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Del Sol Valley for sure. The worlds that come with Realm of Magic and Vampires are also severely lacking IMO.


I agree, the vampires and realm of magic worlds are just too small and there’s barely anything to do in them. Then theres Del Sol Valley which despite being an expansion pack world is also super lacking lot-wise and build-wise.


At least the realm of magic world has a bar and it has that whole hidden lot you get to via a portal. The vampire world is just sad. It really needs a bar, lounge, or hidden lot/section.


I always bulldoze that hose on the lower left side and replace it with Gargoyles Glen from the gallery. Cool little nightclub.


It's odd that the vampire and spellcaster worlds are so small and yet they have 4 (or more?) packs, kits, whatever. Then so many mods to do even more with vampires and magic. Werewolves too, I just haven't gotten very far with them yet.


Personally I wish both the one and two neighborhood worlds would *all* get an additional neighborhood's worth of lots added to them. Most of them have this feeling of being "just a little bit too small" to really support the world themes I wish I could use in them.


Yeah, this may be an unpopular opinion buttttt I mentioned wanting Magnolia Promenade added to Willow Creek, but similarly - I’d love it if forgotten hollow and Glimmerbrook were two halves of the same world. It would be a fun juxtaposition with the dark creep side and the vibrant lively side. I feel like moonwood mill is too big to add in, but I’d genuinely love these two together at least. It would feel more substantial than either one by itself, and add a fun element of lore (considering that in sims 4 history, spell casters actually CREATED vampires!)


Del Sol, it's a disgrace.


Agreed. It’s sad since a world inspired by LA/hollywood has so much potential, and I really like the concept. So sad it is like that.


The beach 🌴 😔


I forever wanna create a Malibú house, such as the Charlie Harper from two and a half men one 😭😭 they could at least have made a lot-less neighborhood with a promenade next to the beach with food stalls or whatever :( I love the concept of a Los Angeles world!!


The saddest thing is that the few things that works, really do: like, the light and the weather are so pleasant, from the posh hills the view is amazing, and that neighbourhood is convincing enough; same with the film studios, and downtown (once most of the premade buildings are replaced with actually good ones, that is). But whilst I understand the strategy behing having so-so premades on a map (devs save time and effort, players are encouraged to build), the ones in Del Sol are offensively bad, and because those abominations are placed on a meagre number of weirdly shaped and oddly spread out lots, not even rebuilding everything from scratch would make it work. I'm talking from experience here, it doesn't matter of hard I can polish that turd (and trust me, I polished it *HARD*), Del Sol misses two whole neighbourhoods: an extention of Mirage Park that reaches the coastline, and a new one of high-rise residential buildings on the down left corner of the map. The Pinnacles and the Starlight Boulevard neighbourhoods should have at least two more lots each. It will never be fixed, hell, that map is so botched that I don't even know if they could, even if they wanted to. But imho, that's what Del Sol should have been like if they wanted to sell us a proper LA/Hollywood experience in TS4. (P.S. Dario Argento forever ♥ 😆)


Yes! It has so much potential. I love the concept of Mirage park, since I love when the Sims team creates “imperfect” neighborhoods. Then we have the pinnacles, which are to emulate the type of private rich people neighborhoods, and the starlight boulevard, which is also a good addition in order to place public buildings such as bars, pubs, museums… HOWEVER, we know A FREAKING NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE BEACH IS MISSING. Can you imagine making MALIBÚ TYPE OF LOTS NEXT TO THE BEACH!! I always think about it. AND the problem is not only that there is a lack of lots, but also that the world feels dead?? You go walking over the streets and there are no interactive things to play with?? They could at the very least have made in the beach a place such as the fair from high school years where there some food stalls, a promenade with lights to go for night walks ?? Something !! An extension that goes from the mirage park to the coast line, as you said. But that’s the problem, the world feels empty, as many other worlds and buildings made at the start of the game. Such a big loss. > (P.S. Dario Argento forever ♥ 😆) Yes 🥰 glad you got the reference of my name haha


yuh thats the word to exactly describe it


Del Sol Valley is one definitely needs a major refresh. It actually has a decent number of lots but they all feel so unusable to me due to how it’s spaced out. I think Granite falls and Salvadorada could also use an upgrade-swimmable water in Granite Falls and the ability to build residential lots would be nice in both Adding swimmable water to more worlds would actually be so awesome (Willow Creek, Brindleton bay ect) I wish the apartments in San Myshuno (and Evergreen Harbour) were more customisable too. I’m glad we are finally able to change windows on the buildings but I want even more customisation. Forgotten Hollow,Glimmerbrook and Moonwood Mill are some great worlds (and I love playing with occults) I just wish they all had more lots. And Magnolia Promenade is pretty disappointing considering it’s 4 lots from an expansion pack.


I agree with all of thesee For Del Sol Valley, I think that it could get a few more lots mostly on the beach side, and probably a few lots on the big empty spaces to fix the spacing. Selvadorada imo is a pretty cool world but it sucks that it’s only a vacation world so sims cant live in it (only rent a vacation lot I think) The game packs with only 5 lots do need a few more lots (maybe around 10 like my wedding stories and strangerville). Magnolia Promenade could use more lots and be more of a commercial district than a residential neighborhood. I think it would nice if the hidden lots like the hospital and others would not be hidden anymore and become lots that you can actually visit anytime, but still function as they are designed to.


Just for clarity, there is no "beach side" as the map art is drawn long after the worlds are made. I've seen James Turner working on build for a pack (this goes back years) and although the world is fully built, there was no map art. It was blank, but you could click the rectangles. Mods that change the map art make this obvious. In short, there is no beach except on an easily swappable picture file. They could have drawn anything there. A zoo. An airport. A stadium.


Oohh okay, good to know. Thanks for the info!


There's a few but imo I'd appreciate just a new base game world


This would actually be so cool since a new bg world would most likely use the new features that were added over the years. Let’s just hope that if ever they make one, it would actually be good and just have as many lots as the bg worlds, unlike the worlds that we’re getting recently.


Del Sol Valley needs a new neighborhood on the coast or at least more lots on the non affluent residential neighborhood. Base game regions have a lot of decent lots, but they need swimmable water imo. Same with Windenburg, especially in the top left neighborhood with the lake and the island. San Sequoia needs a livelier downtown. It's pitiful how empty they left that place. Like more random performers, little festivals, open markets, fishing hikes or swimmable places. The only added the rabbit hole movie theatre, but c'mon, that's such a cop out. The other neighborhoods are pretty nice, but they could use another lot or two each. Copperdale could use more visitors on the pier grabbing some ice cream, food, or drinks, playing music or listening to musicians, going on the Ferris wheel or the other rides. It has swimmable water which makes the place much more interesting to visit. Glimmerbrook sorely needs revisited/rebuilt/redecorated builds across the board, ESPECIALLY the Magic Realm; holy crap, that lot isn't editable and they thought it was smart to make that place look so bland and boring??? Jeez.


If you're on a computer it's possible to edit and/or replace any building by typing in the cheat bar: *bb.enablefreebuild*. I've rebuilt most of the "non editable" buildings in my main save, including the dreadful Magic Realm academy.


Oh my *goodness*, THANK YOU.


The issue with the more recent worlds like Copperdale, San Sequoia, Chestnut Ridge, and Tomarang (and others that I havent mentioned) is that aside from the fact that they’re way smaller than the earlier worlds, EA has been trying to make the worlds seem like they’re open but it actually feels so much more empty because of how huge the boundaries are despite having only about 6 sims walking on the street. They should restrict it more like they did with the neighborhoods in the base game worlds to make it more lively 😭 They’ve also been abusing the rabbit holes lately like they’re good to an extent but when most of the places sims could interact become rabbit holes, the game gets so boring.


I love the way San Sequoia looks and I’m glad movie theater rabbit holes were brought back to give Sims something to do but I’m so disappointed the world doesn’t have waterfront bar! Having both a library and a community center feels like SUCH a cop-out to me. I know San Sequoia is supposed to be a “family” neighborhood, so I’m sure that’s why there’s no bar 🙄 Still, to me nothing says “family” neighborhood like a dive down the street where all the parents hang out during soccer practice!


omg something that makes it so annoying to play in San Sequoia imo is that THERE'S NO COLLECTIBLES like apart from the fact that it looks like a ghost town because no one's there my sims have literally nothing they can do except for walking and walking their dogs


I want all the worlds with water to be made swimmable, that’s my one wish tbh


Del Sol Valley is missing an entire neighborhood (one at the beach) in order to become a full world.


All of them need more lots just in general.


All of them?


Glimmerbrook for sure. It’s too small, but has a lot of potential. Give us a new neighbourhood with a swimmable lake that has a little island in the middle like something from sword in the stone. Or a dark forest with strange eyes peering from the gloom.


None, because doing that would likely break all saves using that world.


it just wouldn’t apply to old saves and only change in new saves. Same as the townie refreshes did.


That's not how the game works. Saves store sims and lots data, obviously. We know that from how we makeover our own sims in CAS. But that's tiny. But I'm 99% sure saves do *not* store the world data, it would be insane if they did. They simply refer to the main game files. This is clearly the case as saves are just a few mb. They are not each multiple gb, which would be the case if each save had it's own copy of each world.


Good points, didn’t even think of that. If they were to refresh worlds though (which they probably won’t) I’m sure they would somehow work around that, like add a new variant that doesn’t replace the original world. But those limitations might be the reason it never happens too, who knows!


That said, neighborhoods are functionally separate. It might be (should be) technically possible to add a new neighborhood somewhere without breaking anything. I checked the installed sizes of the world files, and it's way smaller than I thought... but still prohibitively large. A neighborhood can be 5mb. But there are over twenty worlds, and \~60 neighborhoods with everything installed. Selvadorada and Granite Falls and Blackspire Outpost all count. So lets say an average of 5mb x 60. That's 300mb, just on world data. Right now that's obviously not part of the save. I have long running saves with many houses and sims around 15mb.


Thanks for that info! Thats pretty interesting, I also think they’re aware that some players would be furious if something like Willow Creek was refreshed, so I think an alternate version being implemented somehow is more feasible. Although I think its almost definite that none of this would actually happen, lol! I think the only realistic one might be Del Sol Valley since its the most problematic, but who knows, its fun to think about.


Don’t want to be that person, but literally all of them. All of the worlds are either too small, too specific (strangerville), etc. I’d choose a world I never use like the Get Famous one or the occult ones because they’re all tiny.


Not the typical one but... Oasis Springs. The community lots are a mess, there's a glitched lot, stories need to be developed with The Roomies and The Landgraabs. I'm remaking Oasis Springs atm so I've seen a lot of the world close up XD.


Which lot is glitchy?


Not checked it in awhile - but I seem to remember you get an error if you try to build walls in the starter next to Johnny Zest's house? The huge one that's all one room XD.


Forgotten Hollow, Glimmerbrook, Del Sol Valley, Magnolia Promenade (I mean more lots please) & Moonwood Mill


Forgotten Hollow is truly pitiful!


I know right! Although it's a game pack, I wish it would have more interactive places such as this cave and the grave. It would be fun if there's a quest to unveil the secret of Forgotten Hollow just like Strangerville GP. https://preview.redd.it/od2fs14yx47d1.png?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee99cad251af3fa190905933057df55c3eaa73d0


Forgotten hollow


Glimmerbrook. The houses that came with the pack are a travesty - it’s like they’ve spent too much time on the Realm of Magic and they ran out of time on the rest that they couldn’t even bother furnishing the houses. It’s the very definition of the unfinished horse drawing meme lol.


Del Sol Valley for sure and it's no toilet household


That and the weird looking community lot as well idk if I remember correctly lol


Honestly I would be ecstatic if they just went back and made more water swimmable


San Myshuno should be redone with the buildings in the "For Rent" style.




Moonwood Mill, Forgotten Hollow, Glimmerbrook, (I think they have only 5-6 lots each and it drives me NUTS) and Del Sol. I recently got Get Famous and the acting career has been really disappointing. They audition for the same movies over and over again? That needs to be expanded.


rightt like those three gamepacks have so much potential but the worlds lack so much that its disappointing 😭 and get famous is no different like the careers are kinda repetitive and interacting w family members who are celebrities is annoying. They all need refreshes atp


Sixam needs some love, too! Considering how much work it takes to get there, it would be nice to have something to do there.


I almost forgot about this. I wish that it became more of an entire neighborhood than a singular lot cuz theres barely anything to do there 😭 like the effort needs to get paid what it deserves


i think a bit of each worlds but i think the main one is Magnolia Promenade and Forgotten Hollow and next up is Glimmerbrook, they're so small they should make Hospitals visible and not just go there either for work or for labor but also when a sim is in a pain and needs a medicine or something (to name something) they came with a detective which should also be visible and same with scientist, and add more lots in general (empty or not i don't care but more shopping trait should do the trick) Forgotten Hollow because it's so small and boring we don't have anything to explore around, there isn't even a bar for vampires only, 4 lots are way TOO small but i think everybody agrees with that and i'd choose Glimmerbrook because it's quite boring with only a bar there and aside from a bar there's only 4 other lots and just like Forgotten Hollow there isn't anything to explore around the only reason why i rank Glimmerbrook slightly higher on the list is because there's a secret world when going through a portal and there's atleast a bar in Glimmerbrook itself, i rank this gamepack quite high but Glimmerbrook unfortunately isn't one of them (it's only usefull for spellcasters but for none spellcasters there isn't something to do) Selvadorada should be a livable world and same with Granite Falls (that last one also needs a refresh, you get bored after a bit after catching the bugs aside from making it a livable world) like i said: each worlds needs a refresh, even Newcrest, it needs more lots the only world i don't care about the world refresh is the star wars one called Batuu, it shouldn't exist in the first place


I just want more lots in Forgotten Hollow 🥲


I wish they would give us two more empty worlds with just the backgrounds and all the spaces available to move Sim households into, no pre-built lots. I don't know why I get so distracted by wandering/ homeless Sims but I keep rounding them up and moving them into communes with a basic house for eight. Would be great if I could build something bigger and just keep stashing all the homeless Sims in one work camp or something without the 8 limit. I don't play them and I try to avoid re-dressing them, giving them extras, or jobs. I just don't want them lost in space.


It’s kinda sad how the only empty world that we have rn is Newcrest so a few more empty worlds would be something straight out of heaven if done right. For the dumping homeless sims to a lot, I think rental units would help for that one since it can contain 8 sims and u can have several rental units in one lot.


Del Sol Valley is that one world that misses almost everything. It's tiny for an expansion pack world no less. For a place like Los Angeles with its well known pier, I would've expected being able to live by the beach houses, explore the Santa Monica pier, even maybe explore by the Hollywood sign. Instead the only use the place gets from me is recreating a tiny section of Grove Street with the finite house space.


exactlyy like it had so much potential to be a top tier world but it was executed so poorly


I'd say every expansion world (Excluding get together and city living) The worlds are small, lots are disconnected from roads (Looking at you brindleton bay and del sol valley), the plots for some inane reason are like majority 20x15, it drives me insane when I want to make a world focused storyline and I get either no lots or lots so small I cannot make anything not cramped. The supernatural worlds are game packs so I can forgive them being tiny, but like I think a better happy medium would of been half the amount of windenburg.


magnolia promenade


All of them 😭 Ik Ik I complain but still buy them lol


I’d love to see them add magnolias promenade + the get to work active career lots to Willow Creek. I hate that the career lots are completely inaccessible without a sim actively in each job + magnolia promenade is so annoyingly small. It would be so fun to see it all come together as a part of a larger world! for those without GTW it could just be a neighborhood that looks like a part of the background


For Rent


I really had my hopes up for Tomarang since it looked so good in the trailer, but was immediately disappointed by how small the world is and how many lots there are (9💀). It’s defo one of the worlds that should have another neighborhood or two added to it, and even get the builds done by simmers since I think people got the hang of rental units by now, but despite Tomarang being such a disappointment with having the smallest world for an ep, it feels too close from home that I can’t really stop playing in it 🫶


Sleepy Hollow is awful. I only ever play there if I’m playing a vampire Sim so there’s less daylight. The number of lots is the real issue, there’s nothing to do in that world.


For me Oasis Springs. I use this the least (personal preference) mostly because I like seasons and my sims are usually frying when it’s summer there! It’s also my least visited. I usually just place my sims family there who I may eventually play again but most of them have been forgotten. I agree with most players here as well, Del Sol has so much potential but you can’t really do a lot. I just go there for the awards night or when my sim gets a celebrity tile and I want to wear something fancy! Lol


I want an empty world. Id live to do a entire town without clearing a preexisting one.


Okay! Does it seem like to anyone else that it’s just the starter packs and maybe city living that have things to go around collecting??? Like free seeds and rocks and stuff. Cause I also have the growing together and for rent, and university (which I always forget) and I feel like they don’t have that. And also! You should be able to rebuild stuff like the splash pad in growing together.


Magnolia Promenade Glimmerbrook Honestly, Mt. Komorebi, too. It's got a bar and a lounge both. THEY'RE LITERALLY THE SAME THING. And there's just a random ass empty lot at the top of the mountain with a bunch of trees on it? They could have at least made that a cool ski resort of some kind.




Unpopular opinion, I think San Myshuno. I would want to be able to edit the outsides of the apartment buildings (especially now we have for rent) or have more lots that aren't in apartments