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Heya friend welcome to sky!!! Totally real questions lol, you’ll get the hang of the culture in no time. Bonding over this learning process is one of the best parts in sky imo. “Recharging” refers to the game mechanic where flying uses up little slices of light-based wing power, represented by that half-circle of yellow bars at the top center of your screen. If you’ve flown too far without encountering a light source you’ll run out of wing power, thus the need to recharge to fly further (also important not to be caught in the rain without light, as you may discover)! And you’ve got it: a CR stands for “candle run” so basically just a routine fly-through of any particular area to collect the light/wax. Happy exploring!!


Omg tysm that makes sense now 😭 I should probably stop spamming boosts everytime I have full charge haha. Thank you 😁


Of course! There’s certainly an art to rationing out boosts to fly further - sometimes you can even learn to take advantage of the wind patterns in different areas. For example, you can circle the big boulder in the first area of daylight prairie forever without using any boosts :) Just a matter of practice and learning as you go!


Great comment but no offense, you speak like Wikipedia lmao


Really gonna shame them for being gifted in eloquence while they're just trying to help out new players smdh


I don't see how that something to be ashamed of?


Nah u right I'm bein' dumb


That's not dumb either, don't worry about it 🙂


Welcome to the game! Here’s a sky language guide🌞 CR: candle run WLR: winged light run AC: ascended candles (don’t wanna spoil how to get them but feel free to ask haha) TS: travelling spirit (returning spirits from past seasons, you can see one standing in the aviary fountain area, they come for 3 days and leave. New spirit appears every 2 weeks) PNR: >!point of no return!< (again don’t wanna spoil the ending for you) Geyser, grandma, turtle: timed events that give you loooots of wax for a candle. Geyser happens from XX:05-XX:15, grandma is from XX:35-XX:45, turtle is from XX:50-XX:00 (so it depends on the time zone. For me these events happen at an even hour, 10:XX, 12:XX, 14:XX, etc. They happen every other hour) Krill: dark puppy/shrimp or the game usually gives you a quest to “face a dark dragon” meaning facing a krill OOB: out of bounds Chibi fall: a glitch that works when a player is wearing chibi mask (allows you to get to OOBs) SS: shared space GW: golden wasteland


I've already learnt so much thank you 😭 also the krill are scary I don't fuck with those guys. I'm really enjoying the game so far and I'm finally starting to understand what's going on. My first session some players took me by the hand and showed me around the big mountainy/islandy area fresh out of the tutorial. I was so so lost.


dont worry youll come to love the krill as we all do


Recharging is when the stars/symbols on your back are restored/the yellow wedges at the top center of your screen, you spend them by boosting yourself to fly. CRs mean candle runs, its when you run through all the areas in all the maps to collect wax from the candles.


Thank you for helping me out 😭


You're welcome, I'm happy to help if I can though there are people out that can/have explained it better and more detailed than me lol. I'm still fairly new to the game myself, been playing for 2 and a half months now. Welcome to Sky <3


If you have no wings to fly, if you stop beside this recharging it helps to restore your light again so you can fly again. Is in case you don’t have anywhere to recharge yourself


There are many ways to recharge your cape when you can't fly anymore: *Finding a light source like a candle or a lamp *Finding a light creature or a light plant like jellyfish, butterflies, mantas, light blooms AKA weird mushroom things that grow on trees, etc. *Being near other light kids. This includes holding hands, standing nearby, being within the radius of their aura when they do a deep call, **watching a shared memory**, etc. A lot of people will record a shared memory in spots where it's easy to run out of light as a way to help other people in the game. I think this is probably what you've been seeing


>whenever I find a memory that a player left they're often about recharging? What does this mean? Each wedge in the middle top of the screen is available energy when illuminated (each wedge equals one flap.) Once depleted you can no longer fly. What the shared memories you are talking about are charging stations.


quick little thing, standing near other players and/or holding hands and flying together will automatically recharge your energy meaning you can fly farther without stopping