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I think it would have been extra funny if they'd had Guilliman pull up to Terra with all the fanfare and then he'd seen big E and immediately realized that's an actual dead ass corpse, and then we learn he died like a week into his entombment but the Custodians are oo brainwashed to notice or care.


Bruh!? What have you done to my father?? The will *Specifically* stated he didn't want this!!


Sorry my reply is a giant tangent and it’s fucking depressing so if you don’t want to read that I wouldn’t continue past this sentence. My husband left nursing because people would try to hold onto family members with no brain activity, or severe traumatic brain injuries, or people who have been in comas for ten years, or elderly people who are very clearly going to die and are suffering. But people would try to hold onto them and it was always the nurses who had to do chest compressions on a 89 year old lady with terminal lung cancer who’s been intubated and sedated for a month already, which on a person that old means a broken sternum and ribs and massive bruising. Even if grandma pulled through the cardiac arrest and the broken bones she’s still 89 with terminal cancer. Let her go. And yeah you shouldn’t give up on people if there’s a chance they can recover. But there comes a point where the only thing that’s happening is your family member suffering so that you can have a few more days to avoid the fear and pain of losing somebody.


This stuff is one of the worst parts of my job, especially when the patient is on hospice and the family demands they be taken off, so we can transport them to the ER just so they can live a bit longer as a vegetable or in horrific chronic pain. If your family members go on hospice/DNR, DO NOT take them off unless they are legitimately recovering. It’s horrible and downright disrespectful to their wishes to selfishly force them to live a little bit longer.


Yeah it really fucking sucks. My husband is in therapy and he’s doing much better now that he’s not working in palliative care and with TBI’s. He’s usually pretty good about not taking shit home with him, but dealing with all that put him in a dark place. I hope you’re doing okay too. And I hope you know that there are people who see the hard work and dedication you have to your patients. My family has lost my grandparents over the last few years and the nurses who took care of them were absolute angels. Y’all are the best of us


I work EMS, so thankfully I don’t have to see it long term. Still a lot of fucked up shit, but watching people slowly die over months is on another level.


administer morphine


Not to be "That Guy" but Big E is a perpetual, if that were true he would have come back by now. Which means he must be alive on that chair.




So was Malkador yet he got deleted


Perpetual bs is really one of the worst parts of the lore


Maybe, but it IS part of the lore. Just because I may not personally like something that is canonical it doesn't mean I can just ignore it when discussing lore with someone. I don't like the fact the Tribunal repeatedly betray Nerevar in Elder Scrolls lore but it is none-the-less an important part of the lore.


virgin „but it IS part of the lore“ vs chad „I like this theory more so it‘s true“


Nah if its bs it should be thrown out Its funny that you picked TES of all franchises for an example cuz that's got a history og things that were pretty cut and dry lore being thrown away because they were inconvenient for a newer game


That has always been my favourite part about the gloriously unplayable Inquisitor 54mm game: The story was basically a bunch of weird inquisitorial factions fighting an endless secret war against each other because they had *very different* ideas about what they should do with the old fucker.


Do you mind me asking what made it unplayable in your view? I remember when it was released and the various White Dwarf articles, fanfare, et al. - but I’ve never been a very good mini painter, so that dissuaded me from getting on board, but it also somehow just seemed like it… wouldn’t work great maybe? Just curious, but I understand if you are too busy lol


I spent a lot of time in a hobby store in my youth and I watched inquisitor hit the shelf and sell quite a bit and then die immediately. I think your point is spectacular, wth deal with 54mm when 28isnt even that different. I dunno. Saw a lot of the marines be used as primarchs in the end.


Thank you for answering! It was such an obvious cash-grab to produce a different scale of mini for the game - what a shame because the concept is actually really cool.


Balance was terminally poor for a fiddly game. Agi was a godstat for one thing. I think there's a 28mm fan ruleset that fixes it. Iirc chunks of it found its way into Dark Heresy where it worked much better.


/r/inq28 is where you can read all about the 28mm versions.


Awesome - I do like the overall idea of a game with far fewer costly minis lol


Thank for your response! Yeah, I do remember also thinking that there was no way in hell that I was investing in a different scale of models than the perfectly fine (and already absurdly costly) models I already had.


Thank for your response! Yeah, I do remember also thinking that there was no way in hell that I was investing in a different scale of models than the perfectly fine (and already absurdly costly) models I already had.


I always liked the idea of 54mm minis. I think I’m going to fire up my printer and 2x a couple of things and see how they turn out.


According to the creators people were willing to invest in the 54mm models but the real problem was no one was willing to invest in 54mm terrain.


It had *no balancing at all*, partially overly detailed rules and was deliberately designed as a narrative game with a game master - but still also completely player-vs-player oriented. So it basically played like a PvP-only TTRPG with miniatures, but you *also* had to built a 54mm hive city (or wherever your story took place) which you could use for nothing else. I could imagine using the basic mechanisms and it's theme for a coop/solo adventure miniature game (in the way Rangers of Shadow Deep or Five Parsecs From Home works) instead, so you can play balanced scenarios where inquisition agents fight hordes of AI-NPCs while investigating a case, *would have made* a really great game. We mainly used the book as inspiration for own TTRPG campaigns and Dark Heresy when that came out later. It's still a georgous book with great artwork and unusual stories and the rules are interesting to read if you are into game design.


God I love how shitty he looks in this pic, the old fuck. Corpse “god” for real. Doesn’t even have four arms!


That IV really ties the whole image together.


It's the shitty, whispy hair for me.


That's from the OG Rogue Trader. There's a [Wil Rees drawing](https://i.redd.it/xwiuianzaey61.jpg) where he manages to look worse.


Now that's some H.R. Giger grade piece of art!


No…let him continue to live so he may watch his bloated empire crumble around him.


This is the Emperor we are talking about; either he has deluded himself into thinking everything is going According To Plan, or he has decided this time around doesn't count because really if you think about it nothing is his fault, he is too perfect to have fucked up. Hell, likely it's both.


Oh well. He can keep thinking like that. I’m gonna go back to Waaaghing with da boyz.


If my mom had superpowers this would literally be her


Hes actually a load bearing mass of wires. Take him out and a third of Terra collapses.


Dianne Feinstein looking ass!


Big E has actually been leading crusades this whole time, wdym he’s “been decaying on a throne”?


Dont worry, his death is always right around the corner, just keep walking(buying 40k novels)


Kissinger has to die *eventually*.


I love imagining the art directions for this one. "We need you to make him foul. Like, gross as all fuck. A real big nasty ass motherfucker with tubes and cables and holes n shit."


He was coronated just this month, give the guy a chance!


Miss the old lore where it was ambiguous as to if he was dead. Everything being rationalised kinda sucks.


Is that not the case anymore? I thought it was still ambiguous?


As of 8th edition it's all but confirmed that some part of him is alive. Something that considered itself to be the Emperor spoke to Guilliman. With that said, the Emperor's body has pretty much packed up. My man's a 50,000 year old vegetable.


I like to imagine Guilliman just lied about that. He went into the throne room saw that Johnny Space was dead and realised he could just lie about the conversation and everyone would believe him.


I know the whole Emperor thing is already a second-rate lift from the Dune series, but goddamn if that isn't some Brian-Herbert-level lore vandalism.


Yeah I preferred the comatose Emperor over the new version where "his mind remains fully active in the Warp", justifying the ridiculous title of God-Emperor.


Doesn’t the existence of the astronomicon mean some part has always been alive? I thought the only ambiguous part was how conscious he is.


I always believed the Emperor was actually dead the whole time until the lore removed the ambiguity and confirmed he was for real alive, and at the time I assumed that the psyker sacrifices were what was actually powering all the stuff attributed to the Emperor.


I mean, the astronomicon could also be just powered by the thousands of psykers sacrificed to fuel it


Strong Yawgmoth energy with ol' Jimmy Space here. Also love the black armoured Custodes.


Games Workshop really worked themselves into a situation here that really never needed to happen. By essentially freezing the whole damn fictional universe's narrative on this point, for literal decades, they made it so that they have to write an award worthy story now on how this guy dies and absolutely nobody will be happy in the end. The kicker here is, you let things sit for too long and you get traditionalists that never want anything to change and they just happen to be your most reliable customers, so nothing you do is ever going to please them.


I have thought since the custodes have their own army that the emperor of mankind is already dead. The custodes wouldn’t leave in such high numbers if he was still alive.


Nah that happened because other companies started making models for the custodes and GW found out that you can't really press a copyright claim on products that you don't actually make and never did.


They can’t kill him bc he’s core to the satire of the setting. Fascists worship a great all powerful leader. The Empire’s all powerful leader is a rotting corpse.


How is it satire if they actually made him an all powerful demi-god who's confirmed to be alive because he is fighting demons in the warp and keeping FTL travel possible for the whole Imperium? It might have been Satire, probably by accident given what Rick Priestly has said, 40 years ago,


He is dead tho. He's been dead for 10k years, the corpse worshippers just can't face up to it.


"imperium isn't fascist" *the imperium*:


I mean he's a perpetual right? If they let him actually die he might regenerate like Vulkan did during the Heresy and not be all crippled. But that might also uncork the warp storm being held in place at the webway gate.


Pull the plug!


You know that coconut jpg in TF2 ? Yeah kinda the same thing for the fabricator general’s Minecraft server. No we don’t know why either. And we really don’t wanna restart now that we managed to convince Kitten to play with us and he’s built a proper autofarm.


There is still a big ass Daemon filled hole directly under the Palace of Terra, the only reason the Big E Cheese is till around is for FTL travel and to make sure that Daemons don't come and trash the place. To be fair I don't blame them either Daemons seem like the kinda guys who wouldn't take their shoes off inside.


Marx: "one day that crude biomass you call capitalism will wither and die and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the dialectic is material."


Put the psyker in a box, and send him on his way! By Teras skies, before my eyes, a lifeless shade of grey!


They can’t kill him bc he’s core to the satire of the setting. Fascists worship a great all powerful leader. The Empire’s all powerful leader is a rotting corpse.


They forgor 💀