’s offensive and disgusting to equivocate furries to actual minorities. Because no senator is proposing string thier rights away. There isn’t a history of oppressing furries. And I’m sure they don’t like those jokes. But do you think the French like it when they’re the but of every joke? Or the British? Or hell even Americans. But at the end of the day that’s what it is a stupid unfunny joke made by children on the internet. And is the sub that makes 9/11 jokes really going to tell me that this is too far? Edit grammar


You should legislate people's fun if it consists entirely of joking about murdering people for harmless things. Would you say you don't like to legislate people's fun if it was a dead trans person or a dead leftist? The "fun" here is just plain and open bigotry, only passed off as a joke when questioned.


Most imaginative black templars player (he had the idea to copy a dead meme)


furries bad!! 😡🤬


Least deranged Black Templar player


I will say, as someone who's about to start a BT army, this is really annoying. I know what matters is how you present yourself when playing, but I will always have a little voice at the back of my mind thinking (please don't assume I'm a child)


Flashgitz has done irreparable damage to society


They think this is the funniest shit omg, like get out of 2017


It looks like they’re sleeping (ig making a wound was too hard?) still… pretty cringeworthy


Edgelords gonna edgelord


I’m gonna say something controversial but the last two furry vs 40k videos were actually pretty well done and didn’t feel like shock value and a honest attempt at telling a story within the 40k fiction


While I do realize templars players are prone to being problematic, I'm fairly sure this one is just referencing the "furry apocalypse" cartoons from flashgitz on YouTube


This kind of post and all the commenters who went to the original post from here are the reason people hate us on the left.


If pointing out that "joking" about murdering furries is fucking weird and you should stop makes you hate the left, you were never going to like it in the first place.


You were fine with it being an Ork on the base though?


Orks are not a direct representation of a real world group of people


Yeah, football fans, especially if Bri*ish, aren't considered people/s


Footballs hooligans being an inspiration behind orkish speech is not the same thing as directly representing a real life group being murdered. If that difference isn't intuitive to you I don't know how to explain it.


Did you missed the /s ? I wasn't serious


Shit I did miss that. Imma leave it as is though gamer because people are saying that and meaning it.




til football hooligans are mushrooms and have green skin orks are inspired by football hooligans, not a direct representation


Mate, no working class english person I know would consider 40k orks as representation. Also, not sure what your comment regarding the poor is about - you dont get posh football hooligans, its not how class strata works in the UK.


Fair- I was mostly thinking about how it's still a 'fuck X' statement of a model, but Orks being orks does obscure that completely. My comment was pretty off base. Random request though? Can you not call random strangers on the internet mate? I know it really shouldn't bother me, but I'm transfemme and I know 'mate' is a bit rough on me and some other girls. Some people use it on me in a specific way and I know it gets to some of us.


My apologies, thank you for saying something. Didnt mean to cause you any discomfort but I know that doesnt put it right either.


Orks are a grossly offensive charactachure of a real world group of people, actually.