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I think you consume a bit too much warhammer media my guy


Not enough*


Guy who's only ever seen Warhammer playing any other game: Getting some big Warhammer vibes from this....


Many 40K fans envision the movie Event Horizon as a prequel depicting mankind's first encounter with the Warp.


Reading Berserk for the first time and I keep on assuming it takes place in the mortal realms. The best part of AOS is... it easily could take place in the mortal realms!


I mean I feel like Gotrek and Guts have a lot of similarities. It's not that Guts is trying to kill himself, far from it, but they both have that "fearless guilt riddled hero who secretly cares very much about the people around them" vibe. Plus big sword and big axe


Now we just need to have Gotrek face off against Sigvald!


Okay but both for the Guts and Griffith reference and because I love the idea of Sigvald meeting his match in the form of a horrifically ugly dwarf who doesn't use a graceful technique. Need to stress, I don't think either should win, but Sigvald just being humbled by Gotrek possibly being his equal would be neat. Also, would this make Felix Gotrek's Casca cause they're both constantly searching for them and the fanbase desperately wants them together and happy again?


Griffin always seemed super similar to Fulgrim to me, or just anyone who falls to their own pride. His line about “all i can do for them now is to keep winning” after actively choosing to throw everyone he knows under the bus is every reminiscent of the arrogance of a champion of The Dark Prince.


When I got into 40k and Emperors Children I really wanted Fulgrim to be similar to Griffith, but he kinda isn't. I was expecting more than a self centered fop. Griffith while yes his ambition is what leads to his fall, is a >!traumatized guilt-ridden survivor!< who in the awful world of feudalism has latched onto two different dreams in order to be happy 1. Be king 2. >!Be Gay!< I was not really impressed with the Fulgrim book, but I think there is enough room do take the EC where I want to, making themv victims of toxic masculinity and unrealistic expectations. Because I like the idea of Slaanesh in a way tempting a space marine with some of the things they lost from being a human, but also corrupting it.


Warp based references come to mind a lot. Lot of wibbly wobbly timey wimey daemon adjecent bullshit going on around here some times I swear.


I had a similar thing but more like I’ll imagine a 40k take on the media. With Sekiro I was like, this could be a Corvus Corax game where you’re in the warp hunting down the traitor primarchs


That is TIGHT!


Whenever we have to skip a game of D&D, The Host and I play XCOM: Enemy Within. We color our soldiers' armor to look like different Space Marine chapters based on their nationality (the Italian is an Ultrasmurf, the Pole is a Black Templar, the Brit is a Dark Angel etc) and role-play XCOM as Deathwatch and Exalt as Genestealer Cults.


The "men of iron", in Terran history, were actually the superhumans and mutants from the Marvel comics, but "iron man" is always what everyone remembers.


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this was probably really funny and a big own, but on mobile it’s a hundred spammed rows of dots that kinda look like a spire? Unless this is poking fun at how a lot of terrible super hero movies end with lasers shooting into the sky, I’m going to presume the formatting didn’t work and this is only funny for users on pc.


Or they could be a misremembrance of Ultron.


Or they could be a misremembrance of Ultron and his legion.


It's so 🔥 that I'm getting down voted. Lol


You know who else is a little guy with a magic sword that happened to take on a giant red demon and win?


Shura is a daemon PRINCE thank you very muxh