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People are arranging parties. You just need to engage with the community to find one that fits your time availability


Tbh I just collect the seasonal candles and wait until it gets converted. As an introvert, I just cannot šŸ˜­


there was a hair cosmetic you could get


Yeah.. I play with a few friends but Iā€™m a solo lady.. I do have friends on there but we donā€™t all five plus of us hang out.. I play with like one or two other friends at a time.. I wouldnā€™t even allow a five person party at my house..


I had 7 ppl in my nest earlier šŸ¤£ I had to rearrange because the 1 table wasn't enough and there was CONSTANTLY ppl that couldn't talk to one another... Preferably: ā€¢ Over 20 ā€¢ Speak at least enough English to chat in English ā€¢ Have a good sense of humor and a lot of patience (organizing 4 to 8 ppl on runs needs patience) DM me your preferred Name, Girl/Boy, and age(or range) along with a friend code and I'll knock this quest out for you next time I'm on.


Iā€™m more Stuck on having to watch 30 sunsets from my nest LMAO


All you need to do is wait for sunset and go in and out of your nest as many times as you can ;) āœØ


Ooo period say less


I still haven't cleared the hi five one šŸ¤£


Same. You want to complete it together? xd




I still haven't done that task šŸ˜… Send me a PM if you're online


I managed to do this quest today by asking random people for help at the cafe :)


Helloo theres a lot of people on discord hosting these :) if you have discord let me know and I'll invite you to the server or if you don't theres also a ton of forums here as well where you can look




Ohh yeah , thats totally understandable, but i think that if you make a post about asking for help for the hosting you can find a lot of people on here


Idk if I could do it..so guess I wonā€™t do it šŸ«”


i know this is a social game, but i actively go out of my way to avoid other players. so thisā€” and still being stuck on the assembly quests boil my fucking blood.


My only friends are my alt and occasionally my best friend if I force them lol


Bruh standing in the open playing music will make you so many friends. Just go impress people with your style.Ā 


My instruments donā€™t let me play more than two notes at a time anymore tho :( A lot of the songs I learned just donā€™t work very well anymore (Plus the people who just canā€™t show off their musical skills because they donā€™t have any)


I only ever use one note at a time but nobody seems to careĀ 


iā€™ve done that but then your friend list gets cluttered with people named ā€œfansā€ at least thatā€™s what i did lol šŸ˜†


i cant do that, i only have like one friend that's active when i am *sometimes* and the rest are on when im not


If you activate it, you can attend anyoneā€™s party and it counts. You donā€™t have to be the host. My friend just hosted and everyone attending got credit,


Do theses quests end when the season ends? Because it's gonna take me a while to coordinate these social challenges


Nope, they're gonna be permanently into the game


Thank you that's atleast something


Oh no, a social quest in a social game! What a nightmareā€¦


If youā€™re able to coordinate half a serverā€™s worth of friends to 1 be online at the same time 2 not be too busy to help out You are in the minority. A lot of people canā€™t finish the assembly quests without asking for help here or on the discord eitherā€¦ gathering _groups_ for a single purpose rather than just a friend MAYBE two has consistently been hard for players.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s a social quest itā€™s that it requires 4 of your friend to be online at the same time and able to come to your nest


Does it though? Or can you be the 5th guest at someone elseā€™s party?


It appears as though you just need to be in a nest with at least one friend and three others so you could join someone elseā€™s party as far as I know. You would still have to find someone having a party though


In case you still need someone to help you with this one, I would like to help you and could also ask 1-2 of my friends if they would help too ^^ so you would only need one or two of your friends and you could complete it ^^


Can I attend too?


Sure why not :3 Just dm me in Discord ^^ kuro_244


Thank you!


Guess I'm skipping this quest, kinda sucks bc I wanted the prop on the top but oh well šŸ˜­


if you don't have anyone available in your friends list, you can always go to sky discord, there's always people looking for groups to complete quests like these


I can't talk in the official discord server, but I'll probably try my luck in nastys discord or here eventually idk yet


The quest board ( and the cosmetics at the top ) are staying after the season ends. You have time to organize it :)


Tgc really thinks some of us have a bunch of friends...


I mean there are hundreds here on reddit and discord that are looking for friends. It's just hard to get all of them to group together


And here I was thinking why the friends section has been so easy so far, typical tgctardness.


To be fair, making friends is a major mechanic of the game. Doesnā€™t mean you have to do it, but it is a pretty key pillar of the game.


Oh man, my second account won't be useful this time


that quest is a nightmare for solo players or those with social anxiety XD


I skipped this season of to take a break from the game and posts like this help me feel better about skipping the season lol. Iā€™m sorry this quest is difficult for you, if thereā€™s anything I can do to help I definitely will


you can skip the season but those quests are permanent lol. It is still good to take a break if you're feeling burned out.


Iā€™m not gonna lie but I think Iā€™ll permanently skip this season lol. I donā€™t really care for nest cosmetics nor the few free hearts I could get from completing quests. Honestly I get like a heart a day from daily light so I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m missing out at all lol


thats fair! Im a brand new moth (a month into the game) And honestly those quests are not worth it xD I got the pass so Im good in furniture I guess. (I just wanted the cosmetics hahahahaha)


Is this a quest or challenge


Ha ha, maybe if you get 5:people together with magic, you will be able to convince them to help with the 4 person Assembly Quest no one can ever finish.


It's insane... I have lots of friends but none that are friends enough to have or come to a house party.. sadface


ā€¦time to make Alts I guess?šŸ˜­


Yeah, but then you also need 5 devices to run it on at once.


or a linux system with wine and a BIG amount of ram. (or any vm/docking way i suppose, and a BIG amount of ram)


Maybe.Ā  Will is run in a VM?Ā  I have a secondary older PC that runs a lot of stuff, but there is some requirement (I forget what) and Sky won't run. It's a weird requirement too, this is not a lightweight PC despite being a bit older.Ā  It feels like something a VM might be missing.


Iā€™ve got 3 now,, so close yet so faršŸ˜­


I have two I can join you on


Omg if you donā€™t mind please do!šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜­


This is worse than four players holding hands as a daily


Oh HELL, Iā€™d forgotten about thatā€¦


That's a thing? šŸ’€ Oh hell nah


It used to be


A lil shortcut! Just go to the discord server and join someoneā€™s party from there (u donā€™t need to add everyone, just one) itā€™s super active rn with the quest having launched today


thanks for the suggestion! this worked for me


People don't even join me when I'm farming and they want me to make a party?


Damn. People with no friends or just solo players in general are for sure not happy....


WHATšŸ¤” the first few quest i was like ā€œalright alright why yā€™all complaining?šŸ’€ā€ but NOO THIS IS TOO MUCH I HAVE NO ACTIVE FRIEND LITERALLYšŸ˜‚ ig iā€™ll have to force some praire lobby kids in my nest


RIP solo players šŸ„² its like the treehouse quests all over again šŸ˜‚


You can join your friends in their friendā€™s nest. Maybe one of your friends have a friend that will hold a house party and you could tag along


Could try asking on the sky discord for 5 people to assemble, at least there's a guarantee they'd all be online at the time. That's what I plan to do if I can't get all the besties on at once.Ā  2 birds one stone, get the quest done and have 5 new daily light buddies :p


After years and years, this game is the thing that is finally getting me to download discord šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Off to the App Store I goā€¦.


Sky is very annoying in this regard. Even game feedback is best sent via their discord. šŸ’€ They're pushing it so much like they get paid in souls for it lmao


I'm glad to have an alt and a friend with an alt, who also has another friend. this quest is free for me lol


Are server merged randoms still a thing? Is it an option for solo players to maybe just leave their character idling in the house all night and hope they luck into a full house?


...Yeah, I'll just... not get the radio item, I guess. I think that's what that is?


It's an Instrument display that allows others to try out whatever you put in it šŸ«”


Ah, oh well. Those were the two items I wasn't terribly excited for, at least... but seriously? Jumping from a hi-5 to a 5-person house party???


Makes sense, a 5 included in both.


Y'know, Inwas thinking that as I was writing it...