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Dedicated web server, running Windows. Why? Because I love you guys….why else? 🤷🏻


redbook, how do I found you on soulseek? You can find me in black metal chat.


Not 24/7, but whenever I'm online


I thought about that, but it wouldn't work for other people to download my large files such as films if I only had it on when using the computer.


When I was sharing large files, I'd send a msg to all downloaders advising them I'd be down for a while and when I was likely to be back


they can just continue their dl


I understand that. I only share music. I made some rules in the user info that I'd guess nobody reads, will cut people off if they're taking the piss


Pretty much, because I can.




Why not on your main desktop?


Same here


I almost always turn off my computer overnight, so no. If I'm in a good mood and I see a bunch of pending uploads at bedtime I may let it ride, though.


Not really. I just make sure I'm sharing longer than I'm leaching so I don't feel guilty I'm sometimes downloading hundreds from some poor individual at once.


Lol. Don't feel bad, friend. The truth is, we're sharing. Think of it this way, you are helping tons of other people by sharing!


I share all the time. The information needs to be out there. I'm helping someone that may or may not be as fortunate.


I do! My laptop's always running solely to share with you all ❤


Yeah. Old PC repurposed as a home server, running proxmox with one VM running all my file sharing stuff


Almost 24/7 because of unlimited data... but once or twice a week a visit my parents and I take the laptop and since I'm using limited mobile data while I'm there I close Slsk


Only when online now. My connection gets hit too hard and cooks hard drives. I had 2.5 TB shared once of strictly music. That drive died within 2 weeks. The next one a week and a half and different brand. I'd need to take donations for hardware to keep it up constantly. If SSDs were cheaper at big sizes, maybe.


Wow, I didn't know that copying files causes hard drive death. Are you sure that was the cause?


Yes. My queues were into the thousands though. I hoard old obscure things and don't hide them behind locks so when I used to put a copy of my whole library online it would get ravaged hard All the file-seeking back and forth for multiple downloaders heats the drive to failure eventually. Some more spectacularly than others. Those drives were always spinning/seeking with no downtime and they burn out very quick when you're the only one left online from the old server days with rips that haven't seen light since the 90s. I replaced a few before I gave up. It wasn't cheap. Eventually I'll try again with solid states once electronics prices cool down again.


Wow! I can't imagine what you had that was so popular. And, I agree that I hope electronics prices cool down soon.


Stuff that isn't anywhere anymore mostly. Out of print, bootlegs, alternate versions, etc. That's what gets nailed most. If a torrent hasn't been posted in the past decade for whatever you've got, you can guarantee someone has it wishlisted. When I do bring it back up fully, it's going to be like Christmas for some newer users for sure. The old school geezers know of me already. 🤣


Interesting. I can't imagine anything that matches what you describe.


He told you what the stuff was. You don't need to imagine.


Yeah, I am excited for the 16TB drives (that probably came out in ~2015). They are now $230 on ebay!


Really? That's never happened to me. I am using HDD. I've never had an HD crash from file download/sharing. I've also used the same OS SSD for like 3 years with out fail (and it's bogged hard). Have you thought about a different brand of SSD and/or configuration? UPDATE: Some info. I have one drive dedicated to downloading (torrents/soulseek/nicotine+/AirDC++/retroshare) and the drive has been powered on for 2807 days and runs hot (165°F) with out any failure and bad sectors. The drive is a WD. The other drives I have are Hitachi (great brand!) and Seagates. The only failures I've had were environmental.


These were all mechanical drives. All of them had surpassed their heat thresholds according to SMART. Only thing on the failed drives was the Soulseek library.


I can't do that unfortunately. I wish I could. But I only have one laptop, it's like 10 years old already, or almost that. So sometimes when I'm working I need to close almost everything that isn't related to my task, including SS


How about the authorities? Won't they come after us😅


I used to Now, not so much, tho atm I try to dedicate half the week to slsk Why not 24/7 - cos when I was 24/7 I suddenly got heavily throttled by ISP - despite them claiming not to do so Also - I've always found QT to be really unstable and quite capable of bringing down itself, OS, router. So these days I make sure to give it a timeout after 36 hours or so


Most of the time when I'm online. Sometimes the official client silently crashes on my system and I don't notice for a day or two


Nicotine does the same thing lol


Nicotine's been pretty stable for me. Mine's been up for weeks at a time sometimes.


Nicotine+>SoulseekQT. More updates. Less lag in large file shares.


I share only when I have my download session...still my ratio in nicotine is about 1:8( downloads to share). I am using 2 bay NAS with 2 disk that I dont want shorten their lifespan


Is SoulSeek any good for sharing larger sized files? eg 25/30GB 🤔 and is it secure, private?


> Is SoulSeek any good for sharing larger sized files? eg 25/30GB 🤔 and is it secure, private? I'd say no to all of them. Bittorrent is much better [for large files like that] as you can download them from multiple connections simultaneously, drastically increasing the download speed and decreasing individual bandwidth load. Soulseek is also completely unencrypted and public. For instance I would make sure you don't re-use your Soulseek password elsewhere as it's only hashed with MD5 and sent over the clearnet. If you do have a super fast connection with indefinite bandwidth, feel free though! I just wouldn't recommend it to regular users as you could be saturating your network for long periods of time preventing people from accessing smaller files like music and books more frequently.


I can't imagine a file that large except maybe a business database? It is fairly secure and private as long as you are careful not to share anything with personal data or metadata.




I share some of those, but I guess not the most popular ones.


Soulseek is pretty secure. I've shared 3.7 million files for the last couple of years and I've never been banned from the server, received an ISP notice, or a letter from the DMCA or any other organization. Soulseek is private, unless someone decided to download screenshot your files and report them to someone, you're pretty safe. You can decide what to share and can even lock your files so that someone who wants to download has to ask permission (or be your friend(?)) first. I don't share movies on Soulseek. I know the DMCA is always trying to bust people for downloading them from torrent sites... and off topic, the ISPs are informed from torrent seeders (who share copyrighted movies) that there is a seeder in the pool with _x_ IP address. Thankfully, I've never encountered that kind of _deception_ on soulseek while downloading (and sharing) music-ever.


No, I need my bandwidth for Plex and torrents. I'll go on Soulseek when I need something I can't find anywhere else and then usually leave it on for the next few days.


I always share if I am online (which is pretty much always unless SoulSeek client sleeps when computer does). Sharing is caring!