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Well… the Imperium is evil.


A.A.A.B? All Arbites Are Bastards?




A.A.A.A. All Arbites Are Assholes Or just AAAA


"sTop MakInG WArHAmMeR polIticAl."


In a way, I appreciate it when gross people announce it to the group, so I don't waste my time talking to them.


This is a good point. At least Fisherprice fascist here isn't conspicuous.


People unironically say that? Like fucking genuinely


Only when black library puts a minority on a book cover.


Sadly far to often. It is thankfully not the majority, but its a sizable minority of the player base.




A thin blue line police paint job for an imperium army would either be hilarious or cringe and it entirely depends on the users self awareness


But how would you be able to decide between Ultramarines and Black Templars?


Black Templar Bladeguard with plexiglass riotshields would be genuinely hilarious. It's a shame the CHUDs might see it as an endorsement.


black templars are riot police


My bets is cringe


Man, now i have an idea for an arbites killteam, but am I really gonna enjoy painting some white supremacist shit over making my own scheme?


Only if you throw every single match so you get to see them die horribly


I genuinely can't tell if that paint job is meant to be ironic. If I had a titan I might give it the same paint job as a statement about the militarisation of the police, but at the same time I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a bootlicker. I can't think of a way to make a police-themed army as satire that wouldn't also be indistinguishable from sincere bootlicking.


This is why I struggle to keep playing my Canon painted 012 in infinity....


This has to be a parody, right? Like, this has to be some kind of tongue in cheek commentary on increasing police spending. Like, printing a mini is technically a crime, so they couldn't love the police THAT much?


Considering how much of Warhammer's story is a white supremacists wet dream, I can unfortunately fully believe that this is unironic


I used to be surprised by this sort of contradiction, but now I’ve seen it so often it definitely seems more like political signaling than anything else


There is no contradiction. Laws are for other people. That’s what the thin blue line means.


One group makes the laws but isn't bound by them. The other group is bound by the laws but don't get to make them.


GW is considered woke (because they pay lip service to 40k being satire and do a bit less than the bare minimum to keep fash out of official spaces), but everything they publish for 40k is "what if the right wingers were correct, wouldnt that be badass and dark" Throw in how many fash there are in content creation and chuds printing minis seems the least surprising thing ever to me.


I honestly feel that GW just doesn’t get Americans at all or understand cognitive dissonance


I blame it more on a manager level decision of 'They may be Nazis buying our products and giving us money, but THEY'RE buying our products and giving us money' and then doing an official announcement every ones in a while saying 'Hey, don't be bad people' and there's that


Yet even that occasional announcement is too much for them to handle, and then you have a guy with over 600k youtube subs organizing an email campaign to demand GW "keep politics out of the game." The master race sure is fragile.


It’s pretty fucked up that their vision of grimdark law enforcement in the far future is just… cops in the USA.


I don’t think it’s accurate to describe the setting as “what if the right wingers were correct”. The ideology of the Imperium has little overlap with US politics, and where there are similarities it’s always described as ignorant and self-destructive. The real issue is that real fascists don’t think and/or care that any of the obviously satirical totalitarian shit is supposed to be *bad*.


Also real fascists and right wingers in general have consistently proven that they have **no** media literacy whatsoever. There could be a character in a book named John Warhammer who spells out every bit of satire, why the imperium is evil, why it’s inherently self-destructive, and how we in the real world shouldn’t emulate **anything** in the setting and these morons still wouldn’t get it. This is only slightly hyperbolic as well.


if you ever had the unfortunate experience of reading fascist fiction, it's clear that they don't understand. that's the end of the sentence, they're nearly always incapable of nuance or depth in any way


Oh god fascist fiction sounds horrible. Last conservative book I read was Atlas Shrugged like 3 years ago. What else is out there? Turner Diaries shit?


evangelical fiction is common and fascist, and they only want to talk about ending the world i never understood why people are excited for the death of the world, but American Christianity is *obsessed* with it and splinter over the tiniest variables in perceptions of how the apocalypse will happen. Will the trumpets sound during or a moment after the angels appear? Argument turns into a bloody sectarian battle. It's also why America is Israel's biggest ally. Netanyahu said that he didn't have to court American Jews anymore because he had the Christians. They need all the Jews in Israel so *Jesus can return and murder them all*. I wish this were not true facts, but unfortunately...


The idealization of the end times by WASPs in the US is 100% training people to accept genocide as the right proper Jesus thing.


Yukio Mishima, Louis-Ferdinand Céline and Knut Hamsun are some examples of fascist writers considered good (yes I know). They mainly write about how much life sucks and how they want to die, that's what right-wing intellectual writing is mainly about, really. Wanting to kill themselves (perhaps heroically, like Mishima failed to do)


there's an entire trade in White Nationalist fiction. Kindle Direct publishes anything for free and it's full of Nazism


Watching *Starship Troopers* was always a bit of a test.


There are three options: Option 1: Man I wish our government was like that.... Option 2: Yeah that society is fucked up... (Plus straight dudes and Sapphics add: And it has beebs) Option 3: Man, it ruined the book which was a masterpiece... Option 1: It is a baby fash. They have a chance still. Option 2: Probably fine, Sapphics probably suffer boob induced gay panic though.... Option 3: These fuckers already own Mein Kampf.


They'd think that John Warhammer is the "bad guy".


I mean that is Guant to a T.


It helps that Dan Abnett is a self-identified socialist.


I maybe should specify fascism but also there's a large overlap between the non-imperium factions and western right wing conspiracy theories (probably because both have origins in conservative christian-flavored bigotry) - "Kink/queerness is evil and leads to the decline of civilization" check - "Leftist/antifa movements are secretly cults out to steal our children/are led by evil ~~jews~~ lizardpeople" check, just bugs instead of lizards - "The foreign leftists want to corrupt our civilization" check Not a conspiracy theory but bonus: - the bioessentialism and transphobia baked into a ton of the setting - its a setting where eugenics not only works but is also portrayed as good


I'm a beginner, not a lore expert, but I've shotgunned a lot of it from youtube videos and I don't think it's always as hard coded to what you're saying it is. Despite the dark intentions of the Ethereum, is there not complexity within the text that lets us know life for the average human under the T'au Empire is still largely preferable to life under the Imperium? Then you have Farsight, who recognized the lies of the Ethereals and started his own break-away society of T'au bit without the Brave New World stuff. The dark twist is no matter how heroic the Eight are and how solid their society is, they're too small to enact sweeping, galactic change. What's the balanced and harmonious, xeno-inclusive human society they ran into during the Horus Heresy? The Interex? They were a progressive society that flourished until the Imperium decided they had to go, but they proved the Imperium's way was not the only way to survive against Chaos.


The T'au thing is a perfect example: it used to be almost wholly a good counterpart (although it still had the fucking eugenics in it from the start because somehow 40k writers just can't not do eugenics) to the imperium, it was fucky at times but life under the T'au empire was undoubtedly better. Then they hit em with the Grimderp hammer and made it a mind control authoritarian mess that's so bad that many writers still try to just quietly ignore that part of the lore. In addition, a lot of non-tau-focused 40k media just frames the T'au as this entirely alien empire that can't integrate with humans, they are only shown being nice to humans externally and always telling you 50 times that they're only doing it because they have ulterior motives in the region so its convenient ​ Also yeah they had a couple (like, literally a couple) of good bits in Horus Heresy that tried to go into "the Imperium is bad fr please someone get it" but with the Horus Heresy lore came a fuckton of the parts of the lore that removed satire from the setting, for every "the Imperium is bad" moment, there's 10 "*actually the emperor being an immortal god wasn't ridiculous fashy propaganda it was for real*" and "*the superior genetics of the great god emperor combined with his great use of eugenics created these great supermen*" moments It's like for every time they hire a writer who actually wants to write the Imperium as evil, they hire 50 writers who just think the Imperium's cool and refuse to critically engage with ideas, lots of "the imperium's the bad guys? oh well just say this book is in-universe propaganda and we're good to go"


You could also toss in a "racial purity" dogwhistle so loud you could hear it from the Eye of Terror.


Eh i kind of include that under eugenics I guess i did forget the bit where the primary form of human mutation regularly shown in 40k media (up until the Votann release, tho those are not very prominent still) is "hahah ret... i mean stupid giant guy" The setting isnt liked by chuds in spite of either the text or subtext, its liked by chuds because of them


I'm glad someone has finally said the quiet part out loud with regards to ogryns. It's always felt pretty uncomfortable


I 90% agree that an uncharitable read of the setting could line up with your assessment and concede that one could draw those conclusions. I think a lot of people in the community would probably address those points like this: -This one you get the most credit, old WH was super problematic when it came to slanesh and it’s association with sexuality. They’ve tried to move it to be more about excess in general. Still used to suck, so understandable if someone doesn’t WH for that. -The ….. actually I give up. I don’t really want to type the rest of this out. I am super curious about where you reading transphobia and eugenics in the setting


Im too tired to elaborate more but to be clear this is a charitable reading: i assume that all the shit is the result of incompetence and sticking to self-referential "rule of cool" stuff as well as being limited by the company forcing the stuff that sells more into the forefront An uncharitable reading would come with the assumption that the writers too are chuds and it would have a much longer list, and if i believed it was that bad I wouldnt be hanging around in primarily warhammrr-focused spaces in the first place


Isn't it already badass and dark? I love the universe for that and I'm also glad that it's only fiction.


Yes, they made it "badass and dark" by just doing "what if the fash were right" on almost every corner of the setting


Yeah nah, it's much more what if the right wingers succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and the answer that is put forth is that life would suck balls for pretty much everybody.


40k was supposed to be a parody of fascism. Space Marines were just brutish thugs on super steroids that worked for the fascist regime. But GW wrote the Imperium so that they had to be fascist because chaos and genocidal aliens wanted to destroy humanity.


I don't do warhammer 'content' so Arch is the only fash warhammer content I know about. Are there any notable others?


I feel like if it was mocking the police they wouldn't have painted the flag more meticulously than anything else.


I knew a guy who had KKK 40k models. It was satire, but he was still a libertarian jerk. And it was all about getting negative reactions from liberal players.


Wasn't really satire then, was it.


Yeah that’s why I still called him a jerk. Though more potent expletives would be more appropriate.


No idea how much it could cost but look too expensive for a joke and anyways the thin blue line guys usually have sense of humour replaced with racism augments.


3d printing a mini is not a crime (in the US) until you sell the mini for more than the cost of materials. We had a whole SCOTUS case about this when VHS copying became a thing


Probably is. I mean I’m painting up a police theme battletech lance and that’s one of the inspirations behind it. And also you just know post succession wars there are some houses that are giving away their old crappy mechs to some big planet’s police force


I don't normally criticise people's painting without asking for permission, but i think it's appropriate to say this looks shit


I'm so glad this is mediocre work. If it were done well then I'd be at least a little conflicted.


Mediocre is generous


Looks like house paint


Even besides the political messaging, it just looks somehow gross.


It's the "tell me you're a piece of shit that can't even qualify for the police academy without saying it" paint job.


Depending on the police academy thier are very few that can’t qualify


So I normally try to exclusively post positive comments about people's paint jobs, but that looks bad. Like, really bad. Why do its legs look *sticky*?


As someone who is too afraid to paint the miniatures I have, the finish of the paint is gonna be my uneducated guess. Went with satin or gloss instead of matte or flat


It must be coated in sweat from somewhere it was kneeling.


God awful paintjob too


The biggest offense is that the paint job is bad. Not even the technical aspect. Just the colors they went with. Garbage. And it's just solid colors all around.




you can just say it here, we're down: fuck cops


Oh, I know. I just like ACAB as an acronym.


It does roll of the tongue rather nicely


that is one of the ugliest miniatures I've ever seen.


Warlord with a shield? This dumbass doesn't even know what weapon options he can use. If you needed to do this nonsense then wouldn't a cerestas lancer be enough?


Isn’t the scale off to begin with?


Yes, but the lancer is the biggest model I can think of with an arm mounted shield. An actual warlord can rely on void shields long enough to obliterate any opposition.


Not to mention that the Knight Lancer's shield is just a skeletal frame of a shield because it is actually an energy shield projector-device that provides significant hi-tech protection to the machine behind it. It's not just a big slab of metal, which would be ridiculously heavy and not offer much protection against the ridiculously overpowering weapons that other Titans would be shooting at it. The blue line slabshield is silly on all possible levels.


Silly on a 40,000 scale. Sillier than Logans wolf sled, sillier than anything an Ork has ever done. Sillier than Creogorachs underpants.


It's a reaver. Your point still stands, but the guy is saying this is the second reaver and they are working on a warlord next


Sorry I'm mildly too drunk for reading. But at least I know which Imperial walkers carry shields.


Keeping the important information on line haha


Systems: Failing. Red wine: Flowing. Motor Functions: Critical Warning. Praise: the Omnissiah.


It’s either God tier bit or chud. To thrive in society we must acquire the skill to discern which is which


That's a big oof from me


I would run it, if it weren't such an atrocious paint job. I've already got some imperial knights, and this fits right in with the fascist theme. Might start some fights when I explain that though.


ACAB includes the Imperium of Man.


Leave it to yankees to ruin a beautiful minature with their cop fetish.


A lot of don't like cops. A LOT of us


unironic arbites enjoyer I see


Must love the taste of boot polish


Police budget will allow for this by next year


In fact the designing totally fit’s…. The imperium ist a religious fascist regime. Sooooo…. :D


Like I dont get it. I remember as a kid a few folk at the local GW had titans and it was *so* cool. I still looked at pics of the titans at that WHF game and it was so neat. But whats the point of doing like low quality prints, and then clearly just slapdashing a paint job on them. Like as a display piece surely youd want to dedicate some more effort and care? Even the person who does that monster energy knights at least has put effort in. no hate towards folk who strugle with painting, ive got dyspraxia and know it can be a slog, but this isnt trying your best to have something to play games with. Or something to show off on a shelf. I dont know what it is tbh.


There is one positive from this: You get to blow it up with your anti tank weapons.


My mans with the silver lining!


Code name: Minority crusher


This is either amazing satire or normal facism.


Praising police officers isn’t fascism. It’s just praising the status quote


"I don't know what you kids are up to. But I do know one thing. Laws are a threat of violence enacted by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group of a given nation."


Good old conflict theory. However that doesn’t explain laws that protect minorities. Nor does it explain laws that passes and proposed by people outside the dominant group. Nor minorities that support judicial system, especially ones that live in high crime region


Laws don't support minorities, and the minorities that did support higher policing are very clearly suffering from it. As a minority myself I only trust police to ignore me or harm me. How do laws from minorities get passed? "Good trouble" or social disobedience despite the cops' best efforts to push us down. There's a wide gap between passed and enforced by the by.


I’m sorry but what are anti discrimination laws then? And I’m glad you personally represent the ideals and beliefs of all minorities everywhere. Even my own.


Anti discrimination laws are a damn joke. Anyway there's been 500+ laws aimed at my minority this year alone in the us. Guess who's enforcing those laws? Backed by bootlickers like you. Now excuse me, another kid just tried to take their life I don't have time for you.


Why do you resort to name calling? No where in this argument have I done that. And it’s not too crazy to expect that same respect from you I say Also all I have done is employee my training in criminology. And conflict theory has been dissected forever so I’m not saying anything here when I’m poking at its shortcomings. And if anti discrimination laws are a joke then why have racist worked so hard to roll them back or gut them? Yes there are people trying to take trans rights away but their are people fighting tooth and nail to protect it. Such as Biden and his administration. Not saying you love them or like them. Just that you can’t just focus on one piece and act like that’s the entire issue. And tip of advice don’t use child suicide to try to win an internet argument. It’s sick and repulsive and gives off a horrible image


Why do you resort to tone policing when I'm facing a fucking genocide? My friend's kid is going to be ok by the way. Have the day you deserve, your theory can kiss my ass along with Biden's bullshit efforts.


The other day I talked about how it would be cool if the Arbites had an allied Legio.....not like this, fuck.


Looks like shit, Hos.


I'd love to believe this is satire but we know all too well it probably isn't, sigh


I would leave the table, the store, and the state. Or hope the store itself turns into an angry mob


Lol what a loser


What's wrong with it? I don't...oh. Oh...


Imagine thinking this is cool. Exceptional cringe.


Yikes hard pass


Man the Arbites got a nice reward for fighting off the Drukhari on the Gallowdark.


Looks like shit.


Those paints were applied boot licking-ly thick...


The sort of person who makes "weewah" noises when they move their tanks.


A unbearable desecration of the holy machine


Tfw you love the police but also love crime


I hate it here (The US)


All he needs is a lil MAGA hat and the whole thing will be ruined!


Make Arbites Great Again?


Welp I have to use that in the campaign we are running at the library somehow, because yes.


I almost down voted out of habit


It took me almost a full minute to realize it wasnt an ultramarine


That's either excellent parody or someone who genuinely likes the imperium.




Well, I’ve been looking for a reason to pick up more anti armor units. 10th means I could take a full army of havocs and tanks against this mess.


Looks shit too


Least racist 40k player


I really want this guy to be a huge fan of Verhoven movies, but something feels like he doesn’t like them the way I wish he did.


Golden age police stations definitely had Titan class wargear for protests


Just for this I’m joining Horus. Let the Galaxy burn.


i'm not usually one to paintshame, but fuck this person and gahhhddddaammmmnnn the paintjob is ASSSSSSSSSS


I could see a police color scheme being cool on a titan or knight but putting the fucking thin blue line on there it's like come-on brother take the boot out of your mouth for a second and get some air.


Yeah, a full Arbites theme might look pretty decent. But that fuckin' flag...


Yikes but uhhhh he's got the spirit of fascism down real good


I would love to see this guy react to a crowd of Imperium players who all agree they're playing the bad guys.


I really don’t like to criticise people paint jobs. But, buddy, I thought it was cardboard at first glance.


Legio Fascius


If punching down were a miniature.


Well the Imperium is supposed to be a fascist xenophobic hellhole so this fits


Look what they've done to my boy!


\*uses a walking war crime made by a genocidal empire with its death toll in the trillions as a representative of thin blue line. hmm yes this will definitely make cops look great!


Ngl this is kinda funny


I mean, the Imperium is a theocratic fascist regime. That's most of the US right there


I mean, accurate


I saw that in a Facebook group and laughed my ass off


I would “accidentally” bump his shit and try to break it. 1312


If I didn't know this guy gets off to the thin blue line shit it would be an amazing homage to the original satire of space marines as just being bully cops


There are probably a lot worse paint schemes out there


what on earth


Made all the worse by just how absolutely dreadful the paint job quality is too


Honesty, at least


Not only cringe but that paint job is atrocious.


Jesus...a titan-sized bootlicker


Let people do what they want


Forget the politics, that paint job is atrocious


Not even a warlord


What's his point here 😭 "thin" blue line doesn't look very thin does it? Can he please be making some kind of defund the police statement??


Terrible painting. Politics aside, who is proud enough of this to show it off online


I audibly gasped when seeing that post. Seeing the "911" on that titan sends me every time. Like what, are you gonna call an orbital drop on random shoplifters LMAO I usually feel bad when telling someone their miniature isn't lore-friendly but this guy just clearly didn't give a fuck and wanted to force a political message across.


Prints a model, gives it a thin blue line paintjob. That is either exceptional mental gymnastics or exceptionally dumb.


where are the tau when you need them


keEp PoLitIcS oUt Of wArHaMmEr


Dudes just outting himself as being cringe as fuck.




This is really sad... =( This person is brain broken.