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The death of Bean’s child https://preview.redd.it/21ipsbiiwu6d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4503b0029ecb099db8141e285354dbd89e66036d


In series. Probably shadow’s death, shadow’s backstory, Knuckles’ life in general. In adaptions, I’d say cosmos’ death. The fact that it takes a *LONG* time from the introduction of it being on the table, to when it finally happens just makes it THAT much worse, and there is not a single character present whose reaction is anything short of *palpable.* From sonic just shutting down, to knuckles having a meltdown and needing to be snapped at by Rouge, to Dr. Eggman, to *just fucking tails.* Like, It’s pretty telling that of all the media I watch, I can’t think of a death that pretty much just **Broke the entire cast** the way cosmos’ death did. In a meta sense, the fact that regardless of all the successes sonic has had since the 2020 movie, Sega is always, ALWAYS one bonehead decision away from another 2006 level disaster, with every 2010s sonictuber ready to dance on Sonic’s grave. If It’s really true that frontiers was Sonic’s last chance for a successful game, and Izuka STILL had to fight for one more year of development, the chances are low, but never zero.


Seeing Tails have his heart being _torn to pieces_ was devastating. He’s one of the most wholesome beans in the whole series.


I forgot where I read this but the scene where he just wraps his tails around himself, COMPLETELY ALONE, evokes the imagery of a child grabbing a comfort blanket




The homage in Scrapnik Island was arguably even sadder, with Mecha hitting rock bottom. It hits really hard for me.


For me: -The last moment of E-102 Gamma in Adventure -The darkest hour of the Metal Virus saga -Surge's breakdown in Imposter saga -Mecha Sonic despair in Scrapnik Island I still haven't seen Archie Sonic yet but I'm sure there are some moments I would mentions if I would know.


1. Everything regarding Ghost Hill in prime. 2. Cosmo’s death and Tails’s response. 3. Undergroun’s first episode. 4. Every time Sonic dies or the characters think he died.


Whisper’s backstory (IDW comics)


Shadow’s “death” in SA2. They spent a whole game building up this interesting new character, then he’s just gone. Yes he came back eventually but at the time the game just ended on a sad note


I’d personally go with The Ancient’s Planet being obliterated by The End, like jeez this cutscene’s tone whiplash, the music is very eerie and non-Sonic like and The Ancients watching from their ships at the destroyed planet, including children Ancients is so dark for a Sonic title, like this had got to be at least in the top 5 saddest moments.


Came here to say anything involving the Ancients. The End really had it out for them in particular.


Cosmo’s death gave me a tear.


The entirety of GUN Fortress in Shadow the Hedgehog. The humans are screwed, the aliens are winning. The human’s last defense is the GUN Fortress that the Black Arms have already invaded. Shadow is gone at this point. Black Doom has manipulated him beyond repair. Truly a dark and depressing final stage, and the music sells it too.


those old sonic game reviews that find bugs noone has ever found and complain about the most little things


The entirety of Sonic Prime A true waste of a series


I didn’t mean THAT kind of sad but okay


Sonic being tortured in the beginning of Forces :(


When SEGA decided to release Sonic Boom, Rise of Lyric.


How about uncle chuck being turned into a robot in satam


2002-present day😪(joke)

