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It's funny, is what it is




I got a warning recently after telling some friends how to handle the shard glitch that shows the underwater darkness bits. I told them have to stand in the center of them and hold candles and hope they burn. To not pull them up like the prompt indicates because they'll just glitch the shard to keep going


So one time in the first year or so of Sky being live, I had my Skykid lie down to listen to the beautiful music a fellow Skykid was playing. Along comes another Skykid and maneuvers themselves on top of me to perform an oral sexual action. Took me a moment to realize what was going on. And they of course using the emote laughed about it. Can one’s Skykid be sexually assaulted in Sky? I complained to the admins but often wonder if this happens regularly from Sky Aholes.


It always happens to me whenever I use the faint expression to let others know that I'm afk and it's freaking disgusting


This goes along with the assholes in COD who teabag. It's a disgusting action. I'm sorry this happened to you. I would assume TGC did nothing about it?


Nothing at all.


how is this allowed


Devs missed a word in the filter.


Little bro needs some financial responsibility who is getting in debt with THAT 😭


Eloo n ß l.iio ptlk.p no lñ mmmm. K no. 9P okp8o




I guess(?) I've been lucky.. .I've sworn, talked to a friend about masterbation( she had questions), talked politics and I'm sure some other questionable topics.... And nothing... Never a warning, no red highlights...nada. Mean while, my friend said "shit" and got censored. How is this algorithm supposed to work?!? Cuz it's clearly gone rogue.


Maybe cause you spelled masturbation wrong


🤣🤣🤣.....yeah, that might do it.😁


A good filter would account for that.


Lol, I got a warning for calling a friend a filthy homosapien. XD "TGC thinks it's an insult to humans for you to be called one. 🤷‍♀️"


maybe in sky it is


permission to use this 🤣🤣


Lmfao **facepalm** like wtf 🤣😮‍💨


I got a warning letter the other day because I said something like "may they all die in a long and slow and horribly painful death" against mosquitos. Discrimination against humans!


Mosquitoes are like the annoying, needy best friend you never wanted lmfao


That's mean to the friends because they at least don't suck your literal blood, leaving you itchy.


There are many social vampires in this world though.. I was raised by one of them 🤣🤣


I had a friend like that. Hope you're free right now too. Hugs hugs! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


My condolensces lol


And here I am getting censored for putting the word “but” in my sentence. I WANT MY RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH BACK


Ya that's obsurd. Not only do they censor ridiculously they're not even allowing extremely common words?


It's usually a quirk of discounting spaces. For example "but titles can be confusing" is a perfectly innocent sentence. The filter, however, reads it as "BUTTitles can be confusing" and censors it. I have that issue constantly with sentences like "isn't water wet" (isn'T WATer wet) or "that's nice, isn't it" (isn'T IT). Absolute amateur hour.


Wow.. kudos for figuring that out but the annoyance of that figuring out is worse than the knowledge of it. Thank you for that info. Maybe this is what someone else meant about having trouble with spaces


It's complete BS. Knowing about it helps with troubleshooting tho, like, at least now I know what I need to reword most of the time. But a good filter should be able to distinguish that the letters are parts of two distinct, harmless words. I am also currently playing Pokémon Scarlet, which filters Nicknames. There, this issue never happens. So it IS possible.




Edited, god damn of people here were half as open to communication than downvoting like literally any other sub does, the world would have been far better. My fault for thinking skyddit would be anything like the game.


Well, then i guess its better to just turn off chat bc ppl will make sexual potential in literally anything


Nah some are more common than others and it's literally one of em.


people have kinks of all sorts of stuff, i dont see how thats relevant


Agree. We can't ban the word foot just because some people have a fetish for them. And sexualising/tabooing menstruation is legitimately shitty on a bigger level.


this. imagine the shitstorm if tgc decided to ban "foot" and related words. itd just be absurd. it should be seen as *just as absurd* that menstruation is banned but... guess society isnt at that point yet.


I've seen more weird stuff said in shared spaces for whatever reason, meanwhile my shrine message mentioning that I enjoy All Saints' Day in my own language gets filtered. A game about the cycle of life and you can't mention death 💀


Lmfao right? The frickin irony on this one drips😮‍💨🤣


why would you fuck potatoes 😰


Kinda like the movie American Pie? Maybe. Just speculation 😜


I accidentally said fuck the other day, should I be worried? It censored me and made my message red but no warning otherwise On the scale of 1-10 how worried should I be


it's censor that just blocks words. there's no repercussions other than that


I wouldn’t worry about it. I think they only really hand out bans for abuse that gets reported by other players. I’m sure just like every platform they make some questionable decisions in that regard, but I don’t think that they hand out bans for getting caught by the automated filter. I’ve had messages auto censored tons of times.


You’ll be fine it’s just a deterrence :)


Nah don't worry about that. I don't think anybody ever been banned. They red will show up, it will censor the word with some astrix or the warning screen but that's about it


And here I am getting warnings from the ig system from trivial word and letter placement. 🤦🏻


And letter placement? Seriously? Das petty.


I got a warning simply because I was talking to my friend about another player who honking non stop and the text wasn’t even in English🙄


I played long enough to tell you that it's a bad translation for sure, i've had many misunderstandings with foreigners because of the built in translator that i had to take screenshots and text them on IG to understand. An example that comes around a lot is "大丈夫"(daijoubu) which means "fine/alright/it's okay" but gets translated to "The great man"... This sounds harmless but i've seen some crazy translations over the years by now.


OK makes sense. What would " a debt to a prostitute" translated confusion be tho lol


Guess that depends on what language it is translated from originally but yeah it could literally be anything.


What i meant by my original comment is that it could be literally anything, i'm telling you the translator is crazy. I learned the basics of many languages (Japanese, Russian, Ukrainian, Tagalog) just to translate simple sentences on my own and rely as little on the translator.


😂😂😂😂 oh how I love this 😂😂


I’m sorry but this is hilarious 😂😭 i never come across these


i get warned for saying redneck yet people are doing this??


Right? Potatoes. Maybe I'll play around with it an see what other normal words it will censor just for S&Gs 🤣


Maybe either for the pot, thinking that's weed or... for the toes? That would be so weird tho...




omg thank you so much for telling us about this


I love that this is a subreddit.


I got slapped by the game with a behavior warning for asking my good friend who is very pro-LGBTQ “Are you LGBTQ, or an ally?” a few days ago! Needless to say, I reported that blunder to TGC. 😒


Thank you!! What a load of shite that that somehow gets flagged but this BS gets by.


This game keeps telling me off for saying "lol I" bc it thinks I'm saying loli (fair but annoying) but that slips thru?


Everyday 😩


Maybe it's a bad translation?


Benefit of the doubt, it might be a literary reference? But definitely not an appropriate one for a game like Sky.


Can you think of a literary reference like this? Lol 😜


You do know that there are books for adults, right? Idk it just strikes me as a line that would be in an adult novel. Like I said it’s still not appropriate for Sky regardless.


I called something an Eldritch horror and I got an instant pop up saying I may have been using inappropriate language... The filter makes no sense


"Inspiring language" 🤣🤣 these triggers on the censor server train are mad as a hatter.


Lmao, wait no. Auto correct fail


I am glad you reported this. This is gross. It’s also implying slavery. Sex slavery to be specific. The fact that’s in a kids game and it’s like they’re trying to normalise this is so so disgusting. This is already a problem in other parts of the world, child slavery, trafficking, debt slavery and sex slavery. This is just so so gross. 🤮 🤮


this post is breaking one (or more) rules of the subreddit.


I have no clue where slavery was implied? There's nothing to suggest the. Owed individual. Didn't chose that 'business' themselves afaik But yh gross as heck to have anything related to s×x in a game with so many children


who the hell reported this comment as “spam”


“Debt owed to a prostitute”. This implies debt slavery or debt bondage. This is a type of slavery where a person has a dept and they need to repay it. They are entered into slavery to pay off that debt, via services or other obligations, and act as a security for that debt. It could also be the person enters slavery because they own a debt to someone and the person controls them. The debt itself may never be paid, paid at the exact cost or significantly more than the debt itself. The way the furniture is arranged applies a bed and a bathhouse (spa or sauna for sexual encounters) and there’s a table to chat. Some brothels are like this and some have areas to socialise with the client and prostitute.


It could be mental though. Like the prostitute may have acted very good with you. Apparently it's common as well so it's not impossible


I don't know why this was downvoted but I think you're right. I upvoted you. Once allowed, even in a small sense, breeds more dirt bags who think they can take it to the next level and the next level ain't pretty.


Yet I can't say hi in spanish without being sensored 🤣


Meanwhile last days of summer, there was a memory saying this fat fuck running


Wild...how do actual curse words get through????


No clue, but it made my day


OK that's dumb. This thing needs to be revisited and revamped but they'll still tell us it's our internet connection and put the blame on us anyway.


These are the issues of using untrained AI to regulate hundreds of different languages.


TGC needs to get with the program then.


Not really pun intended but hey if the shoe fits 🤣


I'd be banned for sure. I'm famous for yelling, "PO TA TOOOOE!"


At random? 🤣


That ceirtanly isnt an obstacle course 😭 If you want some explanation tho, some languages are not fully covered on the swears, so they still work after the auto translator goes trough. Likely what happened there.


The dev is doing the detection first, then translate. Your explanation does make sense, this can be easily fixed by doing the detection twice, but they'll need more resources for that. I feel like the best solution is to just detect the translation.


I hope so cuz this crap is shouldn't be happening. Not once in 4 years have I seen language like this while being censored for talking about potatoes. This isn't as bad as some I've seen or what others have posted. TGC obviously doesn't care for quality or safety anymore.


I was trying to explain to somebody what days of color was the other day and every time I tried to say anything about how it was about inclusiveness and rainbow pride, and all that good stuff it censored all of it. I guess it’s not about that anymore. Edit: specifically the warning I got was there is no sexuality in sky


Why is that even censorable? Like c'mon. It's their own events ffs.


I think they’re making it about something else this year


No, it's still about Pride and 50% of proceeds on their charity items go towards the Trevor Project, as they did last year. The Trevor Project being a well-known org supporting mental health and crisis services for LGBT youth. Please don't spread rumors thoughtlessly when TGC actually uses their event to help a good cause. https://www.thatskygame.com/news/soaring-together-in-days-of-color-2024/


I’m not spreading rumors. They are basically missing the month and it’s not called days of rainbow anymore. If you try to mention anything about your sexuality no matter where you are on the spectrum, you get censored. I saw multiple people who got full warnings for saying F2M etc. I think these are things we should be protesting against not hiding. I think that’s more what it’s about then buying a black outfit with a rainbow belt personally but that’s just me.


Real activism involves more things than using a rainbow icon during June. Putting *actual money* towards LGBT organizations is much more important than whether or not the event lines up exactly with the calendar month or any number of empty slogans, and we still literally start the event in June. And second, I booted up the game to write, "I am bisexual" and "Days of Color is about inclusiveness and celebrating LGBT+ people!" in the game and had no problems whatsoever, despite writing this at least half a dozen different ways. The chat censor has been stupid lately and filtered tons of innocent things, but it's entirely possible for it to be making mistakes because the entire game is full of bugs and not because TGC is supposed to be malicious. There are tons of things to legitimately criticize TGC over and you are free to send feedback to them directly, but griping about misguided things that aren't even true is absolutely wasteful.


You might want to review the comments for the last few days about censorship. There’s a lot of interesting words that are banned at the moment. And yes, activism means getting your butt out of the video game and doing something. Not giving money ever looked at charts about how much money actually makes it to help people when you donate? Let’s take their iap as an example. 20$ and 10$ goes to Trevor foundation. The Trevor project is actually one of the better things to donate to, but still only 75% of the money makes it to them. So out of your $20 dollars 7.50 goes to help somebody out there. It goes to a program which really really could be anything including simple awareness. You just paid $12.50 for somebody to do activism for you. For your remaining money $7.50 may go towards a project of some sort. Do you feel better? Do you feel like you’re changing the world? Or is this really about looking good in a video game and feeling good about yourself?


Speak for yourself about looking pretty in IAPs. I donate my own time and money to local organizations. I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I am to have this conversation with you about spreading blatantly false rumors over an inconsistent chat filter. Frankly, it means a lot to me to see Sky donate 50% of proceeds year after year in a dedicated Pride event because no other MMO game I've played even bothers to acknowledge Pride month. Much less commit significant amounts of sales revenue to it. I hope you have a good week and good rest of the month because I am done with this conversation.


Wtf why


Well to start with, pride month ends the 30th :-) They changed it from days of rainbow to days of color. And they are definitely censoring words that have to do with pride It’s like they want to play both sides of the fence. I read recently that TGC does the Chinese game at the same time for netease… pretty sure China’s version will not have anything that references anything and maybe it’s slowly spreading here (if you really want to get annoyed, most of the cosmetics are candles in China, not money, one reason given is they are not donating to Trevor fund)


Unicorns? Sunshine, rainbows and paint splashes for Pedro? 🤣🤣 I can only imagine what they're going to change it to but the rainbows were only for Pride. Hence June launch. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️