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Don't say nazi stuff


This right here. If somebody judges you based solely on army choice the problem is with them, not with you.


Sadly it's hard at times because of all the alt right, nazis and other groups entrenched in the game, always have to be extra cautious with Black Templar snd Kreig players sadly, which is a terrible shame


I don't know where y'all are finding these nutters. Been to a dozen shops in the past year and nothing but good vibes.


Which means you thankfully live in a good neighbourhood where there isn't as much of a problem (or they know to keep their mouths shut) sadly I have maybe been to 10 or so shops in the last 15 years and have seen them here or there in most of them. Most shops nervously laugh at their messed up jokes, but only a GW and one other store (owner was LGBT and in an interracial marriage) threw the players out. It also could be the fact that I look like the stereotype of a traditional conservative working class wyt man to alot of these people and they think its safe to make the comments and jokes around me


Yeah this is not true at all in real life tbh. This sub suuuuuper overestimates the Krieg = nazi connection.


I dunno where you people are getting black Templar and Krieg=Nazi player, it dose not make sense, Black Templar like crusading and krieg players like guard but a flavored guard with gas masks


Alot of crusader mentality alt right people are drawn to Black Templsrs due to their iconography and symbols on them. Krieg players because of the memes and association with the Reich because of Chan and other sites populated by then Thankfully they aren't everywhere, but sadly I have met way too many and I have barely played the last 2 decades. Also, no one is saying that DT or Kreig=Nazis. Just that a disproportionate amount of alt right players play those two factions


Even better: Say anti-nazi stuff. A lot.


Most people won't, just paint them up as WW1 french and if you really want to then you can drop certain iconography but as long as you're not painting them up like anything WW2 German you'll be fine.


Yeah. I was gonna do box art with the blue coats and such


Personally I went [lighter blue than box art](https://preview.redd.it/yu3toi20vfm91.jpg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=b634d964c229a67eacd272da56b7f9fc0627163c), and red trousers - to really lean into the French thing.


Oh that’s super pretty!


Fully commit and give them these: https://www.anvilindustry.co.uk/adrian-helmets-with-gasmasks


These are *gorgeous,* I’m so envious of folks who paint minis.


Mango! This is an awesome paint scheme!


That’s almost 1:1 the WW1 French uniform from the shoulders down.


I was not aware they were based in the French, I always thought they were modeled after WW1 stormtroopers


The DKoK are basically just "WW1 in space." French coat, German helmet, British gas mask.


they're a reference to trench warfare in general, and feature a composite of visual references to different countries. iirc their gas masks are based on British designs.


Yeah not at all - the basic infantry are French, and all their gear, vehicles, uniforms and the like are a mix of European WW1 designs.


Instructions unclear, people now think I'm a nationalist.


I had no idea about the connection to the French forces during WW1, but it's cool since I actually took my color scheme from the early French WW1 uniforms (the blue and red ones) Here's some pics if anyone's interested: https://imgur.com/a/LJEyCbU


Jesus christ can we do better than french army in space?? It's as hackneyed as Ultramarines. There are plenty of schemes in Siege of Vraks for inspiration - hell you can even rip off other regiments schemes and it looks better


or let people do what they want?


Yeah go for it, doesn't make dkk+blue = french army in space a less lazy and overdone idea


> overdone I'm not aware of a single other example of WWI French army in space personally.


I love history. Why shouldn't I draw on it? If my Seven Years' War + France + space kill team is "as hackneyed as Ultramarines," I doubt you actually know what "hackneyed" means or how common either thing is.


Yes how creative


There is no way you are fun to be around


Lmao this requires some aloe vera


Apologies, O God of Creativity. I meant not to offend. Ye gods is this a ridiculous fucking thing to have to argue about.




Sorry, but why is this directed at me?


Oh you’re right I thought I was commenting at the other guy lol


No problem! Reddit's weird sometimes.


Step 1: Don’t be a dick. It’s a classic tool to not seem like a fascist. Step 2: Optionally, paint them in a non-German uniform scheme. Mine have green bodies and khaki arms and legs, with the idea that the uniform is a sleeveless flak coat over a khaki jumpsuit Step 3: Even more optionally, order some alternative heads online. I’ve got mine with red berets since it contrasts nicely against the otherwise drab uniform Ultimately most people aren’t going to think you’re a Nazi unless you give them a reason to do so. So uh, don’t talk about race science?


I appreciate. I was planning to paint them like the box art. Blue jackets and such. I know it seems silly but it seems like all I hear about the Death Korps is people talking about how they’re the favorite of Mel Nazis


As a person who hangs out in a Warhammer specific community both online and in person EVERY DAY and play lots of Kill Team, I’ve never heard this from any person who is being serious and especially never in person or at any of the multiple events I’ve attended. SO many people love the Krieg and the only time I’ve suspected someone of being a weirdo in any kind of “Nazi” way, turns out he was, and he let us know in other ways. (Had a fit in store when GW renounced Nazis about having to leave his personal beliefs at the door and was shouting at people.) Are you hanging out with Teenagers by chance?


I think being into kreig is like being into Norse stuff. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, and no one reasonable is going to think you’re a nazi for it but it’s a data point because it’s a thing a lot of Nazi’s are into. If you’re into Kreig, and you have an edgy sense of humor, and you dress like a neocon, people might start to be wary of you.


i stopped playing tabletop because the "slaaneshi degenerate" ""jokes"" weren't always jokes. just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Okay so this is really frustrating and here’s why. 1) Krieg are not Nazi’s and in no way resemble them, the topic of discussion we were having. 2) I play Slaanesh. I get the comments all the time. Sometimes it’s obnoxious and frustrating HOWEVER. Slaanesh are described as deviants and enjoy in excess, including pleasure. They are ON PURPOSE sexualized in lore and art. I accept that when I choose them. “Oh you okay Slaanesh? Pervert” or something like that, if it’s a person that in any way seems to mean it literally “I enjoy their lore and their models. I like them as a faction and in no way do my beliefs or morals align with this fictitious Daemon cult” they either apologize, or we both laugh. ITS LITERALLY THE THEME OF SLAANESH. If the theme of Krieg was “Nazi” and someone commented “You play the Nazi guys, you must be a Nazi” then I would expect “I enjoy the aesthetic of this fictional army and in no way does their views or opinions align with my own” done. End of conversation. Also, never did I say harassment never happens. Don’t put context where there isn’t any. I hope you find a cool group of folks and a safe place to play who you want and how you want. Every human deserves that. Except for Nazis.


This is it. This sub suuuuper overestimates the Krieg = nazis connection.


"All Death Korps players are nazis" is mostly a sigmarxism meme. People don't think like that in real life. Nazis do seem to be a bit more strongly attracted to the Death Korps, the Black Templars, and (for some reason) the Orks, but they're still a pretty small minority. Don't act like a nazi, then people won't think you're a nazi. Don't overthink it, just be a nice person.


As a Templar player, I have had to deal with this very rarely. Often times it stops when people see my family (interracial marriage).


I can see DKOK and Black Templars, but I'm a bit stumped on Orks, since I myself happen to be an Ork player.


I think in part it's because the old Stormboyz sculpts were *very obviously* dressed as the SS. The joke was that young orks would rebel against the confines of ork society by wearing polished boots and marching in formation under rigid control... while however being very bad at doing just that. All while the older orks were shaking their heads at the "yunguns dese dayz." And then a bit later they'd grow out of their "rebellious" phase and fit back in with the anarchic (as in anarchy, not anarchism) Ork krumpocracy. But the orks do have a strong "Might Makes Right" theme, too, and that's probably a bigger part of what attracts the nazis.


This is news to me. Maybe it's the gearhead vibe? Lil redneckish?


Could be the redneck thing but I live in the deep south and most rednecks aren't the gaming type. It would be cool to make a General Lee Buggie (dukes of Hazzards) now I think about it... 😂 would be the slowest Buggie ever. All the dakka (just like the founding Nobz wanted)!


As a huge fan of the Ork I gotta say, those creeps can stay the fuck away from my drunk green violence friends who are also clearly anti-state power. The orks care not for any nationalist bullshit. I would even dare say the orks are egalitarian in a sense, I think they are equally likely to say "oi! Ders a non-ork, smash 'im gud!" As "oi! Ders an ork, smash 'im gud!"


It's an online stigma. It's like black templars as well. Yeah, they are certainly going to be attractive to the occasional fash guy, but mostly it's people who think like Hellsreach was cool, or that crusading knights is neat. Etc. Like, Jay from Eonsofbattle on YouTube is a Black Templar guy and Jay is cool.


Blue jackets are a great way to go for them.


Nobody is arguing in good faith that all Krieg players are Nazis; however, there is certainly a subset of Krieg players who play up the Nazi imagery. Just don't do something stupid like paint them in SS colors and you'll be fine!


No mate, as many others have stated, it's more about your behaviour than what army you play. One of my buddies plays Black Templars, that is supposed to be the other problematic army and sometimes he says things that make me reflect about my own bad world views such a progressive thinker he is.


> Ultimately most people aren’t going to think you’re a Nazi unless you give them a reason to do so. So uh, don’t talk about race science? OK, but what if I use 3rd party heads that are of a slightly different size than GW's?


Hans! Fetch the callipers!


The GW TO isn't allowed to check if my "resin" mini matches the exact GW profile because that would be race sciencing: the printer prevails.


"dont paint them german" is so insincere. Dont paint them like the SS, but Krieger are generally all of WWI combined, just to handpick and say 'german = bad' is not ok, since it isnt even based on nazis nor their colors


I mean, I get what you're saying, but to the question "How do I avoid nazi accusations", not being german colors goes a long way. They weren't saying german colors were bad, but if you're specifically trying to avoid being called a nazi it's a solid first step, 'cause nazis like to use ww1 german looks quite often.(Not that using ww1 german colors would make someone a nazi, but it could lead to someone asking the 'are you a nazi' question) If that makes sense? Overall though yeah just don't act like a nazi and people won't think you're one


Yeah true, but I dislike leaving space for nazis and giving up on grey because nazi is imo the wrong way. Denazify the colours instead and lead by example, so 100% the last point


Problem being that the nazis and precursors like the freikorp used plenty of WW1 stuff esp in interwar years. No one is saying all german = bad, but given the near limitless options for colour schemes, its pretty solid advice to just skip the ones ties to either nazi or imperial germany. I dont know about your painting skills, but no way can most people reliably reproduce the minor difference in uniform that distinguish all the various german schemes used between 1914 to 1945.


Ok, that I can agree on


In the unlikely event of being asked "ate you a nazi" Say "no" instead of going on a rant about woke culture Seriously though, as long as you don't give them iron crosses and/or swastikas you should be fine :)


It's like, not that hard: Here's a test for the kids. Q: What attracted you to these guys. Are you a Nazi? A) "The WW1 trench warfare aesthetic blended with other early 20th century European motifs really matches the hopelessness of the setting. I avoided bright colors and stuff because I don't want to ruin that feeling of bleak inhumanity for me or other players." B) "Gasmasks are like totally heavy metal man. But I didn't want like those boring space marine guys. Plus I don't have to paint many eyes." C) "Honestly I use them for the roleplaying campaign I run which is in a setting where WW1 just kept going, and these guys are also all my bad guy minions and stuff, and I just didn't want to buy another $400 told stuff to play a game. Someday I'll grab another faction." D) "Why do you want to know? Oh God, you're not one of those woke moralists that can't handle seeing armies on the table that match what real honorable men look like?" E) "Oh they were started by a gift from a friend who wanted me to play 40k with him." 1 of these choices will make you look like a shithead. Can you spot it?😬


I mean I'd also be content with "Funny gasmask man with a shovel and a death wish."


Yeah, I just didn't want to keep adding options.


You can also have mine for the list: "I like the idea of having a bunch of fucking maniacs with a literal death-wish that overpower tecnhically more advanced and often better equpped forces by just being fearless and psychotic in battle - how can you not love a bunch of nutcases who like digging holes and would happily fight a god with only their bayonet?"


I had fun painting mine because white coats and bright blue pants are very much not grimdark/typical to Krieg. Adding backstory and interest to hopeless, fatalistic guys that all look the same and all want to die is pretty difficult.


I think in real life most people won't think you're a Nazi, especially since they are such a prominent faction in Kill Team. I would suggest just not painting their uniforms black. >It seems like everyone talks about how neo Nazis love the Kreig despite the fact they’re based one WW1 France. I just want to gripe about this for a moment, not even specifically with your post. Any time anyone says "these Krieg guys look like Nazis" the immediate retort is "they are based on WWI French," which may technically be true, but are we all just pretending that Krieg isn't a German word and everyone gives their guardsmen German names?


I just say it's based on WWI uniforms. There's such a weird mix of German (helmets) British (gas mask) and french (great coats) that it's just a greatest hits of WWI uniforms.


Their asthetic is like if you told one of the art AI generators to draw you "WW1 trench warfare with gasmask"


That statement is so accurate it hurts


I guess it's about the look/aspect of the faction, the Krieger are supposed to be neither fully french/german but a combination of "Everything WW1" but people tend to focus on the WW1 german/kaiser aspect, which is a bit annoying But yeah the coats and helmets are supposed to be based on WW1 french garbs which are bluish/grey


Real Guard fans don't give Korpsmen names. Just numbers.


I find this argument ridiculous too— it’s obviously very German inspired but created in a nondescript “everything ww1” style. Ww1 Germany isn’t the same as ww2 Germany however, I just think the stahlhelm was a poor design choice even though it was used since 1916. They should have gone for the more pickelhaube minus the spike style that you see in some units…


As a black templar player I think this to myself alot. I think the biggest thing was mentioned above, don't be a dick, don't be cringe when playing some one, don't make weird jokes, those are the biggest red flags when playing an army like krieg or Templar. Tricks is use is I also try to add some diversity in my army. Not all of my templars are typical light skin toned. If possible add some female or different skin tones to your army, not sure how many bare heads you'll have but that's what I did.


Different skin tones probably aren't gonna be an option for a Krieg Army...


> many bare heads you'll have commisars, abhumans and allies are pretty much it


The kill team thoigh doenst have any skin showing at all


Yeah I play templars and dark skin / female heads goes a long way. Have actually had two people over the last decade or so go on a rant about how female space marines weren't allowed … one ended up being fascist and the other acted real problematically towards a female player. It’s a good screening test of who I want to play against, tbh (and in before objections - whatever the other player wants to believe about FSM is fine, but I get to play my toy soldiers however I want as well)


Putting a "this Warhammer kills fascists" sticker on your carrying case might help? Or some big ole gay rainbows.


I've been seeing a lot of discussion around Porco Rosso lately and want to remind people that if you're not a Woody Guthrie fan, "better a Pig than a Fascist" is also an option.


Love me some Porco Rosso


there are people who aren't woody guthrie fans?


Some people prefer music that sounds like mechanical failure, but I also like weird alt-folk rock so I can't judge.


If it's not alt-folk that sounds like mechanical failure count me out.


Where do I find those stickers?


I don't know, but I want one.


I've played many war games over the years, and it's never bothered me in the least to play the Germans during WW II, the Confederates during the American Civil War, or the evil faction in a fictional setting. The truth is, very often, when I sit down to play with someone at my local gaming store I don't know a lot about what they believe politically. We don't talk about that kind of thing because we're too busy talking about the game, admiring one another's paint job, or just engaging in idle chit chat. Are you a Nazi? If the answer is no, just be yourself and nobody will think you're a Nazi. On the off chace you run into someone who thinks you're a Nazi just because you have a Krieg Kill Team, I'd tell them to go piss up a rope if I were you.


I appreciate that. I know it’s silly but it seems like if you google Death Korps you just see endless discussions about them being “the neo nazi faction”


SEO pegs onto the intense discussions, which are invariably the ones surrounding an actual nazi painting their kriegers at werhmacht or SS with iconography and everything just don't paint them as ww2 germans and/or convert them with 3rd party more ww2 german like equipment and you'll be fine


The internet is not real life.


Paint your guard in trans 🏳️‍⚧️ pride.


Don't paint them as Nazis. Don't be a Nazi. It's a simple 2 step process.


I've always said the easy solution is to be so obnoxious of a francophile that there's no connection. Could do a kaisereich commune of france kinda thing too


I’m now just imagining learning French just to trash talk mid game and have the worst accent possible.


Paint them french?


Iirc they were based on the French at Verdun so paint them in that horizon blue


Ask yourself, "well...am I?" Since you're posting here, chances are you definitely aren't. Unless you're painting them directly to mirror German forces in WW2, I think you're safe. Play what you want. Your character and conviction defines your beliefs, not what army you play in a British 1980's parody tabletop game.


Don’t do Nazi shit and most people won’t think you’re a Nazi. In all seriousness I run some of those DkoK models and nobody has ever shot me a sideways glance (granted I have mine painted to look kind of like English redcoats so that may have something to do with it). Realistically anyone who calls you a Nazi for just fielding DkoK is arguing in bad faith (again assuming your not painting them to look like Nazis)


I would do the box color scheme. So the blue coats and such.


Just don’t be a nazi?


I also enjoy the death korps. My solution was to explicitly paint them like early WWI french soldiers. My officers even wear the infamous red pants. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/MToo8An) a pic of some of them, if you're curious. But the real trick is don't be a dickhead. If you get someone who's into the Nazi shit, tell em to go Fuck off. Just use common sense and you'll be fine.


Never in my life have I assumed someone is a nazi because of the faction they play. Usually what happens is: I know that a certain few factions are favored between nazis, so if I see them I might be particularly aware of how that specific player is behaving, but if they're not an asshole I know there's nothing to be worried about. Last time I saw a full fledged nazi posting their bullshit online they were playing orks wearing swastika tattoos, for example.


As long as you don’t paint SS insignia and stuff no one will assume you’re a Nazi just based on what you play.


Krieg fan here, everyone seems to have given you really solid advice here already. For what it’s worth most of the right-wing 40k people I’ve witnessed tend to favor shit like Imperial Guard and Space Marines specifically instead of a more niche faction like Krieg. You’re more than welcome to paint your Krieg however you want, just avoid the obvious dogwhistles like Iron Crosses, black eagles, lightning bolts, black suns, things like that. A thing you could do is borrow iconography from decidedly Un-Nazi corps in the World Wars. Or hell, go less historical grunge and go a little more dieselpunk sci-fi with it. Make them gas-huffing stimulant addicts, add a little green shine to their lenses and hoses or something to lean away from the gas mask imagery (which some folks via shit like Wolfenstein associate w nazis), or trim the spikes (if there are any) from the helmets. Most of all, whatever you do with them, don’t be a dick to your fellow players, and have fun!!!!


Literally just play them. No one actually thinks your a nazi just for playing krieg. If you start adding panther leman russes and paint the army in German camo schemes, then your suspicious. Red armbands and its obvious.


I know this will sound crazy but people who are into warhammer and spend their time playing the actual game aren’t as online as you probably think. Most people generally don’t tolerate outright nazis at their local game stores. Of course there are bad apples but those bad apples don’t like being nazis in a place where you can actually get beat up for it lol.


i sold my tabletop armies, and quit playing precisely because of the folks you are saying don't exist. what is with the warhammer community that it is so blind to the dogwhistles and rhetoric that neo nazis actual use? do you all not understand the history of the term degenerate, specifically in the ways it's been used against trans folks? like this whole thread (i get why it popped into my feed, even though i've not been into warhammer for a long while), you all seem super motivated to pretend that it's not a problem in the community, when it's strangling it. the people replying to the OP with actual advice about how to not come off as a nazi are all pretty good advice, but folks like you... that are saying to simply pretend that the problem doesn't exist... yea no. that is not the way my friend.


Your lived experience is yours. The same way, the experience of the people saying that nazis are not a problem is theirs. Nobody here doubts that there are reactionaries, neocons, fascist-adjacent and outright nazis in the hobby, and it follows that certain locations can be overtaken by these, where more normal people are pushed out instead of the other way around. However, it seems like the overwhelming majority here are hobbying alive and well in, as far as we know, fash free spaces. My personal experience is that people in the hobby, specifically in historic wargaming which gets the whole "if you play Germans you are nazi" from people outside of it *a lot*, see recent Midwinter Minis video for more, just want to grill. I prefer gaming with leftists because ideology is one pillar of how I get along with peopl, but as long as people aren't ideologically unsound to an extent where it will mar my interactions with them and we are focused on the game, ignorance can very well allowed to be bliss.


1. Don't be a Nazi. 2. Explain that Death Korps of Krieg may riff off the German language a bit, aesthetically they draw from a mishmash of WW1 armies, but on the whole are much more French, than German.


Nobody is going to think you’re a nazi for playing a faction that exists in the game


Nobody serious is going to make that connection. Don't put a swastika on your models and you'll be fine.


don't be a dick and don't name them after various nazi units


Just don't paint them like Nazis easy


Be a decent human being with good sportsmanship and don't paint them like nazis (and with that i don't mean any official color scheme or fan made but litteral nazi uniforms with included swastikas). Just be a good human that is pleasant to be arround and no one will care about your faction Source: the best people i know in my life play SS and blackshirts in bolt action and no one ever accused them to show sympathy to Hitler or Mussolini


Bro just be a Nice normal gamer ahah, most people won't think That, unless you do sussy stuff


Just don’t be a nazi. I’m sick of nazis taking away fun things. 40k, heavy metal, norse pagan shit, we need to take these things back for decent people. Don’t let these fucking losers spoil your fun. Besides, they have a more WWI aesthetic rather than WWII. WWI Germans were literally just conscripts fighting for some despot, just like pretty much everyone else (including the entante).


Dont paint them nazi colors; most folk dont care too much if your not being a massive incel. Either blue krieg or paint them yellow for steel legion, which are classic 40k. Or if your really concerned just get some head swaps; local guard players will have tons of spare heads; or the cadian upgrade sprue has some real neat ones. Also dont paint big swastikas on them.


Personally, if someone assumes my political alignment based on what Army I play, they can suck it. If they say something to you, assuming that, feel free to correct them. Paint them like WW1 Germans, and if people make a big deal out of it, paint a Star of David on their banner or something comparably ridiculous. Then again, I don't play wargames. I just stick to the fiction, so feel free to disregard.


I don't think anyone is going to think you're a nazi just for playing Krieg. Just don't paint them in ww2 German colors with iron crosses, swastikas, and a big banner that says "Hitler was OK, actually" and you'll probably be fine.


When you play the game, don't do Nazi stuff. It's been working for me for 20 years.


Just roll into the shop and say out loud to the folks you're playing with why you like them and how much you hate Nazis. Don't overthink it, honesty is the best policy. Tha ancillary benefit is this will also potentially cause any real Nazis you come across to out themselves.


Play it because you want to play them. Anyone who thinks you are a Nazi for playing Deathkorps of Krieg is a moron. Their aesthetic is a blend of various First World War armies and their grindy, grim, attritional tactics. Play what you enjoy and if someone calls you out, throw a history book at them and continue playing with your suicidal regiment of a fascist, theocratic and xenophobic fictional government. ;)


I play dark eldar who are specifically stated to be "alt right" satire. It's 40k, everyone's playing a bad guy with fash overtones. Just don't say actual nazi shit and you're fine.


Just play and paint them how you want and be free. I love Star Wars imperial stuff, but it’s a sci-fi movie, nobody would actually ascribe a moral judgement to me for having stormtroopers. It’ll be obvious if you’re the crypto-fascist winking and nodding every time someone asks about the toothbrush mustaches and freehanded S runes on everything.


I mean, dont act like one and you're fine. Most people arent termnially online, so I doubt they will immidetally jump to those conclusions, unless you yourself give them reason to. At least in my experince


Paint your nails and dye your hair blue! Kidding...sort of.


I think the notes about kitbashing or painting non ss colors are valid, and going that route is a solid move. But, Honestly just be chill about it. Like show up with them and play a fun game with your cool army men. Not getting too defensive is pretty key to that. You know you're not a Nazi, and worrying about whether or not people think you are is probably gonna leave you defending your choices in ways that make it look like you might be one. If someone mentions that Krieg players have a bad reputation then just agree with them and move on. Most people are just trying to play a fun game, and aren't looking for a deep dive into your politics.


Generally you're completely fine playing stuff that looks like the Germans as long as you don't Talk about "racial problems" or similar Talk about how honorable/great/forward thinking Germany was or similar Have SS/white supremacist tattoos or iconography on your clothing. Etc. I still recommend painting them in more fun ways, because painting dudes drabs and greys is boooooooooring.


Step 1) don't be a fascist. Step 2) there is no step 2. No one will think you're a nazi for playing krieg unless you give them a reason to.


Speak French


Just don’t paint them grey and don’t shout the imperium fan slogans too enthusiastically you’ll be fine.


Paint them in Austro-Hungarian Hechtgrau with olive helmets. Make their banners exceptionally ornate. Paint their vehicles and field guns with a lozenge camo. Make all of their armored cars Romfell or Putilov variants. Tanks need to look like British Mark IV tanks. When naming the individual models, give them a mix of German, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Serb, Croat, Roma, and Montenegrin names. When asked, say that they serve the Emperor, don't mention that you mean Emperor Franz Joseph I.


Go for the French color scheme and if anyone looks at them too long start talking about how the Kreig uniform is a fascinating mix of the main combatants of WW1 combing a German coal scuttle and French Adrian Helmet and then adding a French trench coat and English puttees and while the face of the gas mask resembles the French and German masks, the detached box most resembles the British Small Box Respirator ... hey where are you going?


personally, i find it pretty easy as a filipino commie to commit to playing the funny cute lil trooper guys, but i also modeled the colors of my army on the New People's Army flag


If you feel you have to clarify that you're not really a fascist than that kinda rules out every faction bot orks, tyranids and maybe tau depending who you ask. You don't need to explain a emperor damn thing cuz in 40k everybody is the bad guy and the closest thing to karmic neutral is the nids since far as I can tell they just hungry.


I would like to direct you to my new head Canon for krieg https://www.reddit.com/r/Sigmarxism/comments/13naiyu/my_head_canon_krieg_uses_vitewombs_because This is my suggestion 😁


Yeah honestly the whole ‘thinks you’re a nazi’ thing is overblown. Don’t paint iron crosses/swastikas on your minis, play the game and have fun. I have a sneaking suspicion ppl complaining about being labeled a nazi for picking templars or whatever are making shit up for attention/culture war bs. If you’re still worried there’s nothing stopping you from carrying your minis in a box filled with ACAB/che guevara stickers and so on


I’m out here with Waffen ss bolt action models. So umm Idk the comments here. I think one can play whatever on the table without larping. Iconography can be limited, one doesn’t need to emphasize the aspects of a certain lore or history to tabletop them. Seeing them die is just as fun. I like using my ss as a suicide platoon. Painting wereabo shit is yeah… I dunno. I guess the soviets gotta shoot someone bad tho.


Unnecessary guiltposts like this are absolutely my least favorite part of this subreddit tbh


Play Death Korps. Play Nazis. Fuck anyone who can't separate a game from reality.


Anyone who assumes your behavior based on the army you choose needs to touch an ungodly amount of grass. More grass than exists in the universe.


Paint them like the SS, screw it. If you aren't a Nazi you aren't playing Nazis. Sure they have the German helmet going on but like most have said they are WESTERN FRONT WW1 based, German and French. Honestly the only Nazi looking models they have is officers but that's not a bad thing either. 40k is satire, the Imperium is suppose to remind you of authoritarian regimes. I play the most fascist looking army in the game, Black Templars, I'm not a Nazi (love the crusades look [aware of the history] and vibe). It's game; burn the witches, kill the alien and the mutant, blah blah. You can get immersive in the game but make sure you have a split. Krieg honestly is a awesome look, just be you and have fun.


Try to refrain from heiling Hitler during the game. Don't goose-step around as you walk. And absolutely no holocaust jokes, no matter how timely. /s


Oh for the love of god lol… Krieg aren’t nazis and almost nobody in real life associates them with nazis. Just make sure they aren’t all-black with red armbands and you’re golden. I’ve played Krieg for years and it has never once come up. This sub needs to touch a lil grass, it’s giving people the wrong idea.


Anyone who thinks Death Korps have anything to do with Nazis are too stupid to have their opinion valued.


Just play DCoK and don’t be a Nazi


It's never really the faction you play but how you act. If you play space marines or Black Templars are I don't consider you a fascist unless you are major role playing into the fasc side of the factions or say fasc things outside of the narrative. I play Salamanders and am Lily White but have never been called/assumed to be a fascist.




Bro just be a Nice normal gamer ahah, most people won't think That, unless you do sussy stuff


Trust me dude, it's fine. Just don't paint them grey, don't put any german iconography on them, and nobody will have any questions.


Don't use darker tones Blacks and Grey's, no reds and black. Throw some blues(french), green(US/UK) and maybe just look up some references to WW1 and WW2 and not copy the Germans.


This question gets asked like once a month, just don't be a dick.


Wear some strategically political pins/shirt/something that shows your politics


Ask them if they have a space marine army? Why are they playing super space fascists?


Depending on your colour choices it can show off if that is your concern. I just went with some of my favorite colours. My favorite comment so far, was someone saying they just had never seen DoK in a violet scheme. [https://ibb.co/vV1hdrG](https://ibb.co/vV1hdrG) [https://ibb.co/FV3rxwp](https://ibb.co/FV3rxwp) [https://ibb.co/2g825Sw](https://ibb.co/2g825Sw) [https://ibb.co/qnXPLVC](https://ibb.co/qnXPLVC)


People in real life are much more chill than that. I'd be surprised if anyone called you anything in particular for playing a certain army in real life. Except maybe joking about finecast, an inuniverse thing or how expensive some bits are?


Don't paint them like the SS and leave off swastikas. Easy.


Paint them blue with white gloves and red pants. Easy. Watch out for machinegun nests and trench foot.


When I was considering getting them my plan was to kitbash them into Valhallan Ice Warriors.


Steel Legion.


Drink black coffee, eat a baguette, and smoke a cigarette. But seriously i don’t think most folks will say your a Nazi then again since their French during ww1 then paint them blue.


Give them red pants and people will think you are French instead.


I play death korps and I'm the furthest from a Nazi U could get, remember the setting is satire and if someone doesn't understand that and makes an assumption that's on them


Blue coats red pants don't paint swastikas, eagles, and don't be a racist.


If someone calls you a Nazi for merely liking a specific army in 40K _they_ are the problem. Kreig is ruthless and cool, so as long as you don’t act like they’re _right_ you should be fine.


Paint them like wwII France.1915 with the blue greatcoat and red zouav trousers and kepis


Don't act like a Nazi.


Paint them like Poilus


Don’t sweat it. Just make your army and be your regular not-a-nazi self. People being weird about krieg is the red flag, not people playing krieg and enjoying it.


I have a similar issue. Every time I bring out my ork army, people instantly assume I'm a football hooligan. Don't even get me started on my Necrons. I went to a local torunament last november, and they erected a 30ft obelisk in my honor. It's a fantasy wargame. Noone cares. People play actual Wermacht in Bolt Action or w/e that other wargame is. It's not a role-playing game. That, and Krieg look nothing like the nazis. Idk how one would make that connection unless somehow you paint them with nazi heraldry or something.


Paint them pink


It's not the death korps that's the problem, it's the rabid alt right assholes who co-opted them. Play what you like, if someone assumes you're a nazi for it, that says more about them than you. If you really want to stick it to them freehand some antifa logos on them


WW1 France?


The same way you okay any imperium army. DKoK isn't any more prone to Nazis than the rest of the imperium armies


I had the same problem so when I bought the vet guards box i also bought[those heads](https://anvilindustry.co.uk/bearskin-hats) so I can paint them as vostroyan first born. Hope it helps !


Just don't act like a nazi, hard for some gamers, but hopefully easy for you.


It's pretty simple: don't be a Nazi. The Krieg are a mixture of French and German military armaments and uniforms with a heavy bend towards the French in WW1 and German surnames.


Make it clear through your words and actions that you’re not a Nazi. If someone’s assuming things like that about you because of the army you play, that’s a them problem.


Step 1. Don't care what anyone else thinks and play what you like. Step 2. Don't buy into woke cope.


Just act normal and if someone asks if your a Nazi cause you have krieg do not play with them or interact with them, their the problem


They’re based off the French…


Lol, this is the standard ppl create.


Put pride flags on your tanks or paint a standard bearer rainbow ez fix.


It's 40k. There are no bad guys. Everyone is evil and does reprehensible things in the name of their chosen cause. Just play the game and don't be a Nazi. As long as you aren't a Nazi you don't need to "hide" anything or change your behaviour.


Honestly just show up and be normal and if situation allows do something small to indicate you’re not one. Like having a pronoun pin or pride flag on your army carrier. I wouldn’t ever assume somebody was a Nazi just for their army pick, and seeing some little nod to progressive values like that instantly tells me someone isn’t one.


The first thing to say is non nazi stuff, I've played with some great templar players with my iron warriors and they've been great guys all around. Another thing that you can do is give them the cannon or more french scheme. Avoid black, go for the blue and a small thing you could do is give them red pants, which was more in line with the french ww1 garb.