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He trash talked you for what? His failed brake check? Worst I can say about your driving is that you probably could have kept it a little tighter in the final corner there. He, in turn, could have used more of the track on the outside, but the onus is on you to use the space you have. Having said that, if that little touch was enough to get this guy to end his own race in a fit of childish rage then I'm glad you did it haha.


Yeah this was absolutely a blast to watch him see red and instead of pulling it together instead let his fragile ego rage. Love watching people take themselves out.


He dived into him at the final turn and cut him off at the chicane prior. Not worth trash talking and the brake check was dumb but OP was driving too aggressively


>He dived into him at the final turn You mean he dove into the giant gap? I don't see any problem there at all. The touch happens well after the apex. Like I said OP probably could have kept a tighter line but a bump like that probably wouldn't raise any eyebrows in a TCR race. I have rendered my verdict and OP is not guilty. 10 second potentially for Ocon.


I still think OP is driving way too aggressively and shouldn’t just be let out without any criticism. The tighter turn is a must. 20 second penalty for Ocon and Stroll is DNFd


I think a lot of people, myself included, are going to disregard anything you post for calling one of the most famous sections on any race track ever built "the chicane"... jesus.


They try to push you off/pit maneuver you (illegal) at the beginning. It doesn't work. Then they try to swipe across your nose and block you (illegal) exiting the final turn. It doesn't work. Then they brake check you (illegal). It doesn't work. Every possible incident shown here is, 100%, unequivocally, their fault.


I’m pretty sure that first “pit maneuver” was just a controller artifact. It did look like it but a tap like that wouldn’t cause a pit maneuver. OP didn’t leave enough space at the second incident because the pass wasn’t completed by him so he cut off the guy. The brake check is definitely inexcusable though.


Wtf what was with that brake check from the car in front, you're fine for that one


The fact that he killed himself out of spite to be a dick to you and then had the gall to complain to you and call you a dick is just chef's kiss.


But OP is still not in the right. He cut off the opponent at the Chicane and dived into him at the final turn. Doesn’t excuse the opponents actions but OP is still very in the wrong


Are you the other car? You are on a tear about him going for a gap that existed.


Who the hell calls the corkscrew, one of the most famous corners in the world, a chicane?


Someone who doesn’t know it’s called the corckscrew


You are at fault for not bowing to his majesty and allowing him to win the race unopposed. He is the next coming of Max Verstappen.


To add more context, he already had 4 seconds of penalties and this was the last lap


Did he have 4 seconds to serve or had he already done it? Cause if he still had 4 seconds to serve, I would have just stayed behind him since he would have to beat you by 8 seconds in the end. I mean you were behind him anyway but at that point the position was yours, no need to fight.


In forza the penalties are just added onto your time at the end. There’s not really any “serving”


What a fucking idiot. Thank you for the amusement, man. Nah, he's just a grade A brainiac, not your fault.


Lol he clearly brake checked you.


Not your fault that's called race carma (ba dum tss!)


Great driving on POV part. Every. Single. Infraction is on the other driver. Complete Donkey Fedora.


They're trash-talking you because none of their attempts to crash you worked? Yeah, that's 100% on them; you didn't do anything wrong.


Imagine trying to brake check someone and then trash talking them


Until the unexplained brake check at the end that was good hard racing.


aside from the blatant pit manoeuvre attempt at like 10 seconds in lol


Or OP shoving them off the track at 18s


the unnecessary contact at :12, and the wild swerve across the track at :48 on the exit of the final turn were not good racing - erratic bad driving and I wasn't surprised by the brake check when it did come


The dive at the final turn was unnecessary and dangerous


The other guy is a prize tail end for that one. Tell them I said that, I’d love to hear their defence…


This is what needs to happen when you pull that move in GT7.


This just looks like like a bit of push and shove. The end looked like a brake check, though. That's naughty.


Next time don't put a clip of the entire race if you want someelse opinion tho


Are you using wheel


Which car are you?


It's definitely the red and white Civic's fault.




You really wussed out at the corkscrew though


he braked checked u. that is not ok. and he did it on a straight away when they were the super aggressive one. lmao


seems a clean race to me nothing to blame..


Haha he tried to break check you so no you’re good


He clearly break checks you out of anger there's no reason to break at that point on that section of the track


You probably could have taken that last corner less aggressively. But him failing his brake check afterward and ruining his own race is all on him. It kind of voids your earlier mistake because he retaliated on purpose and that would gain a ban or hefty penalty at the least if it were any other game than Forza.


The tap in the beginning was probably just controller artifact because you passed him and he probably over corrected. At the chicane you actually cut him off because you never completed the pass. You should’ve left him space. The dive after was completely wrong on you. You can’t use the leading car as a cushion to fix your mistake. You accept that you took the bad line and take the time loss. The brake check was bad sportsmanship in general. He’s at fault for that but you’re at fault for the rest of it. You’re driving too aggressively. You don’t deserve to be trash talked but you’re also not a victim in this scenario. Just learn from that and get better.


Run up the hill to corkscrew was absolutely on the edge of being fair imo the other guy was trying to run OP to the edge of the track and OP returned in kind. Last corner was a stupid lunge brake check was pathetic going by other comments from op it was more tactical than retaliation.


My main takeaway is that they’re both at fault but for each separate reasons. In no way is anyone here innocent


It’s a game. Who cares.


1. At the corkscrew you didn't leave him any space on the outside 2. The brake check and pit maneuvering himself lead to his demise lol


It looks like you are both at fault. He tried to run you off the road on the back straight. You then failed to give him room at the top of the corkscrew while alongside. He took a defensive line into T11 that wasn’t necessary, and gave you a chance to pass him. You then ran into the back of him, nearly causing him to lose control. He then reacted by getting in front of you and brake checking you, quite likely due to the two incidents.