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It worked!! For a short time. I got 100+ candles 😂


If they don't rollback though it will be massively unfair to the people who weren't on in the right few hours. It would just tell how little they have their operation under control And it they let people keep them and dont send reparations to the other skykids i'm quitting on the spot. They didn't fucking care about breaking the red shards entirely for weeks either.


I literally got this post recommended today for the first time and am very annoyed. Rollbacks or a free candle pack (only for those who didn't use the bug) must be sent out.


Jokes on you I’m staying broke regardless!


Doesn’t work :(


You won't keep any candles or items you get by doing this


Didn't work for me, but I saw friends running back and forth between Home and Aviary. I just hope TGC takes the L instead of inflating prices to combat this 😢


We about to have a singular item be 300 candles because of this bug (/j... Hopefully)


I got 84 seasonal candles before they stopped appearing 🕯they were at old home and aviary both. I have old home set as home so just ran through, collect warp home collect etc for like half an hour or less and they stopped appearing


i got about 45 i hope they don’t take em away lol


Where can I find that 'home'?


When you come into Aviary near the pole, there's a place to meditate at to get there right inside the entrance. You see the bell with the manta shrine on one side and the meditation area on the other.


What was the bug? I grayed out my candles earlier today but I guess that was before whatever this was. I just checked and my candles are still grayed out


Fastest bug fix in the history of Sky!!


Did they do the rollback?


Not yet


Super deflating to see how quickly something like this gets attention and how they’re fine leaving other things broken for years. Yeah, candle exploits are different than leaving valley broken for a month, but still. What are you guys doing over there, TGC?


To be fair that needs to be quickly fixed reguardless, it was pay to win since people who has the pass were massively benefiting from it, and anyone who didnt got their daily candle before today didnt got the bug. It would be very unfair for a lot of people, so it is important get rid of it asap.


I mean it's also very unfair to leave bugs in the game for years that hinder actual gameplay (ex: doors glitching. Candles not lighting...) they shouldn't pick and choose what to fix when it comes to major bugs


Thats different, in the case you mentioned, we all suffer from that. A 2+ hours infinite candle glitch is totally different, only people who got the candles before the glitch started could do it, people with passes would get more advantage out of it, and let alone the small period that you would have to be online to do it. A lot of people got left out of it, it wouldnt be fair for those. But that doesnt matter since they will eventually roll it back reguardless. Also the reason they were actually able to fix it its because it was likely a server sided thing, it didnt broke with a patch, so they can just quickly work around it. If it breaks with a patch, then it likely needs another to fix (wich sucks, like the current valley door bug)


It's not too unusual though for bug fixing to have triage, especially since the company has to simultaneously develop for multiple platforms and create new content on a quarterly basis. It's normal that if there's a massively disruptive bug it would get dealt with in real time.


A lot of these bugs have been around for years though....long before they even introduced the game to anything other than mobile and they didn't even try to fix them back then...


I assume they are trying to fix what they can as they go, though! The candle bug was deeply annoying but I haven't seen it in weeks and the constellation bug has been fixed too. I don't know if the door bugs are that some doors don't seem to reliably open, but I figure they would try to be fixing those if they could too, but making new content is going to be the highest priority (and I imagine players would complain if they weren't keeping up the content pipeline as well). I know some of the biggest games in the industry will pick up bugs or neglect certain ones for years as well, so I guess I'm a bit more forgiving on bugs in games as long as the experience as a whole is cohesive.


They will 100% minus all the candles collected lmao but it was super fun collecting wax again with other people!


From what they did during Abyss, they can precisely remove the candles we got + undo what we bought, it might take a while however. Edit: actually during abyss they removed our items we bought and returned the candles properly, time to wait and see how much time it will take now.


tbis isnt only seasonal candles btw yall this is all candles. id personally advise against this as theres a chance theyd rollback all the candles ( and possibly whatever you bought with them recently ) if it gets outta hand. i doubt theyd ban you, but its not impossible esp if you get somehow autobanned for exploits since you have more than usual collected candles.


Can you say rollback? 😅


I could've sworn that I got my daily candle for the day, no wonder! It feels morally wrong for me to do it, but I definitely don't blame others for doing this. TGC is always slacking in fixing their bugs anyway.


Yeah, I got an extra 1.5 seasonal candle and then had to leave the game and when I came back it was fixed. It also just felt like a trap when I noticed it.


I would highly advise against doing this, needless to say! In other MMOs, usually the bad actors who go after clear exploits get banned. You may risk your account if you can show you understood this was an exploit and did it anyways.


I don't think they will ban anyone over this, that would be unfair. However, they are very likely to roll back the SC count if things get out of control. Many seasons ago there was a bug where people could buy seasonal stuff with normal candles and (if I recall correctly) they rolled the items back. But I'm not 100% sure bc I was a moth back then and didn't have that many candles to try it anyway.


That was during Season of Abyss! Not only did all seasonal items cost normal candles but so did everything in the constellation that normally costs hearts (150 candles for tier 2 white cape instead of 150 hearts, for example.) I couldn't contain myself and bought the ultimates and wore them all the way up until they rolled back; I logged in wearing a plain ol' moth cape. 😭 EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm pretty sure I was refunded the candles I spent on the ultimates and I didn't lose any candles or progress once they rolled back. I wouldn't worry about losing anything you legitimately earned if they go through with it!


I wouldn't have been able to help myself either. The Tier 2 Black and White cape are the only goals I have right now just because I'd rather get the harder stuff first.


They wont be banned, they will likely just waste their time, season of Abyss had a bug where everything turned to normal candles and they reverted everything perfectly well, this will likely happen now too.


Yeah, I was hearing that they historically do not ban over this sort of thing, but they do have rollback methods which means there's probably not a point in engaging in the exploit anyways.


It’s a bug that TGC themselves are responsible for not a hack(similar to when they accidentally add more seasonal candles In the realms without it being a double candle event) no one gets “punished” then and no ones candles got removed retroactively. I hiiiiiiighly doubt they have a system in place to keep track on who gathered additional candles 🙄


I remember other MMOs would ban people who found and exploited infinite money glitches, so I would do it at your own peril. I also don't see how they couldn't like run some sort of report of how many candles each player got in a day and then roll it back to 5 each and cross reference with the store to weed out any candles that were obtained by purchasing from the shop. I just don't believe they won't have some way to fix this.


Yeah but this is different. This is clearly in your path, not behind some roundabout way of cheating the system that takes work.


They can have my two candles


You’d have to reference it with their history of being “willing” to “fix” it