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This is exactly what happened to me with days of Bloom as well! It's best to take a break and hop on when you feel like it again


You can literally candle run for 10 candles a day and still have enough to buy whT you want, you do not have to do the whole 22 candles thing bc it takes too long. I can understand the burn and the reason you feel like you have to grind for so long but you really don’t. I see everyone complaining about how burnt out they are bc of sky but if you don’t feel like grinding then don’t?? it’s not hard. The stuff always comes back even if it takes forever.


i’ve been playing for two years, and in that time, i just realized how much i played the game for the cosmetics. but, it feels really pointless once i get them. i mainly play to hang out with my friends, which i think is what sky was supposed to be for, and what i find the most fulfilling. if candle running and collecting your favourite cosmetics isn’t what makes you feel happy in sky, find something that does. whether it be taking pictures, OOB exploring, playing instruments, or hanging with friends. if you can’t find joy in those, then don’t force yourself to play - sky is supposed to be a game, not a chore ^^ i hope you find what works for you!


Moth here, what's an OOB?


I just afk at a wax event like grandma's, or at a bonfire, and then open another game and play there or talk in the meanwhile nowadays 😭 though you have to occasionally move so you can continue getting the wax after...20mins? Iirc


No, it's much less than 20 minutes now. I haven't timed it but it's something like just one or two minutes of inactivity. They changed this sometime last year when they also started preventing shared spaces and memories from being too close to certain main activity sites like Granny's and geyser. And on mobile (at least with Android) if you go to a different window, it instantly puts you in AFK. At least on PS I can use my older controller that drifts so I never go AFK lol.


In general you shouldn't grind to the point that it isn't fun. Don't let games feel like a chore ever, or it's going to be a matter of time until you resent it.


You get the season hearts by completing all the Furniture trees, each tree gives you a season heart, BUT you can only get them by using SEASON Candles, which as others has said already, is a little late rn unless willing to spend lot of money on them. There will be new spirits coming soon, with clothes that are not beige. Rainbow of color is coming and Sky anniversary. Several of which will be having their own tickets to grind for each day to get, which they came up with so ppl would not need to grind so much for candles.


it’s easy to be discouraged about the season items when you realize you’re going to be short on candles. i really do understand that, it’s so disappointing to make so much effort and not a lot to show for it. but it’s not the end of the world. the days of color is coming and there’s a lot of nice clothes coming in for that. and sometimes it’s just easier to play with someone else. my advice would be to slow down, it’s okay, you always have next season and the days of events. getting burned out so fast is exhausting. the game feels like a grind but that doesn’t mean that’s all it is.


I only do the realm with double cake candles and then I'm done lol. After that I just explore, looking for OOBS or trying to meet new people


Yeah it's a real problem that it's not explained well in game that if you get a season pass you need to play the majority of the season to get the ults. There's always a few moths who get caught out with buying a pass late and not being able to collect things without spending real money on season candles (I assume you mean season candles in your post, not eden candles? Since you can't buy ascended candles). However, if you've been keeping up with dailies since the season started, you should be totally fine to get all the spirit tree items and the ults without spending real money (except for on the pass itself).


I grind at least 13-15 candles a day then I’m done lol. Idk how people do 20 and not get burnt out


I get 21 candles every day (gray +1), but I enjoy doing my rounds. I went into this looking for a time suck, because I’m bedbound in fragile health.


I’m fortunate enough to work from home so I hit grandmas twice a day and do daily and maybe CR the realm for daily and that’s it


The way the game tries to press players into buying stuff is so vile.


Don't grind, if you feel like you're finished with the game then stop it.


Even just doing the seasonal dailies would have earned 375 (75 days x 5 daily seasonal candles) in exchange for regular candles at season end if no season nesting items were purchased. A pretty good haul for about 15 minutes a day to do dailies.


If you paid, that is.


No, that's just regular daily seasonal candles (SC) - four full candles from the dailies, and one full candle from the four (.25 wax) candles that are in a realm each day. You get one extra SC daily if you buy the season pass plus access to all the extras in the constellations.


Oh right, 6 not 5. But the 5 are really on the border, which is a shame. You barely have room to mess up getting ALL of them.


Yes, it takes dedication to do every daily every day during a season.


I learned a long time ago to only yearn and burn for the things I actually want and will use. And the items you may think are lost forever will turn up when you least expect it.


awh i feel you, maybe i can help with your candle run if you want? i have alt account that i use to teleport directly to geyser and grandma


Seasonal hearts are more or less there to keep the ults gated behind real money. Protip, don't do a full candle run every day, a quick 15 is fine and builds plenty in your back catalog if you don't buy furniture every wave (I have a problem halp). When you don't want to play at all, just hit grandma's, geyser, and or turtle and call it after. I used to loose my mind trying to grey my candle every day, there's no way not to burn out like that. Nowadays I have a tight, flexible candle cake route that works with most daily pattern for a sub 2 hour run. Another good one since you seem to play solo: sometimes after eden leave your WL on maps that have dailies. Then over the course of the week anytime a realm is pulled for dailies, you can fly way more and faster, because of all the free recharges when you do recollect a WL.


I feel like the whole “arrow gauge system” (I dunno what it’s called) kinda ruined candle running It just makes it more stressful for no reason


It was not less stressful when every piece of wax had the same value, you had to run so much of the game to max! Chevron make you initially get wax faster then slow down to one steady pace until grey. Being able to just grab a few cakes and make 15 candles was a gamechanger. I've seen the math breakdowns on reddit before lol.


Oh really? I’ve always found the system annoying and I’m not quite sure why ^ - ^


Nice tip about the WLs! Even after you collect a WL, you can still stand in the spot where the WL is at and recharge. It may be a little slower than when you actually collect the WL, but it's still a reliable and speedy recharge spot. I use them when going about doing dailies, especially in the Golden Waste when you're always trying to rush to the next safe spot.


Since they added butterfly spawns to GW it has been a lot better though, the flight to the wall with the WL at the end used to be such a tense experience lol! I cannot wait for the hotbar wheel to save emotes the beta players have been showing off, butterfly holding is finally going to be feasible between quick button combos to take back out my board everytime I've lit a candle lol.


>Seasonal hearts are more or less there to keep the ults gated behind real money. I don't agree. I spent money on my first season cause it took a while to understood how everything worked, but after that I've never needed to buy candles to get seasonal hearts. Usually I'm anywhere from 30-40 extra SC once the season ends. Think this is the only season I'll only have a couple SC left over, but I skipped a bunch of days and dailies while traveling


You need a season pass to get ults=only players who spend money on Sky get ults.


2h run is still a lot of time on candle run, i think they might be burned by that too


Sub means under


There’s no reason we should have to play every day to enjoy this game


Grinding is the game? Learn every realm, get fast, buy cosmetics, that's the gameloop. If you don't want to that's fine, you can use the game as a social sim instead. Tbh, other than losing idle wax, they've kept income scaling pretty well with the prices until maybe 2 seasons before the furniture came out (and furniture is just too much, all of it. They seem to have hoped that would extend the contend but it just seems like they fundamentally understand how decorating game players work). Pre chevron grinding was hell and they used to bring TS's around way too often for players to cope. I'm sure the playtime is way harder on moths who don't have max flying or memorized maps but they've been making it so much easier. Like if you start the game, hit the aviary candles, cafe, then home candles, you have not even entered a realm and you're near 3 candles of wax. Then you hang out at like 2 events and do the daily realm and that's a good stopping point. If you've got spare time there's both races, the song in harmony hall, daily treasure, and with experienced routing you can even get extra cake in windpaths during all that travel. There are occasional bad rotations though, days where lots of things are in uncomplimentary realms with poor speed gaining options and lots of surface area. Those days I usually stop at a short run.


I guess that’s why I quit as of this week. It was a nice couple years and it didn’t feel like a grind until now. Before somebody says, I’m not used to playing games that grind, I played games that took six months to get just one item, but that item would do something :-) But here’s the thing I’m sitting on 1500 candles 500 hearts 400 AC and the rest doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything to spend them on the new items are boring. Why am I grinding? And if I’m not grinding as you pointed out, I’m not playing the game. My friends seem to have retired roughly when aviary came out I can’t play for friends anymore. I play real instruments so the ingame instruments are charming, but they don’t play anything but the c scale, they are very frustrating to somebody who really knows how to play music, literally any other app on my phone can play instrument better so what do I do with the game? Shared spaces? Nobody can see them anymore.


But thats exactly the point where you allow yourself to lay back, relax and not stress out for candles. Just seasonal / event dailies should be enough to keep you up to date, and in the rest of the time you can focus on other things that you liked about the game.


I’ve got all the stuff from the seasonals coming up already from previous years


Same here :) At least the game gets new content every now and then, so personally i keep playing to see how it develops while enjoying that relaxation that it can offer.


I was in the same boat as you up until a week ago. I’m not sure what happened. I have no desire to login anymore. I very much doubt I come back to the game unless it gets a major reworking. I have never restarted playing a video game I quit before. Maybe once a day if I’m bored I will login and light peoples constellations, but I’m sure that will fade.