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Oh no, woke is coming to Sky


Frrr it's really annoying


It really is stupid. And what's worse is that it makes all of the text red so you have to basically guess which word is censored.


Was talking in Dutch to my mom once. Wanted to ask her "how are you". The Dutch word for "how" is "hoe" (think owl sound). Got warned


I swear it's gotten worse but I'm not 100% sure because I'm a solo player. 5 years now, multiple feedback reports to TGC, even emailed them directly but still from 2019 to 2024 my name is still censored. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. My name is Auzi. The theory is "uzi" is triggering the false flags because an uzi is is a firearm but you can say other guns in chat no problem, so idk. "Hi, my name is Auzi" "I'm Auzi" "can call me Auzi" All of these are censored and if I use my name in message shrines I get the violation of conduct or whatever. I just revert to my beta name now which is Loki, some of you may recognize that from Sky: Light Awaits. It's actually kinda insane nothing seems to have been done about this, we don't even have the OPTION to disable chat filter like literally every other game I've played. I'm an adult like jeez.


A fellow mythology lover. Welcome. You are among friends 


Thank you friend 🧡


I don’t play Sky anymore cause I got scared of the dragons, but I’m happy to be a friend


Yet shit isn't being censored now for some reason not that im complaining


I got a code of conduct warning while talking to my friend about jobs. I said something like "it'll suck the life out of you" and immediately got the warning. They need to chill with the censoring. Or at least look before they issue warnings.


Had a deep talk with my friend about how they have been overcoming prejudices and becoming a better person and i got a warning for asking if they 'still hate americans?' You cant have a reasonable conversation in Sky


I got a warning yesterday when I was telling someone about my cosmetics and how I have an outfit for "Puss in boots"... idk why in now has a problem with it, I've said puss in boots a couple times before. I also got censored saying "I worked really hard on these looks." Showed up as "I worked *********** on these looks."


Saying "hard" got me warned too 😭


I got the warning for "butt"


I got a warning once for the word "Sephiroth" in reference to a season of shattering hairstyle I want. I remember wording it "I really want the Sephiroth looking hair" and got a warning. Me and my friend lost it because we thought it was such a random word to censor 😅


I cannot say the French numbers after 30 because Sky deems it offensive. 👀


I play on switch so i dont have emojis, which is why during chatting i use "lol" and "lmao" a lot. I recently noticed that i can't say "lol i *any verb here*" and i thought it was kinda funny but i assume the word they are censoring is loli? Idk the censorship is getting ridiculous in my opinion, I'd love it id you could change the setting to have everything uncensored, in that way you'd have to specifically change it to be uncensored and everyone would have censorship on by default.


I got a warning for writing the word “ vinegar”


The reason that would be censored is cuz the end of vinegar is negar and that's sounds a bit like the N-word. Which is dumb


This is cracking me up


Well tbf, considering i play Roblox too. It is a thousand times better here


Cant even call someone green/greytard in Airship Assault


I got censored for saying “curl into a ball” and just the word “garlic” for some reason though I can understand why “epic sax Gandalf” got me a warning lol


They sometimes censor completely random stuff. I couldn’t say the word „odblokowałam” which means… I unlocked Made talking about seasonal cosmetics fun


Yeah apparently I couldn't say "włosy" or "biały" either


I don't know how is it now, but for a long time sky censored "pochodnia" 👍 gotta love sky's censorship


POCHODNIA??? For non Polish folk, this means „torch” Weird word to censor in the game about running around with a lit candle


Made eden runs really fun ngl xd


idk if they censored copyright? I remember I quote from the author of William Shakespeare and then got red words happened


the sad part is that if they're trying to prevent the younger side of their player base from learning these words, they're only generating curiosity because the censor is putting a spotlight on them it's easier to leave the censoring up to the players themselves, but I also get that prevention is the best cure so idk... There's plenty of creeps playing Sky, and the less means they have to communicate their intentions or thoughts, the better.


The sky censorship was always ridiculous


TGC really saw Mojang implementing the worse censorship system ever and said "challenge accepted"


I can swear in mc but in sky i cant even say therapist


Yeah, they fixed it. Initially when they added filters you literally couldn't say the word "Japan" because it has "jap" in it, which is an offensive word


Me and my friend were giggling about a weird sky couple in aviary and I got a warning twice. Not my fault they were doing some vrchat black cat activities


I know two people who can't even say their own name ☠️


Me too... :)


Still can't say sun in my native language, don't know what's wrong with "saule". Lot's of other silly words that I've ben barred from saying for short periods of time before as well. It is incredibly annoying 🙃


Lithuanian spotted! Labas 🫵🇱🇹


Sveiki, sveiki :D! Happy sky playing, fellow lithuanian 😊


its starting to be reminisent of roblox censor chat...


I once got a CoC violation warning for saying "homo sapiens", yet today me and my friend messaged "shit" to each other and the Sky gods didn't bat an eyelid


“sky keyboard” got partly censored on my switch but not on my phone though. I still do not understand what’s wrong with it. I was just trying to say my kb went buggy suddenly so I couldn’t talk to my friends 😭😭 Also got censored for saying “im dumb” and “the bug snatched u”, all that while “shit” is left uncensored. What’s the standard, please?


Switch censor notoriously doesn't pay attention to spaces or punctuation. Sometimes it's a fun, if inappropriate, word puzzle. E.g. "sky keyboard" contains an antisemitic slur without the space. I got dinged with the sentence "Look! I keep glitching"(different spelling of the same slur)


Me and my friends were making seal sounds at each other. We were just sending "orf orf" back and forth and we got censored. And then we got a warning. I still have no idea what that was about


I tried to say “Lol the worm snatched you so fast” and got censored for using the word snatched 💀


the amount of times I've said "lol i" within a sentence and completely ruined it...


League players not allowed in our space 🤣


I assume it's because of the word Loli (underage girl)


My favourite thing about the censorwas paired with the translation. So I have never been able to ask "Hoe gaat het?" Or "Hoe gaat het ermee". (Dutch for "how's it going?" Or "how are you?")… Probably because of the "hoe", which also rules out talking about garden instruments haha. Anyway, a couple years ago when the translation tool was still new, sometimes some friends speaking Chinese sometimes used slang, I think, but for something totally innocent and the translation got really inappropriate at times. We had a few laughs over it and I would definitely be more annoyed at it censoring the most basic of Dutch words if I had any friends on sky who spoke it 😂


Can’t say “Hoe gaat het” but you can say “Hij eet de poesje”😎 no idea why… and it translates exactly… I am learning Dutch and wanted to show off some new words my partner taught me so I thought “poesje” only translated to kitten… boy was I wrong 😐


Ze houden van hun poesjes hier! Behalve in Ieper een tijdje geleden! https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kattenstoet


YES ive spoken dutch on sky and like bro. i just wanna know how my friends are doing :(


I said to a friend last night, "look for a hammer icon over the man's head." Immediately reprimanded for this grave offense.


Honestly I feel it got better & have no complaints . If you understand that near you may be 6 year old maybe you think twice what to write - and if you don’t, the censor would … it’s just protection. 


Why would a six year old be playing sky? Games like sky are about socializing- meeting strangers, and genuinely if you’re leaving a child to play it unsupervised..not great. Their rating is 9 and up as well, which I think should still be raised. Edited to add- wet Willy isn’t anything inappropriate, it’s where you wet your finger and put it into someone’s ear as a “prank”. Totally get how it can sound inappropriate though


Oh god. The 6 just was example, I should put just children without the number. 😂  But agree with raising the age anyway, I don’t think kids need iPads and games until after 15 when brain is at least developed with copying addiction mechanisms.  And yes Wet Willy I mean lol. I would never think it’s what it means but it’s funny 


Hahah it’s fine it’s just that I’ve actually run into kids this young when playing, and they’re always unsupervised!! Far too young to have access to a game that allows them to speak to anyone from anywhere, and imo the censorship really doesn’t help protect them! If they had a setting for age restriction preventing unlocking chat maybe it would be more beneficial. And right 😭 the censorship is silly but I get how it sounds to those unfamiliar with the meaning


Hmmm well I think somehow the censorship there helps. Not like with wet Willy lol ok, but I feel like many kids are from developing countries/different religions/poverty and many times I would see 1. Suicidal notes, 2. Calling people names based on their country, religion etc.. and this all creates unhealthy toxic environment for a child or even young adult that may be depressive/sensitive and who wanted to come to play just to run out of school where he/she is being bullied etc. Many of these kids/people are not like us, when you tell me to fuck off, and I leave, many will cry over someone was mean to them because XY. (There was a lot of racism during aurora event and I think it’s since that the censors elevated). I don’t say it’s always true, and I don’t say it’s right to have heavy censor but I can see why there is one and although it’s annoying now I rather support the good cause it’s there for.  Imagine you come to the game to run away from world.  all you read is vulgar, inappropriate messages and chats. 😂


I agree about notes! I just mean the current censoring isn’t doing anything to stop them, but instead filtering out normal words/conversations and even people’s names- especially if your name isn’t in basic English. I think parental control/locks would be much more helpful censorship wise, not allowing certain age groups to interact with some features to expose them to exactly the type of messages they already want to block out. I hope they sort this out because getting constant warnings for basic words is annoying 😭


Why the fuck would I ever, ever, have my chat unlocked with a damn 6 year old? Do yall just unlock chat with any player knowing damn well you're an adult or something? I? Why would I have to think twice about typing "I'll give you a wet willy" in my *private friend chat*.


Well I do have many friends on Sky and I don’t ask age since I don’t care, but I am sure that they are some very young kids. (One day I had to listen to how 2 kids were agreeing to be online gf and bf, and then weeks later how they break up, ugh) . Anyway - also there are sometimes friends of a friends, and so on and so on. And the chat censor is to avoid that.  And by the way - lol- English isn’t my first language - but what the heck means wet Willy? Lololol 


I don’t think it’s inappropriate for a 6yo to read the sentence “lol I don’t think my therapist would approve of that” but it contains at least two things that would be flagged by the filter. Things can be for “protection” but also ineffective/overbearing.


Hmm I honestly never experienced such censor l


Not to mention there's literally no goddamned reason anyone on this subreddit would have their chat unlocked with a random 6 year old. Chats aren't public with everyone in the server. I just.


I thought this is about Sky game and not subreddit. 


It’s only there to prevent TGC from getting lawsuits and to keep their E rating. It can’t ever be good because it can’t understand context. All it does is force everyone to come up with new spelling or creative ways to say exactly what they wanted to anyways. It overprotects needlessly, and underprotects harmfully.


I get censored for saying “lol” if the next word starts with “I” 🤷‍♀️


I assume it's because of the word Loli (underage girl)


Oh that’s Eww, I didn’t know that!


Same, but I don't get pop up warnings for it


I don’t get warnings either. Just “******”


Honestly, another game replaces potentially bad words with stars and that would be far more preferable to just blocking the entire sentence.


i got a warning for saying 'you're a lil but'. spelt like but, not even butt


My friend, because translation wasn't working well, said "Jews" when he didn't mean to. So I asked "Jews?" And I got a warning 🙃  I mean, unless I said an offensive word beside any person's or group of people's name, why give me a scare? 😅


Reminds me of how someone openly said they support \*that\* certain german dictator and got away with it


I got a warning for saying "punch" so I feel you 😔


Seems like it picks on people too. I went through a period of time where I couldn't say "clock" but everyone else could say it to me. There are tons of things I have been censored with, but others can say. Other things no one can say. It's becoming frustrating to talk at all.


Yes. I was getting randomly muted for about a month.


I’ll talk about Willy wagtails and see what happens. After all they’re just a bird breed.


I called myself an idiot earlier for forgetting something and it flagged me What


Can't say "jerk" either.


Ingot a warning when I was talking about dirty laundry, and I'm like???


I can't say the word dark with an exclamation mark


I can't say red.




It would be nice to have an age specific setting but I get they want a certain conduct and to prevent weirdos from being creepy but it's very bad at context clues.


Yeah, it’s just making me not want to talk


I wonder if it say "therapist" as "the rapist".


Well, last I checked “Basement” wasnt blocked, but I may check again, as its getting worse.


That's exactly it, and it's absurd.


Their algorithm plausibly detected that r word. 


I don't think there's an algorithm, this seems like a classic database of blacklisted words that are detected with spaces in them or even buried in other words. Kids sites and games have been like this since at least 2000


TGC posted srreptitiously in polls that they are running algorithms on chat to do matchmaking with players. have also admitted that they are archiving all chat since the beginning of the game


Aight, well they don't maintain an equal presence or use the in-game news to communicate with people who refuse to follow them of 3 or more socials so I'm gonna keep going based on my eyes and they're moderating like a club penguin blacklist atm.


Lol. Yeah, they don’t communicate with us the way they should. The censorship is crazy. It started with the aurora concert in August and a lot of players being racist against South Asian countries. And the US. It’s been steadily downhill since there.


My two favourites: I can't say "chilla" or "chinnie" when talking about my chinchillas. And for SOME FKING REASON "eeby deeby" is also forbidden. Just what?


This made me laugh out loud fr! 🤣🤣🤣😂 I'll be saying eeby deeby for the next day or two.


What the what....? This is as bad as roblox got(least, from what I remember).


I love chillas


"Give them a wet" anything has been blocked for me. Even a wet towel. Or wet dishes. Willy prolly didn't help but they are just trying to keep things clean. They don't stack warnings and you won't lose your account over silly statements they misunderstand or else it would be on this board way more.


The pop-up notifications are new for me. The red-out censor I'm used to. But these are automatic pop up warnings that I haven't seen before, which is the only reason I'm saying anything.


but I can say bussy. Lol The funny thing is, they are aware of this, for a while you could only say the word, but you could not say you liked it or dislike it, now I think you can just do whatever I caught a warning last week saying God knows what . Yes it makes me want to not even talk. One on one with my friends in the game. Completely game breaking.


If you're not speaking English, you can get away with most words. Had a Russian straight up ask me if I was horny once. In Russian. It was fucking wild.




I can say shit and goddammit, but i cant say hahaha


Yes lol