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When someone comes up while you're playing music and spams every time you play. It's so rude and not funny


Same! Especially when you're somewhere really far like the other end in Cresent Oasis or way off somewhere in Golden Wasteland lol, although sometimes their reactions are quite funny, like "Ha-ha found you" ':)


If it's like that it's wholesome but I'll be practicing in the harmony hall and they'll come up and spam every time I play a note :[


Yeah, OR they spam honk while holding out their red candle to light you, OR they decide to pull out their instrument or use an instrument spell and begin playing completely random notes while your playing which ruins the whole experience of playing music in Sky.


this is why I’ve told my partner “stop honking assh*le” when someone was playing music… (we took it lightly and I explained to him that you have to be respectful when someone is playing music but ye)


I get that so much! 😒


honestly this is why I've stopped playing in main areas. that and the fact that in the practice room I can control what key I'm playing in easier lmao


I've only done it once, but there were also other Sky Kids playing with them, so I guess it's fine.


I second, third and fourth this waaaay too much


Trying to do one of the carry spirits but getting bodied by a krill.


Ohhhh the Crab Whisperer Spirit took me an absolute hour of my life before a kind player went to help me! <_>


I got complacent with that one once and good-bye to most of my winged light XD Never took it lightly again.


Hearts being so difficult and/or obscure to collect. How am I supposed to get them?


EXACTLY, I was saving up so much for this one cape, cause I thought it would be like 5 hearts, but it was 33, 33!! How do u get 33 hearts 😭


That’s how I felt trying to get my first cape, the teal cape, at 20 hearts


I made a few friends who all needed hearts. We all agreed that if we got a heart in the constellation from each other that we'd send one back. So I slowly built up all the hearts I needed for everything. :)


I wish my friends who need hearts could arrange something like that... to be honest, whenever I asked for a heart trade I ALWAYS made sure that I had the candles to gift them a heart back... and if I'm short on candles I take an IOU that where I would write down on like a sticky note or something who I owe a heart back and as soon as I have the candles and they are online I gift them a heart in return. There is only one of my friends, (bless their honest & kind heart) who always politely refuses me gifting them a heart back when I do a heart trade. I think I've asked them why they don't accept me gifting them a heart back and they just don't want me wasting my hard earned candles on gifting them a heart.


Don't accept the heart in the constellation until you can send one back and then you don't have to worry about going into "debt" with one person. :) Keep making friends, all you need are 2-5 people to regularly trade hearts with and you'll get hearts fast. If you do geyser, grandma + forest brook, sunset, cakes/good wax spots in the daily quest realm, and get the cakes in the bonus realm you'll usually get 15+ candles per day. If you add a second geyser/grandma, trials, sliding race, flying race, hermit race, and the cakes in valley you'll hit 20. There reaches a point where you don't really need hearts anymore. I've bought everything in the constellation and I have about 250 hearts and nothing to spend them on aside from spells, nest props, and the rare item from a traveling spirit that I don't have yet.


Wait what's the hermit race? And you get wax from trials?


in hermit valley, on top of the yeti's hut (with the candle cake inside), there is a race you can start that ends in the village of dreams and gives you 120-160 wax. Flying and sliding race give you 120-160 wax each as well. Water Trials and Earth Trials have 100 wax each, Air Trials and Fire Trials have 200 wax each!


This is the way


I invite you to look up all the spirit trees, and add up how many hearts you need to “100%” and how much more to actually finish. 33 is a cakewalk. Make friends, light everyone every day, stress to friends you play with about lighting. Cull your constellations often of people who don’t. CR like your life depends on it, and decide how many sets of 3 candles you can live without daily. Ask your friends if they would like to trade hearts daily. Find a discord that allows people to post for trades. Trade more. I play daily. I have 2 daily trades. Others are occasional. Before I hit 8 months of play, I owned all the elder hairs (your constellation has to say 100% to buy these). It will still be a long time before I complete the second tier capes.


My method has always been to just randomly gift hearts to a bunch of people once in a while. Some give back, some don’t, but it’s a pretty low effort way to farm hearts. I tend to wait until “give a gift to a friend” is one of the daily quests. Occasionally I’ll get a good heart trade chain going in my constellation with someone.


samee but it was 70 hearts for finishing valley constellation (faceless mask and pink cape) 😭😭😭


Can you believe I had 300 hearts? Now i have half of thst


I've organised daily heart trades with two friends so I have a regular 2 hearts coming in each day. It's enough to pay off ts each fortnight for max upgraded emotes, as well as saving up for cosmetics/furniture I like. It also means I have to pay a daily candle tax, though. Sometimes if one of us wants more hearts or more candles for a limited event item, we'll either pause trades temporarily, or double trade each day via shared space heart gifts, so in an "emergency" I can pull in 4 hearts per day if I really need to buy something fast. But that also means a daily tax of 12 candles lmao


Join Discord and find a bunch of people to trade with!


Just don't ask for hearts and IAP items on the official sky discord server. (Season's passes I think are okay to comment on wishing you had them but unless someone states on Discord that they have an extra season's pass and none of their friends want it or they have no friends to gift it to. But if they're offering the spare season's pass they don't hsve anyone to give to, you have to tell them you want it in a personal DM and not in the discord server. Unless if you want to get a one-way ticket to getting to being banned from the Official sky Discord server.


Isn't it OK to ask for friends to trade daily hearts with though? Seems a bit strict to ban for that but I dunno


The reason why TGC devs in the server don't allow people to ask for hearts is that they have a rule against soliciting for hearts, candles, etc. And although they have a channel for promoting your sky Discord servers, sky wattpad stories, etc. ... The channel/mods/admins strictly don't allow you to solicit your requests for currency or IAP purchasables in Sky that cost real world currency, OR like those who would solicit their need for the cool stuff in sky or selling accounts for new players using the "get rich quick sheme", OR even players who are only soliciting for this stuff without even fulfilling the promise to gift a heart back to the other player who decided to perform a heart trade out of the kindness of their heart... I don't make the rules of the server. 🤷‍♀️ So, your going to have to respect their rules.


The pink wings for 40 hearts? in pride month? wowww. /s


I had to buy hearts from 2 sellers to get the level 2 black cape 😭


I'm doing the same thing to get the chibi mask😞


You don't have to do that.


The fact TGC put the antlers glasses and earrings in the same category and many people lost their favorite combinations. TGC said they were working to fix so people get their combos back- nearly a year ago..


The antlrers return every year on Christmas and Halloween, but both are paid Earings are always paid, but the fireworks festival ones were free Glasses is what actually pisses me off I wear glasses in real life, and the glasses were a paid ultimate gift that will never return


OC meant cathegory in closet, cause they're all mask accessories


This! The Christmas antlers used to look so nice with the forest elder mask. I LOVED that combo!


whatever they did in the last patch update where before, if you were with a friend the burn wax icon prompt appears instead of the friendship icon if that makes sense?? now, ubering people, i cant burn anything with the right button because it favors the friend icons its sooo frustrating


THIS 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


the fact that it takes so much grinding to get a cosmetic


doing everything but helping the three people stuck waiting at the vault door


I hate it when people just spam the instruments in harmony hall. It annoys everyone and they think they're being hilarious


They probably dont know how to play music or found harmony hall for the first time




I never go to harmony hall except to do the daily sheet for this exact reason


People playing instruments over other sky players. I don’t like hearing multiple instruments playing different things at once


Yea. Sometimes i just had to run away to some corner that nobody around🥲


When i want to jump in a hole and my doofus jumps to the other side of the hole When I'm doing a carry spirit and someone comes in the circle and then leave AND DURING when that glitch happens where the carry spirit moves towards people who arent in the circle : the spirit goes backwards if they're standing behind me. Stand by the next memory!! I just server split out though, rather than stay mad.


The blatant weaponization of FOMO. Taking breaks = Failure.


My dear friend doesn't like being lit up sometimes after a long day of work, but they always emote No and bow. I've seen them get CHASED across a realm by a skid honking and spamming candle (at least three or four times) THAT is an ick. How terrible do you have to be to chase someone just to light them up when they are telling you no???


If you press the flame icon, your character start chasing the person until you input another movement. It can sometimes happen by mistake, and while you are doing nothing ( like, you may not even look at the screen anymore ), your character still chase the unknown person. I personally find it hilarious how the game make you appear super interested at lighting someone by the single press of a button. I don't understand why you wouldn't light the person back ; especially because he won't be able to chase you automatically like this anymore once lighted them.


Well moths do be like that sometimes. Or kids. It usually happens to tall players tho


Ppl complaining about others not lighting their candles, it’s genuinely not that big of a deal💀


People not wanting to light others at geyser so they just wait that everything is burned to collect.. Not that big of a deal to light someone either.


Key changes is the worst feature in anything ever


I think turning the music off via the menu slider will remove keychanges, idk if its client side or server side tho so maybe listen to hear if your friends still hear the keychanges 🤭


100% client sided ; you never hear other players key change.


The frictionless dark plants in Forest and Wasteland


When u join a table but they speak Chinese so they'll just ignore u 😞


Exactly!! As if there is no translate option.


Hate it when other players are being rude/kill joy for no reason. One time me and my partner were fooling around with grandma as we wait for the event to start. We were simply using the scarecrow expression/emote (towards grandma) when this player donned with pink bloom cape etc etc (we called her regina george) began spamming "no" or "shh" to us when nobody was even bothered except her. She also began trying to push us off the table. I don't get it though. Aren't we supposed to have fun in game?


Sounds like this player was also trying to have fun with you tbh.


Not really, at first I thought she wanted to interact, which she's welcome to do so. We even light her candle and kept doing what we're doing so there's no way for her to feel as if she's being ignored. However, there were numerous indicators that she just wanted us to stop (including her spamming the stomping expression). In the end she teleported away even if the event wasn't over yet 😅 if she wanted to have fun with us, she wouldn't be stomping, asking us to stop and then eventually leave. Mind you, we weren't hostile towards her either.


She's leaving before the event end might indicate that she was very bothered by your actions. But then again, why being so bothered by what mischief and noise other skids do in this game? Except, if it's the memorial area, or making noise when musicians perform.


With the context, yeah that makes sense. I'm sorry you had that experience! You don't really expect meanies when you play a game like Sky but sigh, they are just everywhere, man...


We call them meanies as "regina george" or "karen" to just have a laugh with it 🤣. In the end, they're the ones losing all the fun that the game is offering.


I hate that after the cinnamon roll update, the tea table I bought for $15 freaking dollars now won’t let me talk to strangers unless they finish the tea. And after, we can’t even eat the bread. Stupid update


The pricing of IAP and how so many amazing cosmetics are locked behind a paywall.


Players not bringing fire items to granny and then goes AFK. Like if you’re gonna AFK, contribute in some way???


Oof. Sorry. I actually fell asleep most of the time at grandma😅 (been doing my cr around evening to night oof)


Grinding ..


People who honk constantly in your face until you let them light your candle! Like, no, get away from me you noisy chibi!


Asking someone for help gathering WL/ map shrines in Eden and they take you past the PNR. Without the map shrines. Without getting any WL 😀


The nonstop complaining.


When skids are offended when I try to light them, especially when someone is losing their light intentionally and I go out of my way to help them when I didn’t have to.


some people just don't want to be lit. but if you don't insist and thoses players are bothering you about that then wtf ? ( like they took the no, that's what you wanted, no need to still be grumpy about it. )


I'd have been fine were they all reasonable about it, but the last one immediately rage emoted me and started stomping repeatedly around Forest like a child. I keep seeing message boats about it too. Now to pray the moths realise they're dying/need to approach me.


Can I dm you to try and help you see their pov?


it goes both ways, why don't you see *their* perspective?


I do. I’ve been on both sides and both ways it could be a perfectly normal interaction if people were just polite. Much like a comments debate


Trust me, I have heard the reasoning for not being lit up. Either to lose wing light to be like a moth, or try to be wingless. Others like to not be seen or be anonymous (personal info is hidden either way).


i replied earlier but while i was playing I thought of more -overall pricing not being fair to people without the funds to just buy whatever they want -the reliance on MMO moments (opening doors, the racing minigame etc) -the lack of a universal toggle to unanonymize public messages/avatars making the MMO part worse feeling -furniture being THAT fkin expensive -seriously the currency is a serious problem why tF is practically everything over 10-15 bc wtF -hitting "info" on individual tasks/task trees just giving you a general explanation on how they work instead of idk *the tasks/trees themselves being rexplainable?* *-*seriously though, the pricing is ridiculous especially the cash money moments (15 bucks for a tunic? 10 for headgear? why??) -locking buyable accessories behind trees (nest guides hair, the limited time events \[seriously, 5 candles for a stupid trail just to say hey, this cape you thought might've been free after buying that is actually a genuinely unobtainable without cash money ***175***) I want to *love* this game, I really do. But there's ***way*** too much holding it back <:(


The krills. I just hate them. They're so scary. I can play Diablo or Final Fantasy or anything else and fight the big, scary monsters just fine...but this game is otherwise so sweet and relaxing, and I've got no way to defend myself against them, and I just hate them. I'm also still a pretty new player -- less than a month -- so maybe I'll stop being a big baby about them eventually.


If you get an elder mask, it helps protect you! I'm also a new player but as soon as I got that it made krill so much less scary


When people don’t help open the 2 doors at the first and second part at the vault of knowledge


My blue chairs used to show as a small blue bag in my back. Now it is chairs in my back... Why. I like having a bag in my back. Who asked to wear chairs ???


Server split


Sky ‘friends’ that potrtal to you and just grab on no matter what you are doing or where you are going. Bonus ick if they don’t say a word either.


people who think it's okay to be innapropriate towards other players, and people who tries to get a lover on there. ( there's a lot of videos with moths asking for gfs or bfs. no don't do that, what if they're talking to an actual creep or predator ? that's how you get groomed ! )


the pricing omG i have yet to find a reasonably priced cosmetic. Everythings in the double digits which like..how do you even manage to do that without spending money? oh right...you're probably not meant to 9\_9


I realised that I actually don't have a single ick, for good or bad. Usually when people play music with me, I always assume it's because they want to give me company. Benefit of the doubt stuff. I candlelight them, talk to them a bit, politely tell them stuff and they usually listen (if they didn't just disappear or something). I OOB to places just in case sometimes. As for hearts, I don't quite mind. I don't think I've cosmetic grinded for anyone for a long time, instead just coming on and chilling with my friends, doing dailies and dragging them along with me, etc. I've got prince outfit (lpp moth), his tie and that's more than enough because I love things that reminds me of TLP. When you play for your friends, you'll love the game 100x more. And whenever someone tries to light me up or offer candles, I always accept and try to interact. There is so much to life than just grinding alone or being alone in a social game. When I stopped grinding for cosmetics, I found that many were so amazing...something I missed from my days as a moth, or my days as a player guiding people to eden (before it became the nightmare it is rn, at least. I HATE the new changes.) Yeah overall, I've just gotten over everything. Well, sky kids in game are pretty sweet honestly, just happy that they are not on reddit actively.


The flying race doors not opening for everyone anymore. I hate that so much tbh. It was fine opening for everyone, and I don't want to keep needing to chibi fall through to the race because of it. It's annoying as hell.


The only things i hate about sky are 1server splits I HATE when i get split from a friend 2 low player limit per room, only 8 people per room wtf is that? , big zones look really lonely and empty , and you can't play with big friend groups 3 the you can't join this friend right now


These boring seasons. After Remembrance it kinda all fell down. Nine Colored Deer was a blessing for me.


Someone following me around without saying anything. It happened twice to me, and I felt so awkward because I didn't know what they wanted


One word, "krill".


When i want to be alone and someone tries to light me so i politely decline their candle and they spam honk and harass me to try and get me to light them


Maybe use the do not disturb potion for that? 😉


I’ve used those spells before, it doesn’t stop people from trying to harass you and chase you down unfortunately


Sure I know, you just didn't say 😁


The escort missions in the Golden Wasteland.


Returned to the game after a long break; I initially quit because I found the game annoying to play on phone. I just started playing on pc. The game is generally just hard to understand imo, so many different currencies and items, maps etc it feels frustrating not seeing any kind of task list but trying to remember what you've got going on.


When people do the “no” emote in response to being lit. It’s cringe for many reasons, but most often because the request to light a skid is commonly a mistake. Imagine how asinine you look refusing to light someone who didn’t even want to light you fr fr. LMFAO.


Sexual harassment


The smallest things being a season (shattering and nesting)


People who always want to hold hands. Like, I often really enjoy just taking someone's hand and let them control us but a lot of people aren't considerate about others wanting to control their own skykid at times. I much rather pay candles all the way to unlock chat and tell them where I want us to go than to carry a person for 10 mins and feel like we aren't enjoying together. To clarify, you're not a bad person for taking someone's hand and they accept, you are if you keep insisting when they clearly don't accept. To ALSO clarify, I like taking hands. I often chose to hold on to someone. I just want people to respect other people's experience.


Immunity necklace-My biggest ick is everyone wearing the same thing as if its a class thing. Prophet pants. White or black cape. Ikemen or Ikejou hair. We get it. How boring. I own all that but amongst countless other cosmetics and I just can't imagine looming the same as everyone or wearing the same thing every time I play. I understand comfort fits, one that really puts your personality across that you wear often. But I think the whole ikemen style is played out.


Yeah I don't mind when there are "styles" that players like, but on the subs there are weird attitudes that if you want to appear a certain way you should wear a certain thing, or telling players they look weird cause they don't wear a certain style of clothes. I've got some weird outfits but I love them, and I love them most because I don't meet a lot of players wearing the weird combos. I'm excited for more players joining Sky and hope it starts changing up the fashion we see in the game, or at least encourages players to wear whatever and have fun.


I for one like bat cape and fire prophet bc samurai pants cool/easy to style. Bat cape because I own 5 copies of dracula and love the color combos black and red. Overall though yeah, I don't care what people wear. So long as they treat everyone with kindness. I've had bat capes ignore me when I've not worn it, but also players who don't wear it ignore/disgust emote me too when I do wear it. So long as we all treat each other kindly, what your wearing should just be up to you. Clique-vibes do suck and I've gotten that "you're the outsider/we don't want you" vibe multiple times. It's sad. Don't judge a book by their cover always rings true.


I'm not big on ikemen/ikejou either, but I feel those fire prophet outfits have become less frequent now that we have a big variety of great cosmetics to choose from. If I want to show off I'd just put on my prince outfit and Aurora wings. The witch hat + bat cape + fire pants look is still consistent in the GW social area though, mostly worn by tiktok veterans lol.


Please elaborate on the "Immunity necklace" as I know Elders masks are a thing (that's only really useful in the Point Of No Return, everywhere else they only guarantee that you'll withstand one attack from a krill before breaking). But in the few years of me playing sky I don't recall anything about an immunity necklace.


Ehehehe sorry 😿 not a game thing. My friends and I just say it before we say things we don't mean to offend people with but wanna be clear. Just a joke not an item 😇


when people insist to light you after you said no.  ( some players even chased after me after I said no and flew away. )


seeing players call penguin hair "owl hair" 😔




There will always be complaining people. People who do not complain are people who do not care ( do not play ).