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Of course singapore would be a bad poverty tourism destination. Only slums and cheap stuff from underpaid labour count as Asian culture. Only western culture is supposed to be developed.


You mean not all asians wear straw hats?


only luffy


I think he was rather expecting something akin to Hong Kong or Japan


Wah being Singapore damn tough leh, wanna be modern kena labelled too westernised, wanna be cultural kena accused of Chinese privilege supremacy. Wanna be ASEAN kena say we just bitch, not bad bitch. šŸ˜‚ #whytheysoobsessedwithus


Sorry for not being a beg-packing haven or having slums, poverty and suffering to make your BIG $10 last for 4 days




All these cheap travellers/ASEAN haters want us to be backwater ulu fishing village. They donā€™t understand the struggle our forefathers put into giving us comfortable lives. Only when we regress then they will be happy. They only see present Singapore, they donā€™t see the entire timeline. CB you would have to kill us if you want us to go back to the times of illegal gambling dens, coolies and opium dens. No more is no more. Iā€™ve been backpacking around Thailand and the group Iā€™m hanging out with got ask me why Singaporeā€™s drug laws are so strict -_- Same like your friend asking you why are you sober when your own brother almost died from alcohol.


Crab mentality


Drugs laws in Switzerland or Austria arenā€™t strict. Yet they have a high quality of life and strong passport. Makes you think.


Why is there a need to be offended by some random persons random comment. Everyone has their opinion. Just give this one a miss.


All these people thinking not seeing poverty everywhere = Too westernised šŸ™„


Iā€™d rather be in a working class area in Australia than be middle class in Singapore At least I get free money every 2 weeks


They hate us, cause they ainā€™t us - Dave Skylark (The Interview)


They hate us because they anus?


You beat me to it


He is entitled to his opinions, and has a platform to share them. It is well within our right to ignore him as well.


Once a bharat forever a bharat. Simi lanjiao british tamil. Ask richi thambi whether he is a bharat or british tamil


By that logic there should be no difference between sinkie Chinese and tiongs and they should be treated as one and the same


hi CECA, was expecting you to appear


Hi ah tiong , how ya doing?


lol u got them that's why all pissed. If the fella is identifying himself as British Tamil means he is of Srilankan origin. The Tamils of Srilanka who fled during the war do not want to identify with Srilanka for obvious reasons. So how is bharat even relevant to him? If we say taiwan and China same all these cina get pissed smlj.


Getting downvoted in this sub is a badge of honour It means that a nerve has been struck in these Chinese racists


all these racist online oni wayang irl all will diam2


lol why is he getting down voted? He is making a fair point


Bharats in SG live in condos and earn 5 figures monthly min. They clock in at 10 am and go home at 5.30 pm. In between, they've 1.5 hr lunches with multiple tea breaks making phone calls nonstop. How about Singaporeans? Got such good life?


Oh the irony


Idk why everyone so butthurt is his opinion what


Great feedback. We should definitely reflect. \- Make our country bigger \- Make things cheaper for tourists \- Everyone just do some bollywood dancing for no reason to give it the asian vibe \- Maybe move the country's location somewhere less hot and humid Brilliant ideas. If only we can think of them ourselves.


Sinkieland is not meant for low-caste ah neh. Brahmins will fit in well. šŸ˜„


You do know that most local Indians descend from low-mid caste right... Please don't talk about caste as a non-south asian. That system is responsible for tons of bloodshed and fuckery in the sub-continent.


Did I say anything about local Indians or you just putting words in my mouth? So caste system causing bloodshed and fuckery is a taboo subject here? Since when?


Well what I interpreted ahneh as local Indians unless that's not what you meant. I still don't think involving caste with regards to this article is any relevant but then again it's your right. Do as you wish


Young Brahmin men are handsome and HAWT


Tbh us Singaporeans need to stop being so sensitive and stop taking opinions so personally. It's true that Sg is small, very hot, not much to do, the cultural aspect is not so obvious etc, he can have his own opinion, we don't need to get all bothered by it


It's funny to see these western travellers get high from poverty porn and then they come here and get called poor by the average 12 year old.


An Indian being cheap, what's new? But then again, he's not wrong.


Pls. He is BRITISH TAMIL. Where did you see Indian?




Tbf they make it a point to differentiate themselves from their northern countrymen out of pride cause they see the northerners as western/arab wannabes living in places where street shitting, crime and rape is more rampant


Why should we care about what others think? I wouldn't travel here if I were not Sporean but that's fine. There are plenty of others who want to visit


Knn, typical ah neh, spend $10 want $100 experience.


Where's our own Singapore culture? Something we can call our own. Not American or Korean.


Ayo everyone has different taste, let this man have a pass lmao


the purpose of a country is not catering to tourists


Like his opinion matters


itā€™s only proving our point though. small, fucking hot and humid, expensive af. Westernised is neither good nor bad. ā€œWesternisedā€ term is so broad so itā€™s subjective.


Time for him to revert his citizenship to India especially the slum s so that he can enjoy the perks of poverty and fourth which he obviously is unable to do so in England


They're taking over UK and Canada slowly. What is SG to them?


Jai ho


then why his countrymen die die wanna come here sia


He's not from India, if that's what you're thinking.


To be honest I would not come to Singapore unless I am interested in the vast variety of clean organized food centers. That would be my only reason to come.


who's this and why do we care about what he thinks?


Just like we go Britain and we complain their tourist place food are chop carrot and they had one of the worse food in the world. Same same one.


thatā€™s like going to the UK and expecting a o see only quaint little villages. some pple just dumb as fuck


some one from a backward countries that still using the caste system, scammers of the world, gangrape capital of the world ,