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TGC hates international players and love chinese players, it's just sad at this point.




Read the other comments though!! They offer some perspective!


It's almost like... And I know it'll sound shocking... Sky in China is NOT handled by TGC 😨 😨 😨 China with ALL the games, not just Sky, gets special events etc because they are *handled* by a Chinese company. Same way Genshin Impact has special events that aren't available to the rest of the world Also, let's face it. If you put 848292 stuff for *candles* in Global, people will start crying that TGC is greedy and obviously they can't expect you to grind all those candles. How dare they make everything so expensive!! Sky in China is not better. They can't interact with anyone else outside the country without hacking into Global, they have to grind 24/7, they do get special events but that's the only upside to it. The grass is not greener on the other side


Well you SAY THAT, but when you say 'input a country's name' hates china, you get warned by TGC, but not for any other country at all. Also, same instruments but completely different functions which can ONLY be implemented by TGC devs, so no, it's their bias.


Just look at the disaster that Minecraft China became when Mojang sold it to a Chinese company


I hate communism/socialism


It has nothing to do with communism or socialism, it has to do with authoritarianism


Ok I hate that too


Both can be true.


You and your friend have, in total, 100 potatoes. You decide that you both shall store the potatoes and therefore both have the right to take a potato when you need one. That's (a very simplified form of) communism Now you decide that if your friend meets me and realizes I also have potatoes, you're afraid he will stop storing his potatoes with you and instead share them with me. So you decide that anyone who shares potatoes with you is forbidden of talking to other people. That's (a very simplified form of) authoritarianism. Commenter can hate both, but they are far from being the same thing, as both communist and capitalist nations have met both democracies and dictatorships. The idea that one system is inherently dictatorial is WW2 era propaganda. Example of evil communist: Stalin. Example of evil capitalist: NESTING GUIDE 😂


Ups for having me forget which sub I'm in until the end there lol I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying, either. My point in commenting was meant in the way you describe how either ideology is susceptible to authoritarian tendencies (both can be true or exist simultaneously), rather than that they're one and the same. Edit: grammar


just so you know, chinese players have a higher candle limit per day and they can get the candles alot more easier. and they don't have to "hack into global", they just use vpns and vpns arent uncommon there


VPN is third party and it is hacking actually 😭 I had Chinese friends explaining it to me when they still were around How much higher is it? :o


I'm not exactly sure what the candle limit is but a Chinese friend told me it's higher, their candle events like granny are around 30 minutes long so they get a lot more through that. and a VPN isn't hacking it's just changing your online location


For many apps (ex Netflix) it's considered hacking and goes against ToS because you are trying to access services that aren't meant for your region. Ex trying to get a Spotify Premium subscription but you are setting your VPN in another country to change ghe currency and get it cheaper. Not sure if Sky has something similar but many apps don't allow it And oh, I see. It'd be interesting to compare both versions to see the differences. I know they also have access to all Shard Memories when they enter the space so they can access the WLs without waiting. Not sure if this has been changed from Shattering though


is it called hacking in their TOS or are vpns just banned? just wondering. I've played a little bit of the Chinese version and the differences are actually pretty cool, I'm jealous of their KFC cosmetics


Hm, not sure because I haven't read it completely. But I know Spotify doesn't allow it. Or for Adobe if you switch to Turkey to have Turkish coin and it's very very cheap, I think they'll terminate your account I remember KFC had some very cute shoes plus glasses 😭 ✨


I guess I'm breaking the Spotify TOS because I use a VPN for region locked songs


848292??? You can only get 20 a day




Isn’t that the point of the phrase “the grass is always greener…?” To remind people that it’s not?


Y’all are both right. “The grass is not always greener on the other side” is the proper idiom.


Thank you!! 😆


>Thank you!! 😆 You're welcome!


Oh man you might be right. Sorry, just returned from work and my mind is still mushy in English 😭 😭 Let me edit my post,,,


What’s your native language btw — if you don’t mind me asking? I always love to see all the places my fellow sky kids are from ☺️ it really is amazing that this sweet, wholesome game has affected so many people around the globe 🥹




No worries! I honestly was asking bc I wasn’t 100% sure I was right 😆


I got it, honestly. If I could edit my post to reflect that I would. But I can’t do that so I commented instead. I’d delete the post alltogether but figured others might benefit as I have from the information here in everyone’s comments w/o the additional criticism. Thank you for the information you provided above


Wait, you can't edit the post? Like the description? I've never posted on Reddit but I thought this is an option. In other subs at least, not sure if its sub specific


No, unfortunately I cannot 😔 Im sure there’s a reason for it but I wish there was at least an option to pin some sort of update post along with it 😅


Well… the people have spoken. I appreciate the insight from several of you and understand now that there are definitely pros and cons in both games/versions. As is always the case, I am reminded that context is very important!! Honestly, I’d just go ahead and delete this post but idk if that counts as a “dirty delete” so I’ll leave it alone for now. Perhaps others can gain from those responses as well. Anyways, thanks again everyone 🫶🏽 Hope y’all have a great week!


Proud of you for leaving it up so others can learn as you have. Not everyone would be mature enough to do so. Things are often more complicated than they seem on the surface and yes, context is hugely important in assessing anything. I learned a bit myself from this despite knowing (some of) how it works over there!


Thank you 🥹 I appreciate your kindness. Today’s been a crappy day. I really needed this 🫶🏽


I don’t think it would be a *dirty delete,* as you put it! Replying here to say thank you for leaving it up anyway, because I learned a lot reading the comments! <3


Thank you 🥹 that’s what I was hoping for! I really appreciate it!!


Thank you as well! Peaceful flights to you! :D




Good luck grinding all those candles when you can only play for an hour on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sky is the literal least predatory mobile game in existence. If you don't like something in it, don't buy it. Simple as. If you can't afford something you want that is ultimately a simple cosmetic in a FREE video game, that's not their problem. Ignoring the fact some of the proceeds from Days of Nature and Colour will be going to charity, you would still complain at how much everything costs in candles, and how that would still be 'predatory' for 'pushing' people to buy candle packs. I'm not saying TGC is perfect or without fault. But go play some other free popular mobile games and see how far you get without spending a single penny. As a video game, Sky does not lock any actual gameplay elements behind paywalls. The screen isn't cluttered with ads for events being shoved in your face. There are no ads, at all. You have to tap into a specific menu to get to the IAPs which is tucked out of the way. People will call me a bootlicker for 'defending' the company, but I just want to point out some things about a game close to my heart that I know has brought a lot of us joy. A lot of comments are acting like this game is made by the scum of the earth but when you compare it to stuff like Abyssrium and how that went downhill, and gacha games like Genshin Impact, you realise how much better Sky is as a mobile game in general.


I wouldnt say "least" when the main thing you do in the game is try to get cosmetics..


I mean, you can get through and collect plenty of the ID's without spending a cent on Limbus Company. You can collect and build any Warframe you set your sights on in Warframe without paying in. Both games have wildly different versions of premium options that don't thrust themselves up on the players. Warframe also frequently hosts in game charity events. It seems like every time I take a break and log back in, there's some charity going on. There's always fun options like colour palettes for new players to collect, and ways to participate in. Also "you can't afford it, not games problem" really isn't fair. If they priced things at a hundred dollars, would it still be on the consumers to pay up that much? I have no idea why it's so hard for some people to understand that even 10-15 dollars can be out of the price range. This is a comfy game for people to unwind and enjoy, but I'm sure it also sucks for those who have extensive work days to see all the cool outfits and capes and hairstyles firmly locked behind money they need for bills and food. After you've finished the story for the first time, a HUGE aspect of the game is collecting cosmetics, and just because something "only amounts to a simple cosmetic" doesn't mean it's not important. Obviously the game needs to make money, I'm not disputing that. Warframe has plenty of absurdly high priced items that ultimately amount to a character you could unlock for free later down the line and some jewelry. Limbus Company, being a gacha, still promotes its battle pass and lunacy purchases. All three games have good and bad about their free and premium aspects, and it's fine to criticize. All three of these games affect a similar route to getting consumers to pay in and buy; time. Warframe takes time to build a new character, Limbus requires you to farm, and Sky demands candle runs. However, Limbus and Warframe both allow a player to obtain any character given enough time (and have multiple routes for doing so). Sky locks many cosmetics frequently behind paywalls. I know there are people who do commissions for IAP's or heart trades, but this really isn't an option for most people. No amount of candle runs will make that immediate 14.99 go away. I really like Sky. I don't mind candle runs, I don't mind farming for wandering spirits. I'm not a huge fan of the expensive IAP's, but it doesn't really get in the way of enjoying the game for me. Many of the complaints don't bother me, but I still think it's pertinent to listen to the criticism of others and understand where they're coming from. This isn't an attack on your enjoyment of the game either, sorry if it comes across that way.


I appreciate your response. Honestly. Just.. for future’s sake please don’t assume how I’d respond (or complain) to a hypothetical situation. I’m not above admitting when I’m wrong or that I’ve jumped to conclusions too quickly. I can certainly see now that there’s more to this than I previously realized. Thanks again for taking the time to provide the additional information 🙂


Woah. I can’t read.


The last time this was posted, people pointed out the NetEase / Chinese version doesn't do the charity donations that Days of Nature and Days of Color were made to support. The Chinese server's version of Days of Color is named more like Days of Colorful Flight 缤纷飞行日. I'm not sure the event is an LGBT / diversity celebration on the NetEase server at all, considering China has mixed ideas on that topic. I get that stuff's expensive but the NetEase server comes with a lot of their own downsides. It's not just some amazing paradise for having TGC content available under different management.


Whoops. Didn’t realize it’d been posted already 🙈thank you for the additional info regarding NetEase :)


Its like Chinese minecraft in a way


The NetEase version is not better. It is different, but not better. First up, the base content is the same. Flying is the exact same in both versions. NetEase only handles the events and monetization aspects, not the important parts of Sky. TGC developed both versions. The events are also very different. For example, they have the terrible KFC event. My (admittedly biased) friend said that they “celebrate festivals from one ethnicity only.” The candle prices are not necessarily better than IAPs, and they don’t go to charity. Also, Sky Bilibili is just terrible… I’ve been there…


How is the candle price of Free not better than an IAP???


There are advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind, maxing out days of nature would require 500+ candles.


Dude 180 candles for the new blue cape or $27.99 CAD for me to buy as it’s bundled with a stupid candle pack. Not even comparable.


If you were to max Days of Nature using candle packs, it would cost more than 1000 yuan, which is in the hundreds of dollars.


I don’t buy candle packs.


What’s up with Sky Bilibili? The company name sounds familiar.


Bilibili is a YouTube-esque app for china. NetEase sky (Chinese only) is the only other sky I know of apart from our global version.


The event with the green cape and drums is for a festival only celebrated in chinese regions so it makes sense that it's chinese exclusive


Thanks for that! Definitely makes sense ☺️


Capitalism strikes again


Ah, so... a better version of Sky exists that I will never be able to play?? 😵 ...So, not only are we getting more expensive versions of the same cosmetics they have, there is actual content *missing* from the only version I have available to me?? 💀 (Slow clap) Congratulations TGC/Netease/greedy SOBs... You've successfully driven me away from your *incessant*, **harmful** business practices forevermore! I've gotten a lot of good from this game, but seeing how things are being handled (frequent bugs that don't get fixed, increased prices for IAPs, locking access to playable content, etc)... if I keep playing knowing all of this?? 🧐 ...Then... *I* AM the bad guy... 😰


And I will add my own two cents too: As crappy as some of the iap prices in this game are (I also complain about them sometimes), it's so far the least expensive mobile game I've played. Try finding a free online game where there are no expensive skins, weapons or even important in game items, please tell me when you find it. Even though I wish they had more items for like 2-5 bucks and wouldn't bind items to stupid candle packages that no one wants just to bloat the price, we are not getting forced to buy every skin just cause it looks cute. You can even get the entire season stuff for free if you play for long enough and wait for their ts


Here's a copy from the comment of u/Whalesharkqueen "Good luck grinding all those candles when you can only play for an hour on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sky is the literal least predatory mobile game in existence. If you don't like something in it, don't buy it. Simple as. If you can't afford something you want that is ultimately a simple cosmetic in a FREE video game, that's not their problem. Ignoring the fact some of the proceeds from Days of Nature and Colour will be going to charity, you would still complain at how much everything costs in candles, and how that would still be 'predatory' for 'pushing' people to buy candle packs. I'm not saying TGC is perfect or without fault. But go play some other free popular mobile games and see how far you get without spending a single penny. As a video game, Sky does not lock any actual gameplay elements behind paywalls. The screen isn't cluttered with ads for events being shoved in your face. There are no ads, at all. You have to tap into a specific menu to get to the IAPs which is tucked out of the way. People will call me a bootlicker for 'defending' the company, but I just want to point out some things about a game close to my heart that I know has brought a lot of us joy. A lot of comments are acting like this game is made by the scum of the earth but when you compare it to stuff like Abyssrium and how that went downhill, and gacha games like Genshin Impact, you realise how much better Sky is as a mobile game in general."


NetEase Sky is not better. They have this, at the expense of worse events


Not better... but not worse, either. 😑 ...And from how you're presenting this, it sounds even worse to my ears... so now the rest of us get to "enjoy" Days of Color by paying bucko bucks for the IAPs?? And is this only because they couldn't price-gouge the Chinese market?? 🤑 ...I'm beginning to increasingly feel like im the mark in some kind of two-bit scam or hussle... I've literally paid **HUNDREDS** of dollars to Sky/TGC!! I've gifted many friends (especially this last Days of Nature $20 packages), bought items for myself, bought the mega season pass so I could gift others... 😇🫢😮‍💨 I wanted to share my hard-earned abundance by supporting and playing a game that I felt like had it's roots in the right place, and was helping people connect with each other again after so much has been taken away from us... 🙏🥺😒 ...My bad, it seems... I projected my hopes and dreams into Sky... but the reality of how Sky is operated (NOT developed!) reveals itself to be just another money-grab and distraction... It's been an expensive lesson for me, but the satisfaction of being able to walk away now feels damn good, ngl... Thank you for this post, OP - it was what I seriously needed to give the final push away from Sky... It's been fun and very touching while ive played... but I can't participate in these practices anymore without feeling like 1) im being exploited, and 2) I'm promoting and allowing for the exploitation of others... And, in good faith, I cannot continue. 🧐😵😔


Damn, dudes gunna give something to his friends as a gift and then bitch about it




Their loss, right? 😏😂🤡 ...Ultimately, I know I'm a drop in the bucket in regards to their earnings... They don't care about me or my feedback, and those profiteering from this game's microtransactions will *not* lose any sleep over this, even if it was a hundred "whales" leaving the game overnight... Of this, I have no illusions about. 🧐🐳🤑 And pouring extra hydrogen peroxide in this wound? I'm categorically downvoted here from actual Sky players (if they aren't just coporate bots - Reddit is at least 50% bots now, maybe more, and I can easily see transactions being made behind the scenes to keep the image of thia game legitimate, especially after Steam release)... If real Sky players actually think this behavior by the company is acceptable, it's evidence enough that I probably don't belong in this community (or in this game), and it adds urgency to my urge in jumping ship immediately... 😶 ...I know the truth hits hard, and I sometimes forget still that a lot of people avoid negative feelings at any cost ... that's why I think the reception of my perspective and deduction was so poor... Many would rather live in a fantasy world than confront what is truly happening sometimes... Myself included - because, I mean, we've all been Sky after all, haven't we? 🧐🥂🤓 It's just... I can do better... My money and attention give life to communities - ALL of us have this inherent power, too, and it isn't especially reserved to me OR people with money... We give life through our attention, our time, our participation, and our creativity... And, at least for me, I can't in good faith continue on giving this here anymore... So its time for me to go now. 😔 ...I won't be posting on this subreddit anymore and will be leaving it... This is the only official goodbye I'll be giving - and I know this will be downvoted too... But oh well - I guess it's the cost of doing business in situations like these, am I right? 😂🤑🤪 Take care, my former Skids... And please, only play as long as it's fun for you to and as a means of connecting you to the rest of the world... and not distracting you from it. 🌞❤️🌎




So looking at the screenshots you provided. 15 candle pack costs 30 yuan. Cape is 180 candles, which is 360¥ That is translated into TGC game currency equivalent... 12X5=60 bucks. AND they aren't paying for charities because buying candles off the store has nothing to do with charities. IIRC their TS are also different and more frequent, and in total the Nature event costs ONLY ABOUT 700 CANDLES!!! (and we're not even talking about that other event that you need to buy boats for? There's probably candle costs as well) Now would it be cool if you could buy IAPs for in game currency? Yes ofc it would. But please do not confuse the predatory shit that netease is pulling on Chinese server with anything other than predatory shit. And I'm not even gonna go into their salaries and how much just having all items in that game costs relatively to how much a human being earns. They just push a different kind of FOMO because their government says too much IAP options, and rake insane amounts of cash in a different way.


Definitely see what you’re saying. Although I do believe the regular 15 candle pack costs about half of the price shown above (so like.. maybe 15¥ instead of 30(?)) However that’s only going off the price of the 15 candle + orange cape pack in USD which I believe is $10 but I could also be wrong there. I guess at the end of the day “the grass is always greener” right? 😆


Lol can I get some clarification instead of some downvotes? If I’m wrong about the price yall can just let me know 🥴 I have no issue being corrected or admitting it when I’m wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


Welcome to the internet, especially when Sky is known to have diehard white knight fans.


Thanks 😅 I feel like I’m gettin dragged for creating this post, but I figured I’ll just leave it up so maybe others will learn from the comments what I have today.


Honestly no, having more IGC stuff means a harder candle grind for them.


Having candle cakes in all realms during the weekend does make the grind a tiny bit easier.


It’s the only time you’ll be able to play, if you’re an age range that’s a large percent of the Sky playerbase


So i can get gray candle quicker over the weekend and log off earlier. Yep.


Chinese versions have these IAP for IGC because of Chinese law being against the predatory nature of (Time Limited) IAP. A very rare China W in a nation that one otherwise wouldn't want to be in. I wish every nation worldwide decided to have similar laws in the gaming industry.


Nothing to do with Laws only items that are contributing to charity are available on the tree. The items like the wave touched hair and turtle cape which don’t contribute to charity are still iap there. Just looking at the 4th slide you can see the riceball cape has an 8 day timer meaning its limited time only.


The laws seem to limit the amount of IAPs in games, but not that they can’t have them at all. It’s to prevent games from dropping SO many or to have gambling/pushing people to whale on them. It does impact all games that have IAPs in China as well


Iirc its to limit gacha specifically not iaps themselves its randomized things like loot boxes that there are limits.


“On December 22, 2023 proposed new restrictions were unveiled by the Chinese regulator designed to limit in-game purchases and prevent “obsessive gaming behaviour”. Most notably, industry standard incentives such as rewards for regular logins, first-time purchases and topping up of account balances would be made illegal, with more nebulous threats such as enforced pop ups to warn players of "irrational playing behaviour” set to be introduced” It’s a mixture of both; it definitely was aimed most heavily at gacha based mechanics but they enforced limits on general spending on games and bonuses for logins/how much you can top up, so there would be limits on buying candles as well. If I’m remembering correctly netease got hit pretty hard by this


Yeah for sure thats a massive hit to profit coupled with players to a certain age can only play a small amount of time each week sky has basically been deconstructed and rebuilt over there. However other than candles you can only purchase items (for your account) once so i still don’t think this law affects the iaps for nature thats being displayed here.


I do wonder how much of that is aplied, because on one of the images you can see the shop with 2 event iaps with what looks like to be dates at the bottom like ours


the chinese version is handled by netease not tgc and from what ive heard, its a lot more, stressful due to the fact that the ts returns faster than the global. i think its the same as cookierun kingdom's scenario? im not too sure.


Ooh how do I log in on this version? And no you aren't being dramatic, TGC is rapidly devolving into dogshit despite loud af warnings from every angle. 


This version is also developed by TGC, stop being dramatic


It’s not the same game, meaning that you need to have like a Chinese Apple ID.


I wish I knew! Might be in the video comments on yt(?) sorry I know that’s not very helpful 🙈


TGC doesn't run Sky in China, it's basically licensed out to a Chinese company, and laws there are stricter about IAPs.


So they milk us for everything. that’s so ridiculous 😒


Netease is notorious for milking its player base… idk I’ve just learned to avoid playing netease games. Trust me what we have under TGC will prove to be better.


Well I guess the grass is always greener, right? 😅 thank you for the additional info. Definitely helps put things into perspective 🙏🏽


It's just different management and different approaches to monetization. Nobody is milking you for anything. It's an outfit in a game, the best way to express your dismay is to not buy it.


I think its funny when ppl point netease out as a perfect sky just because some things are free/different , but they likely have their own problems (and ceirtanly the same bugs id assume lmao)


Yeah, they probably get the base program and models from TGC, and can afford/are required to put in some extra details and make some changes, possibly to appeal more to the Chinese market. Some of the custom UI things remind me more of generic mobile gachas. That daily check in bonus is probably just to bolster player engagement stats, and maybe part of rebalancing currencies for more IGC stuff


What's your FAVORITE flavor of boot? 


I'm literally encouraging people to not spend money on the game, if they're unsatisfied with it, or just don't like the prices. I'm just acknowledging there isn't much else to do to change things.


Thank you for the helpful insight. Have a nice day